Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 478

Chapter 472 : Years of turmoil

The mighty army of goblins, after being armed by the tribe with technology, ideas, and large-scale animal power, is also a military force that cannot be underestimated. Fighting against the Eastern Roman Empire is a hunt for death, but fighting Dacia is extremely loose here. The barbarian settlements are enough.

The goblin passed by like a violent wind passing by. The ogre settlements and camps of thousands of people were uprooted by the Transcarpathian warlords. Once they found that they were very capable of fighting and the enemy was too weaker than themselves, the goblin buried him. The cowardice in the bones, the timidity and urination gradually disappeared, and the cruelty and tyranny also engraved in their DNA, raised their heads again.

They are like hyenas living in groups, relying on their absolute numbers, they use spears that cover the sky to hunt huge ogres. They use spears tied around them, and the chariots of machetes tear through the enemy’s defenses. The light cavalry of the wind, the deserter of the defeated chaser.

In just ten days, five ogre settlements turned into scorched earth, and a large number of cruel little things danced wildly on the ruins.

“Skarsnick, the captives are here.”

Several goblins and thousands of households happily reported to their leader that these days, they had killed more than two thousand ogres, and also used the high mobility of the cavalry and the hunting rope to capture more than a thousand prisoners. The once weak and despicable goblin, after gaining power, seemed to vent the oppression and suffering he had received before, and was extremely obsessed with torture and torture. The huge and bloated ogre prisoners of war had been tossed in a somewhat inhuman form.

“Stop! Bastards! It’s useful for the Warchief to keep them! Don’t play to death!”

Skarsnick waved his whip in dissatisfaction, and drew off a few goblins who were standing on the shoulders of the ogres, who were chewing on each other’s cheeks. Next to the warlord of the Transcarpathian Mountains, followed closely A giant red hamster, with a chubby cheek pouch, is like two red leather balls, stuffed with stored food.

“I want you, you, and you.”

The goblin warlord selected some reliable subordinates who were not lost in the power, and handed them some strange iron rods, one end was a wooden handle, and the other end was a cast iron eight-pointed black star.

“Little ones! Learn from me!”

Skarsnick held the wooden handle and put the eight-pointed black star on the other end of the iron rod into the furnace on the wooden cart. It was not until the high temperature flame burned the eight-pointed black star to be red before taking it out. With a smirk on his face, he slowly walked towards an ogre.

“No, no! No!!!”

Looking at the red soldering iron, the ogre reacted at once, swaying his bruised and swollen head frantically, and let out a miserable howl, but dozens of goblins laughed and rushed forward and directly knocked the opponent down. On the ground, a few goblins stepped on the back of his head, pulled his hair with both hands, and pulled the ogre’s face up, getting closer and closer to the soldering iron—


The ogre let out a miserable scream, and the burning iron left a hideous burn scar directly on his forehead-representing the eight-pointed star of the tribe.

“Untie the rope.”

Skarsnick said faintly, looking at the puzzled expression on his side, increased the volume, and continued to roar.

“I said, untie the rope!”

The goblins obediently untied the hemp rope that imprisoned the ogre. The other party had just received the torment of the soldering iron and uttered an unhappy scream. Facing the sudden freedom, they felt very surprised and puzzled.

“Get off! Big guy! Go to your nearest settlement, and use your hideous scars, your fearful language, and the sacred brand on your head to tell all your people! All my fellow citizens! The tribe is here! Surrender! Or die!!!”

Skarsnick approached the ogre horribly, and roared loudly in the sharpest voice.

“If you join the tribe, the brand on your head is the most supreme glory in your life. If you still choose to resist, then you will bear the mark of the enemy for the rest of your life and become a humiliating slave! Get out!!!

Others, do you understand how this soldering iron works? Brand all the ogre captives and let them go! I want to see how many cowards here in Dacia will kneel in front of the dragon flag of the tribe, and how many idiots will die under our spears! ”


“Give me a soldering iron!”

“I want to play too!”


With the least cost and the fastest efficiency, Skarsnick completed the task assigned by the warchief, spreading fear and chaos among the tribes of Dacia.

Countless settlements, after hearing the tragic experience of these captives and seeing the scars on their faces, shivered or furiously, but when they heard the tribe’s army approaching here, they all stood still in extreme fear. Chilling.

Almost a quarter of the clans here, originally living in the Salmatia steppe, were forced to leave their homes by the frantically expanding tribes, and they fled here in desperation.

Unexpectedly, the clan had just gained a foothold here, after a short breath, the tribe’s iron cavalry followed one after another! The world is so big, where can we avoid these terrifying plague gods? It’s better to join the opponent and surrender at the feet of that white horse!

Some clans began to waver, some clans packed their bags, continued to migrate, and left their homes.

They are going to cross the Danube to the south, or cross the Danube to the west. They heard that the two Roman empires have now opened up good policies. As long as they are willing to open up frontiers for the empire, perform military service, and pay tithes, they can get Augustus’s. Allowed, within the empire, a fertile land to survive and multiply.

You see, Vandals, Visigoths, Alan Orcs, after these guys surrendered, didn’t they all live well? Especially the Vandals, they married a Roman woman, the mixed-race **** who was born, the kid named Stirico, could actually be the commander of the empire! Above one person, below ten thousand!

They can, maybe we can too!

Anyway, they are lingering and panting. They can be a dog of the desperately powerful Roman Empire for hundreds of years. Why should they return to the inexplicable tribe in the north?

In the end, some clans began to gather to Gedder. The ogre king roared and summoned his own vassals and servants. He had only heard of the horror of the tribe but had not personally seen the ogre king who did not believe in evil. You must personally crush those **** goblins, let them know who the king here is.

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