Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 477

Chapter 471 : General of the Transcarpathian Mountai

Painhurs was once curious about how Salmatia’s goblins survived the harsh winter. The tunnels they hide in the underground are indeed warmer, but where does the food come from? This is not just a couple of thousands of goblins, but tens of thousands! Even if they reproduce at the same rate as rabbits in a lifetime, this number is too bizarre.

So he asked Skarsnick about the ecology of goblins.

At that time, the War General of the Transcarpathians said: Every winter, they starve almost half of their tribesmen, but in spring and summer, they can give birth to more cubs. The extremely high birth rate even overwhelms the exaggerated death. rate.

The remaining goblins who were lucky enough to not die would eat the roots of plants, the food stored in the summer, and the corpses of the dead people to live on. Moreover, there are a lot of big rats underground in the prairie. They store a lot of nuts, seeds and other high-calorie foods. When they are hungry, goblins will attack rats in groups, tracking them in their intricate tunnels, Hunting these exaggerated rodents, looking for their granary, but each time they will suffer heavy casualties under their mouths.

After being armed by the tribe in the past few years, they even tried to domesticate some big rats for war purposes.

At that time, Painhurs felt that the combat effectiveness of these goblins was really weak. You teamed up to fight rats, and the record was actually a “serious casualty”? Can anyone else do it?

But when he saw the mice in these goblin’s mouths, he couldn’t help but grow up in surprise. Good guys, those mice don’t have tails. They are all round, chubby, and very cute, with big eyes blinking. Spirituality.

But… they were lying on the ground, with their backs at least 1.5 meters off the ground! The body length is conservative more than two meters, and the fluffy orange and white hair dances happily in the wind.

The goblins attacked, and the domesticated rat was a hamster, and it was a giant breed as big as a heavy horse.

Pain Hess, who likes animals very much, immediately asked for a giant hamster to raise, which scared the Caucasian Hound that he raised very much: this kind of size is already bigger than some wolves and exaggerated large dogs, and The giant hamster is still a few times smaller than that.

Later, the goblins used energetic hamsters as large animal power, and even developed into the military field: this time the Skarsnicky Expedition, fifty thousand goblins, including five thousand hamsters and eight thousand wooden carts.

The giant hamsters hauled these vehicles loaded with goblins, food, and weapons, and began to set off toward the place planned by the army. The remaining 3,000 carts were pulled by horses exchanged from the tribe and even some slaves. The dangling army marched southward with the Chaos Dragon Banner issued by Painhurs. The 13 city-states of Tefrin, because they live in the Transcaucasian region, are too far away from the battlefield. It is estimated that they will have to wait for them to arrive. Some time.




An extremely fat giant, shaking his huge, dirty belly, hurriedly broke into the sheepskin camp. Inside the crude camp.

In the tent, two equally large and bloated monsters were stacked together, and the dirty flesh filled with muscle and fat was entangled with each other. The fierce physical collision, the viscous liquid flowing, and the sound of estrus almost roaring were filled with each other. The interior of the tent.

“Why, what’s wrong! Are you going to die in a panic!”

The ogre chief, who was keen to bring fruit to the race, and expanded the number of ogre chiefs, angrily grabbed the sheepskin blanket, chewed the remaining half of the wild boar’s head, and directly smashed it on the head of the ogre who reported the news. The latter’s fat body, weighing nearly half a ton, swayed twice before staggering to the ground, raising a large amount of dust.

“Report the chief, we found the enemy!”

The ogre scout stood up aggrieved.

“In the north, some goblins have passed through the mountain roads of the Transcarpathian Mountains and are coming towards us.”

“Goblin? Those bugs? Just find someone to pinch them to death. Don’t bother me with this kind of thing.”

The ogre chief stopped twisting his waist, holding the huge body that was also full of muscle and fat in front of him, and said disdainfully after changing his position.

“But, but there are a lot of them! A conservative estimate of tens of thousands, we only have a thousand people here, so quickly retreat back to Gepid.”

The scout said worriedly.

“Ha! I can trample three goblins to death with one foot! How about tens of thousands? Just fight for a while!”

The ogre chief didn’t care and continued to start the piston movement.

“But, but the chief, they are flying the blue dragon flag! The black star with eight awns on it is the banner of the tribe!”


This time, the chief was really frightened. The giant python between his legs instantly shrank into a small insect, and the cold sweat instantly covered his limbs.

At this time, some goblin cavalry riding prairie wolves and giant hamsters have already followed the sides of this small camp, outflanking the back of the ogres, and more hamster chariots lined up, pulling A car full of goblins, went straight in from the front!

“Warchief Painhurs is here! Surrender or die!!!”

“The army of people and horses is coming! Those who let it prosper! Those who go against it die!!!”

The cunning goblins uttered a loud roar, and the fox frightened the powerful enemy in front of him.

The mindless ogres were also frightened by the prestige of the tribal warchief. There was no morale. The number of these goblins was scary enough. The dense green blanket extended to the end of the field of vision, and countless torches seemed The stars in the sky are as bright!

There was no idea how many people came in the darkness, causing these guys to think that the main force of Painhurs had really come here.

When the chariot was less than 100 feet away from the ogre, the goblins on the wooden chariot began to move. They picked up the crude spear thrower, roared and threw the sharpened branches that covered the sky and the sun. The death barrage composed of wooden spears even obscured the starlight above the ogre’s head, like a continuous rainstorm, directly inserting them into fleshy hedgehogs.

The giant hamster chariot, in a chaotic ogre camp where there is no fighting intention, as if entering no man’s land, directly pierced through the opponent’s camp. The goblins on the chariot continued to throw burning torches, and the place It becomes more chaotic. Countless ogres want to escape, but the goblin riders are faster, because of the excellent load capacity of the mounts, they carry more spears, and Zhao Xina and other Yuehan clan, the personal trapping rope, none of them are frightened. The ogre can escape the goblin hunting ground.

And behind the chariot, countless phalanxes of goblins holding spears quickly approached, surrounding the ogre’s territory, throwing rounds of death barrage to obscure the sky, and throwing all the spears in their hands. After defeating the thousand ogres completely, the warlord of the Transcarpathian Mountains: Skarsnick personally took a thousand hobgoblin wolves wearing chain armor and riding on elite wolves, whistling. He rushed into the burning camp and used a hearty victory as the prelude to Dacia’s war of conquest.

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