Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 523

Chapter 518 : The Mission of the Eastern Roman Empir

Compared with the Roman Empire, the industrial foundation of the tribe is completely inadequate. Even if the Pannonian industrial system and the blacksmiths who had not been taken by the Visigoths were moved to West Asia, and a few foundry cities were reluctantly created, that was the most recent thing. The start time was too short, and the nomads needed a lot of iron arrows. The iron ore used to forge a pair of chain armor was enough to create a thousand sharp arrow clusters, and the time to make armor was too long.

As for why Painhes wants the standard equipment of the Roman battle group? Instead of just ordering the chain mail, we have to start with two other things…

“Oh my God, Pannonia has four million people, Noricum has 3.2 million people, and the southern Dalmatian cities ceded to us also have a population of 1.3 million. 8.5 million People?? Although I know that the Roman Empire to the south is very powerful, this population is too exaggerated.”

Christian was stunned at the final population counted by the household registration department, with a few strands of light brown wavy hair, lightly dangling over the bard’s ruby-like red eyes, exquisite and attractive face, because of surprise, And the seductive red lips that opened slightly, finally, along the slender neck like a swan, and the soft brown skin, fell on top of the turbulent softness.

“Then they, can they pull out an army of 5.6 million to smash with us??”

“What do you think? You treat all races as centuries.”

Painhurs couldn’t help but gently kissed her delicate and attractive red lips, answering questions for his lover.

“It is an indisputable fact that nomadic civilization is completely crushed by agricultural civilization in terms of population and economy. But in terms of military affairs, we have the advantage.

You see, whether it’s a Pecheneg, a cat, or some nomad, everyone can generally send one soldier for every five people. The extreme barbarians can even pull half of the population out to fight.

And because of our unique advantages, every mature man and horse, even without professional training, has the same combat power as an extremely powerful human veteran, and is born with strange power. The combat power is originally higher than those of the elves. Except for children who occupy one-third of the population, two-thirds of the tribe can pick up bows and arrows and ride spears to fight the enemy in blood.

Moreover, these people usually live on horsebacks, herding sheep, archery, hunting, and fighting have long been engraved in our bone marrow, and they have extremely strong fighting qualities.

Look at those farming civilizations in the south. To feed such a large population and such an exaggerated economy, they also need the support of a large amount of labor. There are really not many professional armies that can fight against the brave nomads head-on, and don’t have to do production. There are really not many professional troops that specialize in fighting and killing.

I remember that the population of the Roman Empire seemed to be 80 million four hundred years ago, but the professional legion was only 500,000 in total. This ratio was only one hundred and sixty to one, which is far worse than the nomadic population of five to one. .

Of course, there is another skill in farming civilization called levy, which instantly pulls a gang of farmers to the front line to fight, and probably one-tenth of the young male labor force can be dragged to the battlefield to die.

But these have been planted for a lifetime, and have never hunted or seen blood levies. They are really the same as those goblins and skeletons, their combat power and morale are low. Give me five heavy armors to be fearless, and one charge can bring down the phalanx of a hundred farmers. ”

“So that’s great, I thought they were like us, at least two-thirds of the people could be pulled up for shopping. Millions of people, scared my heart almost popped out.”

The bard breathed a sigh of relief. The slender hand gently patted his proud chest, stirring waves of flesh-colored ripples.

“So, how do we turn these eight million people into soldiers, and use one out of ten as cannon fodder?”

“It’s not impossible, but it’s a bit wasteful. The number of our goblins and slaves is enough, not to mention that several undead kings also provided a large number of skeletons. Zombies are responsible for this position. What do I want so much cannon fodder for.”

Painhurs rubbed the stubble on his chin slightly, recalling how various farming empires solved the problem of the low quality of the cannon fodder in these thousands of years of history. A plan suddenly came to mind, but it was suffering from no one. Implementation: There are no Roman soldiers left here, either killed in battle or returned to the command of Gordontius.

You can’t let people train human soldiers how to fight on horseback. Tefrin and the elves have blood feuds. It is also very dangerous for the Eastern Goths to make them bigger.

As the warchief was contemplating hard, a series of political events also broke out in the Eastern Roman Empire in the south.


The reason is this. The highest military commander of the Eastern Roman Empire Illyria suddenly found that his inland fleet was missing a dozen ships—they were borrowed by Aetius to support the Horde’s Battle of Selman. It is these dozens of ships that continuously throw the tribal soldiers on the east bank into the battlefield on the west bank, and Painhurs can defeat Visigoths in the arduous battle that lasted for dozens of days. Tens of thousands of cavalry began to have no depth. Galloping across the Pannonian steppe, winning the position of Governor of the Three Provinces for the Pale Warlock is a great contribution.

The battle captain who borrowed the ship at that time, when the two Roman empires were not separated, had a life-saving friendship with Etius’ father, so he reluctantly agreed to his request, risking treason, edited He made an excuse for “investigating the northern barbarian war” and passed the test.

However, Painhurs is a very reasonable monster. The war is over. In order to thank them for their contributions in the war, the warchief put all his trophies on the ship, and even took a lot from his private property. Tribal gold, as a gift of thanks, was presented to the battle group commander who had never been masked.

As a result, the highest military commander of Illyria found that his ship was full of Visigoths’ treasures, as well as golden, with the big head of Painhurs engraved on the front and tribal gold with eight-pointed black stars on the back. Return from the North…

In fact, this matter can be big or small. To put it down further, one of his commanders used national resources to make a fortune and made a small fortune.

But on a larger scale, as the captain of the battle group, you actually used the military power of the empire to assist Augustus’s enemies in battle? ! These people just ravaged Trabzonspor again! The severity of this incident is simply that Cao Cao was in Chibi and suddenly discovered that a Jingzhou naval vessel under his command was actually helping Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang to transport soldiers and food.

Unfortunately, the political conspiracies of the Eastern Roman Empire were quite frequent. The Western Roman army was filled with barbarians of various clans, while the Eastern Roman army was filled with various subspecies of elves.

The lifespan of these pointed ears is not known to be longer than that of human beings. An ordinary elven family is often the third generation of adults, but their grandparents are still strong and healthy. It is not a problem to bend the bow and shoot the eagle.

Therefore, this has also caused a more serious problem: competition for positions is quite serious. The position of a centurion is not in competition for one generation, but often for two or even three generations.

As the commander of a battle group that rules over a thousand people, I don’t know how many people are staring in secret, hoping that you make a mistake, so that they can pull you off the high platform and replace it by themselves.

Therefore, the head of the unlucky battle group was directly removed from his post and sent to jail for trial.

It is said that he was immediately angry when he heard the order. I fought for the empire for a hundred years, and I slaughtered Qianman for your majesty, and finally helped the children of former comrades-in-arms. How did you treat me like this? !

The commander of the battle group did not hesitate to drew out his sword, and cut down two envoys with lightning speed. The blood-stained sword blade was like a windmill, roaring inside the camp, and the ten elves who came to arrest him were beaten. He was caught off guard, and the Shield Guard Company, which was most trusted by the battle group commander and equipped with the best equipment, immediately returned to aid after hearing the movement and wiped out the incoming enemy.

The commander of the battle group kept doing nothing, and it was impossible to end the matter to such an extent. He simply took this company, and more than a hundred people rebelled out of the empire. They were originally a field battle group stationed on the south bank of the Danube. A ship crossed the river directly, and this renegade leader, before the reorganization of the army, was the commander of the Second Hercules Legion: Julian. A legendary nine swords.

After a series of **** and brutal battles, Julian led his shield and guards to fight through the siege, leading the remaining forty-eight soldiers and stepping onto the land of Dacia.

Now, the Illyrian Field Army did not dare to pursue it-it was the territory of the tribe! Is an army making a declaration of war when it steps on the territory of another country? As a result, I can only watch this small group of apostasy soldiers disappear into the wilderness of Dacia…


As a result, this matter has developed to the present, and it has become a little out of control.

The ogre spies came to report: When they were patrolling southern Dacia, they found a small group of Roman Empire soldiers in red robes. They were covered in blood and wounded. They are now resting in the city of Gepid: Ogre Patrol The only reason why the team didn’t cook them and eat them was that they were too strong. The Führer Margok was in the Senate in the Terror Fort. The remaining ogres were able to beat the blood-stained Julian. The ten-man patrol team was leveled almost instantly.

However, the opponent’s attack was very serious, and even an ogre did not kill, but repeatedly said that he had important secrets to see the Warchief and Aetius, a member of the Senate, if you delay it, you will be at your own risk.

The other news is that the Eastern Roman Empire has arrived by an envoy composed of ten master teachers of the Mage Academy, thirty high elves dressed in silk and satin. I mean the Romans, composed of very arrogant high elves. It even includes members of the nine senators in three areas: diplomacy, justice, and military affairs.

In order to achieve deterrence, this group of people teleported directly from Constantinople to the wall of Terror Fort. It seems that Trajan left the mark of the portal here, and will have to find a way to find it and destroy it. .

These envoys claimed that a small group of shameful soldiers who had betrayed the Empire and Augustus had entered the land of Dacia, and hoped that the warchief would send them back to the country so that they could be judged by the gods and the law. The guilt committed by these people is very bad. If this matter cannot be negotiated, the empire does not mind using absolute force to resolve it.


“It’s like the Eastern Roman Empire is really capable of organizing a Northern Expedition. The war against Sassanid Persia was traumatized. More than half of the dozen legions were casualties. Several legions were defeated. How can it be possible to completely recover every few generations, half of the military forces still have to defend the Far Eastern territories, they scare people.”

After arranging the elf envoys politely and going to the best hotel to rest, Painhurs began to think about solutions.

“However, the tribe has indeed suffered a bit of wounds and bones, and it has eaten more than 8 million people in one bite. Now the bloated digestion is a problem. A peaceful solution must be found…”

PS: Please recommend, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass Your support is the greatest encouragement to the author Because some readers did not know the location of each area yesterday, I specially marked it——

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