Aurora Scroll

Chapter 331 - Employee Benefits

Viers’ understanding of karma was very basic: do good and you will receive good in turn, do bad and something bad will happen to you eventually. On Earth, it wasn't an entirely oriental philosophy. The western world had a similar saying: you reap what you sow.

In the Chinese power-fantasy Fables that Viers loved so much, karma was a powerful force that some cultivators used with devastating effects.

It would be a lie to say Viers wasn't concerned about karma since he was climbing the Path of Power using evil deeds. However, the power-obsessed, dark Viers’ aim -instead of turning a new leaf and returning to the light- was to become so strong that the bad karma didn't matter.

This approach to bad karma was unique and he had no example to lean on since most of the Fables’ MCs were good heroes. Nevertheless, this was the path that he chose.

When Paina gave her proposal, Viers was intrigued. Could she even share her good karma in the first place? Was there some sort of world rule about it? Then again, if someone did good because of another’s contribution, wasn't it a valid good karma?

Viers felt Paina’s idea had merit. He did not fear bad karma but he wouldn't say no to good karma coming his way because it should bring nothing but benefit.

In the first place, what did Viers have to lose?

He had lots of surplus resources that he couldn't use directly just sitting in his warehouse. Meanwhile, Paina and Farley needed it. By sharing some of that wealth away, he would gain their services.

“I want 70% of your good karma!” Viers opened a price.

“So high! Are you trying to scam me? 20!” Paina countered.

The two haggled the deal about something they didn't truly understand. How would the karma be shared in the first place? It might be a pointless agreement but they still went through with it anyway. After a period of heated haggling like people had in a vegetable market, they went with 60-40. 60 for Paina, since she would be the one doing the work. The deal would last for a century or until either side’s demise.

“So, we’ve reached an accord?” Viers extended his hand.

“Yes, we have,” Paina received it, giving it a firm shake.

Viers would put it on paper later; the official contract would be sealed with the blood and soul of both parties. After that, it was out of their hands. Let the powers that be deal with the next part.

Viers had killed heroes that would only want to do good before, so why did he let Paina off the hook? Because they were potential enemies!

Paina wasn't.

Viers knew the girl inside and out. Her naked soul told Viers she didn't want to be his enemy. Besides, he had no intention of stopping his climb to ultimate power.

If in the future, there exists a possibility that he would lose to Paina, then it would be because he was slacking in his power-raising. Should that truly happen, then his death would be well-deserved.

Such was Viers’ mentality.

“I’m glad,” Farley placed a hand on her heart and sighed in relief. “Then we’re together again.”

“Not until Clarissa’s back with us,” Viers said. “Paina’s guessed it, my next focus is to rouse her from her sleep.”

“And we’ll be doing that together,” Paina chimed in. “Well, there’s also the matter of the curse.”

“Dummy’s curse delivered by Georgi…” Viers hummed. “Are you still worried about that?”

“Lord Viers, that naming is a bit-”

Farley was very worried about Viers’ way of addressing Dumuzin but Viers ignored her.

“It sticks in my mind, despite my best effort to ignore it,” Paina replied. “And ours seemed to be on track in coming true splendidly…”

“Farley’s exact words are: No matter how far you go, the shadow of the wolf will never cease to loom over you. In the end, the past will take its due. To your horror, your loved kin will tread a similar path. Her journey will end in fire and darkness.”

Hearing the words again from Viers’ mouth made Farley uncomfortable. In her mother’s prophecy, her mother depicted Viers as a wolf. She feared the most about Gwen.

“Everyone will have tribulations in their life. This is Gwen’s. We might not be able to stop it but we can help her go through it. Your support will be vital.”

“I understand, Lord Viers,” Farley said determinedly.

“Mmm,” Viers gave a nod. “Paina’s are: You’ll have wings. With them, you’ll escape the bog of the ordinary and soar far and wide into the blue sky. Until the wind of freedom carries you too close to the sun. Your wings will turn to ash and you’ll fall to the earth. What remains of you will be fought over by dogs.”

Viers stared at Paina. More accurately, the thing that emerged from Paina’s back.

Translucent fairy wings.

Her body was that of a fae. The rest of her body was the same as her human one, save for the minor improvements in beauty. Her ears didn't become pointed and her hair color didn't change but blemishes and scars were gone, skin and hair became more glossy, those kinds of improvements.

Farley had roughly the same rebirth effect, but instead of fairy wings, she had a dash of hair feathers. The two had taken a few steps up in the beauty ladder but their beauty didn't look artificial like plastic surgery.

“By the way, can you fly with those?” Viers wondered.

“I can only flap them for now, but back on topic. I’m pretty sure the wind of freedom here signifies you. Wasn't exactly hard to associate.”

“Just so. Basically what Dummy’s saying is you’re gonna die, ain’t it? Well, so what? Everyone will die eventually. What’s important is the life you lived before your death.”

“I agree with Lord Viers.”

“No argument from me,” Paina added.

“So it comes down to the matter of what you need for a good life. This you must determine yourself but, whether to protect the ones you love or save the ones in need, you’ll need to have sufficient power. That’s where I can help.”

Viers pulled out two items from his Thousand Treasures Casket, a thick tome and an old scroll. He gave the tome to Paina and the scroll to Farley. The two items had the markings of unordinary objects.

“These are the Profound Codex that I think are most suitable for the two of you.”

“Give and You Shall Receive?” Paina read hers.

“Moonreacher Chronicle…” Farley muttered in a small voice.

Give and You Shall Receive was the Profound Codex of Fire Sage Barakal, once a saint of the Estellian Church. Viers obtained it in Valkut after tailing and destroying Max before taking it for himself along with the Twilight Fire. Even without the fire, the Profound Codex was 100% usable.

“The way to master that Codex is by doing good deeds to others. Since that is your chosen career, it’s perfect for you.”

But Viers’ words seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. Paina was too engrossed reading the contents. Viers chuckled and didn’t blame her. The Codex should be amongst the Church’s top tier. With such a powerful Level 5 Codex, Paina’s future was very bright.

“Paina’s Codex is a universal one, meaning everyone can use it. Yours, however, can only be used by very specific individuals. Your Devawi Swan bloodline is a match made in heaven.”

This Profound Codex Viers got from an ordinary man, one among thousands that got the unfortunate fate of encountering Viers in his life. The Codex was gathering dust in the man’s possession, thinking it was a broken Codex since it was unusable, a very common story. It was a very big disappointment since he got it from a promising ruin buried in the sands of Zetel. After the Codex changed hands, Viers managed to deduce its true worth. The value was not less than Paina's Codex.

Farley had never laid eyes on such valuable Profound Codices but Viers gave them so easily.

“T-this is… Such… T-too valuable…” Farley stuttered.

“If you both chose to go away, I won't give such high-leveled Codices. I’ll give you lesser ones. But you stayed. Consider these employee benefits. Viers Corporation treats their staff right.”

Viers gave them a moment until they got their bearings. Farley recovered first.

“Ehem,” Farley coughed politely. “I’ll strive to answer your expectations of me.”

“In the repository, I have other Codices. If you feel you are more suitable using another Codex, you can do so. Weapons and Artes are similarly available for pickings. You’re currently at character reset. If you want to change your fighting style or whatever, now’s the time. Take your time thinking things through. Both of you are still water affinity though, but water 5. The path to Level 5 is clear. The rest is up to your efforts. Hear that, Paina?”

“Mmm,” she nodded. “Thank you… for all of this.”

“Power…” Farley cupped her demonic right eye with her hand. Her lips quivered in hesitation but she gathered the courage to ask. “Lord Viers, should I make use of this eye?”

“I believe there’s no danger. Dummy’s influence is gone from you. What’s left is a mutation in the eye. Unraveling its mystery is up to you. Now you might be wondering, if Dumuzin truly means to hide something, can I detect it? If it’s done directly by the hands of the man himself then that’s without a doubt, but it’s done by proxy. The true Dummy is in Hell far far away. It’s within my capabilities to detect any soul and demonic maliciousness in you.”

“I see…” Farley had a weight lifted from her heart.

“The wisp of a will of his without an ounce of power handled me like a child, using all skill and no power. His capabilities are real, at the very least. During the fight, despite the beating he gave me, he also gave me a lesson. I’m not too proud of a man to admit he gave me good pointers, or learn from my enemy. My head is full of ideas about improvements. Mysterious intentions aside, he seemed to be serious about wanting me to be stronger. At any rate, I don't care what he wants. In time, I’ll make him regret messing with me. That’s all.”

“Then I’ll carefully make use of this eye, just like handling a sharp spear. Dangerous, but can be deadly in the right hand.”

“Very good. That being said, he is a Level 10. It is wholly arrogant of me to be certain what Dummy can or cannot do. It can lead to disastrous outcomes,” Viers said with a serious face.

Just like a certain Star Constellation's plot splendidly got blown up by Heaven Refining.

“As such, let’s visit an expert in the future for a second opinion. Perhaps a Level 5 Church exorcist? Level 4 might be inadequate… But there’s no need to rush. In the near future, there’s no danger. We’ll make ample preparations.”

“Yes,” Farley was filled with assurance from Viers’ words.

“Our matters are settled. May I hear what you plan to do about Clarissa?” Paina asked.

“I’ve been gathering information. There are a few Power Spots with soul-healing properties that I plan to visit. Because the Coalition is chaotic right now, we’ll start in the land of Latias Kingdom. The most promising site is a bit problematic to get into but we’ll see how it goes.”

“The FPC is chaotic? It doesn't have anything to do with you, does it?” Paina asked suspiciously.

“Hahaha–!” Viers put a hand behind his head. “You’re making me blush.”

“It wasn't a compliment…” Paina grumbled under her breath.

“What’s our next move, Lord?”

“Before roaming a foreign land, I’ll fetch Boram. It’s time to see the fruits of his training. Also… Hm?”

Viers felt something odd and took out a white card from his pocket. It was pulsing.

“That card…”

Farley and Paina recognized it. Viers had given a white card to others several times before.

“Well, well… Looks like something’s happened to Boram. Such a coincidence means it’s not a coincidence at all. Seems like Fate is telling me it’s time to act. So be it.”

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