Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 191

Chapter 183 : Howl of the violent wind

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Sigrit curled up inside the most remote room in the Blood Tide Hotel, quietly listening to the report at hand, watching the development of the situation. This hotel, once owned by the Bloodfury clan, was one of the secret gathering places of the group of Gothic priests. There were several secret passages and secret doors.

Compared with other humans, these Goths from the North Sea Snow Plains are fat and sturdy and unusually large. The excavated tunnel is also extra spacious. People who are taller than them, squeezed a little, can barely use them.

When Asana resigned, the priest told Painhurs all their secrets. Thinking of the black fangs coming to Diodosia to spread the news, the pale horse told this little girl everything.

The efficiency of the black fangs is impeccable. In just half a day, the conspiracy of the Chief Golden Foot spread throughout the city. However, it also caused a series of riots. A dozen executioners all suffered differently in their escape. The degree of damage. With the passage of time, the news brought back by the military police also made the countenance of the Heihu Baihu even more ugly.

The seven chiefs gathered in the Rock Hall and started another round of meetings. However, those imperial troops with golden masks surrounded the buildings?

Almost the entire army of the Jinlu clan was dispatched. Thousands of fully armed soldiers walked through and wandered through every street? And blocked the gates of the city!

It’s sunny at noon. The site of the Wind Howl clan was besieged by Jinlu. They didn’t make any concealment, and brazenly acted in full view! The black husks lurking inside were almost wiped out. Only a few of them had good skills and barely ran back to report. At this moment, they were lying dying on the woolen blanket, receiving treatment from other predators.

“Damn it! Is Tolia crazy? Seeing that the conspiracy is revealed, she just doesn’t stop and starts a round of cleaning?” Sigrit was a little flustered, the city gate was sealed, she and the elite black fangs , Was blocked alive in the city.

“Chief! No, Hundred Households, it’s not good-the spy planted in the dead of poetry has betrayed us!”

Suddenly, a bloodied and scarred military policeman, through the secretly dug tunnel, brought even more terrifying news to Sigrit. He had a short tapered spear stuck in his chest-it was a killing weapon exclusively for black fangs.

After the death of the sacred fire, the poet of the dead only chose dozens of children with extraordinary temperaments, preparing to train them into bards. Peanna’s clan is sparsely populated, and the members are as close as family. The children they took away did not complete the training of black fangs.

Therefore, her clan has always been the weakest link in the spy network.

“Sigrit! Look at the city walls! The flags of the Nine races of different colors on the battlements and towers fell to the ground side by side. Instead, they were all shining golden horseshoes!”

Hundreds of black lizards quietly probed outside the window. Not far away, the dark green viper flag and the lavender storm element flag, like two shrunken autumn leaves, slowly fell to the ground.

“Immediately summon all the black fangs and call back the brothers and sisters scattered in other clans! Reserve food for two days and go home immediately! Staying in the city is a chronic death, and Toria can catch us sooner or later!”

Sigrit said with a serious face that the stubborn and coquettish pretenders in the past have disappeared without a trace.

“But we are too few, and the gates are so narrow—”

“Toriya must have done something terrible enough to make the Feng Howling clan draw their swords towards her, otherwise, they will not send a large army to encircle and suppress their territory-go! Let’s get them!”

“What?” Several black fangs looked at their leader in disbelief.

“You are right. We are too few in number and the gates are too narrow, but if there are dozens of elemental warlocks help, the situation will be very different!

listen! I don’t know what stupid Chief Jinlu did, but she was scared! She was so scared that she would send all her troops to every street to suppress those who disobeyed her! And what we have to do is to unite all her enemies and fight through the siege together! ”

Sigrit raised the huge black bow that her family had passed down from generation to generation. The youthful and immature face is filled with trembling crazy colors.

“Come on, brothers and sisters, there are some traitorous heads waiting for us to harvest! Let all the people fear the name of our black fangs!”

“AlanNure Sigrit!!!”


Under the horrible assault of the Jinlu clan, the Windhowl clan was caught off guard. Golden soldiers blocked an important street. The soaring flames swallowed up the wooden houses. The hard iron hoof stepped on the warm bones of old and weak babies.

Without the command of Chief Maid, the howling warlocks with no heads of dragons are in chaos, giving all kinds of contradictory orders to the soldiers! The chief warlock, Al’Akir, wasted a lot of time before gathering all the warlocks and soldiers, relying on every street and every house, and roared and launched a death counterattack against the golden men and horses who invaded their homes.

For a time, the golden shoes and the wind howl bend their bows and shoot arrows at the same time, and the dense clouds of feathers are like two waves of iron and steel facing each other, rising from the ground to the sky! The elemental warlocks drew an angry wind. The golden feathers were blown to pieces. And the feather arrow of one’s side, riding on the uninhibited storm, became more and more terrifying, completely drowning the enemy of gold.

Hundreds of strong men and horses shining with metallic colors met dozens of howling warlocks in a narrow road inside a dim alley. Under the cover of the Javelin Yuya, the golden-shoe warrior with heavy helmet and heavy armor immediately shouted the name of the descendant of God’s choice, and raised the stout lance in his hand.

However, those semi-elemental men and horses made Jin Lu understand what is called the howl of the wind—their flesh and blood bodies became more and more illusory, turning into tyrannical winds, embracing the enemy into their own horrible embrace of flying sand and rocks. Hundreds of hideous and terrifying purple electric currents crackled within the flesh and blood shaped by the storm.

However, in the initial attack, Jin Lu was caught off guard by howling and directly captured their warehouse. The secret of howling wind seems to be invisible in the eyes of the descendants of God’s choice. They have lost all their arrow reserves, and the caster also has a limit on the number of spells. A defense of this scale will not last long at all.


“Damn it-howling wind, dead bones, dead poets. This kind of clan with large-scale spell-casting troops is too terrible as an enemy. Fortunately, two of the three clans are loyal to me.”

Listening to the terrifying howls of gusts and thunder in the distance, and watching the series of reports of unfavorable warfare under her, Tolia rubbed her temples fiercely, trying to relieve the fatal headache caused by overthinking.

In the parliament, facing the golden guard guards pouring into the hall like a tide, Chief Anran of Tasmar, and Chief Sogros who had bitten him consciously chose to surrender. The two were immediately **** firmly by the golden warriors. Toria takes the chief to order the clan. Quickly suppressed Tasmar’s troops, let them stay quietly and don’t move around.

At this moment, the descendants of God chose to perform the same trick again. With a full thousand golden guards equipped with iron riding gear, she took the trembling steps of another ground, pressed Sogros, and strode towards the bite station. Thousand faces embroidered with golden horseshoes, the gorgeous flags fluttering in the wind, condensed into a huge golden auspicious cloud in the air.

“There is no time. I must immediately eliminate the six clans in the south. In the north, Sandra’s thunder spear may not be a **** opponent. The golden crown of the Supreme King is still on the head of another white horse… ··I really don’t have much time to play with you! I, the descendant of God’s choice! I will lead you to prosperity and strength by the tribes who rule the place! Or, watching you turn to bones.”

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