Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 575

Chapter 569 : Fissure

Julian calendar 421 years, Augustus month, the thirty-first day. (August 31, 421 AD)

When Theodoric went north and sought help from the Frost Giant, the tribe also spent the 420 AD winter.

After the spring blossoms in March, the slaves who had been dormant for a whole winter continued to build the road under the urging of the whip. In six months, the end of the road was built to the east bank of the Rhine. It is across the river from the wealthy and broad Gaul provinces.

This 660-kilometer marching avenue, which traverses the Germanic forest and links the provinces of Gaul and Norikum, was finally completed, dividing the lush forest into two parts, the north and the south.

On both sides of the road, the forest trees within a kilometer range were chopped down and burned by the slaves, leaving only the bare scorched plains, completely cutting off the enemy’s idea of ​​sneak attack and ambush. Along the road, there are a total of 66 simple wooden fortresses, 594 towering patrol towers, and countless cavalry patrolling back and forth along the road to ensure the safety of this lifeline.

Moreover, the work of the tribal slaves has not stopped-they have begun to gradually replace the simple wooden fortresses with solid stone fortresses.

At this time, even fools can see that the tribe has no plan to regain the province of Letia. They just want to open up a thoroughfare to Gaul: the terrifying empire that spans across the sea is ready to attack Gaul.

Dacia Province-Castle of Terror

Painhurs worked diligently in the Senate, checking this year’s taxes. This is the twenty-first year since he came to this world. However, the white disaster that swept from the northeast did not The slightest signs of weakening have become more terrifying year after year.

last year. The white disaster broke out in an instant in late September. The ruthless ice and snow, like a huge gluttonous mouth, swallowed everything in the grassland, tens of thousands of lives, and there was no time to evacuate from the cold pasture, their relatives and friends. Friends, can only spend a harsh winter in tears and sorrow, and when the spring blossoms in the coming year, look for and bury their frozen dead bodies.

There are more and more members of the tribe, but the land that can survive is squeezed less and less by the natural disasters of the Little Ice Age. The most northern pastures are covered with snow and ice for half of the year, so they can’t graze at all and can only give up.

The White Disasters came from east and north, two directions, while the south is the lofty mountains of Greece, and the west is the heart of the empire. The Germanic forest has nothing but trees in this era. The plan to capture Gaul is imminent and we cannot wait any longer.

Just as Painhurs read the tax form and compared the Gaul information sent back by the spy, a psionic communication linked his mind.

“What’s the matter, Aetius.”

While watching Gaul’s intelligence, the warchief talked with old friends in his mind. Speaking of it, the tribe’s psionic communication system was also organized by Aetius, and he was the originator of the tribe’s psionic communication technique.

“My scouts have told me what you did. Are you really going to cross the Rhine and attack the Gaul region?”

The imperial war commander asked sadly.

“Yes, today, cities and fortresses on the Rhine River have all fallen into the hands of the Germanic barbarians. As the governor of the four provinces of the Western Roman Empire, I have an obligation to help the empire and regain those occupied lands.”

The Pale Warlock read carefully the comparison of the barbarians on both sides of the Rhine, the Lombards, the Berkentes, the Franks, the Visigoths, etc., the Visigoths? They actually took root in this place again? Last time I let you escape from Pannonia, but this time, you must wipe out all of them, leaving none.

“Can you not perfuse me in this bureaucratic tone? You are my teacher and my best friend. It’s fine for you to fool other people. Now, even I am going to fool you?”

Aetius smiled bitterly.

The chief was silent, and continued to traverse Gaul’s information, inquiring about the width and length of different sections of the Rhine.

“I want to ask, can the three immense grasslands of Salmatia, Transcarpathians, and Hiparisi still not satisfy you? Can the Caucasus and Gredinian still not be able to fill what you conquered? Desire? Dacia, Pannonia, Dalmatia, Noricum, Letia, five empire provinces! Ancient Augustus has given you five empire provinces! So much land and population Isn’t that enough? You opened up a route to Gaul. All soldiers, horses, food, and grass are coming here. What do you want? What can satisfy your endless greed?”

Zhan Shuai questioned his former friends, and finally even abandoned the honorifics.

“Then I want to ask you too.”

Painhes grabbed a list of the Roman Empire’s military deployment in Gaul and carefully examined the numbers on it.

“Your father, the wealth that the war commander Gordon Tius left you, is a huge sum of money, a huge sum of money enough to make you drunk in Rome and spend the rest of your life happily. But you didn’t do that. You spilled all this money on the soldiers and became one of the warlords of Gaul.”

“Immediately afterwards, you borrowed my vampire assassin from the tribe, conquered, regained, annexed, and became the real master of Southern Gaul. Well now, you are one of the largest warlords in the empire, Southern High Lu’s uncrowned king can be a native emperor here, arrogant and prosperous to death.”

“But you still haven’t! You then rectified the army, sent troops to conquer Frank, defeated Burkendy, Lombardy, regained most of the northern Gaul, became one of the three giants of the Western Empire, and became the king of Frank, the battle of the Western Roman Empire. Handsome, the co-ruling emperor, under one person, above 10,000! So, did you stop again? Not enough war zone commanders, not enough empire commanders, not enough co-ruling emperors! What do you want? , Can satisfy your endless greed?”

The warchief in turn questioned his friend, and the psionic communication fell into a terrible silence. At the other end of the communication, Aetius asked with a wry smile after a few seconds of silence.

“Have you really decided to send troops to Gaul?”

“Yes, you have been in the tribe for many years. What you have seen is that the white disasters are engulfing the lands of the east and the north, across the four seas? Ha! The land that I can effectively control is under natural disasters. It is diminishing day by day. Here, it is no longer possible to feed my army-and my child was also born in the purple room.”

Painhurs said categorically.

“Choose, Aetius, we have been fighting side by side for so many years, we have defeated so many powerful enemies together, and learned all the knowledge of each other-the door of the tribe will always be open to you, if you choose to fight side by side with me , I can satisfy all your wishes and retain all your current status. You will always be the commander of the empire and Caesar.

However, if you must stop me-the tribe, it will crush you. ”

The warchief put down the documents in his hand, folded his palms, closed his eyes silently, and waited nervously for Aetius’ reply. I prayed that I could hear the answer I wanted to hear, but there was no sound at the other end of the communication.

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