Aurora Scroll

Chapter 346 - Formal Meeting

To his aunt’s accusation, Croix felt his blood turn to ice.

“Ashamedly, I admit it is so, Countess,” Croix said.

“P-please wait, Countess! The Young Lord is-”

“I’m talking to my nephew,” the countess glared at Alfred. “I’ll have no other interruption.”

Alfred shut his mouth and lowered his head.

“Do you know why you’re hunted by your own brother, Croix?” Grace continued. Her poise was impeccable.

“No, ma’am.”

“I suppose not. Suffice to say there are people who think the fewer princes and princesses out there the better. Giselle sent you out of the Capital?”

“Yes. Thanks to my mother, I was able to escape. Alfred has been faithfully protecting me from the start. We were then joined by these two, Avel and Boram,” Croix tried his best to make his voice even instead of coming out as a cluttering mess.

“If only she had her sense from the start,” Grace scoffed. Even that came out as elegant.

“I’m worried about her condition. Is she okay?” Croix asked.

“House arrest, most probably. She shouldn't be treated horribly,” Grace closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again. Her sapphire eyes returned to Croix.

“You’re of my blood. You may stay under my roof and your needs will be taken care of.”

“I can't thank you enough.”

“On one condition. Renounce your title as prince.”

That struck Croix like a thunderbolt. He was dumbfounded.


“Cut your ties with the vipers of the capital and remove yourself from all of the royalty nonsense. That is my condition.” Grace’s gaze was commanding.

After a long pause, Croix answered.

“I’m sorry, Aunt Grace. That I cannot do. I will become king.”

The Countess' Victa gushed out like water from an opened dam. Ice spread from beneath her feet. The room temperature fell until their breaths turned white.

Alfred was readying himself to jump in front of his liege when an Arte was unleashed. He would die, but he would die first before his lord.

Boram was trembling. He’d never lifted his head during the meeting.

Viers was preparing his Level 5 countermeasures. The few that he had left. He was cursing in his mind. This was why he disliked being in the vicinity of people stronger than them. To be a whim away from death was not a pleasant feeling.

“I’ll fix this fractured realm,” Croix said with determination.

“To think you’re this stupid. You’ve been poisoned by ambition,” Grace was unimpressed.

“It is my mother’s wish… and mine. Someone has to try. The state of things in Latias cannot go on.”

“Your father is a king and a human filth. His irresponsibility is what created the mess of a nation we live in. He and his equally incompetent court. You wish to be the king despite this?”

“I’ll be a king unlike my father.”

“A delusion. A fancy fantasy, coming from a child who has no backing or power. Your only merit is a heritage of blood. Not a rare one either. There are a hundred others with the same claim.”

“That is why I came here. Aunt, please lend me your support, so we can make Latias as it should be! Not a pale shadow of what once was!”

The grit of the prince was worthy of praise. He was clenching his fists and clearly afraid but he managed to speak his mind. Not everyone had the courage to do so to a pissed off Level 5.

“Let me prove myself.”

“...Since you want to die that much, I’ll help you. Go to the Archion Volcano. Forge your Intio there and hatch your dragon egg. No one will follow a powerless person with no redeeming qualities. Before you talk big about becoming a king, accomplish this, if you can. If you die there, then consider it my mercy.”

Nephew and aunt watched each other’s eyes without blinking for a time.

“Young Lord, this suicide,” Alfred whispered. “You must not accept.”

“No, Alfred… That has been my plan from the start. Your test, aunt, I accept. The next time I stand before you, will be as a Pathseeker and a dragon at my side.”

“...I’ll waste no more words with you. Leave my sight.”

Croix bowed. “I’ll take my leave. Good day to you, Countess.”

“Knight, you stay,” Grace said. Her eyes went to Viers, to Boram, to Viers again. They lingered there for a full ten seconds. Unlike Boram, Viers didn't kowtow so he bore the brunt of the Countess’ crushing attention.

“...The rest of you may leave.”

Viers gladly left.

Only two were left in the freezing room, although the temperature was slowly rising.

“Name yourself.”

“Yes, ma’am. Alfred Cullen, formerly a knight of the Black Army First Division. Now my sword is sworn to Prince Croix and Lady Giselle.”

“Tell me what you know about the situation in the Crimson Capital and about your two companions, especially the one wearing a mask.”


“Wheew… We're alive…” Boram sighed in relief.

“That could have gone better… The countess has gone sourer than I remembered,” Croix lamented.

“Could have gone worse too,” Viers voiced his opinion.

After leaving the countess’ manor, they discussed what transpired on the road. It was still raining but they got protected by a bubble. The magic barrier also prevented eavesdropping.

“So what’s the plan, Highness? Seems like you’re not as welcome as you hoped in Stormberg,” Viers asked.

“Yeah… I‘m going to Archion Volcano, what else? I already plan to go there after Stormberg.”

Viers leaned his back on a wall. “You’re serious about becoming king?”

“I do. I know it won't be easy, but I’ll do it.”

Viers saw the fire of a shonen manga protagonist in his eyes.

“Heh,” Viers smiled. “Perhaps you will. To strengthen your claim you go to the volcano, like the heroes of old. Quite bold.”

Croix also smiled while pressing his satchel. The one containing the dragon egg.

“This volcano is that dangerous, master?”

“It is a sacred place to the Latisians. They say the place is the resting place of an ancient fire god. Furthermore, there are stories about the legendary First King of Latias disappearing there, along with his dragon. What is recorded clearly is that people who managed to forge their Intio there all become great figures, as if fated. Many of whom are monarchs, the prince’s ancestors. If Prince Croix were able to do what his predecessors did, he would have the winds of legend behind his back and raise his reputation.”

“Hm. Hm.” Boram nodded.

“The surrounding areas are homes to plenty of monsters but the volcano itself seems to be devoid of monsters. Protected by the will of the First King, or so the stories went,” Croix added. “I’m surprised you are familiar with the history behind the volcano, Mister Avel.”

“Well, I may be a foreigner but I like collecting good stories. Back to the original question. Absolutely dangerous, especially to the prince. Getting there for us is just ordinarily dangerous. Awakening as a Pathseeker at Archion is notoriously difficult. The legend is enticing enough to bring throngs of people, no? But there’s a catch. Those who failed, die.”

Croix gave a silent nod at Viers.

“Even my grandfather, who everyone acknowledges as a great man, didn't dare to become a Pathseeker there,” he said to Boram.

“Yes. For three hundred years, no one succeeded. Are you sure your aunt didn't want to get you killed like your brother? This doesn’t paint a pretty picture,” Viers said.

“Like I said, going there has been my plan from the beginning. I understand my situation well. Without accomplishing things like this, I will have no chance of becoming king.”

Viers shook his head while closing his eyes.

“And the countess spoke of a dragon… egg?” Boram turned to Croix.

“Ah yes. It's this guy.”

Croix showed Boram the inside of his satchel. He had always kept it close and safe during the journey. The reddish-brown egg had a pattern of scales on the shell. It was the size of a human head.

“When will it hatch?” Boram looked with amazement.

“Royalty of Latias bond with an egg during their childhood. When they become a Pathseekers at the age of fifteen, the egg may hatch. The dragon will then become a loyal companion throughout the rest of our lives.”

“If it hatched,” Viers clarified. “Most of the time, they don’t. People still don't know the precise requirements of hatching the eggs. If the prince’s egg didn't hatch during his Pathseeker awakening, it won't ever hatch in the future. At least there is no known record of so… Perhaps, the royal family can rectify the things I’ve said thus far?”

“No, what you said is my understanding as well. My father’s egg never hatched but my grandfather’s did.”

“In the royal court, royals without a dragon are labeled as not possessing the dragon’s favor and thus have a weaker claim to the throne. Hatching the egg will also do wonders for the prince’s reputation. Not to mention the existence of a mighty ally.”

“Right again…” Croix touched the egg with yearning. “I’ve always dreamed of meeting my partner.”

“Hwaaah… T-then, shouldn't we keep it safe inside an inventory item? What happens if the prince stumbles and falls and breaks the egg!?”

“Hehe. Don't worry, disciple. Few forces in this world are able to break a dragon’s egg. In fact, even if you and I try to hit the egg with all we have, I still wager the egg will be fine. Also, there are things that can't be put inside a pocket space, even those specially made for living beings. It has always been this way since the old days. Rumors are, the egg rejects it somehow.”

“Doesn't stop people from trying to snatch the eggs though. Each of them is worth a king's ransom in the black market. That is why it is forbidden to bring a dragon egg out of the Crimson Capital. I’m breaking the rules.”

Croix faced Viers and showed a regretful face.

“I’m sorry things didn't go as planned. It was naive of me to hope the countess would reward you. It should be my responsibility from the start. That said, I have nothing to reward you for your service in bringing me to Stormberg. I’m truly sorry.”

“You asked for my help sincerely and politely. I gave it. It’s as simple as that. Besides, you’re going to become king, aren’t you? Just don't forget to reward me once you’re rich.”

“Hehehe. Absolutely.”

They kept the small talk going until Alfred came out.

“Young Lord, you’ve been waiting for me here? My most apologies.”

“It’s fine. Did you and Aunt Grace have a productive conversation?”

“Very much so, Young Lord.”

“Okay then. This is the time when we separate. We’ll stay in the city for some time while you’re preparing to go to the volcano. May fortune be with you.”

“Bye, Avel. Bye, Boram. I won't forget I’m alive because of your assistance. Don't be a stranger.”

“Avel, for you,” Alfred gave Viers a small gem. “A token of my personal gratitude. If the prince died, I would never forgive myself. Thank you.”

Viers recognized the small gem’s function. It was an Imaginary Domain. Viers had a similar thing in the past, a gift from Takju, a Giant slave that he liberated together with Boram. The Domain, even though it wasn't his own, could serve as a life-saving opportunity from other Level 4. Creating this thing wasn't easy and would have cost Alfred, weakening his Domain. His gratitude was genuine.

“Till we meet again,” Viers accepted the gift.

As the duo left under the rain, while seeing off Boram waving his hand, Alfred opened his mouth. “Should we ask for their help for the trip to Archion, Young Lord?”

“Let us regroup and consider our options. There are a lot of preparations to be made. Having them as an ally is reassuring but they have their own purpose coming to Stormberg. Give them time. Besides, I think Avel is waiting for our invitation.”


That night, Viers went to a magic shop.

“Finally. What took you so long?”

Izabella Tyriss, one of Tanael’s Horsemen of the Apocalypse, was waiting for him.

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