Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 186

Chapter 178 : White Horse Heavenly Fall

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The sturdy horseshoe trampled Curonia’s vigorous body time and time again, beating him with bruises, but the deadly heart, head and other parts did not have a trace of scars.

“Who else wants to test my strength?! Who else wants to question my authority?! Who else wants to be trampled by me beyond recognition like this sad loser?!”

I don’t know how long the silence technique dissipated. The skin was covered with scars of magma, and the whole body was exuded with scarlet blood. He was like a fierce and terrifying bard like a demon. The stage, raising his arms, made a crazy laugh.

Some loyalists, who had been frightened by Christian’s atrocities, were convinced of the power of the bard by seeing the invincible leader who was usually defeated so easily. The noble status of the other party also made many veterans vacillate. The 2,000 heavily armed Thunder Pike soldiers became the last straw that crushed their psychological defense.


A sharp halberd fell to the ground feebly. A brutal soldier belonging to Curonia tremblingly threw away the blade in his hand, bent his front hooves, and offered it to the new chief who looked like a madman. Own loyalty.

This move seemed to have pushed the first plank of the dominoes, and a whole hundred families of brutal soldiers were in great terror, farther and farther away from Caen’s three hundred fearless.

“It seems that you are determined to resist me?” The violent time has long passed, but Christian cannot show her weakness at this critical moment. Therefore, she used blood as a price to forcibly maintain her **** rage. Showed a regretful grin at Caen.

“Christian, you are absolutely crazy! Look what you did! Betrayed the compatriots who grew up together, betrayed his twin sisters, even colluded with outsiders, betrayed the entire clan! Now all four hoofs are covered. You, blood, look even uglier than the dwarf who had no power to bind the chicken before!”

“Don’t just talk, come on stage! According to our tradition, power can determine everything!” Christian said mockingly. “In the previous days, didn’t you all relied on your own strength to look down on me? What? Now you are? Are you castrated like the livestock that are raising fat and waiting to be slaughtered?”

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Caen, who was stunned, just wanted to take the stage, but was stopped by his subordinates. Three hundred fearless fights to the death, perhaps there is still the possibility of victory, singled out, there is no life.

Christian’s combat effectiveness is not strong, but his equipment is in a state of crushing. Silence can block the sound, the dazzling shield can blind the eyes, and the Thunder’s warhammer ignores the armored defenses. In times of crisis, it can even turn into an ethereal spirit body, avoiding all attacks. In this situation. There is no warrior in Bloodfury that can contend with it.

“Calm down, Caen! Right now we should break out of the fortress and pass the information to thousands of households! There are more than 1,300 people under his hand, and we still have hope of a comeback!”

“Painhurs? You put your last hope on the pale horse?”

The bard with extremely keen hearing made a harsh ridicule.

“Ha! I’m telling the truth, Chief Jinlu will send a large army to ambush halfway, and the Thunderpike clan next to him will launch a deadly backstab at the most critical moment! The person with him will die! I can’t come back! And the descendants of God’s choice will follow the promise, leaving only Painhes’s life, tied back to my body…”

Christian did not say anything. Suddenly, the space in the center of the square was crazily distorted! Two portal doors that seemed to lead to the abyss were instantly exposed to everyone.

One man and one woman, one white and one black. One old and one young, two powerful wizard spellcasters, first stepped out of the arcane door. Pulling forcefully with both arms, four huge horses and horses were pulled out of the dark abyss one after another.

“Damn Thunderpike boys! Your chief, in the hands of my old lady! If you don’t want her to die, put down your weapons! Put down your weapons!!!”

Among the black fangs, the most powerful executioner: Salaiya. While holding Chao Ge’s withered and shriveled arm, he passed through the dark abyss. While holding a sharp short knife, the blade slammed against Chief Thunderpike’s neck. Her black armor was stained with the blood of centaurs and horses.

“Damn, two teleportation techniques can only take four people? This is too little! You can’t do it, female warlock!”

The leader of the guard who killed the golden shoe, Logan, whose status has greatly improved, also returned to the Glory of Skerrit under the traction of Heniwell. His rude complaint caused the drow to roll his eyes silently.

“You are too heavy to blame me! I can teleport four humans or elves. But, your terrible weight? I’m almost exhausted by teleporting two! You dark horse of unawareness!

“Okay, okay, teacher, Logan, don’t get excited, those **** traitors, you must have never thought that we defeated the coalition of Jinlu and Thunder Spear. Use your spells to teleport back instantly!”

Painhurs took the smooth and delicate dark palm of the sorcerer, and the last one walked out of the portal. The pale body of the tall godjun, the golden crown of the nine demons dancing wildly, and the blood stains all over his body immediately caused a burst of exclamation.

It took the expeditionary force a full day to reach the end of the northern grassland. However, relying on the open and flat grassland terrain and the teleportation skills of the two wizard casters, the six returned home, and it only took two minutes…


Painhurs thought thoroughly. Sandra said there are traitors in Bloodfury. However, before setting off, he took Christian, Caen, and Couronia for safety. Chalaton. The four loyal comrades who had fought together from the Asia-Europe grasslands until now, and their brutal soldiers, all stayed inside the fortress. Coupled with the fact that the Chief Bloodrage himself sits in town, it is enough to suppress any flames of rebellion in a short time.

The hill giants and the Gothic barbarians just want to live a peaceful life. Two vassals dare to participate in the internal affairs of the centaur? Three falling hammers? Treating these craftsmen class, they are tax-free, war-free, plus various resource tilts, and their living conditions have been countless times better. They are grateful to themselves, and there is no reason for rebellion!

Even if Kaul really turned, it would be impossible to persuade all the well-paid craftsmen to participate in the rebellion. With three hundred tents, he would pull out a hundred people who dared to rebel.

Then, the only threat came from the two thousand thunder spears of Skerrit’s brilliance.

Then, with three powerful spellcasters, two executioners who specialize in fighting in civil wars to protect themselves from spellcasting, plus the hostage [Chief Stormpike], how can this civil war be lost?

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