Aurora Scroll

Chapter 401

"I urge you to reconsider. Such an opportunity is too precious to waste."

"Thank you for your wisdom, Pastor, but my mind is made up. I have other considerations," Viers turned to Alfred. "Boram will go. He can stay beside the prince and there will be less questions. As bodyguards go, you can vouch for his strength, yes?"

The two tried to reverse Viers' decision but he wouldn't budge.

"...How do I tell His Highness," Alfred scratched his head. "Oh, right, Pastor Hugh, you wish to meet with His Highness, right? Err…"

Alfred was in a bind. He couldn't possibly ask an honored Level 5 from the Church to make the trip after he'd come this way. On the other hand, if he asked the prince to come to the Shore, it would undermine the prince's standing, not to mention the Countess'.

Hugh sensed Alfred's predicament and extended a helping hand.

"If it is not a problem, may I accompany you to Stormberg?"

"R-right. I'll have to inform the Countess and receive her permission first."

"Of course. Please, go ahead."

Alfred excused himself and went outside. He would write a letter about what transpired here and then send it to Stormberg using magic. Meanwhile, Viers and Hugh remained in the room, silently drinking tea, while in their minds thoughts bloomed.

"Pastor, a question, if I may."

"Feel free to ask."

"Are you familiar with demonic possession?"

To Viers' question, there was a glint that wasn't there before in Hugh's eyes.

"I have encountered a few," Hugh encapsulated his 164 instances of exorcisms. "The rest of your inquiry, if you please."

"Would you say you're an expert in resolving this sort of… issues?"

"Hardly. I simply have encountered these problems more often than most."


There was a pause. Hugh knew the exchange of words wasn't over and waited in silence.

"I know someone… that was marked by a demon. A powerful one. I have done my best but I fear there is still something hidden. A buried danger perhaps."

Hugh studied Viers' expression.

"This person, how is he? Is he sane? Any mental or physical deformities?"

"She is fine and well, as far as I know," Viers gave a short answer. "I'd like to ask a favor from you to ascertain her condition. The cost of your services-"

"Will be freely given. Cleansing the demonic presence from this world is only right and proper. Simply giving her my opinion does not require payment. If I can help her, I will."

"My gratitude for your kindness then," Viers lowered his head. "Please forgive my rudeness just one more time. Can you give me your word that once you've met her and learned of her problem you will not do her harm and allow her to leave intact whatever her choice may be?"

Hugh opened his mouth but Viers cut in first.

"Apologies for my disrespect. I simply worry for her. Some members of the faith possess quite the… overzealous intent about destroying any trace that is demonic. She was marked without her wish."

"Hmm," Hugh gave a single firm nod. "No harm shall befall her. You have my word."

"...I will convey your response to her. Do not worry I will mess up your schedule. I shall bring her to meet you before you leave for Stormberg. Allow me to say my sincerest thank you."

Alfred entered at this moment.

"The Countess said it would be her honor to receive a visit from you Pastor Hugh. She has sent for a carriage with full escort for you."

"That would not be necessary. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning at first light, arriving in the afternoon. Is this agreeable with you, young friend?"

"She'll be here at first light," Viers nodded. "No problem."


Hugh and his disciple, Austen, stayed the night in Croix's house. The finest place in the village that had met a barely acceptable standard for an important person. Croix didn't ask for the house, the villagers built it for him anyway. The prince thought it would become the administrative office after his tenure as viceroy ended.

Before the break of dawn, Viers and Farley were walking to that place.

Farley came out from the Gate Plant inside Viers' house so it would only be a short walk before they arrived at their destination.


Farley exhaled a long breath. It was rare for Viers to see her nervous, but could he blame her?

"We could call it off," Viers said. "Come back when we're stronger. There have been no problems thus far."

"That we know of, Lord Avel," Farley said. They were outside so she used his other name, just in case others might be listening. "It might cause other problems the longer it stays. Let's put our worries to rest sooner rather than later."

Viers told Farley about Hugh after the Level 5 left his house yesterday. They decided to let the Pastor look at Farley's right eye which was turned into a demon eye after Dumuzin possessed her. Viers judged Hugh as someone trustworthy that wouldn't break his word and the man's reputation painted him as a respectable man. That said, Farley was marked by a Demon God and a former cultist. Perhaps the pastor would decide she was too dangerous to live. Who knew what would happen?

Still, if there was a hidden danger, then the Level 5 seemed to be their best bet for uncovering it. The two understood this so they went through with the plan. Paina and Clarissa wished to be present but Viers declined. It would be better to not have other factors that might divulge their pasts or secrets.

Farley's hand was trembling.

Viers held her hand as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Farley didn't expect the act, glanced at Viers' face for a moment then looked down the road.

Her trembling hand slowly subsided.

At this hour, the village was already awake. Fishing villages began their day early. Many people saw Avel walking with a masked woman whilst holding hands. Their destination was near the busy part of the village so it was bound to happen. Farley’s hair was a different color than the woman he brought to his house; the body shape and height was different too.

Some housewives began to talk in whispers with their neighbors.

Viers knew this might become the start of another rumor but he did not care right now. The following event was too important.

When the two reached the front of Croix's house, they were received by someone who seemed to have stood in front of the door for some time. The white-haired boy Austen was there with arms crossed and an unamused face.

"Your master is expecting us," Viers said.

"You've got some nerve to order my master as if he is your servant."

The disciple deployed an Arte. It was a magic field of sorts. The three were now hidden from onlookers.

"I think you have been misinformed."

"I'm informed enough. That her? Yes, she stinks with demonic corruption. I bet you're a cultist, aren't you? Consort with demons long enough and you will suffer the consequences. Good riddance. Leave and don't trouble my master with your worldly circumstances."

"Technically, the brat is correct," Viers said to Farley with his mind and shrugged. "Well? How do you want to resolve this?"

"We could just wait. The priest should come out in a short time."

"That works."

Once it was clear they wouldn't leave, Austen stepped forward.

"Since you won't listen to words, I'll make you."

The youth's power rose in the form of a white aura. In his hand, a giant curved sword that was taller than himself was materializing. It wasn't made of metal, but bone. He walked while the blunt side of the sword rested on his shoulders.

"Last warning. Leave, or feel my fang."

Farley took a step forward and drew her spear from her inventory item. She made an unyielding battle stance.

"Don't trash him too badly, okay?" Viers said.

"Big words! After her, you're next!"

Austen leaped and swung his giant fang sword straight down. Farley dodged to the side but the ground exploded with earth flying in all directions because of the impact.

"Heh," Austen smirked. He expected the two to be in awe of his strength. But nothing of the sort happened. Avel, despite being so close to the point of impact, had not a speck of dust on him, and the masked woman stood in a way that was asking for him to make the next move.

"Don't, underestimate me!"

Austen swung his sword at Farley diagonally, gouging earth like a spoon with his big bone sword. But as he blinked, he'd lost sight of his target. Austen frantically searched, his eyes darted left and right.

"Above you," he heard a feminine voice.

Austen looked up and managed to raise his guard as Farley's spear descended upon him.

"How dare you mock me," Austen gritted his teeth.

"Then do better," Farley said with a flat tone.


The disciple tried to hide his actions but how could the Level 5 be unaware of what was happening so close to him? Austen's isolation attempt might as well not exist. It wasn't to the point of an Imaginary Domain or even Hidden Boundary.

Hugh, along with Alfred, watched his disciple fight with the masked woman. True enough, Hugh felt the demonic taint from her. And she was pretty remarkable, strength-wise.

"Am I right to assume she is another vassal of Prince Croix? Quite the gathering of talent, Sir Alfred."

"Actually, Your Grace, she is not. I have no idea who she is. I've never seen her before."

"Oh? Intriguing."

The man who called himself Avel was truly a mystery. The first time Hugh saw him, he had at least five life-saving items, each of them primed and should be capable of defending a strike from a Level 5. That showed wealth. A normal vassal, he was not.

Then during the conversation, Hugh felt he was conversing with a pond deceptively hiding the grotesque scene underneath. The surface was as still as a mirror, but beneath lied a forest of dead bones. This man had killed a lot of his fellow men.

He possessed a teleportation array or something similar in his house. Hugh was not so rude to extend his magical senses in someone else's house. He might be able to pierce the magical barriers but he didn't need to. The stories about the other people that he brought into his house and disappeared, and the appearance of the masked girl currently battling his disciple, all pointed to the same thing. Avel had a base in another place. He had the backing of an organization, and it was a powerful one.

He suspected Avel was here under orders of that organization to influence the prince. It was a common political move and the Church's policy was to not meddle in the worldly matters of empires and kingdoms.

He understood the argument of his fellow brothers and sisters that advocated the Church should project its influence more to bring more good to the world, yet someone his age already saw how messy things turned out when the Church overplayed its role.

The enrichment of the spiritual cannot be achieved by gilding the material.

But they were all people living in the material world. They were flesh and bones, minds and emotions. Try as they might, even the most pious of them could not claim they were free of sin.

What they could do was live the best they could, and show others the way when they were lost.

That was why Hugh agreed to meet with the demon-touched.

Although, his disciple's rashness caused the conflict in front of them now. Hugh did not stop them. Experience is the best teacher. Austen had to experience how vast and rich the world was. He was a talented boy, but his worldview was too narrow.

When his proud sword swung by his prided arms got deflected then cleanly blocked by the lithe young woman, Austen snapped.

He drew upon the power of his ancestor much deeper than usual. His claws elongated, his dog ears appeared, and a massive white canine's shadow appeared behind him. The mighty Devalo Dog.

Hugh prepared himself to defend the masked woman from harm but he stopped a fraction of a second later.

The last exchange of strikes knocked off the woman's helmet. The chestnut hair mixed with white feathers was free in the wind, caressed by the first light of day. Behind her, the shadow of the beautiful Devawi Swan. Smaller but clearer than the projection of his disciple. It signified a greater mastery or deeper bloodline or both.

"Well, well, well. This place is full of surprises," said Hugh while seeing a spectacle he did not expect.


Austen's butt was forced to touch grass as he lost the match, but that matter was not in his mind at all.

The incarnation of the Goddess of Beauty in front of his eyes filled the entirety of his mind and took his breath away.



Chapter 401 - The Swan and the Dog

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