Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 475

Chapter 469 : Dacia, Pannonia,

The regent was silent, and other senior officials in Rome sighed with their foreheads. The battle of Adrianople was a disgrace to the empire. At that time, the Goths had just left their home in the extremely cold north. The barbarians and monsters affected by the White Disaster were all migrating to the warm south, fighting for the only remaining living space.

And the two legendary Gothic kings: Furettigan and Alavius, they chose a new path in despair: by providing troops to the Roman Empire, paying taxes, and begging Augustus to be able to stay on the Danube. On the South Bank, give them a piece of land that can be cultivated.

Augustus graciously agreed to the other party. These tall and burly humans are more suitable for use as warriors than elves. Obviously, he underestimated the number of Goths. A steady stream of barbarians, like an ant colony, came in madly from the north, while the Goths, who were increasingly dissatisfied with the Roman Empire’s excessive conquests, finally broke out in Adrianople. Battle.

On the Roman side, Augustus Valence invested in four legions, with a large number of foreign nationals, auxiliary troops, a huge force of more than 80,000 people, ready to eradicate these scourges once and for all.

On the Gothic side, the Visigoth king Fredigen, heir Alaric. The Eastern Gothic King Alavius, the general Viseurius, and Horus, the leader of the lycanthropes, and the five legends brought all the Gothic elites to fight to the death, even women, they must carry a long The spear joined the army.

In the past few years, the Goths who joined the Roman Legion have rebelled and rushed to their homes at all costs. At the end of the battle, when the legion commander was dragged by these barbaric kings, Horus led his werewolves all the way through the elven army, as if into the land of no one. In the end, the killing was not strong, all by one. Augustus, who was equipped to support the fighting force, led to the defeat of the entire army.

After the war, Viseurius replaced the fallen barbarian king and became the new supreme king of the Ostrogoths. He took the Ostrogoths and began migrating to Gredinian, where he launched a new conquest war, laid a brand new home for the tribe, and built a fortress under his own name, blocking Greding. The only entrance to the Nian Peninsula to avoid disasters in the north.

The High King of the Visigoths also fell in this battle. Alaric took the crown of the High King and began to migrate to the territory of the Western Roman Empire.

From that time on, the Roman Empire’s policies towards the barbarians have undergone some changes. From the excessive expropriation of the wealth of the barbarians to the excessive expropriation of the lives of the barbarians, the operation is probably to take a small amount of money from the treasury, but it is something that the barbarian could never dream of Wealth, let these barbarians guard the border for themselves, fight hostile forces, and die in vain.


After returning to the Royal Court of Sagittarius, Painhurs completely relaxed. Several enchanting Teflins, twisting their graceful waists, walked towards the chief in awe, like silky red skin, only white. The sheepskin covered the key parts, soft fingers, gently massaging the pale warlock’s skin, serving the master to bathe and change clothes.

After he left, nothing major happened to the tribe, that is, the beautiful JOJO left, leaving only a note indicating the **** battlefield between Purgatory and the Abyss, and more chaotic samples appeared. He Go to collect.

By the way, I reminded the warchief, I don’t know who, to completely link these two never intersecting worlds together. The chaotic energy is growing and spreading in this universe. The most significant change is the manipulation of psionicists. The subspace energy, distorted and changed the caster of the real universe, both in quantity and quality, have ushered in an extremely large increase.

Immediately afterwards, it was the matter of the dead of poetry. Peanna nervously entered the newly established Senate in Painhuis: gray stones, piled up to form a circular auditorium, white sheepskin padded with hard stone benches, and cyan. The dragon flag and pale skull are dotted with monotonous walls.

Thirty-three elves sat with the leaders of countless clans, communities, and city-states, discussing plans.

“By the way, I remember you are a half-dragon, where are your wings?”

Painhurs listened to the voice of the tribe, and after blending into so many races, there were more unstable factors within the kingdom. At this time, I am very envious of the centripetal force and assimilation ability of Chinese civilization. It is really possible to enter the Chinese civilization, but the political system can learn, and the cultural identity can be established. It will not be completed in a few generations.

“In order to integrate into the centaur society, I cut it off.”

Payana said indifferently. She stretched out a slender arm, which was densely lined with thorns, vines, and tender leaves and flowers. To cover the dragon scales of the body.

“No matter where we are, people hate aliens. When my tribe and I came to the first Ma clan, they didn’t regard us as our own kind, and directly showed their bows and spears. Later, in order to integrate into the tribe, We covered the scales with tattoos and chopped off the wings with swords and axes.”

“Then you, do you want to recover?”


Peanna was taken aback for a moment. The memories of flying freely in the dark and dense forests when she was a child resurfaced in her mind. She flapped her little wings and flew happily to the tall forest, letting the tender green leaves. Across his scales and hair. Playing and dancing with thousands of flying birds in the air, learning how his father flies over the heads of his servants, watching the violent winds curled up by his wings, makes a small piece of woods like a quiet lake set off by himself.

Painhurs quietly walked to the side of the leader of the dead poet, and the eight-pointed black star on the back of his hand disappeared. He is now an eight-pointed black star connected to the chaos.

Under the baptism of the vast chaos, Peanna was surprised to find that the sides of her horse’s body began to faintly itchy, and countless granulation shoots out from under the skin like the tide of a breaking bank, stretching her tenderness in the middle of the Senate. They entangled, danced, twisted, and turned into a group of green dragon wings under the stunned gaze of the veterans!

The lord of the dead poets widened his eyes in disbelief, and tried to wave his dragon wings. The violent air current bombarded the ground under her hoofs. A pair of green wings covering the sky and the sun dragged her nearly one. The heavy body gradually flew off the ground.

Peanna let out a silver bell-like laugh, and rushed out of the gate of the Senate like a violent wind, dancing in the air like an elegant elf, feeling the hot summer wind, passing her beautiful face.

“Everyone, I know that you have prejudice and anxiety against other alien races in your tribe. Violent conflicts and cold-faced exclusion are happening all the time, but please listen to me.”

Looking at the Lord of the Dead Poems enjoying the thrill of flying in the sky, the warchief’s pale face showed an imperceptible smile, then turned his head again and looked at the people in the Senate.

“Fear, how easy it is to transform into hatred, yes, this is innate, instinctive self-protection reaction, we ignore the common ground between people, only the difference can be seen in our eyes: your skin is green Yes, my skin is white, I have four hooves, but you have a pair of horns. Some people are flying in the sky, and some people are not like this… If we are obsessed with this kind of thing, the tribe It will not be established, and everyone will not eat cattle and sheep in Gredinian. If that happens, we will not be united with the orcs, nor will we fight side by side with the Goths!

If so, we cannot survive the terrible white disaster so far, and even defeated the Roman Empire in the south, which was as terrifying as a myth! ”

The warchief spoke with the leaders of the tribe with passionate words.

“I hope you will go back and use these words to persuade your subordinates to intrigue and fight each other. Everyone falls apart and joins hands. We become a tribe.”


After ending the war with the Eastern Roman Empire, the tribe began a new round of pre-expansion trials. Although the grasslands of Salmatia and Transcarpathia are extremely fertile, they are harvested by the cold winter wind almost a quarter of the time each year and become a **** of ice and snow, a restricted area of ​​life. Even with the igloo provided by Painhurs and the burrowing hole invented by the goblin, it can barely survive.

In winter, tribe members living in these two areas must immediately move south to Gredinian and Transcaucasus, which seriously exceeds the limit of the land.

Some unlucky clans, even faster than the speed of the cold wind to invade south, were directly submerged by white snow. When people went north the next year, they could only see their frozen corpses.

A new round of expansion is imminent. Some hundreds of households did not carry dragon flags, pretending to be small clans, settled, and began to explore the relatively warm Dacia region on the north bank of the Danube.

There are dozens of forces entrenched here, large and small, respected by ogres. These big and ugly monsters are the last heirs of the Kingdom of Dassia. Now, they have crossed the Transcarpathian Mountains and formed a settlement called Gepid on the north bank of the Danube. Dominating countless goblins, barbarians, and some monsters that even scouts don’t know, as well as nomadic clans who are unwilling to obey the tribe and fled from the Salmatian steppe, they cross the Danube from time to time to plunder the Romans’ property. With food.

To the east of the Transcarpathian Mountains is a dead place in the literal sense. The land here is full of gloomy negative energy, dark clouds cover the sky above the head all day long, and no one wants to set foot in it.

To the north of the Transcarpathian Mountains-a quarter of the year is covered by heavy snow. There is no single person here, the ogre is just the superficial leader. They have no way to learn from the tribe. They pastured sheep there for eight months and then withdrew to the south in the winter. They were surrounded by enemies, and there was no unified management and deployment. They had no place to stand in the south when they retreated. The fertile land was all occupied by the tribe occupied.

Some scouts even came to the more western Pannonia, Dalmatia, and walked to the beach on the Adriatic Sea, facing Italy across the sea.

Pannonia and other large fertile territories are now the territory of the Visigoths. The warlord of the Western Roman Empire: Stirico led the Roman battle group, the Vandals, the Aran orcs, and the Frostridge White Dragon. After defeating their troops several times, the proud barbarian king finally surrendered to the feet of Augustus, guarding the Pannonian border of the empire.

And the imperial war commander with half of the barbarian blood, really led this mixed army, stationed behind the Visigoths, and became the second line of defense and barrier of the empire.

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