Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 485

Chapter 479 : Chaos Dragon

“Sure enough, there really is no free lunch in the world. If I take this ancient-level zombie dragon, I have to help you kill a few more terrifying enemies than this zombie dragon.”

Pain Hess shook his head amusedly, and quickly calculated the profit and loss in his heart. The land of the dead, overflowing with blue negative energy and not seeing the sun all day long, has swallowed hundreds of his own households, as long as the relocation is completed by himself. , After the work at hand is not busy, he will personally do it there.

“You call yourself the Vampire King. It seems that you are also one of the undead kings there. Tell me, what are the strengths of the other undead kings?”

“There are four undead kings who rule the land of the dead, two are vampires, one is a ghoul, and one is a lich.”

Serana told the truth.

“The lich’s whereabouts are secret, and he has very little information. Even we don’t know the specific strength of that guy. We only know that he was a human during his lifetime. The other vampire king is completely different from the vampires under my command.”

Speaking of this, there was a trace of disdain and contempt on the glamorous face of the Vampire King.

“We vampires are a noble and elegant race, the king in the dark, and the nobility at midnight. All compatriots should be as polite as the nobles of the Roman Empire. In fact, many pursue immortality, but their strength is too humble to be qualified. The imperial nobles who were transformed into liches chose to join us secretly.

But another group of vampires, my God, they are synonymous with beasts and lunatics! They will be covered with human skins, skulls, bat wings and all other terrifying things, decorated with dark blue nightmare armor with jagged lightning patterns, and behave cruelly and harshly. Take blood sucking as an example. We wore a napkin around our necks to make the prey paralyzed, and only after we had no muscles to move, Seri slowly tore his throat open and gracefully sucked the sweet blood.

But those lunatics, they are more willing to hear the tragic wailing of the prey. They will start eating from the four ends, chewing the flesh and bones together, listening to the heart-piercing roar of the prey, and admiring the painful and distorted face, as if that It is the most beautiful music and picture scroll in the world.

Moreover, the lunatics know the body structure of living things very well. The prey they eat is often eaten by adults, and even after most of their internal organs are lost, they will slowly die in extreme pain. And this process is usually in prison. The food that is about to become the next meal is carried out. They like to **** fear more than blood. Many of your scouts in the undead land have fallen into their hands, and life is better than death. ”

“You successfully aroused my aversion to them.”

Painhurs frowned.

“Go on, those ghouls, what’s their origin.”

“They are more like a bunch of funny clowns. A bunch of lowly, ugly undead creatures with high moral standards are as disgusting as paladins.”

Selana licked her red lips that looked like blood, and said with a double mark.

“Can you imagine it? A ghoul covered in human skin, rotten, smelly, and brandishing a thigh bone, pretending to be as majestic as an imperial nobleman or a legion centurion. That’s it. When helping scavengers eat even a smelly corpse, they have to follow their ridiculous etiquette-no matter how many times you watch it, it makes people want to laugh.

And their king-very strange to say, his existence breaks common sense. The ghoul king is obviously an undead creature, but behind his back is a pair of white wings like angels, and his face is unusually beautiful: everyone can do it Close your eyes and think about what the beauty in your heart looks like. After you open your eyes and see his face, you will definitely meet your own standards of beauty in your heart, even worse. ”

“No wonder you said that the corpse of the Primordial Silver Dragon poses no threat to them. A group of undead creatures that are immune to paralysis and are extremely cold-resistant can’t be beaten by this zombie alone.”

Painhurs gently stroked the corpse of the blue-eyed ultimate dragon, even if she died a hundred years, her corpse still did not show any signs of decay or withering.

“Yes, like zombies, although zombie dragons are immune to any mind-affecting effects, poisons, magical sleep, paralysis, stun, disease, death effects, and any effects that require a Fortitude save, they will not be invalidated. Hit, non-lethal damage, attribute damage suffered any loss, it is a tireless killing machine.

However, he will also be as slow as a zombie. The protective effect of the silver dragon scale is greatly weakened, and even melee combat will be affected after losing all the spell abilities in his lifetime. Although the acquired transformation has barely made up for these shortcomings, after the resurrection, she will no longer be the one hundred years ago, the most feared leader of the ogre, the most powerful legion under Trajan.

“Okay! Anyway, in the land of the dead, I must be included in the rule of the tribe. Cooperating with you, I can fight at least a quarter of the enemies. I accept your gift. From today, you, Is a member of the tribe.”

Pain Hess took the pitch-black agate, lifted the upper jaw of the ancient silver dragon, and put it into it. The warchief controls the violent and terrifying power of Chaos and slowly injects it into this huge dragon corpse that looks like a hill.

“You are…”

“I also have my method of strengthening, and to be honest, the eight-pointed black star is indeed the best sign of chaos: it means that people stand at the intersection of the meter and can never predict which path you are about to embark on and what The choice, even if I am now, I don’t know what the power of Chaos will give this corpse! It’s really exciting, isn’t it?”

Eternal God Selection mobilized the mighty power of chaos, injected the dragon corpse’s long-dried, solidified blood vessels, and allowed the power of darkness to wash every inch of her body, awakening, and reviving every piece of her flesh and blood.

Serrana’s eyes widened in horror. She felt that the dragon corpse, which had long lost its vitality, gradually exuded a terrifying killing intent, and the surrounding air quickly dropped below the freezing point, as if there were tens of thousands of cold silver pieces. Needle, pierce every inch of your skin!


Suddenly, the heavy eyelids covered with silver scales moved slightly, and then suddenly opened to the largest extent. The thin eyelids on the inner side also quickly separated to the left and right sides, revealing the horrible blue eyes of the other side. In seconds, the cyan dragon pupil ignited a chaotic fire, and the four-color magic fires of blue, scarlet, dark green, lavender, burned in her silver eye socket.

The second head, the third head, and all six eyes are open, and the cyan vertical pupils are transformed into four-color magic fire. It tentatively moves its own body and four strong dragon claws, supporting it like a mountain. Qiu’s huge body, the silver wings bathed in moonlight spread out, and immediately set off bursts of biting cold storms.


The blue-eyed ultimate dragon raised his three heads and let out a sky-shaking roar, as if it was announcing his own new life.

“Quickly control it! Warchief! Now this guy is an irrational killing machine! You have to command the undead to completely gain control of the opponent!”

“What are you talking about? It’s the first time I have seen Taikoo Long. Don’t you wonder how good she can fight?”

Pain Hess stepped back two steps, excited fireworks burned in his eyes, the other party’s aura was so fierce that it was unheard of!

It’s not that he has never fought against a dragon. He once thought that Motarian’s aura was terrible enough. In the stare of the other party, he seemed to be densely covered with thousands of poisonous snakes and pythons, countless venomous. Her fangs and the scarlet snake letter slowly rubbed and licked every inch of skin on her body, which made people shudder.

However, that guy’s aura is fierce, compared with this ancient silver dragon, it is nothing to mention. At this moment, he seems to be in the ice hell, where he can only see The desperate ice and frost, the terrifying wind is like thousands of blunt knives, shattering his own flesh and blood fiercely.

Every piece of skin, every drop of blood, even thoughts and souls are being frozen into lifeless ice at a speed visible to the naked eye! ! !


Zombie Dragon: Agility -2, Charisma -6. As undead, zombie dragons have no Constitution value. It also has no intelligence value. Its perception value becomes 10. The zombie dragon loses all spellcasting abilities of the base dragon. All expertise. It gains robustness as an extra speciality.


Chaos Demon

Get damage reduction 9/-

Try to be an evil creature, strength +8, agility +8.

Gain 7 natural armor, 7 regeneration

Charisma +6, regain the silver dragon’s changing form during his lifetime, and regain the spontaneous spellcasting ability of the basic dragon’s life, but the spell table can only be selected from change, control, and illusion.


Corpse Crafter: The created zombies have +4 strength +4 agility, and the damage comes with 1D6 cold damage.

Undead Cold: If the breath type of the created zombie dragon is cold, the opponent’s breath weapon will not be reborn as a zombie dragon, and the damage will be halved.


Zombie Taikoo Silver Dragon

Super Giant Undead/Chaos Demon

Hit dice: 40d12+80+3 (343hp)

First strike: +5

Attributes: Strength 54, Dexterity 20, Constitution—, Intelligence—, Wisdom 10, Charisma 30.

Speed: 40 feet, flying 200 feet (clumsy).

Defense level: 33 (-8 size, +5 agility, +26 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 28

Basic attack/grapple: +40/+72

Attack: 4500 (crossed out)

Attack: Three bites +54 melee (4d8+22)

Full-round attack: three bites +54 attack, damage 4d8+22. And two claws +49 attack, damage 4D6+11. And two wings strike +49 attack, damage 2D8+11. And a tail blow +49 attack, damage 4D6+16.

Face width/reach: 30 feet/20 feet (bite 30 feet)

Special attack: breath weapon, ferocious

Features: blindness 60 feet, damage reduction 14/slashing, damage reduction 9/-. Dark vision 120 feet, keen senses, changing forms, immunity to acid and cold, susceptible to fire damage, slowness, spell resistance 32, undead characteristics, chaos template.

Savings: Fortitude +32, Reflex +26, Will +22

Expertise: robust.


Change form: It can be changed into a humanoid form at will.

Cold Breath (Triple): As a standard action, three heads exhale a 70-foot cone of cold breath. Each head can cause 24d8 points of cold damage. The reflex save is DC 40, and the successful save is halved (must be dealt three times) Breath has been exempted once).

Paralysis Breath (Triple): As a standard action, the three heads exhale 70-foot cones of paralysis gas. Each head can paralyze all targets in the range for 1D6+12 rounds. Fortitude save is DC 40, and the successful save is not affected (must have a save for each of the three breaths).

Aggressive (Ex): A dragon can make opponents feel extremely uneasy just by virtue of its aura. This ability automatically works when the dragon attacks, charges, or flies over the enemy’s head. Will save DC 40, successful save will be immune to this dragon’s ferocious ability within 24 hours. If the save fails, a creature with 4 or less HD will panic for 4d6 rounds, and a creature with 5 or higher HD will panic for 4d6 rounds. All dragons are immune to the ferocious abilities of other dragons.

Crush (Ex): This special attack allows dragons as small as extremely large to land on the enemy’s head as a standard action while flying or jumping, and crush them with their entire body. Crushing attacks can only be used by enemies with three or more sizes compared to the dragon.

A crushing attack can cause damage to all creatures under the dragon’s body. Creatures in the affected area must successfully pass the Reflex check DC40, otherwise they will be suppressed, and the next round will automatically take 4D8+16 points of bludgeoning damage + 1D6 cold damage.

Tail Sweep (Ex): As a standard action, the super giant zombie dragon sweeps enemies with its tail. The tail sweep affects the half-circle of 40 feet at the center of the grid intersection on either side of the position occupied by the dragon. Enemies four or more smaller than the dragon in the area will be affected. A tail sweep attack causes 2D8+16 bludgeoning damage + 1D6 cold damage, and the reflex check is DC 40, and the successful saving throw damage is halved.

Blindness (Ex): The dragon can locate creatures within 60 feet. The opponent that the dragon does not directly see still gains full concealment from the dragon.

Sharp vision (Ex): The vision of dragons in dim conditions is four times that of humans, and twice that of humans under normal light. It also has dark vision of 120 feet.

Try to be a 19th-level warlock. The resurrection method is incomplete, so you can only choose between the magic control and the illusion.

Zero ring spells: stun, phantom sound, door of silence, copying, mage’s hand, repair, communication, open and close book, and arrow. (DC20, six times a day)

One round of spells: stone boxing, misleading attack, disguise, silent phantom, charm humans. (DC21, nine times a day)

Second circle spells: the tenacity of the bear, the agility of the cat, the majesty of the eagle, the wisdom of the owl, the cunning of the fox. (DC22, nine times a day)

Three circle spells: vaporized form, powerful phantom, acceleration, suggestion. (DC23, eight times a day)

Four circle spells: Swift Eruption, Mass Human Transformation Art, Mass Human Reduction Art, Advanced Invisibility Art. (DC24, eight times a day)

Five-ring spells: malicious transformation, etheric breath, dominance of humans, mental retardation. (DC25, eight times a day)

Six-ring spells: moving ice and snow, frozen gaze, instruction. (DC26, eight times a day)

Seven-ring spells: activated breath, group invisibility, and projection. (DC27, seven times a day)

Eight-ring spells: Transformation of All Things, Fumble Winter, Advanced Shadow Sculpting. (DC28, seven times a day)

Nine-ring spells: Frost Falling, Domination of Monsters. (DC29, five times a day)

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