Avatar: The Gamer

30 – Spirit World.

An: start of volume 2


A small wooden boat was crossing the ocean at speeds that shouldn't be possible for a boat its size or any size for that matter, on it could be seen two silhouettes one big and the other small, they were Levi and Tenzin and they were currently facing each other without speaking.

“So you're part of a big secret organisation now huh?.” Levi was the first to break the silence with his question with a slight smirk on his face, he wouldn't miss this chance to mess with his master.

A thick mark appeared on Tenzin’s head as he heard him, how he wished he could just erase that smirk from his face, and he thought of doing just that actually as he was about to throw him off the boat to teach him a lesson, sadly, with how good the boy had become at water bending it won't be an issue for him plus he had grown a little attached to the little bastard even if he hated to admit it.

“Sigh, The order of the white lotus is bigger than me or any of the other guys for that matter. It has existed before any of us were born and will continue to do so after we're gone.” said Tenzin while sighing, explaining to Levi.

“And I hope I don't have to tell you this but keep what you just witnessed a secret.” said Tenzin as he glared at Levi.

“Hey, is that how you talk to your elders now?.” replied Levi with fake anger referring to the fact that he might be the “avatar” now and is technically older than Tenzin, a grin almost split his face in two as he noticed the boat speed drop a little signifying Tenzin’s loss of focus.

“Alright alright old man, you don't have to worry, I am good at keeping secrets.” said Levi reassuring Tenzin after noticing he was glaring at him.

“Good, now to the main point, now that you might be the avatar we need to up your training.” said Tenzin, making Levi fake grimace, bringing a smile to Tenzin's face.

“Isn't the training we're doing enough already?” asked Levi, he really didn't mind more training with gamer’s mind and body nothing could really faze him but he was still a kid and he needed to act like one.

“That might be the case with me but you will have to train with the other guys too or anyone they send if they're not available whenever you get the chance, sadly I have no idea how we should go about your air bending training.” Said Tenzin, his tone turning helpless and a little sad on the last part.

“All we can do is give you airbending scrolls we've preserved from the fallen airbenders temples and hope for the best.” said Tenzin.

“I'll do my best, old man.” said Levi smiling, his tone reassuring rather than his usual provoking one.

Tenzin only nodded at his student without replying before he continued to stir the boat forward, they were already pretty close to their tribe, just as Levi was going to speak again he was caught off guard by his system.





Levi was startled, if not for gamer’s mind he would have jumped out of his skin right about now. He didn't feel anything in their surroundings and didn't know what to do besides turning to Tenzin for help.

“Master, I think something is wrong.” said Levi with an urgent tone in his voice as Tenzin turned towards him with his eyebrows frowned while stopping the boat.

“Huh? What do you mean brat there is…'' Before Tenzin could finish what he was about to say a wormhole opened up behind Levi and swallowed him whole, so fast that Tenzin couldn't even react leaving him shocked with his mouth open before screaming at the top of his lungs, “LEVIIIII” sadly for him that wouldn't do him any good.


“Agh.” grunting Levi slowly opened his eyes before he shot up to his feet in a fighting stance and looked around him vigilantly ready to face whatever might come his way. But what he saw almost made him shit his pants even with gamer’s minds active.

It wasn't anything scary or anything of that kind but the sights before him made him think that he was on a DMT drug trip, or at least that's what the people from his previous world described it looked like as he hadn't personally done it.

The world all around him was colourful, be it the sky, the land, and even the air around, it was as if all colours were mixed with everything.

Strange transparent, translucent and what looked to be normal physical silhouettes were floating, flying and running around him, they were a mix of all kinds of animals, some even seemed to be hybrids of some kind but none of them were a threat to him that he could tell, most of them seemed to be curious about him as they gathered and watched him from afar as if observing an exotic specimen.

‘What the hell is this place and how did I get here?’ thought Levi as he observed his surroundings and the creatures looking at him, one second he was on his way back home with his master and the next he woke up in this strange place.

‘System?.’ Levi called out to the one thing that he hoped had the answer to his questions.

[The user has been transported into the spirit realm by an unknown force and is currently stuck there.]


[New quest generated]

[Quest: Stranded

You have been thrown into the spirit realm by an unknown force.

Objective 1: Uncover the secret behind who summoned you there and why.

Objective 2: Find your way back home.

Reward 1: !???

Reward 2: ??? ]

‘Shit shit shit, there couldn't be a worse timing than this? ’ thought Levi panicked, he remembered the plot of the show, and if his memory was right then his mother was set to die in two years, he had vowed to stop that but now that he was trapped here he didn't know what to do.

‘I need to get out of here as soon as possible.’ he thought, he had vowed to stop that, to do anything possible to stop it from happening, the timeline can be damned, but he had never prepared for something like this, if he can't get out of here he feared….

‘No this isn't the time to be thinking about this. I still have two years.’ he thought, calming himself down before asking the question that's been on his mind all along, ’Why did this happen?’

‘I thought the spirit world and the physical world were separated from each other. Something like this shouldn't be possible.’ thought Levi, he had so many questions but he knew that right now was not the right time for that. He needed to figure out his current situation first

‘At least things couldn't get worse than this.’ he thought as he observed his surroundings.

As if to answer his statement a system notification appeared.


The user can't access any of his bending abilities in the spirit world]

‘I had to jinx it didn't I?.’ he thought in exasperation, ‘System I thought that only applies if someone came here in their spirit body, but I am in my physical one so why can't I use my bending?’

[The spirit world seems to suppress anything that isn't spiritual, and your bending powers aren't enough to fight against that suppression for now.]

‘I see, so that means if I level up my bending powers I'll be able to fight against it.’ thought Levi before noticing something, ‘How am I not suppressed if that's the case I feel just fine…..’ before he could continue Levi collapsed on the ground holding his chest 

He felt every inch of his body burning, he couldn't breathe or stand, he felt as if the weight of a thousand mountains was on his shoulders right now. Slowly but surely his skin started to crack and he started bleeding from every pore and crack of his body, scaring the creatures around him away.

‘Agh, what is happening to me?.’ he asked the system in pain.


[The Spirit world is trying to suppress the user’s body.]


[WARNING! If no action is taken the user will succumb to his injuries and die]

[Adapting to the spirit world pressure.]


[The user had adapted to the spirit world by changing his state of existence and unlocked spirit body ]

[Spirit body (Active/Passive) - Level 1: …..]

Slowly Levi started to feel like he could breathe again as the pain all around his body started to ease before going away and the weight on his shoulders lifted.

Standing up panting and looking at his hands Levi could see the colourful ground right through them, he was transparent!?, but that didn't last for long before his hands returned to normal and he could no longer see through them. 

‘Well this is certainly new.’ He thought the only thing keeping him calm was gamer’s mind, he looked to be the same as before but he knew that he was anything but that, he couldn't feel his heart beating, or his blood flowing he didn't even feel the need to breathe air he just did it by pure reflex, it was as if he was no longer human.

The creatures that had been watching him ever since he came here seemed to finally and without a reason lose interest as they just kept going about their business, as he looked at the new ability he realised why they lost interest in him.

[Spirit body (Active/Passive) Level 1: By activating this ability the user changes his state of existence from physical to spiritual and vice versa. The user needs to change his state of being according to the world he is in.

Current state: Spiritual.

Costs 1000 Chi points to switch, the cost to switch will decrease as the ability levels up, the user will also unlock more abilities.

It doesn't cost anything to maintain the user state]

‘So I am basically a spirit now?.’ thought Levi before he noticed something as his eyes turned cold and his killing intent flared.

He had wondered about the intention of the entity that brought him here and for what reason, but, If physical world inhabitants can't survive in the spirit world then whoever had brought him here had most likely wanted to kill him.

‘Whoever you are I will find you and I will kill you.’ thought Levi, making a promise to himself as he went into stealth mode and started speeding forward.

He didn't know where he was going or what he should do but sitting around and doing nothing wouldn't be helpful.


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