Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 41

Chapter 34 : The Great Migration

, To create a large number of wooden chess pieces. Sprinkled on the vivid sandbox. Of those simple chess pieces, two-thirds of them are humans holding wooden shields and axes, or bows and arrows. The last third is a huge half-man and half-horse.

“The last time I went there was a week ago. The number of the opposing army is estimated to be around two thousand.” The old druid stretched out his big hand like a bark, covered with wrinkles. Gently placing the chess pieces symbolizing the Eastern Gothic archers on the huge city wall, the infantry holding a wooden shield and axe densely packed the streets of the whole town. “We are dragged down by livestock and children. At least two hundred people are left to look after. It is estimated that only six hundred people can join the fight. The number of opponents is more than three times ours.”

“Don’t be alarmist, you old horse.” Lu Jia snorted disdainfully. “Two thousand soldiers? How many professionals do their two thousand soldiers have? One thousand? Five hundred? How many people can be above level six? Even if it is a waste of drinking and having fun all day long, it is equivalent to adulthood. A sixth-level fighter! In the field, I can crush them with a single charge!”

“But they have walls, and it is impossible to give up their advantage and fight with us in the wild.” Curonia took off the eagle feather cloak and scratched his short light brown hair fiercely. “Painhurs, your plan to let the little devil fly over the city wall invisibly and open the door bolt inside is a good plan. However, the city gate is too small and can only pass three horses side by side.”

“So we have to take advantage of our dark vision to launch an unknowingly raid at night.” Christian worriedly combed his long light brown curly hair. “The first person to rush into the city gate must be me. Only I can use sleep and silence techniques to guard against accidents.”

“Assassination?” Magnus suddenly became excited, flapping his wings, and flew in front of everyone. “I like this job! Strangle their throats! Cut out their eyes! Watching those guys slowly die in despair!”

“No problem, you can sneak attack on the enemy as much as you want.” Painhurs took out twelve man-horse models and circled the south side of the city wall. “We can only walk three side by side… Then, we should be able to rush into four rows of twelve people the first time, and firmly guard the inside of the gate for the people behind to pass.”

“Defensive passage? This kind of thing, let my shield battle be done.” Lu Jia took the job without hesitation.

“No, it should be twenty-two people. We druids can become eagles and fly over the city wall without taking up space.” The old druid took out ten more horse chess pieces and circled the second circle on the south side of the city wall.

“My predator is good at flanking raids instead of frontal **** battles. We are outside, and we are supported with bows and arrows.” Kuronia yawned tiredly. It was his vigil last night. I didn’t sleep all night and rescued lambs for a long time, but now I am very tired.

“Very well, then it’s settled, Luga, you take the ten strongest shield battles and rush forward with Christian. Little devil, you are responsible for attacking the archers on the wall in chaos.” Christina gave a final word. “Plus ten druids, it’s enough to open the situation! Painhus! You will be incorporated into Kuronia’s marauders team for the time being, and you will cover everyone with your bows and arrows. Caen! When Luga has a firm foothold, you will Leading bloodthirsty and fearless, tore open the enemy’s encirclement net.”

“For the sake of both of us are redskins! Please call me Magnus! Magnus Prospero!” The little devil muttered dissatisfied with a high-pitched and sharp evil voice. “Do you feel happy if I call you a mare? I am a wise life with a name and a surname! You are not the devil warlord wielding a whip on the Bronze Fortress!”

“Fine, Magnus.” Christina rolled her eyes. The animal companions of the druid and the predator are not so ill.

“Perfect plan, honorable Chief Chief.” After listening to the crowd arranging the siege plan, Heniville clapped his hands in admiration and spoke slowly. “However, your first assault team can be expanded to twenty-three people-I can ride on your back without taking up any space, and can provide powerful spell support.”

“You volunteered to fight on the most dangerous front line?” Christian looked suspiciously at the delicate and beautiful drow. Speaking surprised. “So courageous, I thought you only dared to stand at the end and cast spells.”

“This is also a helpless move.” Hernivale burst out with a bitter smile. “I don’t think I can break through this terrifying blizzard alone. Without your help, I can’t

Within the specified time, return to the legion. ”

“Okay, that’s it! After it’s done, I will send you the strongest steed of the three clans. And let the two clansmen **** you back to Thrace in the southwest.” Christina looked out the window gradually. Speaking of the smaller storm, refreshingly. “Go south! Goal! Visimiris! Tomorrow! We will be able to dig through the wooden fortress! Arrived in the legendary, warm and moist plump pasture!”


When the leaders discussed the future, the rest of the horses were not idle. They quickly put the most important things such as food and weapons on the tall and generous backs of more than 2,000 horses and more than 5,000 cows. Hundreds of thousands of animal skins were simply spread on the surviving livestock, which not only reduced the burden of carrying cattle, horses and other pack animals, but also added a measure of insurance against freezing to death for sheep.

More than 3,000 sheep were frozen to death in one breath, and the sighing herders quickly skinned them and bleed them. Smoked and grilled to increase the storage time of the meat-thinking about it well, this horrible white disaster is like a natural large refrigerator. The meat is difficult to put out. It is the **** of nature and community. I want to open it to everyone. After a grand banquet, three thousand sheep, enough to eat for several days.

As for those that can’t be taken away, just like the igloo, they must be destroyed and burned on the spot, and they must not fall into the hands of other people.

After a few more hours of busy work, the Bloodfury clan was finally ready. Like a winding snake, in the knee-deep white snow, with its back facing the whistling north wind, it trudged hard to the south.

Kuronia took his predators a step forward, acting as a scout, monitoring the movement of the surroundings. More than 80 heroic warriors, such as Lu Jia, who held shields and spears, acted as the forwards of the team. Five hundred clan herders who kept their bows in their hands, and more than two hundred majestic Caucasian dogs guard the wings of the flock. And Sister Christina, with the drow elves, druids, and more than forty bloodthirsty and fearless, at the end of the team, the queen.

And Pain Hess also started his first official job in the clan-acting as a scout, investigating the enemies around him. According to these senior herders. At this time of white disaster, all clans are enemies except themselves! They will try their best to make up for the loss, so as to survive the terrible winter. For example, go south to find farming civilization to plunder a wave of materials. Or simply grab it from other herders!


“Damn! The White Disaster came here so quickly! We only stayed here for five days and nights!” Two orc scouts riding black wolves walked forward with difficulty in the white snow. The thick snow almost flooded the vigorous limbs of the wolf.

The two green-skinned orcs didn’t seem to realize how conspicuous they were in the white snow. Their violent fangs, sharp ears, sturdy necks, and thick fingers were covered with extremely conspicuous decorations—some of them were brilliant gold and silver, and some were gruesome and scary bones.

One of the savage and primitive green-skinned orcs even carried a cross made up of two wooden sticks. On the cross, nailed to the naked and tender upper body of a high elf-her graceful body was torn apart by some terrifying weapon. The internal organs were all hollowed out, like a fragrant and **** battle flag, hung high on the broad back of the green-skinned orc.

“Don’t complain! I think this is the test of the one-eyed **** to us!” said the ferocious orc carrying the corpse of the high elf, religiously. “Keep going south! The bear goblin who is as fat as a pig said that there is a pasture with rich water and weeds in the south. The chief ordered us to go and take a look to see if what the fat pig said is true.”

“Okay.” The other skinny orc also cheered up again. They looked around vigilantly, leaned on the wolf’s back as low as possible, and moved forward cautiously.

In this scene, Painhurs felt that his IQ had been insulted-black wolf fur, green skin, blood-colored coat, and hung up elf corpses: all their decorations and dresses were similar to this pale snowfield. Obviously out of place! Be as conspicuous as you want!

So, why do they feel that their clumsy sneaking will not be discovered by me? ? ?

“Magnus! They are blocking the way of the clan, listen to my order. You immediately kill the orc with the elven corpse on his back.” The pale white horse in a sheepskin coat lay as low as possible on the snowy field. . Short silver hair, white coat, pale coat. It almost blends with the surrounding white snow.

“Yes.” The little devil, who also wore sheep’s clothing to keep out the cold, performed a purgatory ritual comically. The crimson skin flashed and disappeared instantly. Painhurs also bent his bow and set an arrow, drew the compound longbow in his hand into a terrifying full moon, and aimed it at the enemy in front of him.

Feel the desire to kill from within. The pale white horse understood that the little devil who was emotionally connected to him was ready, so he immediately loosened the bowstring in his hand, and let a sharp flint feather arrow whizzed across the cold air, accompanied by the crisp bones. At the sound, a coquettish and stern blood rose bloomed on the forehead of the wolf.

The black wolf shook his burly and vigorous body twice and collapsed softly to the ground. Threw the orc on his back into the thick white snow.

In addition, the green skin carrying the corpse of the female elf was shocked, ready to pull out the sharp axe on his waist, but a crimson viper tightly wrapped around his green neck with muscular pimple, and it had poisonous spikes. The snake’s tail penetrated the orc’s unsuspecting chin and sank deeply into the opponent’s mouth. The sharp barbs fixed his tongue and immediately wiped out the neurotoxin,

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