Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 42

Chapter 35 : Intrigue (Part 1)

. This spell has been played out by him during four days of training. Four consecutive faint blue ghost fires, one after another, quickly burned on his four slender horseshoes!


The pale white horse kicked four hooves and leaped high from the snowy field. When the body reached its highest point, the upper body tilted slightly downwards, stretching out two slender horse hooves entwined with negative energy. Like a silver meteor that swooped at high speed, it slammed into the head of the orc!

This is one of the most commonly used methods of attack by centaurs. Using the weight of the body, the speed of the dive, and the hard horseshoe, a full blow is enough to blast the opponent’s head!

The battle-tested orcs couldn’t take much care of it. They squatted on the ground and smashed into the thick snow, avoiding Painhurs’s inevitable blow. This war was trampled, and the whole earth was trembling. Numerous pieces of soft white snowflakes were thrown into the dim sky by the reaction force, and the frozen yellow pastures were touching the blue death smoke. After that, it dried up and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The last orc let out an angry roar, he slyly went around behind the pale white horse, trying to launch a surprise attack from the blind spot of the horse and horse. but. Green Skin’s blood-coagulated terrifying roar, but betrayed his position early!

The center of gravity of Painhurs’ huge body, subconsciously leaning forward, two strong rear hooves wrapped in blue smoke and full of explosive power, like springs, curled forward desperately, waiting for him to gather enough strength, and then again. It pops out like lightning! Like two terrifying siege hammers, entwined with dark and deep negative energy. Kicked **** the orc’s chest!


Accompanied by the crisp and loud sound of broken bones, the green-skinned orc was directly kicked out. He fell heavily on the snow. Two obvious depressions appeared in his chest. Countless fragmented white ribs pierced deeply into his fragile internal organs, countless ethereal blue fireworks, like tarsus maggots, biting on his chest, depriving him of life energy. Let the orc’s broad and strong chest slowly become extremely shriveled! relaxation!









The red-skinned devil hovering high above the dim sky like a vulture did not land leisurely on Painhurs’ shoulders until the death of the enemy was confirmed. Let the latter say silently.

“You were closer to me just now, and the orc is still facing you. You have a chance to kill the orc, Magnus.”

“But you only want me to kill the green skin that carries the body of the elf girl?” Magnus widened his eyes innocently.

“…Forget it.” Painhurs was speechless for a while. Shook his head. Amusedly stretched out his right hand. “Then, celebrate the success of our first cooperation!”

“Respect the hapless souls of the two poor orcs.” Magnus smirked and stretched out his small crimson hand, lightly hitting the palm of the pale white horse.


A blizzard seemed to have forced out all the nearby monsters. Along the way, the pale white horse spotted at least six waves of goblins or orcs’ wolf riders. A wave of rare cat-man scouts: Those guys have human bodies, but their heads are like lions. The neck also has thick yellow bristles.

Not long ago, Painhurs even saw more than a hundred ogre communities that were savage and burly like giants! In view of a difficult siege battle to be fought in a while, the white white horse remembered their course of action. He ran back to the migrating team at the fastest speed and modified the clan’s marching route. Avoided the huge group of ogres far away.

In this way, the predators who came and went like wind kept investigating the surrounding movement, and when they encountered small groups of scouts, they ate them directly, burying their bodies in the white snow without leaving a trace. When you encounter a large unit, you will directly flash people and modify the team’s walking route. Avoid colliding with the enemy.

In the sky, countless falcons belonging to different clans catch and fight each other.

On the ground, the human horse pulled a flexible bowstring, the orc waved a huge battle axe, and the cat man raised a sharp javelin. Slowly dye the white snowfield into scarlet and terrifying blood!

Every clan doesn’t want to be discovered by the enemy when it transfers the supplies that depend on it for survival. They all want to take advantage of others to transfer food and grass, and make a fortune when they are at their weakest! Small-scale conflicts have broken out more and more frequently, and countless secret wars have quietly started in this dead snowfield.


“Arcane can really be used, don’t use it.” Painhurs said with regret when he thought of the scene of bullying the orcs with arcane arts. In just half a day, several small-scale encounters broke out, leaving his few spell slots almost empty. Today, there are only two zero-ring spell slots left.

“Yeah. There are a lot of monsters in this horrible place. Don’t mess around tomorrow, rookie warlock.” Magnus frowned. The crimson ears quivered slightly. “Wait, I heard the sound of the ocean tide.”

“Really? It’s finally here.” The pale white horse was energetic. Lurking in the white snowfield, slowly advancing forward.

Finally, Painhurs arrived at the northern shore of the Black Sea for the second time, and there was a strong wind on the groggy sea. Between the black stormy waves, a long brown narrow strip of land penetrated straight into the middle of the sea, connecting a large expanse of fertile soil-Gretinian Peninsula.

The pale white horse stared excitedly at the snow-covered wooden fortress in the distance. Happy gearing up. I couldn’t bear the ardent desire for survival in my heart, and my breathing became more and more rapid.

However, just as he carefully forgave the familiar scenery of [Vishimiris Fortress], Painhurs’ face suddenly became extremely solemn. Opened his mouth in horror! The dark pupils have shrunk to the size of a dangerous needle!

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