Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 40

Chapter 33 : Little Ice Age

Has caught up with us! When the blizzard gets smaller, we will move south! ”

“It’s a big snow.” Herniwell’s mouth grew in surprise as she looked at the pale snow scene outside that was as terrifying as the end of the world. For a drow living near the equator, such a terrifying cold natural disaster is simply unimaginable. “Are you north so exaggerated? This is the eighth month!”

“Wait, you mean, according to the Julian calendar, now is the eighth month?” Painhurs interrupted the conversation between the two. As he wrapped the deerskin tightly on his body, he asked in surprise. “This is the northern shore of the Black Sea, and it’s not Britannia! Cold is not this cold method! The eighth month of the Julian calendar used by the Romans is probably equivalent to the current Gregorian calendar, which is the golden autumn October of the general Gregorian calendar. Why is it still in the autumn harvest season!”

“Huh? Really? I thought that the north is like this ghost. After all, Egypt and Thrace are warm all year round.” After hearing the speech of the white horse, Herniwell also showed a shocked look. .

“Why do you think the clans left their hometown? Come here all the way? The temperature in winter is getting colder and colder, and the duration is getting longer and longer…Finally, our kingdom completely collapsed, and everyone turned into countless scattered The clan, like duckweed in the rain, fled in all directions.” Christina put down the sheep on her shoulders, without saying anything, rushed out the door again. Against the howling cold wind and the huge frost and snow entrapped in the storm, he moved his graceful body with difficulty in the direction of the sheepfold.

“Fifth century, north, October, blizzard.” After collecting enough clues, the white white horse found in horror that he seemed to have forgotten one of the most terrifying things in the fifth century AD—the Little Ice Age!

This is no ordinary snow disaster! It’s a little ice age that has raged in Europa for nearly a century! The terrifying low temperature, violent cold wind, heavy snow, destruction, destruction. Inundated all the resources that people depend on for survival. Forcing the barbarians living in the north, and the nomads from the east, rushed to the border of the Romans at all costs, trying to flood into the warm and pleasant empire. Eventually produced a series of chain reactions, and even led to the demise of the Western Roman Empire.

“I’ll help you!” After thinking about the problem clearly, Painhurs also rushed out of the igloo, his pale horseshoes, sinking deeply into the soft and cold snow. The moment he left the igloo, the terrifying cold wind was like countless sharp knives. Severely blown away the fragile face of the pale white horse exposed in the cold wind!

“What, what, what else are there in warm places nearby? Crossing the Black Sea to Asia? No. The nomadic clans don’t have any craftsmanship in shipbuilding. Even if they do, there’s no time. Caucasus or Thrace? No, It’s too far away. Otherwise, go to the Eastern Goths [Vishmiris Fortress] to try your luck? Let the fellow Magnus fly into the fortress invisibly and open the city gate. If everyone crowds on, the chance of success is still pretty good. High.”

Painhurs held the dying ewes on his shoulders, thinking crazy about the way to survive. The sudden increase in strength in a short period of time gave him an extremely illusory and unreality. With the blessing of arcane power, the wooden castle of the Eastern Goths seemed to be much smaller.

What’s more, there is also a drow in the clan who can cast arcane magic of the five rings! It really doesn’t work, pay some price and hire Herniwell to fight. The success rate will definitely be greatly improved.


A few hours later, under the frantic rescue of more than 800 adult horses, the Bloodfury clan finally snatched 70% of the livestock from the mouth of Winter’s Death. But there were still more than 10,000 cattle and sheep that froze to death in this blizzard.

Sister Christina, the leader of the predators, Kuronia, the old druid, the fearless leader Caen, the warrior leader Luga, and the titular chief guard: Painhurs, and his drow teacher, in The crowded igloo filled with ewes formed a circle, listening to the growing horror outside the house, discussing the future of the clan worriedly.

“You heard me say that the Bloodfury clan migrated from the farther east, and I, who have lived here for nearly three years, have a clear picture of the surrounding terrain.” The pale white man kept himself in the group without changing his face. Lies made up at the time. With a wave of both hands, among the people, a simple and rough topographic map was created with [Magic Trick]. The plan to pierce the Visimiris fortress with oneself was revealed.

The other centaurs looked at the magic map suspiciously, not knowing whether it was true or not. Hernivale solemnly wrinkled herself dark and smooth

Brows, **** it! This map of the Black Sea made with magic tricks is even more accurate than the maps carefully drawn by the empire! Why would a centaur understand this?

“What he said is true. I became an eagle and went deep into the peninsula.” The old druid nodded. “I approve of Painhurs’ plan. The climate of this Crimean Peninsula is indeed warm and humid. There are a lot of fertile pastures on both sides of the northwest. As long as we get rid of the human barbarians blocking the road, these fertile lands will belong to us. Up!”

“Indeed, 30% of our livestock were frozen to death by the cold wind overnight! The rest is also dying. If no one can rob on the road, the existing supplies will hardly support us to go too far away.” Nia gritted her teeth. “I also support Painhurs’ plan! The little devil flies in stealth to open the city gate? Good idea! As long as I don’t climb the city wall, I will be able to knock down the castle!”

“Yes! We can act at night! The poor human eyes cannot see anything clearly in the dark”

“Yes! Lao Tzu doesn’t matter, Chief, you can tell me whoever cuts it!”



With the sound of [Yes], Herniwell’s beautiful face lowered and lowered, almost touching her knees on her knees. In case other people see his gloomy and terrifying face, his twisted face is so dignified that it can almost drip out of water.

Suddenly, the drow seemed to figure out something. The pupils, which shrank to the size of a needle, trembling constantly, suddenly returned to their original shape. Herniwell raised her head slightly, and gave a formulaic smile to the faces of the seven horses. Zhu lip kissed him, and slowly spit out a standard universal character.


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