Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 521

Chapter 515 : Reward of the Empire

Painhurs counted the losses of the war with a painful look. This huge battle that had invested 140,000 soldiers and lasted for eleven days, although it was victorious, the tribe also suffered heavy losses.

Fifty thousand skeleton cannon fodder was annihilated. More than 40,000 elite veterans of centaurs, orcs, Ostrogoths, Tefrin, ogres and other races have stayed in this ruin forever. Now there are fifty thousand on hand. Many soldiers were also wounded and exhausted.

Unprecedented heavy casualties, these more than 40,000 people are not skeletons, goblins and other two-legged cannon fodder, but they are all elite veterans of their respective clans. The aftermath paid to the families of these fallen soldiers is an astronomical figure, enough to completely destroy the nascent tribal economic system.

But it doesn’t matter, the Western Romans will pay for all the costs of the entire war.

The Visigoths were even more miserable. The 130,000 soldiers who had been thrown into the war were wiped out, 100,000 soldiers halved on the battlefield, and more than 20,000 were taken prisoners. The civilians in Selman had almost no alive, and the entire city was completely submerged by more than 200,000 dilapidated corpses.

The tribe hung in Selman, silently licking the wounds, and exhaustedly cleaning the corpses in the city. Regardless of whether they were foe or foe, they were thrown into the built bonfire, watching them gradually turn into a bit of ashes under the licking of the flames.

No way, the tribe has too many things to do, building bridges, repairing the city, there is not enough manpower, now it is April, and the earth is warming up in spring, and then slowly processing the corpses? It doesn’t take long for them to become corrupt and smelly, and after a while, the plague will break out.


After a tragic victory on the tribe’s side, undercurrents also raged within the Western Roman Empire.

After the reorganization of the newly-emerged Senate in the Eastern Roman Empire, although it was also bloated and corrupt, it was also rejuvenated with some vitality. There was nomadic invasion in the north and Sassanid Persian in the south, and they would do business under the pressure of a huge crisis.

But the western empire, the Senate, which has hardly changed since the Republic era, is truly inexhaustible and hard to return. The terrorist organization once feared by the barbarians and evaluated as “everyone of the three hundred elders is a Roman emperor” has long ceased to exist.

In the initial stage when Stirico was just called back to Milan and executed, the Senate stood arrogantly in front of the crowd and declared to the people of the empire that the rebellion was dead. Nothing happened. They heard about the rebellion. It is a deliberate rumor that everything is well in Pannonia and everything is well in the empire.

But in the second stage, the Vandals killed the Alpine Pass, and when the rebellion burned to the Italian mainland, the Senate once again stepped forward and calmly said: There is indeed a “small group” of rebellion and division on the eastern border of the empire. The power was born, but it was just a small fight. The local frontier battle group can solve it by itself, and we should not take action. What should everyone do and continue to do? Wars in remote and border areas cannot affect the center of the empire.

When time passed by to the third stage, the two rebel forces of Vandal and Visigoths became more and more violent, and the empire completely lost the provinces of Dalmatia and Pannonia. The Vandals even crossed the Rubicon River, and the paper could not contain the fire. The Senate said to the people of the empire with great sorrow that perhaps the empire should take action, but now we can’t do anything. Everyone, go ahead and do your own thing.

In the end of this mess, it was Gordon Tius, the new commander of the Empire, who spontaneously went to Pannonia to quell the rebellion.

However, the northern Gaul region was completely occupied. Even though the commander-in-chief approached the sky, the barbarians outside the empire were allowed to control the land of the northern Gaul, and the dogs attacked each other because of the control of the land in the northern Gaul, which greatly alleviated the new situation. The defensive pressure of the defense line can only barely deduct seven battle groups from the South Gaul defense line.

Even if it mobilizes Italy’s most elite Central Army. In total, there were only thirty-seven battle groups, and facing the Visigoth rebellion, it was a drop in the bucket.

However, at this moment, the governor of Spain and the western islands, the governor of the six provinces, and the lord of the five hundred towns, Guiliman, gave a helping hand. With a big wave of his hand, a total of thirty-nine battle groups filed out from the mountains of Spain. Zhanshuai was shocked.

How do you manage these six empire provinces? ? ? After Vandal’s rebels retreated from Italy, but they moved to Spain, you are still fighting bandits, how can you take out so many battle groups with ease? This tyrannical strategy teaches brothers to use both hands.

In the end, the Senate was crying amidst the roars of the Romans, and said with great pain that maybe we did something before, and the eastern defense line of the empire would not be completely lost and fallen, but now, no matter what we do, it is too late. I can only pray to the gods that the new commander can extinguish the shameless rebellion of the Visigoths——

Immediately afterwards, Gordon Tius’ victory came from the east. The protracted Battle of Selman not only wiped out the main force of the Visigoths, but even left the Visigoths resisting the Roman offensive in isolation. The shadows of a hundred white dragons covering the sky and the sun covered the sky, and the cold breath of frost, spraying those elite troops in heavy armor, the spellcasters on the dragon’s back, also frantically pouring out arcane anger, a A splendid and magnificent cloud of flames exploded at a place where there was a gray eagle flag.

Tens of thousands of Persian heavy cavalry were divided into two routes, rounding out the Visigoth army on both sides. The heavy infantry lined up in the center in a fairly neat battle formation, wielding sharp swords, and launched a brutal and ferocious group charge.

The Romans had a terrifying offensive like a storm, coming from all directions and even overhead. The casters’ arcane bombardment was as precise and sharp as a scalpel, accurately hitting their command structure, bringing a combined army of hundreds of thousands of Germanic clans. , Without any orders at all, turned into a mess.

At the end of the war, the Romans killed more than 40,000 enemies at the cost of less than 10,000 casualties. The more than 60,000 German barbarians who were completely beaten up were all taken prisoners. The main rebel forces in the two provinces have been wiped out, and it is already a matter of time to regain lost ground.


Julian calendar 408 years, blooming on the 30th day. (April 30, 408 AD)

On the eighteenth day after the end of the war, the envoys of the Western Roman Empire once again visited the tribal chiefs. They respectfully handed out the agreed huge amount of gold as a “reward for the meritorious ministers from the Senate”. Cars pushed through the walls of Selman. He also took out three letters of commission with the seal of Augustus, and formally appointed Painjes as the governor of Dacia and Pannonia. Temper all local warband troops.

“The Romans can play.”

The Lord of the Dead Poems, who was accustomed to conspiracy and tricks in the Green Dragon, quietly reached Christina’s ear.

“Although these lands have already said goodbye to the Western Roman Empire, and even tax revenue will not enter their treasury, but after the envoy returned, the Senate even dared to say to their people: The empire has not only regained Pannonia. , And even regained the Dacia province that had been lost for a hundred years! They even changed their commissions into post-war rewards? I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless people.”

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