Aurora Scroll

Chapter 355 - Quest, Quest Everywhere

“In Latias, there are four duchies. Valentine, Lucan, Crowe, Mercea. These great houses are all very powerful, consistently producing Level 5s generation after generation.“

Boram was listening silently while Prince Croix, who was technically his master’s master now, explained. The feeling of the breeze on his face as the magic carpet flew in the clear sky was nice.

“Four houses… Am I hearing that correctly?” Master Avel said.

“Yes. Is there something wrong?” Croix was puzzled.

“There should be three.”


“Three Houses! Doesn't that have a great ring to it?”

Boram picked up a strange elation in his master’s voice. It happens sometimes in seemingly mundane topics like this one.

“Well, there are four. These duchies have stood since the founding of the kingdom. While the royal house is currently in turmoil, these four are still rock solid.”

“...I'd still like for there to be three. Shall we reduce it by one?”

“Hahaha, please don't make a joke like that,” Croix smiled.

“Hahaha…” Master also laughed.

If Master wanted it to be three, he would make it three, Boram thought. Once he was strong enough.

“The Black Shield Knightly Order is sworn to the 40th prince, Marvin Topaz Latias. We share the same father but a different mother. You two have met my aunt. Marvin’s mother is from the Lucan duchy, far greater in both status and power,” Croix explained.

“So essentially, the 40th prince is given a squad of bodyguards by his uncle.”

“It takes a lot of resources to fund and maintain a Knightly Order,” Alfred, who mostly stayed silent and kept a wary eye on the skies around them, said.

“So why did the goons of the 40th prince come after you, Highness? They didn't seem to have good intentions and were quick to remove the pretenses of one when push came to shove.”

“The reason eludes me still. I wished to believe the Black Shield had simply gone rogue but that is just my wishful thinking. We have no grudges against each other. I’d even say we have amicable relations. I simply can't think of the motive that would compel him to kill me… so much so that he hired assassins from the guild.”

“If it’s not Prince Marvin, then perhaps it's House Lucan. The duke is a man known to have soaring ambitions,” Alfred added. “Even if he cannot become king, he can place his nephew on the throne of Latias.”

“Or perhaps it’s just not you. Other princes might also be targeted. Thinning the competition for the throne,” Master Avel said.

“...We’re all family. Why can't we just get along? Why must brothers go against brothers?” Croix said with a pained voice.

Boram failed to come up with an answer but his master did not.

“If every man was a being of humble aspirations, content with their lot in life, then it might be possible, but we are not… And there is not a lot of space on the top for sharing.”

…Yes, just as Master taught, Boram recalled. As he strove to get what he wanted, he would undoubtedly clash with someone else that wanted the same thing as him or prevent him from getting it. It was inevitable. The question then was, are you strong enough when you are put to the test?

Boram silently nodded. Truly, Master Avel was a sage. No problem in life was unsolvable for him.

The child that had gone through less than thirteen winters looked up to his master as if he was a guiding star in the sky.

Their brief tranquil silence was shattered by Alfred who shot a projectile of darkness at a Rank 3 bird monster that dived in from the clouds.

The monster screeched and although it wasn't dead, it was discouraged to continue and flew away with a slight limp.

“I sense more flocks in front of us. We should lower our elevation.”

“Roger,” Master said to Alfred. “Descending.”

The skies were the domain for flying monsters. Their type varied, from the common bird-kind to cloud-swimming whales, elementals and winged tigers, and so much more. Some of them lived their whole life without needing to touch the ground as they had the ability to fly indefinitely.

Flying too high with magical items such as the magic carpet they were on now, risked getting attacked by the sky-dwellers. The higher the elevation, the more hostile the environment became, and it wasn't just about monsters. Boram struggled to remember what his master told him about this topic in the past, just that it included the higher one flew, the thinner the air became and it was cold.

Yet flying too low similarly carried a risk. There was no end to people that wanted the rare and valuable flying transports even if they had to get them by means of banditry. This was why the means of protecting oneself were necessary before going somewhere via the air. Level 4 Pathseeker battle strength was the acceptable minimum standard for air security. That was why his master rarely used his carpet despite it being very convenient.

The reason they were on one now, was because his master wanted to arrive at Archion Volcano swiftly.

“Forces move against us. Plots and daggers in the shadows, but if we move quickly, we might outrun them. There’s no need to entertain them.”

With Alfred in charge of security, they blasted off to their destination, riding the wind.

Ultimately, Viers’ assumption was correct. The Level 4 assassins from the devil cult, Gram and Bennec, were waiting for the chance to ambush the prince to fulfill their contract. They didn't dare to make their move in the domain of a Level 5 so they waited until their target went outside.

They could only look from afar as their target was carried to the sky.

While everyone aboard, including Viers, was oblivious to the fact, they had managed to sidestep a major battle encounter.

Just like Alfred instructed, Master Avel willed the magic carpet to descend. The height was a bit scary for Boram, so he gripped the edge of the magic carpet very tight, even though his master told him there was some magic preventing the passengers from getting thrown overboard normally.

“Mmm? Something is going on below,” Boram said.

He was not the only one to realize. Previously, they were too high up to know.

Boram saw a peculiar beast. It had three heads. A bull, a tiger, and a snake on its tail.

“What is that?” Boram muttered.

“A Chimera… mixed-breed monster. Rarely happens naturally though not impossible. Most likely this one is man-made.”

Fighting the beast was a band of knights. The battle seemed intense and half of the knights had already fallen based on the bodies around. The remaining ten knights who were still standing bravely stood their ground against the elephant-sized monstrosity.

“Rank 3…” Boram observed.

“They are losing,” Croix frowned.

“If they got through, the town nearby would be the monster’s dinner. Shall I go, young lord?” Alfred asked.

“...You've been protecting us all this time. You must be tired.” Croix turned to the person on his left. “Avel, may I trust this foe to you and Boram?”

“Might as well.” Boram saw Master Avel stretching his arms. Seeing him without a sword on his person was weird. “Up for some hunting, disciple?”

“Of course,” Boram gripped the handle of his hammer as he answered.

The next moment, Master Avel jumped off the carpet, and his disciple followed a few moments later after a slight hesitation. The young boy didn't expect that. He thought they would land first, instead of free falling.

“Take care of my ride, Alfred!” Master Avel said while at the mercy of gravity as his body built up a visible static charge. The lightning became greater and greater, lashing around him like furious snakes.

Like a yellow thunderbolt, Master Avel landed on the Chimera, dealing heavy damage and softening the beast’s defense.

“All yours, Boram.”

Master Avel used Unreality Field to slow his descent slightly from approximately fifty meters of fall. After he made the landing, he swiftly cleared the landing pad. Boram knew what he had to do. Using earth Arte to increase his weight and durability, Boram increased his falling impact.


With bulging muscles on both of his arms, Boram struck the unguarded Chimera that his master paralyzed, landing a critical hit. The force of the blow broke many bones on the monster's body, especially on its back where the hammer landed.

A dust cloud was raised as the blow struck. The earlier knights were silenced by the grand arrivals. To the men, it was like two killing arrows let loose from the gods in the sky with the power to match. Only after the dust cleared and the visage of two men standing on the Chimera’s broken body appeared, they cheered.

Boram felt a warm feeling in his heart seeing the thankful and happy faces in front of him. When he felt his master’s hand patting his back, he involuntarily smiled. He felt happy to be able to contribute. His master pinned his expectations upon him, leaving the killing blow to him. And while he had no doubt Master Avel could have defeated the Chimera unaided, his presence spared Master Avel from using unnecessary Victa.


“Are you really, really, sure about this, Highness?”

“Yes, Avel. My mind’s made up. If we don't apprehend the alchemist that created this Chimera, he will strike again and the town might fall this time.”

“...Fine,” Master Avel relented.


“Ah, Avel, you’ve returned. Did you get provisions?”

On the magic carpet, Master Avel’s masked face was neutral but Boram knew he was annoyed.

“Supplies for the war refugees, ten inventory rings worth.”

“Splendid. Now these people don't have to starve.”


“Look, Highness, my carpet uses lots of mana crystals to fly around. Something that I don't have an unlimited number of.”

“I know. Believe me, I know. But what else can I do? Without a doctor, this child will be claimed by her sickness,” Prince Croix seemed apologetic.


“Flying a widow to her husband’s grave before it got swallowed by a monster tide? And to the opposite direction to boot! No way! I’m bleeding crystals here doing all these chores!”

“All your travel expenses will be reimbursed, I promise you. There’s no one else that can help and I don't have the heart to refuse. Please, can you do this for the poor woman?”

Boram felt Croix was a good person, one that was willing to lend a helping hand to those in need during their travels.

Only, there were always people needing help anywhere they went.

Because of the various ‘side-quests’ that Master Avel called them under his breath, their trip took longer than it should have. Previously, when they were traveling together, Master Avel only sparingly did these side-quests, those that didn't take much time to accomplish or were on the way, but as a vassal of Price Croix, he had to follow the prince’s wish.


“Finally... Archion Volcano.”

Master Avel sighed in relief. Boram eyed the imposing great mountain that lay in front of them surrounded by wastelands and lesser volcanos. The Archion Volcano was like a furnace that constantly streamed rivers of lava to its surroundings. The fire element was incredibly strong here and it naturally made the temperature very hot.

If it was as planned, the trip from Stormberg to the volcano would only take six days on a flying carpet.

They arrived after fourteen days.

“We can't land on the volcano directly, beasts too powerful even for Alfred will crush us. We’ll have to land on the foot of the mountain.”

“Of course, Highness.”



“I thank you for following through with my selfishness, and apologize.”

“Think nothing of it. I’m only doing my duty.”

“Yes, but I-”

“Look out!”

After Alfred’s warning, Boram felt it too, the sense of crisis. It was coming from below. A projectile of some kind, that despite Master’s enacted evasive maneuvers and Alfred’s barrier, homed on still.

“What the-!?”

“Young lord!”


A blast struck the carpet and knocked it from the air.

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