Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 195

Chapter 187 : Meeting of the Three Races

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The gold-shoeed soldiers who stayed behind and trimmed fought the storm and sharp arrows for several hours. They were already exhausted, lying on the ground scattered and resting. At this moment, he was suddenly covered by a thick poisonous fog and a majestic arrow rain, and he was immediately defeated. The sound of coughing up blood, crying, and howling, accompanied by the messy and noisy sound of horseshoes, resounded through the sky.

“Don’t run! Line up! Meet the enemy! You bastards! We are about to win! We are about to eliminate those centaur and half-element wind howling bastards!”

Uerding hurriedly raised the shield. In an instant, dozens of sharp feather arrows, like raindrops, hit the surface of the kite shield, and the left arm of the trembling nobleman numb. He resisted the pain and discomfort after the poisoning, and threw the spear in his hand, accurately piercing the back of a deserter. The warm blood splattered the six limbs and hundreds of skeletons of nearby people and horses.

“The Jinlu clan can’t tolerate deserters! Only death is waiting for the coward! But it is the mountains of cattle and sheep, and the piles of gold and silver that greet the brave! Cough cough! You all come back to Lao Tzu! Otherwise, I swear, you will compare He died even more miserable!”

“Have you seen the one wearing chain mail? He is well equipped, he is the biggest, and he keeps yelling. Most of them are generals with golden shoes! Predators! Focus your firepower!”

Uerding suppressed the defeated soldiers, relying on the terrain, barely organized a defense, but this also exposed his commander’s identity. The mixed army of black lizards and poisonous bites opened their bows and arrows one after another, unleashing boundless anger at him! Hundreds of sharp arrows completely destroyed the shield full of feathers. The dense clusters of arrows were like swarms of locusts passing by, and only a mess was left in the way they passed.

Watching the commander fall into a pool of blood like a scarlet hedgehog. The morale of the soldiers completely fell to the bottom, screaming and fleeing in all directions!

The poison bite army was also exhausted after a long battle. However, these men and horses who were driven to a dead end burst out with terrifying power. They gritted their teeth and continued to fight.

Those golden shoes can run away, they can fall apart. What awaited them was Toria’s flogging and punishment. During the war, the Supreme King would not easily execute soldiers. However, if the poisonous bite stops here, only death awaits them.

A black robe, a man and a horse with a cloth covering their mouths and noses, wielding two short spears, rushed out of the dark green poisonous cloud under the shadow of the sky feathers, and they let out a beast-like addiction. The fearless roar of blood rushed into the wide alley. Hit hard behind the Jinlu attacking troops!

A short tapered spear pierced through the pliable leather armor, tearing and tearing the throat viscera of the golden shoe. The terrifying waves of scarlet face dyed the deadly fangs red. Sigrit, who had just grown up and had little combat experience, joined the battle surrounded by military police. She tremblingly pulled away her mother’s black bow, and let a deadly arrow pierced the enemy’s throat.


The wind howling warlocks raised their eyebrows suspiciously. During the **** battle, they heard the third kind of battle cry, and the formation of the golden-footed soldiers in front of them began to collapse and waver.

Although he didn’t know what happened, Al’Akir brandished the great sword in his hand, roared in the name of Skerrit, and charged forward. The blessing blade entwined with storm and thunder was like a windmill in a wheat field. Rotating wildly among the enemy forces, there was a roar of violent wind. Where Jianfeng passed, there were broken flesh and broken limbs, and dripping blood flying all over the sky.

The golden shoes were trapped in the lanes, and the huge army suffered from the enemy. The advantage of quantity is totally unplayable. In the front is Al’Akir roaring loudly, controlling the wind and thunder, and behind is the cruel and ruthless black military police like a bloodthirsty beast. The two clans are constantly compressing their living space. The golden horses and horses in the middle felt that their bones would be squeezed to pieces by the colleagues beside them!

Not only that, the poisonous bite was still behind the black lizard, shooting a sharp feather arrow exuding a pale green color. There is no way to hide from the soldiers with gold shoes. They can only watch the poisoned arrows, which are getting bigger and bigger in their pupils.

Some wounded soldiers fell to the ground screaming with soft feet. Then, the position he vacated was immediately occupied by his colleagues, and there was no room for him to get up. Countless hard horseshoes kept trampling on her huge body, and the sunlight was also blocked by densely packed flesh and blood. The air around me became more and more filthy and sparse.

Many people did not die in the hands of the enemy, nor did they die under the hooves of the same robe, but suffocated alive in the crowd.

I don’t know how long it took, all the gold shoes of the whole street were killed in the inferior position of the enemy. After killing the last enemy army, Al’Akir, who was covered in blood, and Sigrit, who was surrounded by herds, trampled on the piles of corpses, and finally saw the heroic appearance of each other.

“Diodosia can’t stay any longer, fellow Wind Howl. Hurry! Ride Toria and don’t react, let’s go to the north! Go to the Glory of Skerrit. Join forces with the Bloodfury Clan, and everyone will avenge Jinlu Hope!”

Sigrit resisted the discomfort, and generously stretched out her clean little hand, and clasped it tightly with the blood-stained palm of the chief warlock.

“Fighting with Painhurs is also a good note. It’s just…”

Alakir put down the giant sword in his hand wearily, and looked around at the corpse mountain and blood sea. In order to protect the caster, the predators and warriors in the clan were killed and wounded under the attack of the golden shoes. Only two hundred storm warlocks survived.

The chief warlock’s firm face revealed a bitter smile. Once upon a time, Feng Howling was also a powerful clan with a population of two thousand. Today, he was betrayed suddenly by the golden shoe, and he was beaten out of ten. The corpses of the horse and the old man covered every corner of the courtyard.


Sigrit and the black fangs under his command lifted the pitch-black cloak. On their armor, there is a horror totem with a mouthful of blood.

“The totem of black fangs? You were disbanded and divided up?” Alakir asked suspiciously.

“However, Painhurs respects our culture and beliefs. He allows us to continue to use the totem of the clan. He is fair and unselfish, rewards and punishments are clearly defined, and he has established a complete legal system to make the entire clan more prosperous! Thousands of people submit The **** and angry people are willing to fight blood in the system he has established.

I understand your concerns. In fact, all the black fangs still belong to me. Although my name is [Hundred Households], I still exercise the rights of the black chieftain! Just to obey his orders. Look, your warlock is so powerful. With the help of the power of thunder and storm, he fought tenaciously against multiple golden shoes, and even gained the upper hand for a time! Believe me, the Bloodfury clan, will not deprive you of your rights and break up your people. ”

“I have no other choice, do I?” Alakir sighed up to the sky.

“It’s a pleasure to fight with you.”

The three leaders signed a temporary covenant on the mountain of blood. At this time, several eagles covered in blood also waved their broken wings and landed slowly on the ground. Dark feathers. Slowly retracting into his flesh and blood, his compact physique has skyrocketed into a half-man and half-horse that is seven feet high and weighs one ton.

“What happened? Why are you covered in blood? What about the others?”

Putress asked, these people are druids who bite and black venom. Turn into an eagle and go to the sky to investigate intelligence. However, when they set off, there were a total of forty-two people. After returning, only half was left.

“Hey, don’t mention it, the sky is full of golden-footed eagles! We were recognized by the golden-footed druids. It was a **** battle—they were so many in number that we tried our best to withdraw.”

The leading Druid, smeared the blood from his face with his palm. Speaking angrily.

“The Tasmar clan has surrendered. Now, on the streets, there are only scattered people resisting Toria’s rule. We will rescue those people. We will not get many alliances. Instead, we will waste too much time. It is not worth the loss! Let’s go! Several gold-tied armies have returned to the gates of the city! Toria’s forbidden army is slowly recovering! If we don’t leave, we will all die here!”

“Which gate is weaker?” Alakir said breathlessly. He held the huge sword as a cane. The four slender and strong horses shook lightly because of exhaustion and collapse.

“Very strong.”

Druid said helplessly. “The east-west gate is guarded by two golden-shoes generals, the north gate? Gorrel took all her gray-mane cubs, where are they entrenched, waiting for us to be hooked.”

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