Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 476

Chapter 470 : Inland sea, strait

Julian calendar 405, the eighth month, the first day. (October 1, 405 AD)

The spies of the tribe spent some time sending the intelligence of the Dacia tribes back to the royal court of the men and horses, and at the same time secretly hidden among the hostile clans, acting as spies and internal causes. During the dormant period, the tribe was also silently licking the wound.

The sky is high and the autumn is cool, the pasture is turning yellow, the wheat has ushered in a new round of harvesting, and the cattle, sheep and horses are full of fat in the old year. Under the order of the warchief, a new round of war broke out.

However, almost none of the clans who participated in the Anatolian expedition before joined, the warchief has proved the tribe’s invincible cavalry, and now he wants to test the strength of the infantry in the tribe. Within the Kingdom of Abkhazia, which was dismantled into 13 independent city-states, the 13 independent city-state governors, the head of ten thousand households in Teflin, all received a letter of conscription requesting each city-state to provide at least 3,000 soldiers to participate in the new war. .

Thirteen city-states, each governor ruled about fifty thousand Teflin, but they are farming civilization, the war potential can not be compared with the nomads, nomadic civilizations can generally be five soldiers, and the monsters of the nomadic civilization , Under extreme conscription, it is even possible to send two soldiers out of three mouths.

After some weighing, the thirteen governors assembled an infantry corps of 40,000, half of which were ordinary conscript farmers. Ten thousand are hunters, acting as archers, and the last ten thousand are the elites of the governors wearing heavy scale armor, holding tower shields, and warhammers.

In addition to Teflin, the goblins in the north have also received a call-up order. The official in charge of the household registration has been numb to the number of these leeks in the Salmatia prairie. The household registration statistics have not been completed, but the number of goblins has exceeded. The sum of the number of other races in the tribe.

Under some dispatch, Painhurs appointed the most capable goblin among them, that is, Skarsnik, who accompanied him on the expedition to Trabzonspor, as the warlord of the Transcarpathian Mountains, the supreme goblin. One of the leaders. As soon as winter arrives, the goblins retract their intricate underground tunnels to avoid the severe cold of death. This time, they have a new choice: go to the warm land south of the Transcarpathian Mountains and open up a new territory.

According to incomplete statistics, the first wave followed Skarsnick out to fight, only equipped with spear throwers, and two or three sharpened sticks, the number of goblins reached a terrifying 50,000.


As for the other supreme leader of the goblins, the chief of the merchant clan, Gary Vix, who is in charge of foreign trade in the Senate. The tribe found one in a gathering place called “Tanes” on the northeast coast of the Black Sea. The huge gold mine, together with the various gold creations plundered by the tribe, gave the warchief a brand new plan.

The tribe does not have a currency system. It has always stayed in the primitive society of bartering. The most circulating goods are probably the fat sheep. The young are the best of the mother. The old and the public are not very valuable.

The wealthy clans paid the eleven taxes to the men and horses, and most of them paid some equivalent. Some paid cattle and sheep, some wheat and salted fish. The poor clans simply turned their clan members into taxpayers to serve as soldiers.

But now it’s different. Painhurs is preparing to develop the tribe’s own currency system.

Under his order, thousands of skilled craftsmen who originally belonged to the Jinlu clan, who were very good at smelting gold, brought tens of thousands of miners, slaves, and a large amount of heavy equipment, as well as cattle and sheep that could supply this army. Make an emergency trip to Tanes, where the first mint of the tribe was established. Relying on the newly excavated gold mines and melting the previous gold trophies, they obtained enough raw materials to forge thousands of tribe’s own currency.

On the front of the yellow gold coin, the goldsmiths printed the head of the Great Chief Yingming Shenwu in the center of the eight-pointed black star, and on the back is the lance and longbow, crossed together in the shape of an “X”, symbolizing Of endless wars and conquests.

Painhurs looked at the samples sent by the goldsmiths with satisfaction, and was ecstatic: What an honor it is to be able to print his head on the national currency!

After finishing the mold of the gold coins and working overtime to get the first batch of currencies, the goblin profiteer Gary Vix, who was in charge of the trade, hurriedly took the tribal gold to the Eastern Roman Empire. They were in the province of Cappadocia and the Caucasus Mountains. In the southern foothills, two fortified fortresses stationed by the frontier army were opened as trading points to communicate with the tribe.

But before that, these black-hearted elves had been buying tribal furs, bone carvings, cattle and sheep with their Sudlers gold coins. Tribe merchants got a pile of gold coins, they still had to obediently buy the Romans, all kinds of unpopular artworks, or they would return to the tribe and these gold coins could only be melted into jewelry, otherwise they were almost useless. .

However, it is different now. Under the rule of the warchief, this currency named tribal gold has been rapidly popularized at an amazing speed under the mining of tens of thousands of slaves and nobody. Human Suders is basically a one-to-one probability. Sell ​​the extra fur and bone carvings. The Romans will buy useful things if they don’t have them. Someone will exchange the Suders gold coins for tribal gold according to the ratio. They still have them at home. Purchasing power.

After spending several months and finally popularizing the tribe’s own currency system, the warchief set out to build the Pantheon. There are too many tribal races, and beliefs are really mixed. Some elves instigated themselves to force the whole tribe to believe in Saint Cuthbert, but Painhurs directly rejected them.

Just kidding, the tribe originally relied on its own strength and a group of violent elements suppressed by the army of men and horses.

So the warchief flipped through the ancient Roman books he had brought back from Trabzonspor, and found a strange and familiar ancient vocabulary: Pantheon.

As a result, the religious members of the tribes happily built the residences of the gods in the royal court of Sagittarius. The tribe recognized and respected the beliefs of all clans, and the gods believed by all tribe members could be put into the ten thousand. Worship at the temple.

At this time, the warchief suddenly discovered that his tribe had an inland sea (the Sea of ​​Azov), a strait (the Kerch Strait), a multi-ethnic group (it’s almost multi-ethnic), a polytheistic faith (convinced), and a senate (really ), the special one is Rome! ! !

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