Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 187

Chapter 179 : Dark eye mask

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Christian’s mouth grew in shock, and he looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. Months of plots were completely shattered by two teleportation techniques. The pale white horse that should have been caught alive by the golden shoes not only brought the caster back to the fortress. , Even caught the chief of Stormpike!

Painhurs’ eyes widened as well, and he looked around in astonishment, trembling slightly all over his body. Christina and Curonia collapsed to the ground, motionless. But Christian and Chalaton stood on the high platform, commanding the brutal soldiers to surround Caen! The brothers and sisters of the past are already facing each other.

“Catch them alive! Immediately!!!”

After a brief silence, Christian roared loudly. She understood that in this extreme situation, all explanations were so pale and weak. However, as long as you seize Painhurs, after the overall situation is set, there is time to explain the matter to him.

Correct! There was nothing wrong with his plan, but the person who captured Pain Hess alive had changed from being a minion to himself!

After hearing the order of the new chief, the **** veterans who swore allegiance looked at each other, and no one dared to act on their acting chief. The bard promised that she would defeat her sister herself, and Painhurs would be captured alive by the golden shoe. After confirming that he would not fight the two chiefs, these people barely participated in the civil war.

The foreign soldiers who occupied three-quarters of the population of Bloodfury were trembling all over and dared not step forward. The chief in name, although it is Christina. However, in the eyes of Sanqian Jiangbing, Painhurs’ status is much higher than his rouge spouse.

The person who kills the sacred fire is a pale horse.

In the third chapter of the covenant, the man who established the new order is a pale horse.

The people who reform and innovate to make the clan more powerful are still pale horses!

Pain Hess is almost the uncrowned king of the Bloodfury clan. More than a dozen monster clans, in his powerful arcane magic, turned to ashes. Soldiers who are willing to follow him to fight, trample on the enemy’s bones, plunder the enemy’s treasure, and become stronger and richer under the system he has established.

This gradually accumulated love and prestige is enough to deter most of the **** brutal soldiers.

“AlanNure Painhus!!!”

Looking at the rebels shaking their minds, the three wildhammers, who remained neutral, ran to the side of the pale white horse, and aimed their bows, shields, and hammers at Christian’s rebel army. Now is a good time to give charcoal in the snow and improve yourself.

Facing the imposing Thunder Spear army, Salea slipped his right hand and cut Sandra’s neck without hesitation, letting the dripping blood gush out along the huge wound, frightening those who tried to charge. Muscle sister is expensive. The chief’s eldest daughter hurriedly ordered everyone not to move without permission

Looking at the Stormpike soldiers who were no longer moving, the black fangs and vermilion lips were lightly opened, and he performed healing magic, healed Chief Stormpike’s knife wound-the knife just didn’t hurt the nerves or blood vessels. As a master planner and chief executioner, he knows every corner of his fellow robe’s body.

“Pale horse! That **** dwarf rebelled! She used a despicable trick to poison the chief and stun, then challenged and defeated Christina! Curonia tried to single-handedly stop it, but was beaten. Half dead!”

Seeing the pale sorcerer who appeared in front of him like a divine soldier, Caen was overjoyed and immediately told the sudden change like the other party.


Facing the mighty Thunder Spear army, Saraya flashed his right hand and cut Sandra’s neck without hesitation, letting the hot blood, like a scarlet fountain, gush out along the terrible crack. Scarlet arcs were drawn in the air, splashing the face of Sister Gui’s army. The lucky Thunder Pike soldiers did not expect that the opponent was actually playing it, so they had to stop the attack.

Looking at the Stormpike soldiers who were no longer acting, the black fangs made a cold sneer. Her lips were lightly opened, and she used the healing magic to recover from Chief Thunderpike’s knife wound-the knife just didn’t hurt the nerves and blood vessels. As the master of planing, and the chief executioner of the black lizard, Saleya knows every corner of the centaur’s body.


The rebellion was deadlocked again. Looking at Painhurs’ dark eyes full of disappointment, anger, and even resentment, Christian’s heart seemed to be cut back and forth by a blunt knife, and there were bursts of terrible pain as if the soul was torn apart.

“Bloodfury, under the leadership of you and your sister, will fall into the abyss sooner or later. Your stupidity will make the entire clan buried in your ridiculous golden hat! Painhurs! We will all die in the golden shoes. Under the butcher knife!”

Christian was a little shaken, and tremblingly took two steps back, but she quickly recovered, her **** arrogance soaring to the sky, burning more and more vigorously!

“Whether it is you or me, we both need a large number of soldiers to fulfill different dreams. Don’t let them drain the last drop of blood because of this ridiculous civil unrest. Come on, Christian, let’s get things done. Simpler.”

Painhurs snapped his fingers and used magic tricks to create a dark blindfold that covered his left eye. Like a one-eyed pirate.


Christian’s lips trembled slightly, and he looked at the white horse in front of him idiotically. Commanding a subordinate to attack, and doing it yourself are completely two concepts! However, there is no time for her to consider. The **** anger has long exceeded the prescribed time limit, and now, every horrible **** smoke is a manifestation of burning one’s own life!


The bard, like a flash of black and red lightning, instantly slammed in front of Painhurs, and the shield, which was as smooth as a mirror, became more and more hot. A dazzling golden light burst out!


When the golden light dissipated, Christian rounded the warhammer in his hand, the terrifying weapon made of gold and steel, while being entwined with pale electric current and scarlet steam, it lightly hit Painhurs’ right arm.

The bard was convinced that the blinding warlock could not stop his attack at all. Thousands of electric currents will follow his flesh and blood, spread across six limbs and hundreds of skeletons, making him paralyzed and easily subdued by himself. Just like Chalaton and Curonia.

However, Painhurs took off the slightly red, extremely hot black blindfold, the dark and deep night pupils that looked like an abyss, and slowly opened them under the astonished gaze of the bard. He easily judged the trajectory of the warhammer, holding up a kite shield made of pure wood, blocking the bombardment of the thunder hammer!

The two combatants know each other’s ability. The warlock also knew the characteristics of the shield. However, the amount of his knowledge reserves is totally different from those who can’t sail at all.

In the past, the crew often moved back and forth between the dark cabins and the bright decks. The flickering working environment makes their eyes extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, the sailor will close one eye and wear the black eye mask that absorbs the light best. In this way, the eye that is covered by the black cloth will hardly be affected by the sunlight. When entering the dark place, the black cloth Open it, and you can adapt to the dark environment immediately.

In fact, the warlock wanted to make sunglasses to protect against the dazzling glare. However, he didn’t understand the principle of sunglasses at all, so he couldn’t make it. Therefore, he had to go back and use the zero-ring trick to create a dark eye mask.

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