Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 484

Chapter 478 : Bru, Ace, Alti

Just as the tribe began to build a new city on the ruins of the old capital of Dacia, Pain Hess welcomed a new guest.

The centaur guards in charge of the night watch nervously grasped the large longbow in their hands. At the same time, the Caucasian dogs who were in charge of shepherding, keeping watch, fighting, and selling cute also grinned and let out a dull growl.

Under the cold moonlight, a thin figure hidden in a black robe slowly walked towards the temporary royal court of centaurs and horses. Behind her, there were twenty-four rotting and detestable zombie war horses, walking withered and rotten. His heavy stride, marching slowly in the dark.

These zombie war horses are fixed by a strong iron chain, and at the other end is connected to an extremely huge flat wooden car with a length of more than 40 meters and a width of 10 meters. On it, carrying a huge monster covered by black cloth, he was so huge, even if he lay on the car, he was seven meters high!

The body is reinforced by countless iron plates, but it is still crushed by the huge weight like a hill. Numerous wooden tires are densely juxtaposed on both sides of the wooden car, almost catching up with the tank track, and barely withstand the giant. weight. Let the twenty-four zombie war horses exuding decay and cold drag along all the way.

“Stop! Who are you!”

The tribal soldiers guarding the night vigilantly stopped the weird man with twenty-four horses in front of them.

The headed figure in black robe stopped his progress, a pair of white and slender hands slowly opened the black cloak, and let it fall to the ground. Under the radiance of the stars and moon, it revealed a suffocating beauty. Smile.

A dark midnight armor did not conceal her graceful and graceful figure. On the contrary, her enchantment and beauty are even more manifested. The dark, supple, long hair is woven into four perfect braids, wrapped around the sides of her head. On that incomparably cold and beautiful face, a pair is as hideous and terrifying as a pool of boiling blood. His scarlet eyes flashed with the cold light of death.

The other party just gave the two guards, the two guards who watched the night stiffened in place, and their eyes were involuntarily attracted by the other’s eyes. The scarlet blood eyes seemed to be the intoxicating **** of bliss. I can no longer extricate myself.

“Tell your warchief, the vampire king Selana, with a gift, and ask for an audience.”

The vampire in the midnight armor said very arrogantly. The words spit out from the seductive red lips were as cold as a stream in the early spring.

“Your will.”

The men and horses who stared at Selana for a few seconds, like a flesh and blood puppet, knelt at her feet without a vision. In just a few seconds, the vampire completely disintegrated the opponent’s mental defense line and successfully dominated the opponent’s spirit and spirit. will.

One centaur continued to watch the night, and the second centaur, following the task of the master, quickly ran to the royal court of the centaur, gently calling Painhurs’s name.

Suddenly, a surging arcane torrent whizzed up the curtains of the big tent, completely submerging the guards of the horses and horses. The ultimate wave of magic collapsed and destroyed all the magic effects on his body, including the vampire’s. Dominate the gaze.

“Say, what’s wrong.”

Painhurs slowly put on his robes and weapons under the service of several Teflin maids, and asked faintly.

“Isn’t it your turn to watch the night tonight? Why did you come to me and be controlled by someone? Who did it.”

“One, a female vampire who calls herself Serana.”

With the release of the dominance effect, the man quickly recovered himself, sweating profusely and knelt in front of the warchief.

“She showed no hostility, and with a cart that required twenty-four horses to pull, she claimed to have brought you a great gift to the Chief.”

“Oh? I’ll take a look.”

Painhurs was curiously clothed and neatly dressed, and walked confidently to the door. Since he single-handedly slaughtered four legendary monsters in a row, the pale white horse has been a bit swollen. At that time, he didn’t even get the help of the familiar. Now, Magnus is a deep prison with the eight-ring psychic energy. Refining!

He really didn’t want to believe that in the barren land outside the Roman Empire, there was anyone else who could threaten his existence.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of horseshoes, Painhurs’ pale and tall figure gradually emerged from a distance, and the moonlight cast his terrifying shadow on Serana’s body. The ethereal shadow was like a mountain. The heavy, pressed Vampire King was almost out of breath.

“Sure enough, the warchief of the tribe is as powerful as the legend.”

The seductive Vampire King, admiring the power of the white horse, solemnly performed a complicated etiquette to him, and by the way, he lifted the black cloth on the carriage, and the poignant moonlight slowly sprinkled on a super giant dragon.

This wooden wagon carries a huge silver scale dragon!

Painhurs squinted his eyes. The silver scales of the dragon reflected the brilliant metal light, and the tiny gaps between the scales were almost invisible, as if the dragon’s body was cast by mercury. His figure is elegant and handsome, with wings, four claws, head, and tail perfect in every place, as if it were a work of art.

However, this is a dead dragon. The warchief can’t feel any breath of life. Moreover, his corpse has been transformed and spliced ​​to form a swan-like slender and elegant dragon neck on both sides, connected to two smaller heads, far away. Looking at it, it looked like the corpse of this giant dragon, with three heads.

“It’s so beautiful, this is…”

Painhurs paced forward and found that the stitching operation of the two heads was quite perfect, completely natural, and there was no trace of acquired transformation.

“This is the corpse of an ancient silver dragon. He was once a general under Trajan and the first commander of the 30th Urpius Victory Legion. He died in the Dacia War because his natural life span was exhausted. After being buried by Augustus, the corpse was finally found by us, and the necromancer under his command used the most superb necromantic technology to make some small transformations.”

The Vampire King said respectfully, and by the way took out a small wooden box, among the soft velvet, a valuable black agate was placed.

“This is my meeting ceremony. As long as you put this black agate into his dragon’s mouth, and use the control of the dead, you can awaken these ancient dragons more than three hundred years ago, and let the ancient dragons of Rome’s heyday be awakened. A legion commander, become your undead slave.”

“Yes! That’s right! This is the highest artistic crystallization of my life!”

The second figure in black robe walked down from the dragon’s back and raised his hands enthusiastically.

“Tough! Invincible! The strongest! Smash! Jade broken! Cheers! Her name has long been forgotten in the long river of history, but I gave her a new name: Bru, Ace, Altima Special, Doragon!”

“······Speak lingua franca.”

The great chief looked at the fanatical corpse craftsman, and condensed his own terrifying aura that could crush the will of mortals on the opponent.

“She… She is called Qingyan Ultimate Dragon.”

The black shadows under the three giant dragons were frightened and sat on the ground, squatting.

“Huo, a corpse of the ancient dragon, this is really a generous gift. Who are you and what do you want?”

Painhurs asked calmly without being dazzled by the generous gift.

“The tribe is currently investigating the land of the dead east of the Transcarpathian Mountains, isn’t it? There is a paradise for our undead kings.”

Serana bowed again and saluted.

“Many people intend to fight you until the last skeleton and be crushed into powder. But I don’t think so. I have been watching what the tribe is doing. If we go to war with you, even if we can support it for some time, after all, It will be crushed like Dacia who resists Roman rule.”

“So, I once again offer a great gift and an excellent plan. If it succeeds, you can eliminate and kill all the undead kings without spending a team, Warchief. At that time, I will gather all the undead army. , Join your tribe and help you solve problems.”

“Very tempting proposal, vampire.”

Painhurs stretched out a finger and forced the opponent to lift his chin, so that those horrible eyes that looked like a pool of boiling blood looked directly at his golden vertical pupils. The gaze of the vampire was dominated by the gaze of the pale sorcerer, like a stone sinking into the ocean, and it couldn’t make any waves.

“However, you can completely control this terrifying Primordial Dragon by yourself to carry out your plan. Is the combat power of this Primordial Dragon inferior to other undead kings?”

“If she was a Roman legionnaire before she was alive, she could have been fought. But she has died for hundreds of years, she died naturally, even if she was completely resurrected, she could not be saved, and her soul would be missing. She is here now, There is only one body. Even if it is resurrected as a zombie, it is impossible to return to the heyday of the year.”

Serana stared into the eyes of the warchief and said with some shame.

“You are right. Even if it is me, plus a zombie silver dragon from the Primordial Era, I can’t conquer the current undead kings.”

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