Aurora Scroll

Chapter 330 - Future Paths

The festivities were in full swing and Viers wasn't able to resist the artistic urge within him. He made a camera sign gesture with his hands.

“Hm?” Paina caught a glimpse of it in her peripheral vision. “Whoa!” She ducked under the table. “What are you doing!?”

“Taking a picture. Get back into the frame, Paina,” Viers said normally.

“You’ve killed people with that!”

“This is the harmless version. I’ve done it before, remember?”

“What is it, brother Avel?” Luca asked curiously.

“Nothing, get back to eating. You’re photogenic that way.”


Viers snapshotted the scene and pressed his hand on an empty canvas. He had a few stowed inside his inventory item for such occasions. The perfect replication appeared on the canvas as if modernly camera-printed. It was a trivial thing to achieve with Viers’ soul mastery.

“Amazing!” Luca, Gwen, and the little ones were wowed.

“I’ll give those who want it the smaller version later,” Viers grinned.


Dia’s Biome was a scene of serenity and verdant paradise. Instead of the sun, giant sunflowers illuminated the realm. Under the trees’ shadow and above the grass carpet, the kids were playing.

“Gwen, take care not to fall!” Farley shouted.


Farley had a feeling of satisfaction in her chest. Unlike before, her sister was flesh and blood. She now had a proper future as a living person. Luca and Gwen were of the same age, about ten years old; Dia in her default form was also the same. Now they were joined by Faiya and Futon, new playmates. Baby Tyra Zerg queen was asleep after eating a lot.

While the children were playing, the grown-ups would be having a conversation of great import.

“I hope the food is to your liking. Have some tea,” Viers said while sitting. They were on the porch of the tree house, with the vista of the plant Biome unfurled in its full glory.

The temperature was not too cold nor too hot, a bellyful of food, and spirited laughter of children from afar. The troubles of the world felt so far away.

“Thank you,” Farley said to the small creature carrying tea cups while taking one.

“So cute,” Paina was already smitten. “I saw a couple of them during the feast too. What are they?”

“Helpers. I need more hands in this place so Dia and I created them. I call them Pukupuku.”

Pukupukus were mushrooms with chubby bodies and stubby limbs. A bit bigger than dogs. They had no mouth but possessed eyes. Their caps had various colors and patterns to differentiate them.

“Heeeh~” Paina gently patted the Pukupuku. “Who’s a good boy?”

The small lifeform raised its hand.

“Aa!” Paina gasped. “So adorable… They are not people you transformed, are they?”

“Dia created the body, naturally grown in the Biome. Using the research I have to create your bodies, I branched out. At first, they were no different from plants but I gave them souls. Animal souls with erased egos but animals can be trained, right? Pukupukus have basic intelligence for doing simple tasks such as cleaning or watering plants.”

“...Change the mushrooms with skeletons and you can create armies like the necromancers do,” Paina said.

“I suppose the reason Lord Viers didn't is because he didn't want rotting zombies to roam around in this nice place,” Farley elegantly sipped her tea. “What a good tea, I can feel my Level is stirred. Paina, try it before it gets cold.”

“This place has changed a lot,” Paina said in melancholy after enjoying the tea. “There are animals, a few buildings, improved Power Spots, ahh… even wind exists.”

“Wind-generating trees, courtesy of Dia.” Viers pointed to the distance, there was a tree resembling a windmill there. “All right, that’s enough small talk. Let us touch on the heavier topic, shall we? Farley, Paina, congratulations on your recovery and revival.”

Paina and Farley took a seat, on his left and right.

“Thank you, Lord Viers. We will never forget your generosity,” Farley humbly bowed.

“I too, offer my gratitude,” Paina mirrored the gesture. “Speaking of recovery, Clarissa?”

“This was my promise to begin with but I’ll accept the gratitude in the spirit it was given. As for Clarissa,” Viers shook his head. “No changes I’m afraid. She’s still in a coma.”

“No,” Paina looked down.


“We’ll return to Clarissa’s matter later. I promise. For now, I want to know your plans from here on,” Viers asked. “As you are whole again, comes the freedom and burden of choosing your path forward in life.”

“Well… Do we really have a choice? If I say I want to leave, would you let me go? Someone that knows your matters so closely?” Paina asked.

“I would. If a complete separation is what you wish, there’s a bit of memory erasure about sensitive information involved plus a couple of Geas, but you’ll be free to go on as you like… Oh, and don't take it the wrong way but I don't mean to kick you out right at this moment because you’re no longer tenants inside my head.”

Viers pointed his finger at both of them.

“You have reset back to Level 0 but your body is way better than your previous one. With the maturity of your mind and the strength of your soul, you’ll be able to reach Level 3 in just a couple of months according to my calculations. You can stay in the safety of the Biome until you feel comfortable with your power Level. I simply mean to ask what is your plan for the long term. What future do you envision for yourselves? I’ve asked you both this in the aftermath of Valkut. I expect you two have given a serious amount of thought to your future.”

It pleased Viers that their expression showed they had an answer prepared.

“I wish for Gwen to have a normal life,” Farley shot first. “I wish her to have a home, friends, and not be plagued by the demons of her past. I don't want her to be involved in the matter of cults and demons anymore.”

“Hm, hm,” Viers nodded. Farley’s answer was among his expectations. “And where do you plan that place be? Here?”

“Not to mean any offense to you, Lord Viers, but I believe this is not a suitable place for a peaceful living. It may look fine now, or even forever more, but considering the foes that you’ll face in the future, my lord… This boat is heading towards a raging river, I assume.”

“None taken,” Viers grinned. He planned to protect this little slice of paradise on earth but not even a Biome was a place of absolute safety.

“I believe a remote place like Luca’s village or a big city under a peaceful ruler is an option. Must be outside of the Free People Coalition's border, reducing the risk of our past becoming a problem. While searching for a suitable place, I mean to continue serving you. Once Gwen’s livelihood is secure, my life is yours, as per our contract.”

“Putting aside the agreement between us that I already deemed fulfilled, I take it that you plan to continue our partnership?”

“Whether Gwen is in a remote village or a lawful city, strength is necessary. I learned from you that nowhere is truly safe. When some calamity comes, I have to be able to repel it, so I’ll continue climbing the Path of Power.”

Pacifists or followers of similar schools of thought might argue that by searching power you invited tragedy in turn. However, Viers opposed this idea vehemently.

“Under you, Lord Viers, I believe I can grow better rather than joining some House or School. This body of mine is the greatest proof of all. If Gwen wished to become a Pathseeker or not is her choice but it's still five years away. As the older sibling, it’s my responsibility to be able to protect her.”

Farley’s choice was almost similar to Jessica’s but Viers approved of her choice more.

“In the short term, nothing will change. Please let me continue to serve you to the best of my capabilities. Although, I believe personal improvement will be the priority. As I am now, I can't even support you on the front line.

“So I see… Very well. How about you, Paina?”

Paina, who Viers addressed, was looking at the faraway scenery with a contemplative look.

“This is a nice place.”

A long pause.

“But it’s built on suffering and death, isn't it?” Paina turned to Viers.


“No, Farley. Let me finish.”

Farley’s face was that of worry but she held her tongue. Viers too was silent, waiting for her next line.

“I’m not judging you. I don't have the qualifications for it… I wish to create a place like this in the outside world, or at least help create it.”

“What do you mean to say?” Viers asked.

“We three are people without a home. You left yours to brave the challenges ahead. Farley lost hers except for her sister, and mine is ashes. We all want a home, a place to belong, but I don't think mine is here.”

“I can tell you about how society works, you know. About how the masses work for the benefit of the privileged few. If you think even the most righteous-laden place like the so-called Holy City of Sephoria is not built with the blood and lives of others-”

“Wait, wait! The topic jumps too fast for me. I said I’m not blaming you, did I?” Paina sighed. “I’m not that much of a fool, Viers. I know this world is not run in smiles and rainbows. It’s just that I want to help people, Viers. It’s… my calling, I suppose.”

Viers felt Paina’s sincerity.

“So basically you hate my guts so much that you can't bear to stay in the same country as me, is that right?” Viers said jokingly.

“Kkhh!” Paina grimaced. “Why do you have to say it that way? And it’s not like that at all!”

“So you want to leave,” Farley said in a dejected tone. She wished her friend wouldn't. “Where do you plan to go?”

“That I do not know yet… I was thinking about having a journey like Viers. To see the world with my own eyes and walk ten thousand steps with my own feet. Perhaps somewhere along the way, I’ll find a place that I can call home.”

“Will you enter a House or a School then?” Farley asked.

“If she really wants to do good, then she’d most probably end up joining the Church,” Viers answered.

“I would be lying if that didn't cross my mind,” Paina was being honest. “Rose did invite me.”

“So we’ll be enemies then,” Viers still wore a smile. It wasn't sinister or the like. It was just a simple smile that people had when they were in the middle of a pleasant conversation.

“Don't be ridiculous. I’m not fighting you. Ever. I do not want to suffer the fate of your enemies.”

Viers applauded her wisdom.

“It’s not decided yet anyway. It’s still far, far in the future,” Paina leaned back on her chair.

“With the fact that you have ties with one of their enemies,” Farley said. “Even if you don't want to, the Church might force you to take action against us.”

“Well they don't have to know, right? I can join as someone else, just like Viers and his other identities. I am willing to swear an Oath of never fighting you or acting malicious towards you right now so don't get ideas about killing me right now to remove future enemies, alright?”

Viers was pleasantly surprised Paina thought that of him. He wasn't going to but it felt good to be praised.

The silence that followed made Paina more worried by the second. Viers decided he had enough fun and assured her.

“I did say you both are free to go if that is what you want. I’m not about to go back on my promise. You can go, Paina, with my well wishes. Shall we discuss the terms of your resignation?”

“Wait a minute!” Paina stood up. “I never said I’m going to leave today or tomorrow. I want to stay here for the time being!”

“Hoh?” Viers raised both eyebrows. “Weren’t you sick of seeing my face and couldn't wait to leave this place as soon as possible?”

“I never said that! I said I’m not able to agree with you, but that doesn’t mean I hate you. I just want to save people, help people, protect people. There’s no need for us to be at odds. The world is so large; it’s definitely possible.”

Paina didn't hate Viers and Viers didn't resent Paina for her choice. Even though they had their differences, they didn't simply become enemies. They both had that degree of emotional maturity.

In a way, it is refreshing. In some Fables, it was either enemy or ally. Paina’s in the gray, huh?

“I can't leave while Clarissa is still unconscious. I want to support you in your endeavor to heal her. Also, I can't go on a journey as a Level 0. Let me stay here and grow for the time being. Even I know this place offers much greater opportunities than joining some organization as a new recruit. The cultivation resources are so much richer here.”

“And why should I give support to someone who will stand to oppose me in the future?” Viers was curious.

“I’m not your enemy. I don't want to become your enemy. Anyway, supporting me will give you benefits as well.”

“How so?”

“Suppose I save people thanks to the power you've helped me to obtain, won't you get good karma as well? I think you will, thinking back when you explained karma to me. I’m going to give you lots and lots of good karma to offset your bad ones. Ah, but try to not make too much bad karma, okay? Or it will be useless no matter how much good karma I send your way.”

“Bwahahahahaha! Dwhahahahaha!”

Viers broke out a hearty laugh, loudly, joyously. It was like he’d heard something truly amusing. Farley was looking at Paina, speechless.

“W-w-why do you laugh? I’m being very serious here!”

Viers never thought Paina to be quite the negotiator. It was a stroke of genius on her part. She had given him a truly interesting proposal.

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