Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 194

Chapter 186 : Blessing Blade

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The battle lasted for an entire hour, and the golden shoe army responsible for attacking the Wind Howl clan had already stopped shooting in front of the storm. They just held up their shields and kept advancing forward.

With the passage of time. The howl’s counterattack became paler and weaker, and the majestic arrow rain overwhelmingly became thinner and thinner. The howling wind became weaker and monotonous.

“There are very few arrows left on the opponent, and it is estimated that the spell positions of those warlocks will be consumed seven or eighty-eight. The people in front! Withdraw! Reserve team, prepare to attack! Don’t use bows and arrows, don’t give away. Those traitors provide ammunition! For the Supreme King! Charge!!!”

Seeing that the time had come, Uerdin sounded the horn of war. The warriors who had been fighting on the front line retreated back in an orderly manner. And the soldiers who have been resting in the rear, recharged, tidied up the studded leather armor on their bodies, held up their spears and shields, led by some nobles in chain armor, in the shadow of a golden banner. In, look up to the sky and scream!

“AlanNure God’s chosen descendant!!!”


“Teacher! The source of our spells is almost exhausted! The guards can’t hold it!”

Inside the courtyard, a few sweaty and almost collapsed horses and horses were limp on the soil. The white robes on their bodies were completely soaked in sweat, sticking to the skin sticky. Sweat beads the size of soybeans slowly dripped to the ground along the wet hair tips.

“We will all die here.”

The chief warlock Alakir, leaning on a five-foot-long sword, calmly stated the terrible facts to his warlock students.

“The storm heralded the death of Maid. Most of the warlocks who went with her have already returned to the royal court of pleasure, beside our gods. And we are about to join them. In the hall of Skerrit Enjoy the joy of Yonghen.”

“But, before that.”

Al’akir’s conversation turned, the storm current of howling crazily, accompanied by the thunder and lightning resounding through the sky, instantly wrapped around the blade of the great sword, turning the five-foot-long horrible great sword into a one that made the bravest the bravest All of the warriors are terrified of killing blades.

“We want the murderers of the golden shoes to pay the price for this betrayal! We want Toria’s minions to suffer the pain and despair that the chief has experienced! We want to fight and die in our own homeland! Then straighten our chests, Tell the great chief personally what a terrible price he paid to kill us, those golden scumbags! We are worthy of the name of howling until the moment of death!!!”

“Let those tiny scum be wiped out in the squally wind!!!”

Seeing the soldiers stepping on the corpses of the howling soldiers and striding into the courtyard, the golden-shoeed soldiers strode into the courtyard, and Al’Akir, whose spell slot was empty, braced his weak body and let out an angry roar. Pushing the big sword named Thunder Fury, he walked forward quickly, with the sharp tip of the sword, rubbing the brilliant sparks on the stone slab.

The golden-shoe soldier who rushed into the hall first pierced the spear in his hand against the Howling Chief Warlock. The sharp tip of the spear hit an invisible barrier of spells, unable to break through the arcane power. field.

Al’Akir stabs his hands violently and lifts it up. The tip of the sword that was originally rubbing the ground instantly moves under the soldier’s hoof, and then draws a **** arc upwards! Entangling the wind and thunder, the blade blessed by the elemental creatures cut the enemy’s armpits and easily cut off his right arm, causing the broken limb holding the spear to whirl in blood and fall to the dust. in.


The chief warlock waved his hands, and the blood-stained great sword hung high above his head was chopped down again, following the enemy’s unsuspecting right side, as if cutting melons and vegetables all the way, slicing the opponent’s flesh and blood skin, and Neuroskeleton, cut off half of his body in one breath! Fragmented ribs and internal organs, along with the spewing blood, stained the courtyard gate red.

The soldier, the flesh and blood touched by the giant sword, seemed to be directly bombarded by thunder, like coke, becoming pitch black and fragile. When the breeze blew, it turned into hundreds of small black debris and fluttered with the wind.

“Extinct ashes! Dregs!”

“AlanNure Skerritt!!!”

Looking at the most powerful and wise warlock in the clan, he still fought bravely after his spells were exhausted. The wind howling warlocks dressed in commoners rekindled their fighting spirit. Without spells and arrows, they wielded spears, swords, and the armor of the wizard has not disappeared. They shouted the great names of the gods, and The golden shoes who invaded their homeland launched a desperate duel!

Facing the brave and good warriors who are not good at close combat, the warlocks who are not good at melee quickly fell into the wind. They could only rely on the favorable terrain and occupy and retreat, while Aorakir was like a raging tornado storm, and all around him were fragmented. Flesh and blood!

No one dared to approach him. The blessing blade in the hands of the chief warlock, accompanied by the anger of the wind and thunder, opened and closed, even if it was a strong chain mail, it would be cut by a sharp and heavy blade, and could not bear the second. Slash. And some feather arrows shot by the compound longbow can only hit ripples on the invisible arcane force field.

“Charge! Charge! Charge! Who can kill the chief warlock, I will give him the head of that man, equal weight gold!”

Uerding stood at the end of the team, directing this encirclement and suppression operation. Under his command, the golden-footed soldier slowly compressed the living space of Wind Howl. With the exhaustion of spells and arrows, the damage of the opponent is slowly expanding.

The balance of victory is falling in the direction of the golden shoe.

Seeing that the situation is going well, the Jinlu nobleman gave a satisfied smile. Even if the Bloodfury Clan defeated Sandra’s Thunder Spear, his vitality would have been greatly injured, and the Chief…No, she should be called the Supreme King now. The Supreme King is surrounded by four clans: golden shoes, gray mane, withered bones, and dead poets! The chiefs who bite and Tasmar were also captured, and then some hardliners were killed. It was only a matter of time before their people surrendered.

And as a general of the descendants of God’s choice, his identity will surely rise at that time, with three or four young and pretty mares in his arms, looking at the cattle and sheep that belong to him, the mountains and plains…


Suddenly, a shrill scream sounded beside Uerdin. A few irregular dark green solids, exuding clusters of dark green thick poisonous clouds, and terrifying air waves, instantly swallowed him and the soldiers who had been removed and exhausted! The feather arrows covering the sky and the sun are also like majestic rain, slamming behind them severely, bursting with bloodshot waves!

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