Aurora Scroll

Chapter 403 - Velvet Sea

"Look, it's Prince Croix!"

"Yay! He's come to play!"

"Prince's dragon is here too!"

Croix's appearance was welcomed by a gaggle of kids who proceeded to swarm him.

"Hahaha, hello everyone. How are you all? Good?"

"Sto-bekk always rains!"

"Yeah, Billy caught a cold 'cause he was playing in the rain."

"Oh, that's not good. You gotta take good care of yourself."

In a break between his training, Croix visited the children slaves that Marvin brought to die at the Archon Volcano. They were under the care of the Thunder Wing Knightly Order all this time. Croix planned to aid them in making it back to their homes, if that wasn't possible, he'd let them stay at the Shore.

Two people were watching the scene from afar. The rain was unable to touch them.

"His Highness seems to possess a virtuous character," Hugh said approvingly.

"He's still green," Grace said pensively.

"It is a privilege of the young to be green. Something that I shan't fault the prince for, especially since his heart seems to be in the right place. Your ladyship has raised him well."

"High praise, Pastor. But I won't claim any credit for his disposition. His character has been molded before he met me."

"Ah, look at me, rambling. That happens more often lately. My apologies, Countess. We of the Church will not interfere in the matters of other nations but we do know gratitude. Cardinal Silvermoon sent her gratitude, not just in the form of words but with something more tangible."

"Is meeting over an evening meal agreeable, Pastor Hugh?"

"Not a banquet, surely?" Hugh made a weak smile.

"It would reflect poorly on me as a host to fail to give a man of your stature anything less. However, I know Your Grace's dislike of pretentious grandeur. I'll arrange a modest banquet."

"My Lady is most understanding," Hugh was relieved.

The two Level 5 had a period of silence as they continued observing Croix entertaining the kids.

"I met a remarkable young man at the previous village I visited. The prince's vassal, if I'm not mistaken."

"I imagine you did, Pastor."

"Was he… a handful?"

"Like a wild horse with wings," Grace replied.

"Does My Lady plan on reining him?" Hugh raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"I expect whoever tries to do that will need to do so with extreme care."


Viers had sent a message through the white card to people that he chose for an important meeting.

"But where?" Paina wondered. "The message didn't say a location."

"I suppose in the Biome? Dia, can you hear me? Where's Lord Viers?" Farley said to a tree nearby. Those who didn't know better might think her crazy.

"No, Farley, I think there's no need for that," Clarissa said.

The white cards flew out on their own and created a door for each holder. Since there were three cards between them, three doors were created. The door was blue in color and quite ornate.

"Whoa… This is Viers' doing. No doubt about it. It's his style," Paina commented.

"Rissa, do you know about this?" Farley asked the lamia. As a former Level 5, Viers discussed Pathseeker matters more with Clarissa than with her and Paina.

"No, nothing. This is new for me too."

The doors pulsed, and they felt a calling.

"Well, shall we?"

Farley touched the blue door first. It opened on its own after a light touch. A white-blue light prevented them from seeing what was on the other side. After Farley went in, the door closed and dissipated, leaving not a single trace.

"Huh, she's gone," Paina tried to sense her friend but picked up nothing.


Clarissa touched the door that was made from Paina's card, which didn't call out to her. Even after she touched the door, it stayed closed.

"Figures. I'm going on ahead."

Clarissa went to her door and like Farley, she was gone the next moment.

"Wai- Sure, go on ahead to a mysterious door that leads to who knows where… Ei!"

Paina also went through the door despite what she said. Unlike the other two who slowly walked in, she leaped inside.

The three experienced similar blindness after the crossing. When they opened their eyes, they found themselves underwater.

Swimming fishes and colorful corals were around them like a picturesque seabed. The kelps swaying in the water current, a plethora of sea flowers, warm rays of sunlight from the surface.

It was a very beautiful place.

"Check out the view," Paina said while in awe. "Look, there's… Huh?"

She turned to her side, expecting to see Farley or Clarissa but she didn't expect what she saw.


Boram entered the blue door once it appeared without hesitation. His master was calling, what was there to be confused about? The gorgeous sight before him was nice but unfamiliar. Also, he wasn't alone.

There were others beside him, but he didn't know who they were. He looked at his own body and saw himself fine. However, the other people besides him were wearing black robes that hid their bodies. Even their faces under the hood were unseeable because of the mysterious darkness.

From a frantic response from one of them, Boram couldn't determine whether the speaker was male or female because the voice was scrambled. He could understand the words just fine, although, when that panicked person tried to call out names, the words were scrambled even further, effectively censoring them.

"Having enough fun yet?"

On the seabed, there was a grand rectangle table. The table resembled the long banquet table that he'd seen in Countess Grace's manor in Stormberg. It held enough space to house seats for twenty and still have spaces to spare.

The voice came from a robed figure that sat at the head of the table. The person's robe was white and with more elaborate designs. The voice indicated he was a male.

"I'll explain everything. Each of you has a designated seat. Come and take your places."

Boram did so. With a thought, he floated to one particular seat that he saw glowing. It was underwater but his movement didn't seem to be impeded by water resistance. In fact, he had no problem breathing. No two people seemed to aim for the same seat so he guessed the others saw a different glowing chair for each of them. After all the people had taken their places, there were still more than half seats empty at the table.

"Thank you, and welcome to my domain. I understand you must have questions. First, introductions. I am the Big Boss."


What is Viers playing at?

Clarissa saw the other black robes had a body language of confusion. The white robe who called himself the Big Boss was definitely Viers. He was the one giving out the white cards. Wasn't it the expected conclusion? However, what was the point of this? Why hide the identity of the crowds? She knew Paina and Farley were here. Boram and Jessica had the white cards as well. Including her and Viers, that made six.

But who were the other five?

"Big Boss, right… Boss of what, exactly?"

Clarissa heard the question from a black robe. Even though the voice was scrambled, she guessed it was Paina. The frankness gave her away.

"Of this most exclusive gathering. Which you are all a member of," Boss said.

"I do not remember applying," someone said, someone that Clarissa didn't know. "If this is about the card, **** gave it to me. He never said anything about this."

The name must be Viers, Clarissa thought despite the static.

"Your skepticism is understandable," Boss continued speaking with a peaceful calm. "It was my disciple who picked you all."

Viers has a master? This guy?

It came as a shock to Clarissa. She didn't know and she had been with Viers for the longest.

I suppose it isn't impossible, but even so… No, no way. This is just another one of Viers' tricks. Big Boss is Viers! I'd bet on it.


It's Lord Viers. He's just saying things to deceive us. Perhaps not all of us because Paina, Clarissa, and I are too close with him but there are the likes of Boram and Jessica who don't know everything about Viers.

Farley analyzed the charade. She wondered what would come out of this.

"My disciple, who you are all familiar with, made the proposal for this gathering. Isn't that right?"

"That is correct, Master."

Farley turned to the one that responded, the black robe to sit at the farthest of the table from Big Boss. Since they were the only two people who sat at the edge of the table, it did feel somewhat special.

That's Lord Viers? …No way. Most likely that's his double, Farley determined under one second.

"And what, pray tell, is the purpose of this gathering, will you tell us, Mr. Big Boss?" The skeptical black robe asked again.

"Allow me to explain."

The one that Big Boss called a disciple stood up and pulled back his hood, revealing his identity. Sure enough, it was Viers. At least, the one with the face of Viers. Not Tanael or Avel's, but Viers' face, his real face.

"You all know me so I won't mince words. First, this is Master's realm, the Velvet Sea. This place exists in a different plane than the material world. In this realm, Master's power is the strongest. We will be safe here."

"Or entirely at his mercy," the skeptical black robe said again.

"Quite. But rest assured, Master didn't arrange all of this to put you in danger or harm you. He has no need for wealth. Even if he did, his target wouldn’t be you but me, who is far richer than you."

Lord Viers seemed to know the skeptical black robe's true identity. Understandable. Farley had a guess about that person's identity but she couldn't be certain.

"Now, the purpose of this gathering is because I see an opportunity," Viers said. "My power base has more people now, and our individual ability is getting stronger. I believe it is time to branch out to the wider world to make use of our increase in manpower."


"Please elaborate," Izabella said.

From the start, she was the one who ran her mouth the most. She couldn't help it; she was very nervous.

I thought Big Boss was Viers but I was wrong… Viers is that guy's disciple? Then how powerful is he? And I'm in his seat of power. I knew it! I shouldn't have entered such a suspicious door from the start!!!

As a member of the Cult of Yasterah, Iz was no stranger to shady secret meetings. The setting, the avenue, the veiled identities, all were rather similar to the high-risk gatherings of the criminal underworld.

"Imagine this, Miss," Viers said while facing her. "Suppose you're in the Zetel Sultanate, and then there is someone else in this gathering who is in the Free People Coalition. Do you see the potential here?"

Iz's mind spun with ideas.

"You mean to trade? Gather lucrative goods that are easy to acquire in one place and sell it to another and vice-versa for profit?"

"That is one, although my master didn't open this gathering to start such a rudimentary mercantile business. Even if it is not about buying or selling, perhaps one time you urgently need a monster core, rare ingredients, antidote, or whatever else. You can ask a member here to get it for you, for a price agreed by both sides, of course. There is also information, sharing things between members from across vast distances. Which will keep us up-to-date with the ebb and flow of the world, opening more chances for us."

"True…" Izabella was Vice-Vicar now, she was the head of her own branch. Having access to those goods and information alone would open new doors for her.

"I suggested to Master to keep each of your identities anonymous. This is to lessen conflict between you all and as safeguards. Perhaps some of you are affiliated to the Church and some to the cults, perhaps you are from two enemy kingdoms at war, all of it doesn't matter. What matters are benefits! This gathering aims to facilitate the growth of its members without prejudice. The more you contribute to the cause, the more merit and benefit you'll enjoy."

Before the members, including Iz, appeared a book. She opened it and most of its pages were what they could buy. The goods included but not limited to Artes, Profound Codices, monsters cores, magical ingredients, enchanted items, and many more.

"I'm rich. Master is even richer. If you've got something good, I'd be happy to buy it from you. Got a rare water treasure but what you actually need is a lightning treasure? Trade here. If I don't have it, perhaps the other members have it."

"I see. This is the benefit of an organization. This is just like a Pathseeker School or House, isn't it?"

As a member of the cult, Iz was familiar with the structure of a Pathseeker organization.

To Iz's comment, Big Boss tapped the table with his finger. The power he emitted made Izabella shudder.

Big Boss conjured a white card that floated in front of Viers, the card that everyone had. He held it between his two fingers, trying to act cool.

That card now had a picture.

"Not just any institution," Viers smirked proudly. "This place offers something that you can't find anywhere else."

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