Aurora Scroll

Chapter 373 - How It Should Have Ended

Hearing what the Duke said about the disappearance, Grace slightly raised her eyebrow.

“My nephew’s scuffle with the other prince and your progeny is known to me, from my subordinate's report and his own words. After a kid’s fight, they escaped. The obvious course, since his opponent is much stronger. What makes you think he is the cause of their missing status?”

“Covering your tracks after acting maliciously is nothing new,” the duke scoffed with disdain. “As the last person who made contact with them, Prince Croix falls under suspicion. There were signs of a great battle. The protection I left on Prince Marvin was smothered without being able to send word back to me. Traces of a Divine Weapon used were on site. All the servants they took with them were all killed. The culprit is very thorough…”

The duke cast a hostile glance at the countess.

“It cannot be done without powerhouse or forces with a significant backing.”

“You imply I laid a hand on your wards? I do not take kindly to insults.”

The blizzard surrounding the countess grew.

“Hmph,” the duke set his eye on Croix and the hissing baby dragon beside him once more. “A simple look upon his memories shall suffice. Out of consideration for you, I won't harm him if he’s innocent. I will find out what happened, one way or another. Stand down, or be made to.”

The duke slowly floated closer to Croix who took a step back unconsciously.

A flower of ice, big enough for a person to step on it, congealed under the countess’ feet. Furthermore, her Victa rose to an incredible degree. With her at the center, the ocean water began to freeze, tens of meters and spreading still.

“You forget your place, woman. Those who disrespect House Lucan will regret it. Always.”

Duke Lucan similarly readied himself for battle. A spectral giant wolf’s head was forming behind him. The wolf’s eyes were like malicious burning suns. The ocean waters were pushed away from him by some invisible force.

Two Level 5s were flexing their power at such close proximity. Even Level 3 Pathseekers such as Viers and Boram wouldn't survive the after-effects of their Artes. Croix as a newly minted Level 0 Pathseeker was just barely able to maintain consciousness. The normal villagers had already fainted from the Victa pressure long ago. This was a disaster far worse than the tidal wave they painstakingly survived a few days ago.

Viers tried to gauge their strengths, to glimpse which was stronger, but it was futile. It was like trying to look at the top of two skyscrapers that reached the clouds from ground level. Only two Levels away, but still such a difference in power. At later stages of the cultivation realm, the difference of a single realm would be more pronounced. Viers had readied himself for the expected result so he wasn't disappointed or shaken.

Not that he had the leisure of thinking about such things in the face of a crisis anyway. He, Boram, and Croix were like wet paper before a storm. The slightest wind and they would be torn apart. Even if the countess were to protect them, would they come out unscathed?

“I am willing! I submit to Duke Lucan’s soul search!”

Such thoughts were not exclusive to Viers. Croix thought of the same and he shouted his words at the two Level 5 in fear that the raging storm of intent between them drowned out his voice.

Starting from Level 4, Pathseeker began to cultivate their soul and one didn't need to have soul affinity for this. This allowed them to place soul marks on their sons and daughters as a deterrent to those who wished to do them harm. Naturally, Level 5 had greater powers, something like a soul search was not impossible for them.

No one liked their mind and soul to be read by someone else. It was humiliating and unethical both. In the Pathseeker world, to soul search or mind read another was no different than an insult of the highest degree. Deadly retribution as a result was the norm.

“Croix, you-”

“Duke Lucan’s actions are caused by his concern for his family,” Croix interrupted his aunt. “Regrettably, I do not know anything that might help the duke to find them nor did I do them harm. I am innocent and have nothing to hide. If the duke isn't convinced, he may directly look into my soul. All will be made clear!”

Croix tried to de-escalate the situation and prevent a full-blown war. Not only would it cause widespread destruction, but there was a chance that one of them might die, and if that his aunt… Even should his aunt win, she might get permanently injured or something along those lines.

“You’ve made a wise decision, Prince Croix,” the duke sounded slightly mellowed. “Well?”

“If your intrusion harms my nephew, then I’ll nail your frozen corpse to the walls of your own manor,” Grace replied coldly.

“Fuh, empty threats. If the boy does not resist, there will be no problems.”

Soul search could be dangerous and leave lasting harm to the recipient. Viers was a Pathseeker with soul 5 affinity and he performed soul search every day; he could be called a soul search specialist. Soul searching someone weaker than him without doing any harm was easy for him. Duke Lucan on the other hand was clearly not a soul Pathseeker.

Grace watched the duke like a hawk as he soul searched Croix. He did it with an additional tool, a lantern. With his hand on Croix’s forehead and the lantern in another, he began. Scenes appeared on the lantern’s glass like a movie from Croix’s perspective. Grace also could see them.

The duke swiftly went to the relevant part, Croix’s trip to the Archion Volcano. Of their scuffle with Marvin, Croix and Boram’s struggle to the top, his meeting with the red dragon, the test and the dragon’s reluctant approval, the hatching of Falmerion, and how Croix escaped with the temporarily big Falmerion with his vassals.

Prince Marvin and Solany Lucan were clearly still alive by the time Croix’s left. Seeing that, the duke frowned. He continued witnessing the events that followed in fast-forward, trying to find clues. There were none and soon, he caught up to the latest event at the Shore.

“Are you satisfied?” The countess asked.

The duke grumphed and flew off without a single word but Grace stopped him.

“Is the head of House Lucan that shameless towards the younger generation? I wonder what others would think?”

That made the duke stop in his tracks and throw a sword with a red gem on its pommel at Croix. The sword was sheathed and stopped in front of the prince.

“House Lucan thanks Prince Croix for his cooperation.”

The young-looking duke disappeared like a shooting star.

“...Is that it? By the Goddess, we survived.”

With Duke Lucan gone, the tension left Croix’s body all at once. Similarly, Viers and Boram let out a sigh of relief.

“Not even an apology. Hmph. He will be nursing his injured ego for years to come.”

Grace flew towards them. No longer the blue-haired lady emitting cold and frost all around her. She grabbed the sword and unsheathed it partway. After being seemingly satisfied with her investigation, she passed it to Croix.

“Should make a satisfactory hearth poker.”

Croix thought the sword was way, way more than that but he didn't refute his aunt.

Her business here was over. Grace was also about to fly back to Stormberg.

“I’m truly grateful for you coming to save me, Aunt Grace,” Croix humbly said.

“I simply safeguard my territory from invaders. I didn't do it for you,” Grace said aloofly. “Hurry and aid the villagers.”

“Naturally. I’ll never forget your kindness.”

Grace left without another word. Croix watched her disappear into the storm surrounding Stormberg.

“Do all Level 5 speak in a limited manner, or just them?” Viers stood beside Croix, watching in the same direction.

“I hope not,” Croix smiled. Falmerion let out a shriek near his feet. “Looks like they got you startled too, huh? It’s okay now buddy.”

“I’ll check how the villagers are doing.”

“Ah. Please do.”

“Let me help with that,” Viers said.

Master and disciple walked back together while the young prince was arranging his thoughts. Like the duke said, there was no harm done to him.

“Level 5… So frightening,” Boram murmured.


But why was Master smirking?

Did something good happen?


A little while ago.

“Vice-Vicar Izabella, how much longer do we have to wait!?” A man said with a heated temper.

“Soon,” Izabella calmly responded.

“You gathered us here, without saying what the mission was, and we just waited. Where’s the profit you promised us!?”

Izabella saw that although only one person voiced his dissent, the others also bore the same sentiment in their eyes. Although her direct subordinates put more stock in her words, most of the people here were not her minions and only came for the profits.

“If you don't believe me, why do you come?”


The man was lost for words.

“Soon I say. Do something productive like meditation while you wait.”

Izabella gathered her fellow Blood Church for a confidential mission. She pulled favors and gave promises to gather the necessary manpower. What an irritable bunch. It had just only been a few days and-

“Target sighted. I repeat, target sighted. Plan Alpha is a go. Bats, move out.”

Her communicator relayed the words that she longed to hear.

“This is it!” Izabella rose on her feet. “All troops, move out!”

The enchanted veil was pulled down, revealing Izabella and another twenty cultists. There were another four groups lying in wait.

All of the cultists were raging for some action so they were very eager after having to lay in wait uncomfortably in camouflage.

“...Eh? Wait this is-!” One of the cultists hesitated after finding the place familiar. When she saw the flag on one of the roofs, her worry was confirmed.

“Vice-Vicar Izabella, are you crazy? Attacking the Lucan Duchy? I don't care if you have a death wish but I don't!”

“The Duke isn't here!” Izabella replied confidently. “Now you want wealth or not? Attack!”


Somewhere else in the Lucan Duchy, Arsène, with the face of Prince Marvin, arrived from a Biome’s portal.


Imagining the events that were supposed to be unfolding, Viers made Light Yagami’s smile after he successfully outwitted L.

Just according to Keikaku.

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