Aurora Scroll

Chapter 347 - Trounce

“Come! Hurry up!” Izabella grabbed Viers’ arm and dragged him to a room with a bed. From the look of the furniture and clothes, it was hers.

“To directly do this as soon as we meet again. Should I be flattered?” Viers sneered.

“Be silent! We’re almost late.”

Iz took off her trademark witch hat and gave the floor a sweep with it. A magic circle appeared that was previously not there. She chanted a complicated spell skillfully and the two stepped into the portal.

They appeared somewhere else, in a place with an arena. Besides the two of them, there were three others.

“Izabella Thyris,” a man in a red priest garb, bushy white beard, elaborate stole, and dignified voice, said while watching a sand hourglass. “You made it in time.”

“Apologies for my tardiness, Arbiter,” Izabella bowed respectfully.

This man… is strong.

Viers also gave a respectful bow to the Level 5. To treat the strong with courtesy was common sense and Viers did just that. However, just like with the Countess, he didn't grovel or reduce himself to a subservient position.

“And here I thought you'd back down,” the other man said. This one wore glasses and seemed bookish. He had a nasty eye leer.

“Why should I?” Iz gave a soft reply. “I’ll be the victor.”

Viers knew this man. According to what Iz told him, the man was called Restil, Iz’s political rival in the Blood Church.

“Fighters, to your positions.”

The masked Viers and Restil’s chosen, a young blonde woman that seemed frail, moved to the arena’s middle while Restil and Izabella retreated.

Based on what Izabella told him, the Level 3 woman known as the Yellow Harpy, was very strong. A rising star in the underworld. She needed to win this duel that Restil set up, an old tradition, so she could rise further in the cult’s ranks. Iz was quite panicked a month ago, but after Viers agreed to be her proxy, she felt relieved.

“Are you two ready?” the Arbiter asked.

The two nodded. They didn't name themselves and neither did the Arbiter ask.

“In the name of the true Goddess, Yasterah, begin.”

Viers conjured a bow of water using his ability.

“This opportunity is quite hard to come by. Well then. Amuse me. Surrender is a valid option. I promise I'll be gentle.”

Viers shot water arrows in succession.

Iz watched the fierce battle from the sidelines. She knew Viers’ capabilities and believed he could win. She didn't think Viers would use a bow. She knew him using a sword. Has he changed his fighting style since then?

“Passable effort.”

“A fine opportunity.”

“Try this!”

“Oh? The man you brought from some gutter is pretty good to be able to keep up with the Harpy,” Restil used a fan in his hand on himself smugly.

After a few minutes, Viers was getting pummeled.

Arrrgh! What are you doing, Tanael!? Use your sword already! Better yet, your soul Artes!

Izabella bit her nails in her mind but maintained a stoic face in the front.

“Guess I should take it more seriously...”

Yes, damn you! You’ve been playing this whole time!?

As Viers crackled with purple electricity, Iz’s eyes widened.

What in the name of… He has three affinities now!? That’s… That’s almost unheard of! Very few people throughout history can use three elements!

“I see, I see,” Restil was still cool and composed. “A dual affinity, eh? Quite a rare specimen indeed. So that’s the source of your confidence.”

The Arbiter slightly raised an eyebrow but his expression didn't change. His thoughts were unfathomable.

“The price of a single slip.”

“My turn!”

“No use hiding back there!”

“Eat this!”

After Viers started using lightning, he began to match Yellow Harpy’s skill. The intense battle between thunder and gale users created a symphony of storms.

Until Yellow Harpy used her ace in the hole and Viers was once again on the back foot.

“You talk too much.”

For the first time, Yellow Harpy spoke, when her blade was on the way to Viers’ throat.

Viers surged his Victa, water and lightning seemingly roused from their sleep and they raged. His outfit underwent a full transformation with both water and lightning intertwined.

“...Your strength is praiseworthy. I, too, shall use all of mine… So... don't you dare disappoint me. Arte - Wrath of Monoceros Caeli!”

A massive amount of power was gathered on a pulled bow. Yellow Harpy, after her blade was repelled, tried to move away but her feet refused to move. She looked down and saw the entire arena was covered with electric spiderwebs, trapping her.

Izabella clenched her fist.

Restil’s sudden grip broke his fan.

A huge horned humpback whale-shaped Hydro attack swallowed her whole.

With his foe lying dead, Viers undid his transformation.

“Told you surrender is a valid option. Some you win... and some you lose. May you rest in peace.”

While Viers stored Harpy’s body but not her soul because he did not want to test his luck with a Level 5 so close in proximity, the Arbiter announced Iz’s victory.

“Miss Izabella Thyris’ representative has prevailed. The Blood Church recognizes your service and resourcefulness and thus grants you the rank of Vice Vicar and all of its privileges. You may also oversee a branch of your choosing. Your Blood Sacrament is in order and should be ready in a few days. Also, I’ve examined your enchantments prior. I’ll put a word to Central to give you extra resources for distinction. Well done.”

“Thank you, Arbiter.”

For the Blood Church who put the matter of connections highly, even if Izabella personally couldn't win the battle, to bring someone who could was counted as her ability.

Izabella bowed, happy. Restil did the same. He wasn't happy but he didn't try to contest the Arbiter’s decision.

The Arbiter walked closer to Viers.

“May you continue to be of service to Yasterah.”

Viers didn't say a word.

The Arbiter left after he passed Viers by, another teleportation.

“Tsk. Guess the Harpy isn't that big of a deal after all,” Restil said in a bad mood. “Enjoy your victory, Vice-Vicar Thyris.”

“And good day to you too, Vice-Vicar Restil.”

Iz’s reply was like needles to the skin to Restil.


With him teleporting out, it was only him and Iz. He scanned the premises for spyware and the like. After he felt safe, he absorbed the soul of his recent kill. Another human Level 3, get.

This one is about SR soul tier. 4 stars out of 5. Lucky~

Yellow Harpy wasn't weak. She was really strong. Viers was just stronger.

Her potential was on par with the top talents that got chosen for the Book World.

“Whew. You had me worried for a second there. Do you really have to cut it close like that?”

Although he had checked they were not being spied on, Viers still produced an anti-spy magic item. Their conversation wouldn't be able to be heard by others outside of the sphere now.

“Apologies. After seeing this place, I just got the sudden urge, you know?”

“No, certainly I don't know. On the matter of not knowing, how come you can use lightning?”

“Heh. Stick around, and maybe you can find out.”

“I see your secretive nature has not changed one bit,” Iz flipped her red hair back. “You prefer bow now?”

“No. I still use a sword. I only do bow practice sparingly.”

“You moved pretty sharp for an improvisation… monster.”

“Hehehe… I learned to fight this way from a guy. Not a mentor. I just fight this dude over and over again until his moves are ingrained in me. When I was just starting out, I lost to him a couple of times.”

“You? Lost? Now I'm curious. Who is he? I might have heard of him.”

“Doubtful. He’s the eleventh of a group of eleven crazy people under a frosty lady.”

“There are ten more stronger people than him?”

“There’s a lot of people debating about that matter. But the description is that the eleventh guy is one of the ‘most dangerous’,” Viers made the air quotes gesture.

“Is that so? The others are?” Izabella pried.

“The eighth was a fire witch. Deceased. The sixth was this.”

Viers created a doll of water in his hand.

“A doll?”

Viers didn't answer with a voice but by pulling the upper part of the doll. Iz saw there was a smaller doll inside. Seeing the matryoshka doll only made her confused.

“This one likes to say: Bow before me, worm!”

“You’re being vague on purpose, aren't you?” The red-haired enchantress accused with narrowed eyes.

“Aaah, you know me so well. Nice to see you again, Conquest.”

“Sadly I can't say the same. It’s a mixed feeling, Death.”

“You wound me. You know our dealings always netted you benefits, right?”

“That’s… true.”

The two had been in contact. They communicated but this was the first time they met face to face after the Book World. In their communication sessions, they exchanged info and cultivation matters. During one of those sessions, he came to understand Iz’s predicament and agreed to help.

“Here are the items that you requested,” Iz gave him a bag of holding. “Bombs, talismans, special materials, utility items to magic weapons. All you requested is there.”

“And this is my part of the payment. As for the payment for this duel, I need you to enchant a special item for me.”

Transporting physical items was quite a problem though. They had to meet directly for important transactions.

“Yes yes. Don't worry, this enchanting enchantress is at your beck and call. Do you know some of the elders in the Blood Church call me once in a hundred years talent? Such a title seems pitiful compared to you.”

“Hehehe. Don't sell yourself short. I don't deal with incompetent people.”

“Oh well. I’ve finally got this far… With this, I now have the authority to build my private forces. I’m one step closer to the Church’s top.”

A Level 3 was on the level of the top dog of a small region. Mayor, Church priest, School head, Cult leader, Matriarch, and so on. At the fringes, they could live like kings if they wanted to but that was not Iz’s aim.

The higher she was to the Blood Church’s peak, the closer she was to her goal of breaking out her sister from the Tower of Remorse, Estellian Church’s supermax prison.

“Good luck. And don't let your guard down.”

“Shall we return?”

“You prepared a place for me at Stormberg?”

“As you requested, chief.”

“Surprising you can do so under the shadow of a Level 5.”

“Hey, I’m just an ordinary enchanter setting up shop. Why would a Level 5 pay attention to me? But don't do anything illegal in Stormberg or the countess’ knights might come knocking. There are ten Level 4s under her service and that place is a fortress.”

“Agreed. We’ll be on our best behavior. Come with me to the house. Boram wanted to meet Chacha again.”

Izabella made a sound of great exasperation but Viers only grinned and wouldn't take a no.

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