Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 522

Chapter 516 : Augustus is the strong and strong

The few high elves who turned to the tribe because they were dissatisfied with the endless political conspiracies of the Eastern Roman Empire, they also anxiously whispered in front of the warchief, denounced the shamelessness of the Western Empire, and agreed to give land, but turned around. The master of the tribe, called the governor of the two provinces of Dacia and Pannonia? Think of the warchief as a citizen of the empire, a courtier of Augustus?

However, the pale horse did not rush, and reached out his hand to stop their words.

“Dacia, the governor of the Pannonian provinces, Painhus, is in charge! Thank you for your generosity, and wish him a long life.”

The warchief who had already learned imperial etiquette from Herniwell and Aetius, practiced an extremely tedious and complicated court etiquette, and showed respect to the envoy of Augustus. On the pale face, the gentle smile for some reason made the imperial envoys feel a little creepy, as if he was stared at by a poisonous snake, cold sweat, almost soaked in his expensive silk clothes.


“Summon all the members of the Senate in the city and let them come to see me, except for Aetius-I can’t let this kid know about this, at least not now.”

After the Pale Warlock sent away the envoy, he quickly summoned all the members of the Senate who were able to conquer the war in the city. It just so happened that the war had just ended, and the senators who participated in the war were still staying in Pannonia and did not return to the center of the tribe. The Terror Fort in West Asia.

Painhurs stroked the eternal gun engraved with the rune of Rune in his hand. The history of Rome that he was familiar with in the fifth century has been changed by himself-the legendary leader of the barbarian, the conqueror of the eternal city, the disaster of Rome, the high king of Visigoth: Alaric was beheaded by himself.

However, his younger brother Artof, General Theodoric, these two have not been recorded in history, but in the future, he became the barbarian of the Visigoth Supreme King, but managed to escape. The following historical process will only be more convoluted-and, what about Attila? Where is the whip of God? Why haven’t I even heard of the shadow of this legendary nomadic king? Why are the territories that the tribe smashed… and the Hungarian Kingdom 90% similar?

“Painhurs, what do you think!”

As the warchief was in deep thought, Christina’s angry voice sounded from the camp, interrupting the warchief’s thoughts. Hell, what she called was not a nickname commonly used by couples, but a very formal full name.

“Those Romans insulted the glory we exchanged with blood. When I think of those guys who will pay this price to win the victory, I want to cut off all their heads! Hanging on the walls of Selman-everyone has sacrificed so much for victory, even you almost died. Know how scared I was then? How scared?”

Rouge Rouge roared in anger, but the anxious voice was full of concern for the Pale Warlock.

“Well, it’s okay. Those old fools hiding in the marble palace just want to save a little bit of their own face. Aren’t the land, money, and population all in our hands? A little bit of shame, when you reward Isn’t theirs all right? Good.”

Painhurs gently hugged his lover’s body, soothing her soaring anger, Christina’s cold and strong iron armor made her feel a little bit painful.

“Think about it, when the Bloodfury clan was initially hungry and cold, why were the orcs, goblins, and the extinct lizardmen willing to ally with us?”

“Because winter is here, the lone wolf is dead, and the pack of wolves live. At that time, everyone was forced by the white disaster to defeat the Eastern Gothic line of defense without uniting, and then they could only die together in the white silence.”

The anger of the Rouge Horse was slightly calmed down. After struggling twice in the arms of the white horse, he also leaned tiredly on Painhes’s shoulder. This war forced all the soldiers of the Horde and Visigoth into the war. limit.

“That’s right, at that time everyone could only wait to die if they didn’t unite. Although everyone had blood feuds, they were still able to work together for a common goal.”

The warchief stared at the pair of red eyes that were as beautiful as rubies, and said very seriously.

“But now, we have Gredinian, Transcaucasus, Dacia, and even Pannonia. Everyone is free from the threat of white disasters and can live and work in peace.

Everyone usually goes to Salmatia, Transcarpathia, and the Hipparr steppe to graze. In the winter, they return to a safe place to spend the winter. Trade with the East and West Roman Empires makes it easy to get everything on the steppe. Hard-to-obtain items, everyone lives in comfort, the reason that once united us all to fight in blood is gone. ”

The warchief increased his tone.

“Remember the stories of the different worlds I gave you? There was once a nomadic clan who galloped on the grasslands of the Northland. Their living conditions were extremely difficult. The harsh environment cast iron soldiers, those on the grasslands. The men galloped freely, fought **** battles, and finally defeated the southern empire and established a brand new empire in the warm and prosperous territory of the southerners.”

“However, these veterans who have almost conquered the entire world have found that there are no more enemies in the world, and they soon sink into the gentle countryside of the south. Their descendants no longer learn to ride horses and archery, but are obsessed with sensuality. In singing and dancing.

It didn’t take long for the entire empire to decay. When a wave of resistance erupted from the southern empire they had conquered, the cavalry that used to cross the world no longer existed. It only took 98 years for them to go from establishment to destruction. If a little pony was born when the empire was established, he could even live to see the empire he belongs to fall apart. ”

“So, you are worried that the tribe will do the same? Like a full-fed falcon and a mastiff, wouldn’t it go hunting?”

Christina frowned and thought about it. There are indeed a few people in the clan who are beginning to enjoy themselves, and the chief of the Shanglu clan, Gary Vix, is indeed eating more fat than before. Now they are densely stacked. The number of chins is two digits.

“Yes, so I want to give them a new target, a new imaginary enemy.”

Painhurs let go of his hands, and the elders of the tribe have stepped into the tent one after another, casting suspicious glances at themselves, wondering what the warchief is gathering them together to announce.

“Brothers and sisters, the gold promised by the Romans has arrived, come! Everyone has a share! Reward the soldiers who have done meritorious service and condolences to families who have lost their husbands and fathers.”

The warchief smashed a heavy wooden box with a hoof. Numerous yellow gold coins of Suders, like the lake of a bursting bank, gurgled out of the broken wooden box, covered with a small half carpet and countless gold coins. The smooth surface reflects the faint light of the candlelight at the same time, even shining the entire palace tent into a brilliant and dazzling golden face.

And this kind of wooden box full of gold coins can have dozens of boxes, and it can’t even be unloaded from the carriage outside the tent.

Looking at the greedy chiefs whose eyes all turned into gold coins, Painhurs gave a knowing smile.

“These gold coins were taken out by the Western Roman Empire without blinking their eyes. The treasures in their land and their cities are hundreds of times larger. The legendary eternal city built among the seven hills, There is gold everywhere.”

“Great Chief, you have led us to lay enough living space, and the spoils obtained are enough for us to enjoy and squander. But continue to fight the Romans… Although they have declined, the centipede is dead. It’s not stiff.”

Chief Catman interrupted the words of the Warchief rudely.

“Our cat clan joined you during the Transcaucasian conquest. We fought with the Eastern Roman Empire, Visigoths, and the rebels of the Western Roman Empire. Although the two wars were victorious, we also paid. A heavy price, especially this time! I almost wiped out the elite veterans left by the previous generation, and other clans also suffered heavy losses-do you have to fight them? We have already obtained Roman goods through the exchange market. There is no need to bleed and snatch.”

“Yeah, yeah. The spoils are indeed rich, but the price is indeed too bloody. It’s not worth it to be guilty with such a big empire and cut off trade.”

Seeing someone making a head bird, the other chiefs also mumbled quietly, and the remaining elders held the heart of not blaming the law, and the casualties were indeed outrageous, and they followed suit.

With the land, the cattle and sheep, and the gold coins, you have to go home and raise the livestock quickly.

“I didn’t say, now we will go to war with the Romans.”

Painhurs appeased the war-weary chiefs.

“Everyone, the Augustus inheritance system of the Romans is very special. It is not the eldest son or the eldest daughter inheritance system between us. Would you like to know who established the prototype of the Roman Empire? Caesar, he himself is a warlord, with The Thirteenth Army crossed the Rubicon River and defeated Pompey to win the world! Later, Octavian, killed Anthony to win the world!

Trajan, the emperor who expanded the territory of Rome to the limit, his father was the governor of the Spanish province, and he was also a legion commander with a heavy hand.

In 224 years of the Julian calendar, he came from the Arabian Desert. A heart-catcher named Philip, even relied on imperial citizenship and several legions in his hands to encroach on the throne!

Ah, these ages are a bit old, so I will say that the last Roman emperor, Theodosius I, a warlord of Dacia, what happened in the end? It’s not because the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, they defeated all the challengers and become the new Augustus! ”

In the golden vertical pupil of the pale warlock, there was an excited and dangerous chaotic flame gleaming. He took out the commission that the Romans had rewritten for the sake of face-Emperor Honoriu did not cede the land of Pannonia to the tribe, instead he referred to the chieftain as the two “empires of Pannonia and Dacia”. The governor of the “province” controls all military forces on this land.

“Augustus is the strong and strong man, and I deserve it. I am also a Roman citizen now! Even the governors of the two provinces! There are countless soldiers and horses in the account, and everyone helps! Just ask, the war commander in the west has him How many battle groups? Can you compare with us? Are there any brothers and sisters who dare to join me to capture the Roman world?!”

After falling into silence for a short period of time, the Great Account of the King Court erupted with a loud cry. They were completely trapped in the bright future described by the warchief and could not extricate themselves from it!

Augustus, that is the most noble and terrifying, the highest, untouchable sacred name among these monsters and barbarians! However, the warchief they followed seemed to be only one step away from this position!

When the warchief became Augustus, then everyone who is doing it, who can’t get the title of a legion commander, a governor? The gold in front of me is compared with the wealth of the wealthy provinces. What’s the point?

“Quiet, quiet, quiet!”

Inside the tent, the atmosphere of excitement was so intense that a great chief who was awed by the tribe, even feared, shouted three times to be quiet, and barely suppressed the excitement of the chiefs.

“Of course, the capture of Augustus will not be completed overnight. The road to the apex will be covered with blood and corpses. We need a perfect opportunity and an invincible army, otherwise it will be paved. The corpse under our feet will be our brothers and sisters.”

The chief said calmly.

“So, when we completely control the Pannonia province and take the sea-exit city of Dalmatia province, I ask you not to be greedy for pleasure when you go home, and you must not relax in training the troops for a moment!

Sabina, Asana, and Beast Leonardo, your boatmen and technical tyrants, immediately rushed to the port city of Dalmatia Province, recruited all the boatmen there, and built a fleet for the tribe. A powerful navy. ”

“Your will!”

Everyone roared excitedly. Painhurs toasted with all the elders present, and the vessels made from the skulls of their enemies were filled with the sweet wine looted from the cellar of Selman.

“Come on! Let’s drink this cup together! The strong and strong, consider Augustus!!!”

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Sheet 517: Governors of the Three Provinces

Julian calendar 408 years, Julius month, the 30th. (July 30, 408 AD)

The tribal Senate headquarters, after moving to the Terror Fortress of Dacia, set up a sub-base in Serman in Pannonia: for no other reason, Pannonia was the first Roman land acquired by the tribe. This is really a wife… it’s too exaggerated.

From the map, the area of ​​Pannonia province is less than 1/3 of Dacia province. Compared with the Salmatia steppe, it is even more insignificant.

However, even if Dacia is full, there will be two or three hundred thousand ogres living in it. Excluding the skeletons and zombies and other things that do not occupy survival resources, there will be less than thirty thousand vampires and ghouls. However, you guess Pannonia will do it. What is the population of the province?

four million.

This is a number of officials at all levels who can let the Senate take charge of the household registration and have been so busy that they have vomited blood and died after seeing it. They finally understood why the Romans called the prairie where they lived in a barren land, and the other party did have the qualifications to look at the world.

The Ostrogoths suffered heavy losses in a series of wars during the rise of men and horses, and now they have barely recovered, with a population of just over 675,000. According to the latest household statistics, the total population of the Thirteen city-states of Tefrin, which lives in the Transcaucasus region, is 880,300.

These two races are the second and third most populous tribes. The number one in the grassland is full of goblins running around like rabbits. And a few hobgoblins, bear goblin subspecies.

The household registration officials worked overtime and finally calculated their total number: about 1.9 million. Anyway, the speed at which they died due to various things was about the same as the speed at which a female goblin gave birth to a litter of cubs. The elders were lazy about the specific numbers.

The populations of other clans are not large, and the orcs have a small base, mainly because the gang of lunatics are all soldiers. The total number of people and horses has not exceeded 200,000.

Okay, but now, you live in Pannonia, Romans, elves, half-elves, Germans, and all kinds of chaotic races. The total number is a six-digit number, four million! More than twice the number of goblins on the grassland? !

Galloping across Pannonia, declaring that cities, villages, and tribes are owned by the tribe, you have to pay taxes to the warchief. The cavalry marveled at the wealth of the empire. In the Sarmatia steppe, they ran for two days. The situation that the shadow of the clan has not seen it is simply too common.

However, as soon as the meal arrives in this place, you stand on a high place and look around for a week, at least you can see the double-digit gathering place, and the faint smoke rising up straight into the sky. The soldiers just planted an eight-pointed black star in a green dragon flag in a village to declare Painhurs’ dominance. Before they ran for an hour, another small town popped up in front of them.

Occasionally I came to a huge city and found that the towns and villages under her jurisdiction were dotted with villages. The number of villages was so scary that the tribal dragon flags I carried with me were not enough. The problem of manpower shortage is extremely serious.

The warchief issued an urgent order to recruit the local nobles of Pannonia to serve in the tribe with high remuneration.

This kind of low productivity in ancient times, being able to read words is really a rare skill, and it is basically monopolized by the nobles. Painhurs can only win over the local aristocrats to appease the local aristocrats and ensure their wealth status. Will be shaken, grant them the position of City Lord, to ensure the foundation of the ruling of these more than four million people.

The Visigoths went very simply. After two defeats, they clearly realized that if they continued to stay in Pannonia, they would die chronically. The new Supreme King, Artof directly took the last soldiers, Taking away all the weapons and food they could take away, crossing the Danube northward, rushed into the vast Germanic forest.

Thirty-one cities in Pannonia, fifty-two fortresses, and hundreds of towns and villages were left alone. Theodoric wanted to burn them completely and leave nothing to the tribe. However, they had too few manpower and the tribal cavalry attacked at full speed too fast. This was destined to be an unrealized luxury. They have not had time to clean most of the cities, and the cavalry of the tribe has already rushed in front of them.


It took the tribe a full year and a half to digest Pannonia’s overly greasy fat, before reluctantly putting it under control, but the results were quite rich: this small piece. The land, the tithe provided, actually accounted for half of the tax revenue of the entire tribe.

“The Romans are rich and oily. I have never seen so much money in my life. It is actually just the tax that their province can provide.”

The monster barbarians sighed with emotion, and then became more excited about Painhus’s ultimate goal of grabbing the Roman throne.

During this period, after crossing the Danube, the tribal cavalry began to rush to the north at full speed, hitting the place where Vienna is now, putting the land south of the Danube, which is the province of Norikum, which the empire had already fallen into, into its own. Under control, afterwards, a letter of commission from Augustus to the Governor of the Province of Pein Hesnoricum, written by Augustus himself, was also sent from Italy.


At this moment, the entire tribe is in peace and is undergoing rapid development. The North, East, and the three goblin kingdoms, Veneti, Ante, and Skravin are troubled by the White Disaster, and the population loss caused by the tribal policy. , And under the pressure of the powerful soldiers of the horses and horses, they finally chose to join the tribe. The three kings of the North, namely bear goblins, hobgoblins, and goblins, walked into the Senate of Terror Fort with a humble expression.

At this point, the tribal territory stretched from the Caspian Sea in the east, the Baltic Sea in the north, the Black Sea in the south, and the Adriatic Sea in the west. It has become a huge monster that spans across the four seas, oppressing the two Roman empires.

Salmatia, Transcarpathia, Hiparil, and the three large grasslands have become the absolute safety rear of the tribe, and the most important food and cavalry production areas. People, horses, orcs, goblins, cats, humans…Countless nomadic clans graze cattle and sheep here, store food, and at the same time cultivate war horses, skuggs, and other strategic military livestock, and use spreading technology, that is, they can find them in spring. Sow seeds quickly, and then live by the water and grass, wait for the autumn to come back to see, harvest as much grain as you can grow.

The cavalry provided by these nomadic clans was tried by Painhurs as the tribe’s most important military mobile force.

Gretinian and Transcaucasus are mixed areas, where nomadic, farming, fishing and hunting, the three major civilizations are intricately mixed together. Teverin and the Ostrogoths are the most important providers of high-quality infantry for the tribe.

The iron mines of the Caucasus Mountains and the Kerch Mountains, the huge gold mines in the northeast corner of Azov, and the Caucasus fortresses connected with Armenia and the Eastern Roman Empire are also the areas with the highest value added to the tribal strategy.

Dacia is the heart of the tribe. The various metal deposits produced in the Transcarpathian Mountains in a year account for almost 70% of the entire tribe. Painhurs has designed and built several indestructible groups near the largest mineral veins. The mountain fortress, the thick smoke of countless blacksmiths smelting iron, almost obscured the sky above the castle.

This is the industrial center of the tribe, as well as the military center-his position is too important. She borders the two Roman empires at the same time. Although the tribe has acquired some provinces in the Western Empire, the importance here is still irreplaceable.

And Dacia’s Terror Fort is the political center of the tribe.

It is impossible for the great chief to establish the royal court in the densely populated province of Western Rome. Pannonia, Norikum, and Mapingchuan are really safe to defend. Unless you hurt the wealth and the people, you also build a fortress defense zone on the east side. Otherwise, you really go to war with Western Rome. The other party wants to fight over and there are many ways to choose. It is no joke when a capital is attacked and the administrative system is paralyzed.

And in the end, Pannonia and Norikum are the tribe’s pocketbooks. Pannonia has four million people, and the population of Norikum province is as high as 3.2 million. Moreover, the level of development of the business system is higher than that of the grassland. The annual tax revenue is really weak.

The farming system here is also extremely advanced and advanced. The number of crops produced tops the entire tribe, but unfortunately, the mouth of food also tops the entire tribe.

Moreover, Pannonia, as the former frontier of the empire and a military powerhouse, still retains the complete industrial system of the Roman Empire, including iron-burning blast furnaces, utensils, forging arrows, long swords, and chain mail iron rings. In the dense fortress group, the equipment and supplies of dozens of battle groups could not be taken away by the Goths, all of which were cheaper than Peinhes.

With a wave of his hand, the chieftain gave all the craftsmen a lot of money and transported all these forging equipment and talents back to Dacia. Let them live and work there. A large number of soldiers were stationed in these two imperial provinces, guarding these two hard-won “fat” well.

The imperial nobles of Pannonia, under the rule of the tribe in the past few years, were surprised to find that the leader of the crude barbarian they thought was actually a civilized person who respected and even understood their empire’s culture and history. .

As the supreme leader of the tribe, Painhus, the eldest son of the war commander of the Western Roman Empire, Aetius, and the long-sleeved drow elven Henrivel, frequently visited the banquets and dances held by them. The two sides soon became one after the heavy gift, and the nobles even subconsciously believed that the pale monster in front of them was also one of them.

With the help of these imperial nobles, Painhurs even has the ability to get in touch with some forged cities in the Western Empire…


Julian calendar 411 years, Augustus month, the first day. (August 1, 411 AD)

Western Roman Empire-Grand Noquat Province-Octuron

“Ed! Ed! What happened to this order?! Come and explain to me!”

The dwarf craftsman of the empire, holding a new order with a stunned expression, the bright fire, shining every drop of sweat on his burly muscles. His voice was so loud, it even surpassed the noise of thousands of hammers forging steel at the same time.

“What’s wrong? Old man?”

A younger dwarf stopped the hammer in his hand and ran over with his short legs.

“In the name of Moradin Beard, I ask you, what’s the matter with this order???? The governors of Dacia, Pannonia, and Norikum are garrisoning the frontiers of the empire, and the consumption of strategic materials is serious. Ketulong foundry city urgently ordered 10,000 pairs of heavy chain mail, 10,000 tower shields, 10,000 spears, 10,000 epees, and 30,000 heavy throwing spears???”

The old dwarf spit on the ground.

“The governors of these three provinces of Te Niang don’t know that I don’t know that I don’t? Isn’t that the chief chief of the tribe?! There is no relationship with the Western Roman Empire! The Senate fooled the talents! How did their orders come here? And I asked for goods for ten battle groups! My God, this order is quite formal, and it even has a stamp — the Senate really gave the Governor’s Signet to that man?”

“Old man, be flexible, flexible.”

The young dwarf winked and said, and took out a dimension bag from his arms. While the other dwarf craftsmen were still forging weapons and armor, they secretly stuffed it into the old dwarf’s gray beard.

After the old dwarf opened the dimension bag strangely, he found that it was densely packed with the portrait of Painhurs on the front and the tribal gold with the eight-pointed black star on the back. The brilliant golden light almost blinded his dim eyes. .

“Hey, we are not humans, nor are we citizens of the Roman Empire? They are governors of the three provinces, and they have more status and rights than you, the founding general. Besides, the **** of the Senate is with us. What does it have to do with these strikers???”

The young dwarf whispered.

“And this governor is generous. The price he bought from us for armor is a lot higher than those of the commanders and the governors! The man is wealthy and the birds die for food. Anyway, it’s not illegal, why not do it. Well? Isn’t your task to build armor for the Romans? Isn’t the governor of the three provinces a Roman citizen? Is there something wrong? No problem!”

The old dwarf thought for a while, and found that it seemed like Te Niang’s was really the case, and he seemed to find no reason to refute it, and the governors of the three provinces really gave too much.

“Boys! A loyal governor who defended the empire encountered an enemy attack! They suffered heavy losses and needed a lot of material reinforcements! Give Lao Tzu priority to complete their orders! Ten thousand pairs of heavy chain mail, ten thousand tower shields, Ten thousand spears, ten thousand epees, and thirty thousand heavy throwing spears! Give me the best steel! Hurry up! Dare to be lazy I burn your **** with a soldering iron!”

The old dwarf let out a loud roar again.

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