Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 196

Chapter 188 : Pincers offensive

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Accompanied by the death of the battle commander, and the destruction of the two main forces. The remaining gold-shoe soldiers who participated in the siege completely lost their intent to fight in the battle roar mixed with three different voices. They screamed, wailed, cried, and screamed, screamed, and screamed.

The Wind Howl clan regained its own warehouse, and distributed the accumulated food, grass, luggage, and generosity to the two allies. Everyone quickly slaughtered the livestock in captivity, directly swallowing the **** raw meat of cattle and sheep, quickly regaining the energy of the body, replenishing arrows and ammunition, and the grain and grass from the north, and then picked up some light and valuable things and stuffed them into their bags.

As for the remaining things that can’t be taken away, just burn them all up-Al’Akir would rather burn the clan’s property than let them fall into the hands of God’s chosen descendants.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the poisonous man and horse made a big pot of light yellow unknown liquid, and let Feng Howl cover his mouth and nose with a cloth soaked in the liquid medicine.


Diodosiya North Gate


Gorell’s calm eyes flashed with arrogance. The buildings near the city gate were burned to the ground by wolves as early as the Second Battle of Diodosiya. There are too many things to be busy with, and there is no shortage of shelter. Therefore, they have not had the energy to rebuild these remote houses.

Right now, this open space is very suitable as a tomb for a traitor.

Looking at the three differently decorated flags, accompanied by the trembling of horseshoes, they quickly approached here. The gray-mane soldiers wearing Roman-style equipment are ready for battle under the banner of the gray falcon. Relying on the inner side of the city wall, they arranged in a dense arc-shaped gun array, and firmly guarded the city gate. Inside the front line, countless soldiers were on the string, ready to shoot a dense rain of arrows at any time.

“Woo-woo -”

The two sides blew the horn of war at the same time, one by one, the slings rotated at high speed in the hands of the poisoned soldiers, making a piercing whistling sound. The poisonous poison contained in the animal skin drew a dark green dark arc in the air, causing the dense poisonous cloud to descend on the material plane like death. The surging air wave swallowed the entire city gate in an instant! What followed was an overwhelming intensive rain of arrows!

Release poisonous fog, arrow rain to wash the ground, and group charge. Once not twice, one thousand is not enough two thousand! This is the tactical thinking of the poison bite clan for a century.

However, the arc-shaped front of Gorell was just a bait to seduce the enemy to the bait. In two consecutive conflicts, the information about poisonous bites and black roosters has spread throughout the city through the imperial army, the ruined soldiers, and the druids of the golden shoes.

When the slings loaded with poisonous projectiles began to rotate, the gray-mane centaur, which was placed in a defensive formation, raised the spear in his hand and launched a charge forward. They gave up the defensive work of the city gate and directly attacked the exhausted coalition forces. Only the unlucky person who was in the last line and couldn’t run fast enough inhaled the horrible poisonous mist. Six limbs and hundreds of skeletons were shaking gently and bending. He lowered his head and coughed up a string of red bloodshot eyes.

“Use the commander of Anikus to teach our strategy!”

Gorell snarled loudly. As the predecessor of the Roman Empire’s foreign cavalry, the Greymane Centaur has learned a lot of new tricks from humans and elves under the perennial ears and inks.

I saw that the two teams had about 500 people. Wearing Roman chain armor, tall and burly heavy cavalry lined up in two sharp conical lines. They held up Cantos’ lances, one left and one right, trying to pierce the two wings of the coalition forces, while the center was one. Thousands of lightly armed men and horses wielding spears and big shields moved forward neatly.

More than forty druids with golden shoes and gray mane turned into terrifying falcons, casting the shadows of their wings onto the shadows of the coalition forces!

“The opponent is exhausted! Charge! Charge! Charge!!!”

The young and energetic Chief Gorell, still standing at the forefront of the cone formation, took the lead in the charge. The four slender and well-proportioned horse hooves turned into afterimages that the naked eye could not catch. The flags tied to the spears were hunting and hunting in the roar of the wind!

Exhausted and scarred, he bit the horse, and also roared at the name of the clan, raised the spear in his hand, and launched a charge towards the heavy armored unit of Gorell. However, the spear in his hand is less than two meters. The standard lance of the Roman cavalry was four meters long.


Accompanied by the terrible sound of steel rubbing flesh and blood, the sharp spears ripped apart and pierced the throat of the poisonous bite, and the red blood splashed all over the face of Gorell. The soldier who rushed forward, staggering backwards, should fall. The huge corpse tripped the allied army who was caught off guard behind him, and the men and horses further behind had to slow down, so that the momentum of the poisonous bite charge was stagnated.

The chief of Greymane did not slow down, she released the riding spear in her hand, pulled out the kite shield behind her back, the battle axe on her waist, and the hard horse hooves, trampled on the corpse of the same race, and continued to charge forward!

“For the chief!”

The assault troops that accompany Gorrel also shouted a romanized battle cry, and entered the bite army. A sharp and slender spear, with the help of invincible men and horses, tore and penetrates the enemy’s flesh, harvests and slaughters the enemy’s life.

At the end of the charge, these heavy-armored elites immediately pulled out the battle axe, which saves iron ore resources, and has excellent armor-breaking ability, and the huge kite shield. They held up their shields, protected their bodies, and slammed into the enemy group! Then, swinging a heavy hand axe, like a ruin, a blood-colored rift was torn in the coalition front!

A short axe keeps raising and falling, the blood on the axe blade is getting more and more, and the terrifying war roar is getting louder and louder!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!!!”

The druid soaring in the sky, the power of the supplicant god, releases scorching fire and roaring thunder towards the people on the ground. Cooperate with two heavily armored assault troops to fight. The scorching flames burned the clothes and armor of the horses and the horses, and the ferocious thunder paralyzed the flesh and tendons of the enemy. To make the enemy more and more chaotic, two heavy-armored assault troops wielded axe frantically, letting the fragments of shield and armor, accompanied by broken limbs and broken arms, and dripping blood flow all over the sky!

Under the druid’s spell bombardment, the impact of the left and right wings of the heavy cavalry did not take too much time, and it directly pierced the two wings of the coalition army, leaving behind the flesh and blood corpses on the ground.

“Tsk-although it is collecting money to do things, although I have adapted to the cruel battlefield, but the feeling of slaughtering my compatriots… Damn! Don’t be so weak! The war is not over yet!”

Gorell tremblingly wiped off the blood on her face. In the past, she could fight **** battles with various monsters for the gold of the Romans, cut off their heads, and drink the blood of the enemy. As long as the price is right, she can also slaughter innocent civilians and burn the entire village to fire. Do all sorts of dirty work for those honest hypocrites.

Those people’s miserable crying, for the mercenary leader, is just a beautiful ballad, it is a praise of her formidable strength! The helpless gaze of those people will not let the Chief Greymane shake the slightest. The dripping blood of those people made Ge Ruier understand that she belongs to the strong in this world where the weak eats the strong. She has the right to decide the fate of the loser!

But-the miserable and desperate scream of the poisonous bite is so harsh at this moment! She made her six limbs and a hundred skeletons tremble gently. Before her compatriot died, the unwillingness and despair revealed in her eyes made her two hearts seem to be held tightly by two big hands, and bursts of heart-wrenching pain came. The usual fragrant smell of blood, at this moment, makes Chief Greymane cover his mouth and nose, almost nauseous!

“Chief, are you okay?”

A few **** elite gray bristles also caused some confusion and discomfort. Looking worriedly in the direction of the chief.

“I’m fine, continue with the next strategy.”

Gorell waved his hand, resisting the discomfort, and continued the **** civil war. In her plan, the light armoured unit in the middle will stick to the enemy’s central unit. The two-winged heavy armored men and horses, combined with the magical bombardment of the druids in the sky, quickly pierced through the two wings of the enemy, and finally merged behind the enemy to form a pincer-shaped offensive. Your own army is like a heavy iron tongs, while the enemy is between the sharp tongs. Let yourself be slaughtered.

Next, his own soldiers will encircle the enemy in the center of the battlefield. The warriors of Greymane will charge the enemy from all directions. Compress the enemy’s living space step by step, slowly cannibalize, and annihilate their vital power. In this situation of being attacked back and forth, no army can resist for too long.

In the past mercenary career, this tactic was almost unsatisfactory. Your own tribe is responsible for charging and piercing the enemy’s wings, while the heavy armored infantry of the 15th Apollo Legion under Anikus is responsible for holding the enemy’s central main force and pushing forward step by step.

But—Gorell had forgotten a little. A man and horse that is generally 2.3 meters high and weighs a ton, paired with sophisticated weapon armor, and years of training, is indeed a spear with no superior sharpness. Can tear the defense lines of most military forces.

But-as a defender, they are far behind the Roman Legion, and the enemy that more than a thousand light cavalry has to face is still as terrifying as theirs! It is the elite of the elites of the tribe of black lizard, poison bite, and wind howl!

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