Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 574

Chapter 568 : Founder Giant

The four frost giants enslaved dozens of zombies, carrying a large number of gold and silver treasures, walking deep and shallow on the snowy field. The white snow flooded the giant’s ankles, and the zombies were even more miserable. Even their knees were trapped in the soft snow, and they wriggled forward with difficulty.

It took a few hours for a group of people to walk out of this vast snowfield. Rows of wooden fences finally appeared in front of everyone’s vision. Along with the roar of thunder and the shadow of the sky, a huge white dragon descended from the sky. Snow flew around on the trembling ground, the head of the fierce dragon with reins and chewing roared ferociously at the group of people. On the dragon’s back, there was a mammoth fur, holding a large bundle of throwing spears. On the leather helmet, a frost giant with two mammoth fangs inlaid.

“Which settlement are you from? Are you here to trade goods? To exchange information? Or simply to join in… Wait, Theodoric? Are you back?!”

The white dragon rider pushed his helmet in disbelief, jumped off the dragon’s back, shaking with excitement.

“Yes, old friend, I’m back from the South.”

Theodoric opened his arms enthusiastically, and the two frost giants hugged tightly together, their arms exposed, as if they wanted to break each other’s ribs, and then, their foreheads hit each other hard, using a casserole His fist slammed into the opponent’s chest.

“Why, how does it feel to go south with that boy Alaric for so many years?”

After a warm greeting, the dragon rider curiously asked these tribesmen who were going south, how are they doing?

“Of course it’s good! Wow, the South is really beautiful.”

Theodoric laughed, and followed his companions into the village. The frost giants opened the huge wooden door to welcome the return of the tribe.

The village of the Frost Giant was backed by the mountains, which was very simple. They dug a deep hole in the ground that was enough to hold a dozen giants. At the edge of the hole, a huge log stump was inserted. The mud was used to make the ice paste. A semi-underground giant wooden house. Most giants live in this house. The warm cave is crowded with goats raised by giants.

“I tell you that the south is especially warm. The livestock can’t die. They don’t need to be put in caves. The grassland is full of grazing. The nomads–ah, there are many races in the south that specialize in grazing cattle and sheep. There are hundreds of cattle and sheep in the family. When an entire nomadic clan grazes, the entire grassland is like a whole aquamarine sky, covered with white clouds made up of sheep!”

Theodoric explained vividly what he had seen and heard in the south.

“That’s nothing. There is a powerful human empire in the south called Rome. Their city is built of stones and bricks and is extremely strong. A small city can accommodate ten thousand people. Food? There is no need to worry about food. Outside the city, these humans have opened up neat farmland, and every time there is a good harvest, the grain and grass can overflow from the barn.”

“They even developed an army specializing in warfare, merchants specializing in trade, and the mountains and plains are full of mineral veins, silver, gold, and countless gems, which are continuously excavated and transported by tens of thousands of miners. Go to the gathering place they call the city and be made into the most luxurious look by the craftsmen!”

Theodoric spoke with emotion, what he saw and heard in the south, and he turned the ring of his right index finger: it was the crown of a German king, with a pure gold headband, carved with strange things they believed in. The deity, in the center of the head ring, there is an extremely bright green agate.

The Frost Giants approached enviously, and looked at this ingenious craftsmanship with amazement. His eyes were full of envy and shock.

“And humans with a lot of jewels are so weak compared to us. Except for some extremely powerful individuals, their average combat effectiveness is not as good as the cubs of the winter wolf! Why, we still stay in this bitter cold The land? The south is a hundred times richer and warmer than here! There is also inexhaustible food, gold, in the hands of weak humans like lambs, waiting for us to plunder!”

Theodoric opened a suitcase, and the golden light burst out of it, almost blinding the eyes of the frost giants.

“Well, a lot of gold! A lot of gems!”

“It’s so beautiful, like a baby forged by God!”

“Oh my God! How was this pattern carved out! So delicate and so beautiful!”

The frost giants greedily huddled together, admiring these trophies from the south, while Theodoric grabbed a tribe with the head of Painhes carved on the front and the black star on the back. Jin, let the gold coins fall like streams of water, falling from his fingers, making an intoxicating sound in the bag full of gold and silver jewelry.

“Come on, one person.”

The Visigoth king grabbed the gold coins and stuffed them into the hands of the frost giants who were intently looking at them. Seeing them cheering and cheering, he was secretly happy. At this time, he didn’t know who had the gold coins accidentally. On the ground, a group of simple frost giants bent over to pick them up one after another, and even scuffled together, and the scolding quarrel went straight into the sky.


“I dropped it!”

“Don’t grab it with me!”

“Ha! Look at what you do! Fight for a poor gold coin?”

Theodoric laughed. Laughing at the way his companions had never seen the world.

“In the south, countless treasures are waiting for you! There is so warm and rich, there are no snowflakes that can drown your ankles, but there are endless forests! Endless fertile soil! Endless prey! There are gods in mythology. Residence! Who is willing to follow me to Xintiandi in the south and build our new home?!”

Unheard of huge treasures, successfully attracted the interest of the Frost Giants. After I heard that these treasures are not as good as the nine cows in the south, and the south is so warm and prosperous, the giants who live in the bitter cold land all year round cannot hold back their Wildness and desire, they moved out the food they had stored for many years and gathered to respond! Prepare to migrate all the way south, to the legendary holy land.

In this way, when the tribe built a road to Gaul in the province of Letia, the Visigoth Supreme King also mediated in the various frost giant villages in his hometown, attracting them to join his great cause, and more and more More and more Frost Giants gathered to respond. In the end, Theodoric came to the holy place of Frost Giants and personally paid homage to the ancestor of all the legendary giants—Ymir.

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