Aurora Scroll

Chapter 402 - The Seven Names

Since Farley had gotten her new body after being a soul for so long, she began wearing a mask when going outside.

Paina was the same. The reason being they had become a touch too pretty.

As Pathseeker grew stronger, their lifespan extended. Their aging was also slowing down. In female Pathseekers, their beauty was also enhanced by the magic inside them, which was why high-level female Pathseekers usually possessed a high standard of beauty.

For male Pathseekers, they also had the same benefit but the effect on their appearance varied. Some preferred a macho, rugged, older physique while others had a pretty boy face. Some scholars argued the discrepancies were because the ideal image of their own bodies differed.

There were always exceptions for both cases but these were the norms.

In Farley and Paina's case, their physical beauty was elevated higher by their bloodlines. Paina's body was 100% pure Fae race while in Farley's flowed the blood of the Devawi Swan. Both bodies were formed thanks to Viers' adventure to Valkut.

Beauty was in the eyes of the beholder but most people would find them pretty. Some would even fall in love with them on the spot, especially the Non-Pathseeker Idlers. Viers didn't know if they were emitting some sort of passive magical charm or not but that did seem to be the case.

The first case was when they were still Level 1, during an outing after being cooped up in the Biome. Their visit to a town drew too much attention. Then there was their Profound Codex.

Paina helped people who were in need like a saintess, and Farley who sometimes couldn't help but dance under the moonlight.

They got love letters, proposals, and others more extreme. The town mayor who tried to take them by force, the bandit lord who clashed with him for the same purpose, and even Iz's cult wanted to recruit them. Viers thought it was pretty hilarious.

They learned their lesson and began wearing masks when going out the next time.

And now, your beauty claims another victim. Oh Farley, you sinful girl.

Viers snickered seeing the dog-boy's lovestruck expression. Viers himself was unaffected by their beauty. Sure, he found them pretty, but he knew them before they became super beauties and he always prided himself on not thinking with his dick like harem MCs so the thought of dating them or taking advantage of them didn't cross his mind.

Power was Viers' one true love, at least for the foreseeable future anyway.

Returning to the matter at hand, Farley and Austen's scuffle was far from using the full extent of their powers. Austen's prowess was actually pretty good; it made sense since he was a disciple of a Level 5. His mental department needed refining though, he got carried away by his emotions way too much. Farley easily beat him this time because he got distracted by her appearance during the last exchange.

"That is quite enough. Let us stop here before any side gets hurt."

Hugh appeared like a referee who called the game's end along with Alfred.


"Master…" Austen looked down and his dog ears also flopped, giving Viers the impression of a submissive dog before its owner.

"Apologize to these two, my two guests that you accosted."

"Master, I-"

Hugh's steely gaze landed upon Austen and it was like physical pressure.

"...I'm sorry. It was my fault," Austen lowered his head to Viers and Farley.

"Reflect on what you've done. Now leave us, time is short."

Austen did so and left, but he stole a glance at Farley who was picking up her fallen helmet. The helmet resembled what Malenia, the Blade of Miquella wore, so it hid her face. The helmet was naturally courtesy of Viers.

After Austen left, Alfred also excused himself. He said he would oversee the preparations for the trip. He would wait for the pastor at the exit of the village. The older knight had the delicacy of not infringing the personal matters of Avel, his colleague.

Finally, the moment had come, Farley was standing face to face with pastor Hugh. She tried to calm herself as much as she could, steeling her heart for whatever would happen in the next minutes.

To which Hugh spoke to her with a kind smile.

"You have nothing to fear from me, child. I gave young friend Avel here my word and now, to you. If you're willing, allow me to look at your malady."


"Huu… I'm glad it's really alright," Paina exhaled in relief.

"Now you can go forward without worry," Clarissa shared her gladness.

"Yes, thank you both," Farley said.

After the medical checkup from Pastor Hugh about her demonic taint, she returned to Viridis with Viers and informed her two worried friends about it.

The demonic energy that Dumuzin put into her was wholly contained in her right eye, the rest of her body was infection-free. In a normal condition, the demonic energy was dormant, she didn't even feel any different. With the slightest of thought, she could activate it at will. Only, because she didn't know much about it yet and the fear of hidden dangers, Farley avoided activating her demonic eye.

Besides the conspicuous demonic energy, the activation also made her right eye glow red. It was quite showy so it was easy to garner attention. The last thing she wanted was to get hunted like a cultist. She couldn't afford it if she wanted to live in peace with Gwen.

After experimentation, she found that when she lost control of her emotions or was in danger, her demon eye activated on its own.

As for what the eye actually did, she enjoyed only benefits. Firstly, her power was boosted by demonic energy. Her Arte packed more punch and so on. Her vision also improved significantly and saw things that weren't visible normally. This became a boon in battle, such as the ability to read her opponent's moves. Viers and Clarissa told her this was basically the same as their Euryale Sight Arte.

But the activation cost her nothing. She also instinctively felt there was much more hidden inside if she dug deeper, yet she didn't pry because of fear and caution.

Farley said all of these to the pastor earlier. She even showed it to him.

At first, the priest was perplexed that Farley didn't suffer the demonic corruption that usually came with this sort of power. Her mind was clear, there was no sign of the demonic energy spreading to the rest of her body either. After examination, Hugh said removing her right eye would be of no use. It would grow back with the same demonic taint.

Farley then recalled what the Level 5 did next. He cast a magic field with Holy attribute, encompassing himself, her, and Viers. Naturally, this alarmed them but the priest showed no hostility and sat down, eyes straight into her eyes.

"Chalchar, the Greater Devil of Fire and Destruction."

"Yasterah, the Greater Devil of Blood and Control."

"Lichzen, the Greater Devil of Death and Suffering."

"Teorph, the Greater Devil of Rot and Poison."

"Banbexi, the Greater Devil of Night and Space."

"Isidaris, the Greater Devil of Ice and Time."

"Dumuzin, the Greater Devil of Soul and Madness."

Hugh raised a finger each time he uttered a name. The name of the Seven Demon Gods and their titles. No wonder he erected a holy barrier first. His words possessed a mysterious power that Farley didn't recognize. When he said the last name, Farley involuntarily flinched. Her right eye throbbed and gave her pain.

"As expected. It was Dumuzin who marked you. I suspected this was the work of a very powerful demon. Perhaps even as high as the Goetia Nobles, since the demonic energy quality is incredibly high. To think it was even higher… The personal handiwork of one of the seven. If I didn't see it myself I wouldn't believe it. Now then, Avel and Felicity, answer me this honestly: are you two allies of the cults?"

Felicity was the fake name Farley gave herself. At first, she wanted to give her true name since the pastor would know she was lying anyway. But Viers argued that it might compromise the Avel persona since her name might be known as a former cultist by the Church.

Hugh didn't mind her fake name, but for this question, she felt he wouldn't tolerate lies.

Lord Viers must have come to the same conclusion because of his answer.

"She is a former cultist who has since broken away from her past. I helped her sever those ties. As for me, I have dealt with the cultists several times, sometimes as allies, more times as enemies. However, we owe no allegiance to the cults or to their demonic deities. What I fear is that Felicity would be used for Dumuzin's own ends."

There was a tense moment but Hugh accepted their truthful answer. He feared he would be abetting his enemies since the two of them insisted on being mysterious. He said he was willing to put a seal on Farley's eye so the demonic energy wouldn't come out.

Viers asked if he could exterminate the demonic taint completely. Hugh answered it was beyond his capability. Sealing was the best he could do. Of course this meant Farley wouldn't be able to gain the demon eye benefits but it was no problem. She agreed to it right away. With the Devawi Swan's bloodline and everything else, she didn't need demonic powers.

The sealing proceeded without a hitch. Hugh gave a warning afterward.

"Even with my seal, if your strength of will weakens, the demonic energy will emerge again. If you think relying on that power is fine because you suffer no disadvantage, I urge you to throw away such naive thoughts. In all my years of dealing with the demons and their matters, it always leads to nothing good. I'll give you one example. There was a man I personally knew who thought he'd cheated a demon and got the best of him. He became able to use demonic energy without the usual drawback, similar to you. He used his powers to do good for decades, saving countless people. But when he was old and death was around the corner, that demon appeared again, he dragged his soul to Hell as payment for the powers he'd given him. Remember this."

"I will keep your words close to my heart. Thank you, Pastor Hugh."

"Mmm. Then I'll be going now. It wouldn't do to keep the esteemed ruler of Stormberg waiting. I bid you two farewell."

Viers and Farley saw the pastor off to the village's edge, where Austen and Alfred waited. Before they left, Viers spoke.

"Pastor Hugh, despite our hidden backgrounds and secrecy you were willing to help and even given it without asking anything in return. I cannot claim to be a man of virtue but I will remember this favor. To you, and the Church."

"I am the same. My humblest gratitude, Pastor Hugh," Farley bowed.

"May the blessing of the Radiant Lady be upon you two," Hugh said and departed to Stormberg.

Austen looked like he wanted to say something to Farley but stayed silent. Alfred kept his mouth shut but he most definitely would report what he saw to the Countess as it was his duty.

Farley's recollection of the past ended and now she was here, sitting with two of her friends.

"That Pastor Hugh is pretty cool, huh?" Paina said. "I suppose I should learn a thing or two from him. You know, about helping people."

Paina's Profound Codex, Give And You Shall Receive, at its core was about helping others.

"I'm sure you'll do great. It suits your nature," Clarissa said. "Just do your best."

"Aww, thanks… Oh yeah, one more thing that I don't get. The pastor called the seven demon gods Greater Devils but also demons. What's up with that? What's the difference between devils and demons?"

The question had been in Paina's mind for a long time. Now seemed to be a good time to ask.

"Let me answer," the former cultist Farley said. "So devil is the name of a race that lived in the Nine Hells. Demon is a being that got tainted by the corruptive energy of Hell. Humans, monsters, animals, trees, sentient stones, anything can be a demon. Based on this, you'll find that every devil is a demon but not every demon is a devil."

"Just like the human race is a mammal but not every mammal is human," Clarissa added. "Demons are very numerous because creating a demon is very easy, just a touch of a demon is usually enough to corrupt others into another demon. In a sense, Farley could be called a demon. Devils are fewer in number but they are usually stronger. They were born in Hell, they could use demonic energy with far greater familiarity and skill. Even the weakest devil would be a problem if they managed to enter this world. In the Great War, I hated fighting a devil. Each of them is a menace. In this current era, it seems those seven stood at the very top of devils."

"Hmm, thus the Greater Devils huh… Calling them Demon Gods like Viers did seems easier," Paina pondered.

"The Church doesn't like to call them gods. Because in their doctrine, Estelle was the only living god left. Cult members treated their patrons as gods though, they certainly have the power of one."

"So there's Dumuzin, Yasterah, Chalchar-"

"Stop!" Farley stopped Paina. "Their name shouldn't be uttered thoughtlessly. Even a Level 5 placed a holy barrier before talking. We do not want to call their attention."

"But Viers don't seem to care about saying their name though?" Paina questioned.

"We are not Viers. Let's just stay away from trouble, alright?" Clarissa proposed.

"All right, all right. Well, let's wrap this up," Paina checked the time. "Not even close to midday. Anyone up for a few sessions of monster hunting in the Grid?"

"I'll join you," Clarissa said.

"I'd like to do self-training after the events of today. Sorry."

"No worries Farley. We-"

Paina stopped because the white card that they received from Viers floated in front of them suddenly. They heard Viers' voice inside their minds.

"Attention all employees. There will be an important meeting shortly. The CEO will make an important announcement regarding the future direction of the company. Attendance is mandatory."

"Oh, what is he playing at this time?" Paina lightly tapped her forehead.

"I don't know, but I look forward to it. He always makes things interesting every time he does something like this," Clarissa smiled.

It was true enough, Farley admitted. Sometimes, getting on board with the CEO's quirkiness brought joy to her days in ways she couldn't imagine.

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