Aurora Scroll

Chapter 372 - A Question About Prosperity

Unlike Stormberg where it rains perpetually, the weather at the Shore was mild. Nevertheless, people couldn't go on without protection from the elements.

The first thing was clearing the rubble. Out of ninety surviving villagers, A third were the infirm or the injured, another third were children, and the last third were the able-bodied. The second and third groups assisted in the work. Even though Viers and the other two were Pathseekers, many hands make light work.

They brought supplies and medicine since they expected it. Something the villagers sorely need. Some of the injured got through the worst though not as many as Croix would like. The food would last for two or three days then it would need to be replenished. Drinking water was not an issue at least. There was a usable stream nearby.

Viers could open his coffers or Biome to sustain them indefinitely but he did not do so. This was Croix’s problem to solve.

Plus, it was too much work.

Then Boram began making mud houses and the like as shelter. The earth was ever the source of material. As an earth Pathseeker, he could build a house at a rate unmatched by common folk.

While his disciple spearheaded the reconstruction project and Croix had the inevitable task of organizing the village after its destruction, Viers was simply just killing monsters in the area and hunting wild game.

There were less than five Pathseekers among the villagers, with just two people Level 1 and the rest were Level 0. While magical monster meat could bring benefits for Pathseekers, ordinary people couldn't consume too much or it would cause harm. The rabbits and deer were necessary.

No strong monsters in the area but dangerous for them either way.

He had always been the leader, and the burden of leadership was heavy at times. As Croix’s vassal, the burden was passed on to Croix. This freed his brainpower to plot insidiously, not at Croix though, bomb in his body or not.

With their arrival, the village would survive for another day.

Now they had to make the village self-sufficient.


Croix was looking at the sun setting on the sea when Viers found him.

“Enjoying the sights, Highness?”

“Ah, Master Avel. You’ve returned. The hunt went well, I trust?”

Croix was so busy that only now, on the second day after their coming to the Shore, did they have the chance to converse.

“You really going to call me that?” Viers smiled in amusement. “I don't mind being addressed with just the name.”

Might be a fake name, but still.

“Allow me my selfishness then,” Croix also smiled.

The sound of the village women preparing dinner could be heard from behind them and they spied the baby dragon nearby. Falmerion was chasing the waves as they receded and retreated back when the water came back. Then he spied a crab and tried to catch it but the crab managed to burrow into the sand in time.

The hatchling would grow into a fearsome dragon in time, but he was still a baby.

“I hope you have enough rest. Even Pathseekers need to eat and sleep.”

“I’m taking a break right now,” Croix extended his hand to the sea. “It’s my first time seeing the sea, to be honest. Just taking in the sights.”

Viers accompanied the young prince in silence as they gazed into the glistening waters.

Young prince, Viers thought. He didn't think he was old, and his body was only a couple of months away from eighteen. And yet, he couldn't think of the prince as anything but a kid. Older than Boram, but still a kid.

“...I’ve talked to the chief. The Shore’s livelihood was fishing from the sea. Their boats were wrecked so they could not sail. They also cultivated seaweed before the tide. The surplus, not much they admit, was traded at the nearby town. Both need to be relaunched if the village wants to stand on its own feet.”

Viers responded with a hum. Inwardly, he calculated a single Rank 3 monster core’s worth. It should be able to feed the entire village for a month, something he was able to do with relative ease. The earning power between Pathseekers and Idlers was very different.

“To put things the way they were, it wouldn't take six months.”

“Seems so.”

“But that’s not what Aunt Grace wants to see, is it? She wants to see what kind of place I can build in six months.”

“And what kind of place do you wish this place to be?” Viers asked.

“A thriving place, where the people are happy and plentiful. It is my vision for Latias as a whole… Now that I think about it, this place has parallels with the country’s problems. I’ve got to do this.”

Croix had this youthful determined gaze as he looked to the far-off horizon.

“The word you’re looking for is prosperity, Highness.”

“Prosperity. Yes, that sounds about right. Ashamedly, though I know the name of the destination, I know not how to get there,” Croix faced Viers. “Can you teach me?”

“This is the countess’ test for you so I cannot hold your hand in this assignment. Do understand this, Highness. With that said, what is prosperity, in your own mind?”

“Hmm… Wealth?” Croix took a moment to answer.

“Prosperity is far more than wealth. It’s the people’s opportunity, success, well-being, security, and others. All these interlocking things must be rooted in a fundamentally strong society and nurtured by a proper government. The pinnacle of this idea is a place called utopia, a society where everything is perfect. Tell me, have you heard of any utopia in Latias or abroad?”

“I don't think I have, no.”

“Indeed. Every ruler that lived has chased utopia and toiled to build it. How close they managed to get differs but it is always out of reach. The best you can do is to get as close to it as possible.”

Croix felt profoundness from Viers’ solemn talk.



“Why can't utopia be realized?” Croix asked with intense curiosity.

“Because we are people, Highness. Because people are flawed beings.”

The face of the fifteen-year-old boy showed that he was confused.

“This you will slowly realize as you live through life. We have strayed into the philosophical and it is too complex, back to prosperity. Before you can run, learn to walk. Before bringing prosperity to a whole kingdom, do so to one small village first, Countess Grace is wise.”


“Let me give you a hint: think about what these people need. It starts from there.”

Croix took his time coming up with his answer and Viers waited patiently.

His mind wandered to the sea. He wanted to investigate the meteors that caused the tide that swept through the village but he had his duties as Croix’s vassal. He had to go soon. The longer he waited, the less probability he found something useful. Some fishman might abscond with his prize.

“Food… Safety… And wealth. These three. Before the tidal wave they already had enough for themselves. First we help them regain it… And then expand it!”

Croix spoke each word with more zeal than the last.

“Not a bad answer. You’ve arrived at the starting line. May your journey prove fruitful.”

“Thank you for your lesson, Master.”

The word Master came more naturally from Croix.

“Hm,” Viers gave a sagely nod. He felt a sense of accomplishment after playing the part of a wise mentor. His Horizon went up too. He did this many times with Boram but since Croix was a different person, the newness increased his Horizon.

“Master, Prince Croix, the aunties said the food is ready.”

Boram approached from behind.

“Thank you, Boram. Shall we?” Croix said.

“Yes, let’s-”

Viers paused his words and jerked his head to the sky.

The two boys were confused.

“Run!” Viers screamed. He already grabbed both of their hands.

The pressure from the sky fell on them before they could, locking them into place.

“Wh-what is this!?” Croix panicked.

“Grrrrrh! Mas…ter…” Boram struggled to move.

“This feeling…” Viers gritted his teeth.

A Level 5!

There was a streak of light in the sky like a shooting star, swiftly approaching, but the bright object was not a celestial body passing through at a faraway distance. When the glow dimmed, there was a handsome brown-haired youth floating fifty meters away above them. He wore a gray-furred cloak.

“Croix Ash Latias, where is my daughter and her fiance? Answer in three seconds.”

The pressure of his attention was insane. It was like a material force.

Duke Lucan came in person, and he was pissed.

Viers crushed a seed inside the pocket the moment he sensed the approaching danger. His hand was gripping a second seed, ready to crush it at a moment’s notice.

Meanwhile, Croix who bore the full brunt of the duke’s hostility was like a deer caught in headlights. He was consumed by an overwhelming sense of fear that he was paralyzed. Just like that three seconds passed.

“Fine then. I don't need you talking,” Duke Lucan closed his eyes, and reopened them with a more sharp gaze. “But you’ll tell me what you know!”

“How brazen!”

A wave of cold blanketed the area. No sooner than the voice carried with magic was heard, a woman in white dress appeared in the sky facing the Level 5 intruder. On her back, a raging blizzard.

The appearance of his aunt spared Croix from whatever fate the duke planned for him. His fear also got erased somewhat.

“Countess Weiss,” the youth who looked like he was twenty, acknowledged his Level 5 peer.

“Duke Lucan,” Grace Weiss reciprocated with the same speck of civility.

The two Level 5 maintained their youthful appearance, a common trait in the Fables Viers was familiar with. However, they were like two forces of nature poised to clash. Behind Grace was a blizzard, on the other hand, behind the duke was a nebula.

A Star Pathseeker.

Viers had a passing meeting with one in the past, Paina’s little brother, in the Tower of Doom. Although, he never had the chance to directly exchange techniques with him. Compared to him, Duke Lucan was a whole lot stronger as if he was of a different dimension.

“Do not interrupt me, countess. I have a crucial matter to take care of.”

“You have no authority here and don't presume as such. Especially not in front of me. I will not tolerate a wolf invading my domain as he pleases.”

“My patience runs thin,” Duke Lucan’s Victa blared more intensely.

“Your patience is paper-thin at best. What does it matter to me?”

“My precious daughter and her fiance are missing!” Duke Lucan shot a glare at Croix. The prince felt as if he was stabbed with an invisible sword. “I’ll know what happened to them!”

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