Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 524

Chapter 519 : Renegade Legion

“Tell the envoys that I am on the Adriatic coast and enjoy the beautiful scenery that is completely different from the endless grass sea. It will take some time to return to the Terror Fort. Please entertain the envoys. If they can meet their enjoyment requirements, they will be satisfied. Yes, go and tell Maou De Pius, something happened at home and I can only miss his dinner. I’m very sorry.”

Staying in Pannonia, Painhes, who was about to attend the noble dinner party, opened his eyes and said nonsense. He rubbed the three rings on his right hand and said with great regret.

The three rings worn on his right index finger, middle finger, and ring finger have a great background. They are all made of pure gold and are of extremely fine workmanship. The ring is composed of four extremely slender gold rings. The center of the ring face of the gold coin is carved. A vivid imperial eagle, the upper ring is engraved with S·P·Q·R, and the lower ring is engraved with the Latin writings of Dacia, Pannonia, and Norikum.

Among them, the Governor’s Signet of Pannonia and Norikum was picked up by the warchief from Alaric, and the Dacia one was really sent by the Senate along with the Governor’s commission—they Not long ago, the Dacia province was abandoned, and all administrative and military institutions there were withdrawn to the Italian mainland.

Accompanied by the dazzling chaotic light and the collapsed and distorted space fragments, Painhurs instantly disappeared into the resplendent ballroom. The scenery reflected in the pair of golden vertical pupils has changed from a flashy city that was drunk with gold to a vast sea of ​​green green grass. The skyline in the distance is like the edge of a mirror, separating the flock of sheep and the clouds of the blue sky.

“It’s still comfortable here.”

Painhus, who spent half a year in the Roman city, greedily breathed the fresh air of the prairie. After confirming the coordinates, he teleported again. This time, he accurately appeared in the biggest stronghold of the ogre: Gapi Decheng.


The ogres around, after the initial panic, lowered their heads in awe to show respect to Painhurs. The fat and strong monsters, all overgrown with muscle and fat, immediately turned pale. The horse was brought to the resting place of Julian and his group.

“Salute you, Warchief.”

Julian recognized the white horse in front of him at a glance. The pale hair and the dark robes matched each other. The muscles of the war horse’s body contained explosive power. They were not like other monsters, exuding endless roughness and fierceness. On the contrary, they are connected into elegant and perfect curves, and the golden crown shimmering with chaotic colors on the top of the head is exuding bursts of palpitating mana fluctuations.

Pain Hess looked at the past leader of the Second Legion. He was an extremely rare Roman. Among the tall elves and half-elves, he was a little low and strong. Under the pitch-black short hair, above the firm face, a pair of jet-black eyes, like the midnight starry sky, are very secluded and charming. Even in the city of Gepid, these renegade warriors did not lose their **** scabs.

“On behalf of the entire tribe, I solemnly thank you for your generosity. It was the inland watercraft you gave us that we lay the land today. I also deeply sympathize and regret your recent experience.”

Painhurs gave them enough courtesy.

“So, commander of the battle group, what are your plans now? Do you want to hide in Tibet and live through the short life of mankind, or do you want to get revenge?”

“How can the lord of the second legion of my dignity, like a rat in the gutter, hide from Tibet and spend the rest of his life tremblingly? However, I also know that the people in the Senate are using the treaty they signed with you as an example. Threat, forcing you to tie my five flowers back.”

Julian gently rubbed the sharp sword in his hand, with wisps of eerie death and killing intent, centered on his sharp blade, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, spraying out all around, Peinhes standing in front of him A trance, even thinking that he was on the battlefield of a sea of ​​blood, not a safe city of Gepid.

“I will not embarrass you. For the sake of helping the tribe, you can allow us to enter the territory of the Western Roman Empire. You can tell them that your soldiers failed to capture me.”

The master of the Second Legion turned around, and the surging killing intent that was enough to cause ordinary people to faint directly was raised to the limit by him.

“However, if you insist on sending me back, you and me, there must be one person who will fall here forever.”

“The tribe is never an ungrateful person. I came here just to give you another choice.”

The warchief stood in the center of the whirlpool of murderous intent without changing his face.

“Even if you go to the Western Roman Empire, you are not just a battle leader, and the probability of a civil war between the two Roman empires is infinitely close to zero, and you will not be able to wash away the shame of being abandoned by the empire for a lifetime.

But in the tribe, I can give you a higher status! More rights! More money! Even give you an old army!

One day, you can take revenge on those former colleagues of the Illyrian Field Army! At an extremely painful price, let them understand how wrong it is to expel you today. They will even crawl on the ground and pray for your forgiveness. ”

Pain Hess’s indoctrination was like the whispers of the devil, and easily destroyed the psychological defenses of the Romans, regained control of a ten thousand army, and could retaliate against the elves who caused him to fall to the present situation, and directly hit Yulian’s. Itchy place.

After the two negotiated, the warchief took their blood-stained armor, helmet, and weapons, and borrowed some skeleton racks from the undead king, threw them to the shepherd to chew, put salt in the pot, and added ogre spice to cook. After cooking, he embarked on the road to Terror Fort.

The tribe expressed painfully, the deserters you asked for, traitors, they raided the ogre village when they were hungry and cold.

But unfortunately, the three elders in charge of tax collection in the tribe are collecting taxes there. Although the headed gangsters are tough, they are too badly injured and exhausted. They resisted to the end, but the whole army was wiped out, and their bodies were boiled by ogres. When I came to eat, there were only weapons and armor left, and there were so many skeletons left.

But it doesn’t matter, Pain Hess is willing to make an official statement on behalf of the entire tribe: these traitors resisted stubbornly, and in the end, they were wiped out by the members of the Eastern Roman Senate from afar. All the credit for hunting down the traitors rests with these people.

The menacing elves frowned. The tribe made it clear that they were fooling people, so they gave themselves their armor and weapons, and some fragrant bones with tooth marks, even if Yulian was dead?

However, this is not impossible to go back to business, and personally punish the traitors, and personally certified by the tribal warchief, if this happens, it is an operation that can greatly increase your political prestige.

Seeing the elders caught in entanglement, a few charming Teflin maids twisted their slender waists and stuffed the dimension belt full of gold coins into the clothes of these elves.

So, the two hit it off, and the matter was settled. Looking at the elves going away, Painhurs also showed an imperceptible smile-in the future, even the spies of the Eastern Roman Empire found that Julian was not dead. It’s useless, he dared to go back and say, the powerful vested interests of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Justice, and Military Department of the Senate will be the first to chop him out for fear of damage to their prestige, so they don’t need to worry about it anymore. .


A few days later, the latest law drawn up by the warchief soon spread between Pannonia, Norikum, and southern Dalmatia.

Article 1: Winter training method.

In the newly-occupied Roman provinces of the tribe, every ten households must have a young man. When the autumn harvest is over and the winter is idle, he is obliged to go to the nearest city and the military camp there for a period of time. Military training in winter, before spring plowing, will be put back home.

This winter, they will receive standard Roman military training: understand how to execute the centurion’s orders, keep in mind the military music, the offensive and retreat represented by the flag, and learn to raise the tower shield to protect themselves, and pick up the spear. Stabbing others to death, as well as discipline, discipline, or discipline, what a **** thing!

The warchief doesn’t expect them to learn anything else. The cannon fodder must have the sub-child that the cannon fodder should have. Learn to use your own flesh and blood to form a neat spear wall. You can block the enemy for as long as you can. .

Moreover, during the winter military training, they can go home and rest for two days every seven days. In the army, three meals are provided by the tribe for free. The meals are meat and they also pay military pay!

Although the money is very meager compared to the regular army, the mosquitoes are small and meaty. On weekdays, these farmers can only lie at home in a daze in the winter, and at most go to the city to do part-time work. Good choice.

Painhurs estimated that as long as they train for two or three winters, these farmers can barely become qualified fighters. If a war breaks out, they will not be recruited by a gang of cannon fodder, but a group who knows how to order and prohibit. Ordinary soldiers.

If you can really have more than 30 years of cultivation time, every winter training, ten households of young men take turns to join, then the war potential of the tribe will become quite terrible.

The only drawback is that this method consumes too much money, 8.5 million people, one household with five people is 1.7 million households, and one person from ten households is an exaggerated 170,000 people—this is why The reason why ten households had one person was that Duozhen didn’t have the money to train them for a winter. For the two Roman empires, the export of prairie horses, and the purple dye Scugg’s money could be used here.

The second law is aimed at members of the apostate Roman warrior like Julian.

According to Painhurs’ order, Julian resumed the position of legion commander and joined the Senate. The other forty-eight people were promoted to centurion and commander according to their strength. However, they must teach the Romans how to train infantry to the tribe, and do their best to select the best young men in Pannonia, Norikum, and southern Dalmatia to reorganize their imperial army. , And serve for the tribe. The military order placed to Octulon was also for the Roman legion that was being formed.

After the Roman Empire learned the correct usage of cavalry from Sassanid Persia and steppe nomads, the tribe also began to train a Romanized heavy armour.

In order to ensure the loyalty of these renegade warriors, the warchief even conspired with the nobleman Pannonia surrendered to him, marrying the eldest daughter of Eudipius who was waiting to be released to Julian. Put the family members of the head of the army under his control.

Ah, Oudepius’ loyalty is absolutely okay. He is a Roman who indulges in pleasure. During the crazy expansion of the Roman Empire, his grandfather earned a whole family with his great military exploits, and he has not spent the terrorist capital until now. , Causing future generations to be greedy for pleasure and not enterprising at all.

And this Roman, who has been corrupted for several generations, has become quite curious about his sexuality in the eyes of the Romans. His current wife, um, is a little mare from the Bloodfury clan who has not grown up for long. Painhurs also picked a few cat people who became slaves because of the triggering of the law, and Teflin sent him over.


Painhurs carried out drastic reforms in the tribe. Each law stunned Aetius. This barbarian leader possessed genius and fantastic ideas, as well as a frightening prestige. The new law was implemented in the tribe with almost no resistance, and the execution power of the subordinates was terribly high.

This is almost unimaginable in the Roman Empire.

Moreover, he is very humble and has an extremely keen sense of smell. The whole person is like a sponge, eagerly absorbing the excellent systems of Romans, greenskins, goblins, and even various races, and accurately finds the dregs in these systems, and removes them. Abandoned like a shoe.

The danger of this white horse, and even the tribe he ruled, will sooner or later surpass the mortal enemies of the Romans in all ages.

Aetius, who had imparted a lot of Roman knowledge to Peinhes, also learned a lot of tribal ways under the guidance of the warchief. The psionicist kept these in mind and wrote back to the Western Empire, especially the levy training mode that winter.

Unfortunately, this extremely efficient method has been proven over thousands of years of history. The governor in the hinterland of the empire feels unnecessary. The governor who guards the frontier is too expensive. The barbarian migrating tribes that can be seen everywhere, as long as they are collected, it is a good group. The frontline cannon fodder, there is no need for such trouble.

In the end, this method was only used on a large scale in Gordontius’ own jurisdiction. Gilliman also called his own expert after seeing it. Spain and the governor of the six provinces of the western islands, the lord of the five hundred towns also began to imitate the tribe and began. A new round of farming.

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