Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 474

Chapter 468 : The Unshakable Throne

“Infernal fiend! The chieftain’s demon is not a little devil, it is actually a fiend in deep hell!”

“How come his wings are like eagle wings? Shouldn’t they be fleshy wings similar to dragons?”

“Look at his eye! The same psychic light as Brada!”

The leaders of the tribe who were completely attracted to the tribe opened their eyes in surprise. Painhurs’s Familiar not only became the peak form of the devil after devouring the big demon of the four gods, but also took control of the terrible spirit. The amount of power, some of the leaders who were secretly instigated by Bleda to instigate rebellion, thus vacillating, stood by Painhurs again.

Far away from civilization, they may worship many gods, but they only believe in power. They believed in the Lord of Hoarfrost before, but because he was a legend. But now it seems that their warchief has also crossed that threshold, and a demon familiar may be superior to the opponent in strength.

Magnus, who has also experienced hundreds of thousands of rebirths with Painhurs in the Crystal Labyrinth, also watched hundreds of thousands of times, how the treacherous demon uses psionic energy. This battle, from the beginning There is no suspense.

Bleda’s lips were pale and his face was as gray as death. It was thirty feet tall, and the weight was so exaggerated that the earth couldn’t bear it. The behemoth was constantly cracking and shattered. It gave out a terrifying howling like thunder, bloated and sticky. His psychic black mud squirmed and covered his tall pale body, and countless black mud tentacles that covered the sky and sun danced in the wind.

However, the enemy he faced was even more terrifying. The Eternal God chose to paint a summoning circle that they had never heard of, the melted white candle wax, the nine-ring summoning circle, and the eight-pointed black star. In a ghastly spell, he summoned the incarnation of terror, a bloodthirsty madman.

The huge body stained with blood penetrated the sky and the earth, the terrifying scarlet blood fog covered the sky and the sun, and the pale and scarlet giant creatures, striding across the sky and shaking the earth, roared and killed together.

The pitch-black tentacles continued to erode, biting the horrifying demon, the giant axe studded with skeletons, and like a violent storm, it fell on Breda’s body, splashing black mud in the sky.

This terrifying battle scene, in the eyes of others, is beyond common sense. Everyone is stunned. Even the wine bottle and the leg of lamb in his hand can’t be held firmly. The doomsday tendrils that cover the sky and the sun are whizzing and tearing the sky and the earth. The wind pressure from the waving was enough to extinguish the flames of the bonfire, and crush the thin cat people, goblins, and green-skinned boys.

When hitting the mountains of Anatolia, thousands of rubbles were raised amidst the horrible blasts, which changed the nearby terrain to a certain extent, and if they were drawn on other people, the bones would be the smallest. The powder, but drawn on the bloodthirsty demon’s body, can only make it back two steps, leaving a shallow trace, but the other party grabbed two or three huge black mud tendrils, one axe and two! Thousands of pounds of black mud landed on the ground of the entire battlefield like a heavy rain.

The scarred psionic warrior finally, at the cost of an arm, finally used the black mud tendrils dancing all over the sky to subdue the scarlet big demon, and squeeze the opponent’s arm tightly. The left hand wielded the acid-etched sword, and accurately pierced the big demon’s throat before reluctantly banishing it.

“Is this your trump card? Warchief?”

Breda panted heavily and exiled a big demon, which was already his limit.

Painhurs smiled without saying a word. It was another portal of two chaotic eight-pointed stars, spreading out beside him. Accompanied by the roar of death that shook the sky and the earth, there were two bloodthirsty monsters walking towards the shock. The pace of heaven and earth came to the side of Eternal God’s Choice. That terrible sense of oppression is desperate.

“Do you want to continue, Lord of Hoarfrost?”

The warchief stood between the two bloodthirsty mad demons. Although several times shorter than them, the pale and sturdy body looked more stalwart and terrifying than the two demons.

“The tribe lacks a psionicist like you. If you continue to serve the tribe, you are still the Lord of Hoarfrost. Command your huge clan. If you refuse, then there is nothing to say.”

Brada’s silver teeth clenched, how could it be possible? I have touched the opponent’s bottom line, relying on my own spiritual power and anti-magic field to win stably, unless the opponent has a huge breakthrough in just a few days…

“You are the undoubted king of the tribe.”

After a few seconds of silence, the Lord of Hoarfrost sighed, and finally knelt under the hooves of the Lord of the Horde. The warchief once again showed his absolute power in front of all tribal leaders.


Julian calendar 405, Julius month, the twenty-third day. (June 23, 405 AD)

After the expedition ended, the tribal army returned to their hometown in the north. The Salmatia steppe, which will be Ukraine in the future, is the famous Eastern European granary, where wheat is grown, and cattle and sheep are extremely fertile and fertile.

It’s just that the White Disaster has become more and more violent in recent years. From November to February of the following year, the whole four months are desperately cold. The White Frost clan was placed on the banks of the Dnieper River for grazing. rest. The gendarmerie in the dark of the centaur, the black fangs in an emergency operation, almost used most of their elites to monitor and prevent these newcomers.

At the same time, Painhurs also began to reorganize the tribal political system. First of all, the previous parliament was expanded into a civic assembly. Every member of the tribe who served in the army, every one hundred households, can nominate one person to enter here and put forward various requests and opinions on behalf of everyone. However, unlike the one in Rome, this place is purely It is a channel for rulers to listen to the voices of the lower classes.

Then, learning from the Roman Empire, the tribe set up its own Senate. The thirty-three elves that Painhurs had brought were all joined, and the chiefs of the ten tribesmen and every race leader who joined the tribe all had a place in this Senate.

Basically, they are in the intellectual treasury of the warchief, and the final decision-making power is still in the hands of the pale warlock. At the same time, they also need to assist Painhurs to handle various government affairs. The Senate is divided into six types of officials, large and small, respectively in charge of war, finance, justice, diplomacy, household registration, and the verification of various officials. The distribution of power is very subtle. In his own hands, make sure that no one except the warchief can have too many rights.

And the black fangs, who were completely loyal to him, became his own secret police, wandering quietly among the tribes.

Then there was the optimization of the law. Thirty-three was for the Romans to re-enact the law in accordance with Painhuis’s requirements, and a decent central court was formally established. The warchief is eager to unify these dozens of barbarians into the same country, since the empire can make the high elves call themselves Romans with glory. He can also integrate this group of monsters into one group.

At the same time, the pace of the tribe’s external expansion has not stopped. The fertile Salmatia prairie and the Transcarpathian prairie are now flying above the sky, only the tribe’s dragon flag, large and small. The nomadic group has only two options: join or die. Countless clans who refused to join but were unwilling to die obediently had to flee south and west desperately, attacking the borders of the Roman Empire, and placing a greater burden on the two huge empires.

Newly appointed, a series of officials in charge of household registration were instantly mad. They worked overtime to compile the household registration of the surrendered clan. The officials in charge reported outstanding talents to the Senate, selected by them, and then passed the decision to the chief. There are three to five people in a household, and each household should provide at least one soldier to participate in the war.

There are ten heads for every ten households, ten heads for every ten, one hundred heads for every ten households… Then, there are thousands of households, ten thousand households.

At the end of the work, the elves from Rome discovered with horror that this tribe had 50,000 horses, 50,000 orcs, 20,000 cats, 100,000 Eastern Goths, and 130,000 Tevlins! The number of goblins is so much that they can’t count them up till now.

Panticapon, half-goats, hill giants, etc. are slightly smaller, with only a thousand or even hundreds of monsters. The barbarians are even more desperately numbered. The Romans in the north looked at each other. They were originally just because they hated the empire’s complicated and dark political system and the intriguing power game, eager to find a better way out in the north, but now it seems that they have joined an incredible force. .

After this incident, the Eastern Roman Empire also set its sights on this emerging power in the north. If before, the Romans thought that these monsters were just trivial little forces. Now, after experiencing the Battle of Trabzonspor, they already believe that this tribe in the north is the same as the Sassanian Persian Empire in the east. Dangerous and fatal.

The Alphariss madly set off to the north, infiltrated, and obtained information from the tribe. They were curious about how such terrifying forces were established, and a lot of shocking things were sent back to the hands of the regent.

From the initial defeat of the 30th Urpius Victory Corps, the Elite First Battalion, to the civil war of the centaur, to the fall of Horus… The warchief even killed the Eastern Gothic monster? I didn’t even know it!

You know, more than ten years ago, when His Majesty Valence conquered himself with several heavily armed Roman legions, sent troops to Adrianople to attack the local Gothic rebellion, it was the blue giant wolf who was in desperate situation. With a beastly army in it, they tore open the defenses of the empire alive and slashed Augustus, adding an ugly history to the perfect body of the empire.

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