Aurora Scroll

Chapter 356 - Aggression

A carpet was fluttering in the air whilst on fire.

Four people landed on the ground after their ride was shot down.

Yes, shot down.

Viers was convinced, after seeing the rocket launcher on the shoulder of a blond youth so handsome he was practically the same level of Tanael-level artificial handsomeness. In short, K-pop idol-tier face.

The youth was not alone, he was with a Knightly Order with a distinct black armor, the Black Shield. There were around ten knights guarding the blond youth. Beside the rocket launcher carrying man, stood a brown-haired beauty wearing spectacles.

Behind them, was their ride. A floating yacht of some kind, very luxurious and high-class. Somehow, Jabba the Hutt's pleasure barge came to Viers’ mind, just bigger and more expensive. Viers’ magic carpet was very pathetic compared to the gravity-defying yacht.

“That’s-” Croix that got carried by Alfred widened his eyes.

“Croix? Is that you? Wahahaha! Oh, fancy meeting you here. Long time no see, baby brother.”

The blond youth tossed the used rocket launcher aside, smiled and waved. Not the faintest amount of guilt in his eyes.


Croix struggled to find the appropriate response. At this moment, there was a crack of thunder.


It actually wasn't thunder. It was the sound of Viers kicking the earth strong enough to leave cracks beneath his feet. Beneath the mask, his expression and gaze were very contrasting to the fiery surroundings, icy cold.

On his palm, was a sphere of water that moved like a hurricane. The experienced ones, enemies and allies both, would have a hair-raising sense of how extremely dangerous the sphere was. Viers had leapt and that lethal water Arte was aimed at the still smiling, unreacting, handsome youth.


Croix’s words trailed behind, for Viers had moved like lightning. Even though the Black Shield knights had been on guard, they weren't able to react and mount a defense.

The Vortex Nova Arte was close to claiming another victim. No Level 3 would survive taking this Arte’s full might to the head unguarded. Viers was certain of it, and he had done the math and test case results to back him up.


Viers expected to see blood and brain matter, but found bright light instead. Someone’s grunt also entered his ear. His Vortex Nova hit something in that light while he was knocked back from the force. Not only him, the Arte’s burst created a great shockwave for everyone.

In cold, tempered killing intent, Viers next’s reaction wasn't to gawk beyond belief that his invincible Arte was blocked by his enemy, gods, no. It was a thrash-quality villain's thing. Instead, Viers made a square using his fingers in front of his right eye. Locking-on target sounds resounded in his brain. A similarly lethal but more difficult to defend soul Arte was next.

Boram also responded, as one familiar with following up on his master’s actions. He had been building up his Victa since he heard the thunder and realized it was his master’s doing, and his Arte was just ready the previous second.


Arte - Earthwave.

Boram struck the ground with his hammer, sharp crags and rocks that spread out before him appeared to swallow his enemies. Boram knew his role, the Arte’s purpose was to soften the adversaries so his Master could release his Arte with more assured destruction. The master-disciple duo had done a lot of practice fighting as a team.

“How dare you raise your hand against His Highness!”

“I’ll have your heads!”

“Draw swords! Defend the prince, kill the criminals!”

The knights acted as one to defend their prince against Boram’s assault in front of their lord and the lady with the glasses. Now that most of this target closed ranks, Viers’ chance had come. If these people were to be hit by his soul Arte unsuspecting the attack was a soul type, it would be as the reaper scythed through their being.

Arte - Fatal Soulfram-

“Avel, stop!”

Alfred and Croix ruined his shutter chance by barging to the frame. Viers was a second away from killing his employer. Even with Alfred on his side in full guard, soul attacks weren't so easily stopped.

He couldn't keep fighting if Croix kept obstructing him. Realizing his moment of opportunity had passed, Viers bottled up his anger and backed down.

The Black Shield knights also back down, making a line in front of the youth and their injured Knight Captain. Harper, the Level 4 light Pathseeker that blocked Viers’ attack had both his palms mangled.

“Oh… oh wow. What just happened? Solany, my pretty, tell me what I think it is. Did he just try to kill me and there was a probability that I was almost dead? Is this goosebumps I feel?”

Marvin’s words were light and jovial as if the thing that transpired wasn't serious.

“Just so. I believe Knight Captain Harper should be commended.”

The one called Solany oppositely seemed always serious.

“Good work, Harper. There will be a huge reward for you back home. Well, that was a novel experience… Novel indeed,” Marvin looked at Viers. “Tell me, masked person, what prompted such aggression towards me?”

When Viers was angry and wanted to kill someone, he didn't vent through his words. He clamped up his mouth, sharpened his killing intent, and laser-focused his mind on how to do the deed.

To Marvin's question, Viers didn't bother to answer, because of a burning fabric that fell between the two.

“Marvin,” Croix asked. “Why do you attack us?”

“Oh, that, yes, I see, I see. A few days in this place can be terribly dull. In my boredom, I spied an unusual flying object and in my hand, there’s this new product from Zetel I just got, called a rocket shooter or something. State of the art, I’m told. What a disappointment it’s only good for one shot. Still, it’s like the urge to shoot down a bird flying above you. I didn't realize it was you on board, baby brother. What are the chances we met here out of all places? My bad. Ahahahaha!”

Boram frowned.

Is it just me, or does this guy even feel sorry for his actions?

“Shouldn't you take the threat to your life more seriously?” Solany added with a deadpan expression and tone.

“Relax, who do you think I am? I am this world’s golden child, the favorite of the gods, living or dead. I’ll never die.”

The nerve, Boram thought. The boast was just like Tanael who he met in the Book World, which made Boram wary. Either he was just an idiot-pampered prince or had he real ability?

“He came close to killing me, arguable, but the potential was there, I admit. Even so, there was a heaven-and-earth difference between almost killing me and actually killing me. Such a gap is beyond the means of mortal men to traverse, Solany. You should know that by now. Wahahahah!”

And just like that, Viers got a grasp of what kind of man this 40th prince of Latias Kingdom, Marvin Topaz Latias, was.

“...Why are you here, brother?” Croix asked.

“I could ask you the same thing, but I believe I know your reason. You’re here to forge your Intio, aren't you?”

“That’s right,” Croix said, seeing no need to lie.

“That means you’re trying to become king,” Marvin pondered.

Croix didn't answer this time.

“Give it up, baby brother. The King of Latias will be me.”

“...Why do you want to become king, brother?”

“I do not ‘want’, Croix. It is simply mine. All the others, our brothers and sisters are like a fading candlelight compared to mine’s brilliance. I’m the most excellent of us all, the most worthy. Thus, the throne is mine. That’s the way it should be.”

The knights firmly struck their shields, creating a confirmation sound, saying yes to the lord they backed.

“With me at the helm, I’ll raise Latias to a height never before seen, not even by our esteemed ancestor, Athos the Dragon of Dawn,” Marvin extended his hands left and right.

“I’d ask you to join me, simply for old time's sake, but I know you wouldn't. You have your own grand design for the kingdom, this lofty ambition to make things better, like some crap about abolishing slavery. You standing here is proof you haven't given up on that foolish fantasy, am I right?”

Once again, Croix didn't answer. Marvin had his answer.

“Just as I thought,” he sighed and shook his head in disappointment. “That back alley priest put crazy ideas in your head and you’re eagerly wallowing in them… I know you’ll one day stand before me as a challenger to my rule.”

“Do not speak ill of my teacher. He’s a good man, a wise man.”

“A foolish man that sent you on this path of suicide. If you won't change your mind, I’ll show you a mercy befitting one who shares blood with mine, a painless death.”

On the foot of the Archion Volcano, on the lava flats of black volcanic stones, two groups faced off with a newly rising hostility. One was a group of four, with one not a combatant. On the other hand, the other side was ten battle-hardened knights, plus the confident prince and the sharp-eyed lady, both giving off the aura of Level 3.


To Marvin’s signal, the knights of the Black Shield Knightly Order charged forward.

“Young Lord, forgive my rudeness,” Alfred carried Croix on his arm. “By your leave?”

“Yes, we go with the plan.”

Alfred, Viers and Boram moved with high speed. Their aim was not the knights, not retreating, but to the stone stairs that had a magical red light wall in front of them.

“I’m of Athos’ blood. I request entry to the sacred mount!” Croix yelled loudly in front of the barrier.

“Granted,” a mighty voice reverberated from all around them. “Only those under the age of twenty may pass.”

Croix had briefed them so Viers and Boram weren't surprised. While Croix was opening the barrier, the other three were defending against the knights’ attacks.

Should things happen, they agreed to rush to the mountain to shake off enemies. Alfred would delay the enemy while ‘Avel’ and Boram would accompany Croix to the mountain as they were all under twenty years old except Alfred. After the three were safely crossed, Alfred would retreat to safety, with his Level 4 battle strength, it should not be too tall of an order.

“I did it! Come on, hurry!” Croix said after he stepped through the red barrier.

“Um!” At Croix’s signal of success, Boram also went in.

Lastly, it was Viers’ turn. What he got was a magical wall smack to the face.




No one was more surprised than Viers himself. His body was eighteen years old, he was sure of it.

But he was barred entry.

As they were under a barrage of attacks, they didn't have the leisure of calmly thinking about the next course of action.

“Boram, I cannot enter. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to guard the prince in the mountain and help him to forge his Intio.”

“Y-yes, Master!”

“Go,” Viers spoke without agitation as he parried three attackers coming at him with swords.

“Let’s go, Prince Croix,” Boram urged.

“...Yes, let's.”

Croix knew the knights couldn't go after them either, but Marvin and the unknown lady that stood beside him could. The sooner they lost them in the mountain, the sooner Avel and Alfred could abandon their role of holding the line.

The young prince looked at the backs of the two allies he left behind and then at the half-brother of his.

Perhaps it is just as Marvin said, and I didn't want to realize it. We would become enemies eventually.

Croix turned his face to the volcano and started running the stairs with a determined gaze.

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