Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 190

Chapter 182 : Crowned as King

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Chief Anran of Tasmar, carrying two feminine, handsome elves, the last one stepped into the stone auditorium. In addition to her, the chiefs of the six races have long been lying on a pile of soft and comfortable animal skins, waiting for the start of the meeting.

The most powerful chief of the golden footwear, under the protection of six golden foot guards, sits at the chief of the hall. Her graceful and beautiful body was tightly wrapped in a piece of golden steel and wood armor. The left hand wrapped around the vine, holding a golden staff carved into the shape of an eagle head, two oval azure sapphires, like a pair of sharp eagle eyes, exuding a faint arcane light.

A beautiful and luxurious horseshoe flag hung down from the beam of the house. Behind the descendants of God’s choice, shake gently.

The other eight seats are placed on both sides of the golden shoes.

The four flags on the left are the Black Cloud Thunder of the Stormpike clan, the Bone Tree of the Withered Bones clan, the terrible falcon of the Greymane clan, and the fancy rose harp of the poet dead.

The four flags on the right are the rouge skull of the Bloodfury clan, the storm element of the Windhowl clan, the venomous tail of the poisonous bite clan, and the white fist of Tasmar, which means cooperation and unity.

“The seven chiefs are all here, go ahead, Toria. Please explain why your guard captain, with a large army, sneaked out of the city quietly? No matter if you really attacked the **** compatriots ——Gulvia leading the guard out of the city is a fact that you cannot deny.”

Hidden under the snakeskin cloak, the biting chieftain, with a gloomy old face full of wrinkles, took the lead in asking questions. He is leaning on a wand made of oak, and on the top of the wand is carved a dragon head with fins.

The descendant of God’s Choice shook his finger, motioning for the other party to be quiet.

“Before I explain the reason for this incident, I want to explain a fact.” Tolia cleared her throat. Speaking with eloquence.

“The times have changed, brothers and sisters. The era when you led your own clan and galloped on the grasslands is over. Our enemy is no longer the weak goblin war gang, or the scattered orc clan. Today, our enemy, Much scarier than those guys.

In the west, under the leadership of their legendary wolf king, the black and full sky wolf sea lurks inside the tall and solid stone walls, silently licking the wounds, ready to swallow us up at any time. In the East, the orcs gathered the largest WAAAGH in a century! ! ! Greymane Chief Gorell personally said: South of the Black Sea, in addition to the flame-worshiping demonic empire, the two Roman kingdoms are even more powerful and desperate. ”

Tolia looked around the chiefs sadly.

“I know that everyone is accustomed to the feeling of being above ten thousand people. They are unwilling to hand over their rights and surrender to other people. However, we cannot defeat the powerful enemies around us by relying on a clan alone. Only unite , We can get the right to survive in the years when the white disaster swallows all things!”

“We are united now. Are you still not satisfied with this?” Chief Wind Howl interrupted Toria’s speech dissatisfied.

“of course!”

Descendants of God’s Choice speak categorically. “This council is like nine goblin slaves tied together by anklets, each carrying a ghost! Each chief has his own ideas and uses his own small calculations. No matter how many people there are, they can’t beat the strong around. Enemy! Chief Goril! Do you remember the last war? It was because you were greedy for meritorious service that you made Greymane and the golden shoe suffer a huge loss!”

“Your rescue at that time, I will always remember it.”

The Greymane Chief lowered his head in ashamed.

“So, I propose to everyone to reorganize the ancient kingdom. And I, the descendant of Tomiris, the true Supreme King, will spend several times the amount of money to repay the citizens for the rights they have lost. I will lead you to defeat powerful enemies. , Build a powerful empire that does not lose to the Persian demon!”

Chief Jinlu raised his arms and shouted frantically to the sky. The stone hall fell into deathly silence. Only her crazy words full of ambition echoed back and forth in the hall.

“After I have finished speaking, who supports and who opposes?”

“I object!”

Chief Pena, the poet of the dead, broke the silence first, and the famous bard stood up and left. Twisting his graceful body exuding boundless charm, slowly came to the center of the hall. She is like a colorful peacock with an open screen, and like a beautiful prostitute. Showing off his beauty proudly.

“Yes, Toria, times have indeed changed. Your so-called god-chosen bloodline is already a fairy tale a hundred years ago!”

Peanna drew out a gorgeous thorn sword engraved with countless roses. The sharp point of the sword pointed directly at the descendant of God’s choice. With the graceful singing voice like a nightingale, every word spoken seemed to be a refreshing song.

“We are both chiefs, how can we bend our knees to you!”

“Yes! I have seen the way you manage the clan! The people are not like brothers and sisters close to you, but a sharp arrow that can be consumed at any time. We are born free, how can we become slaves! The kingdom can be? Rebuild, but the Supreme King may not be you!”

Mead, who was as straightforward as a storm, walked to the side of the leader of the dead poet and fought side by side with her. A group of terrifying storms gathered and formed in the soft palm of her hand.

Abhuos of the Withered Bones clan chose silence. He has no ambition to be king, he just wants to watch his ethnic group prosper.

The Greymane Gorell felt that it didn’t matter. The lifestyle of their clan was to be hired, fight wars, and then take enough gold coins to make ends meet.

Supreme King? It’s nothing more than a new customer. At the moment, Toria’s price is very attractive.

“Four votes in favor, two votes against. The blood anger is absent, and she abstains automatically.” Tolia confidently took out a roll of sheepskin. “This is a letter written by Chief Sandra. She agrees that I will become the Supreme King. If you don’t believe it, you can watch it in person.”


The chief poison bite naturally wants to oppose it. Being included by another clan is a great shame for the current chief.

However, he suddenly thought of something-during the meeting, all the chiefs only brought two or three cronies. There are solid and sealed stone walls all around, if it is really hostile to the descendants of God’s choice… will I still have my life to leave here?

Thinking of this, Chief Bite looked at the exit of the hall from the corner of his eye, **** it! I don’t know when, where a row of heavily armed guards stayed firmly! The forged metal shields and spears shone with cold light, and the gold masks were carved with terrible features enough to stop children from crying.

“In the beginning I shouldn’t have listened to your nonsense, what do you say that everyone joins hands? You just want to lie to us and be your slave…”

Seeing that this ridiculous proposal was really likely to be voted through, Chief Wind Howl got anxious and tried to preemptively. However, before she could finish her words, Peanna quietly took a step back. A carved piercing sword drew a stern arc in the air, accurately piercing the back of Maid’s heart.

The tip of the sword coated with blood and internal organ fragments pierced through the heart of Chief Wind Howl, and instantly pierced Maid’s chest.

“As your imperial bard, the recorder, preacher, and singer of many epic poems in the future, how is this drama that seduce your enemies out of action? Honorable Supreme King.”

Peanna elegantly drew the blood-stained rapier from the flesh and blood of Maid. She took off a luxurious top hat decorated with countless feathers, and performed a complicated etiquette to the descendants of God’s choice.

“Now, there are five tickets. According to the law we made together, Chief Jinlu, no, the proposal of the Supreme King is passed! Ah-I must create the most magnificent and majestic chorus to declare our ancient kingdom. Rebirth. The children and grandchildren of future generations will always remember this great day!”

The leader of the dead poet suddenly became interested, and endless inspirations poured into her mind like a flood. Peanna dropped the blood-stained saber and drew out a roll of sheepskin that she carried with her. Her right index finger was dipped in the blood of Chief Wind Howling, and she wrote shocking music symbols on the leather.

“Today! God’s chosen descendant, crowned king!”

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