Avatar: The Gamer

31 – Fighting A Dragon

In a lush forest somewhere in the spirit realm, there were all kinds of trees all around, each a different colour, some Levi had never seen in both of his lives, he was leaning on one of those trees right now with his legs crossed and eating what seemed to be a soft pink apple. It was one of the weird things he discovered here in the spirit realm, of course, he used observation on it first to make sure it was safe for consumption.

‘Not so bad if I say so myself.’ he thought as he finished his apple and looked at the sky.

It had been five days since he was stranded in the spirit world, he knew the time so accurately because the system has been counting ever since. He didn't know what to do, he explored all over the place but he couldn't find anything that might help him get back to the physical plane, and even if he did he would just instantly die if he didn't get strong enough to switch to his physical body.

He didn't seem to need food or sleep while he was in his spiritual body state which was the only upside, besides his spirit body leveling up and the cost for the switch reducing by 10 every level up.

[Spirit body (Active/Passive) Level 9: By activating this ability the user can change his state of existence from physical to spiritual and vice versa. The user needs to change his state of being according to the world he is in.

Current state: Spiritual.

Costs 910 Chi points to switch, the cost to switch will decrease as the ability levels up, the user will also unlock more abilities.]

He didn't know what made it level up but if his guess was right then just being in this state and exploring his limits and abilities increased the level, so hopefully with enough time he wouldn't have to worry about the cost of switching in the future.

Thankfully he hadn't encountered any threats for now but he would never let his guard down, he knew that the spirit realm was way more dangerous than it appeared to be, the only explanation he came to of why it was so safe now was that he had been transported to a relatively safe location. 


His ears twitched as he seemed to hear a faint sound of a twig breaking behind him.


Again the sound came and it was closer this time, apparently something or someone was trying to sneak up on him and it was failing miserably.

Levi didn't move, he acted as if he didn't hear anything, he just kept laying with his back on the tree and looking at the horizon. If whatever was trying to sneak up on him was a threat he would have felt it already, but till now he didn’t feel any danger, plus moving would alert whatever was behind him.

*Crunch* *Crunch*

So little by little he kept hearing sounds behind him, getting closer and closer till it was almost directly behind him, ‘Does it have a hearing problem?.’ questioned Levi in his mind because he couldn't for the life of him figure out how it thought it was actually being sneaky with so much noise being made.


Turning around so quickly that his opponent couldn't react, a spear appeared in Levi’s hand that he pulled from his inventory as he thrust it forward as fast as he could before he could even process what his opponent looked like.

The spear dove straight into what he assumed was his opponent's chest, all he could see were black sturdy, and shiny scales, he saw his spear pierce right through them but he couldn't feel any resistance at all as if he was piercing through air.

‘Of course.’ thought Levi as he saw the scene, he already assumed that would be the case as his spear came from the physical world and things from the two worlds seemed to not be able to interact with each other.

Before he could pull it back to hide it in his inventory the spear started cracking before disintegrating into nothingness. Levi shuddered as he saw this scene, this is what would have happened to his body when he first came here if he didn't have the system.

All of that happened in less than a second, his scaly foe was still shocked that his prey attacked him from nowhere and didn't get the time to react yet.

Looking at him Levi could almost swear that his scaly opponent was almost shaking in fear.

Jumping back Levi got a good look at his opponent, it wasn't much larger than himself, standing on four legs with black wings on his back and covered with black scales everywhere, Levi doubted that his spear could have pierced them even if it could hit him. 

‘A dragon.’ that was the only word that came into Levi’s mouth as he looked at his foe, he wasn't so surprised because he already knew that dragons existed in the avatar world, but this one was different, it didn't seem to be an eastern dragon like the ones he saw on the show in his previous world, it appeared to be a western one.

The dragon seemed to finally break free from his shock, his face becoming outraged as he roared at Levi before rushing at him.


Levi had a weird look on his face as he dodged, the roar looked mighty and fierce indeed but he couldn't help but think that it looked more like the roar of a child than an adult, and looking at the size of the dragon he was almost certain that it wasn't an adult. Using observation on him to make sure Levi was almost scared out of his skin by what he saw.

[Name: ???

Age: 8 years old.

Level: 1.

HP: 8000.

Chi: 3000.

SP: 2000.

Vitality: 800

Stamina: 200

Strength: 30

Agility: 18.

Dexterity: 3. 

Endurance/Willpower: 3.

Intelligence: 2

Wisdom: 1

Charisma: 0

Luck: 100.]

Levi was so shocked when he saw these states that he almost blacked out right there, ‘This is just not fair.’ he thought almost crying, even with his system he wasn't anywhere near that, the only reason that he didn't immediately bail out was that he was a little more agile and faster than his opponent. And it was just a little 8-year-old kid!

Outraged that his prey had dodged him the dragon lunged at Levi even faster this time snapping him from his shock and giving him less room for dodging.

‘Shit, it's getting faster.’ thought Levi as he dodged before delivering a kick to his side, almost breaking his leg in the process as he felt as if he had hit a solid rock. Immediately he backflipped, dodging a tail sweep from the dragon but it seemed he wasn't all that successful as a cut opened on his cheek.

[-10 Hp]

Deciding that only dodging wouldn't work for him Levi rushed at the dragon, surprising him and catching him off guard delivering two Jabs and a kick to his head before jumping back.

It seemed that the dragon wasn't used to its prey rushing at him and counter-attacking which was why it was caught off guard.

Looking at his hands Levi could see his knuckles turning red from punching the dragon, ‘Scratch that, his skin is way tougher than rock.’ thought Levi, not knowing how to deal with this troublesome opponent.

If things turn south he'll just have to find a way to escape.

Not wasting any more time Levi rushed at the dragon who did the same, suddenly though the dragon stopped mid-rush and opened his mouth as it started to glow in orange colour before a breath of fire came out the dragon’s mouth scorching the earth beneath it as it passed through.

‘Oh fuck me.’ thought Levi as he stopped and dodged to the side but it was too late he wasn't expecting that so he didn't get out of it unscratched, his whole right forearm was burned.


[Pain tolerance leveled up +1]

‘I got careless.’ thought Levi with an ugly look on his face as he dodged again, ‘At this rate I will have to use Limit breaker again.’ 

Even though by using limit breaker he will certainly take down his opponent but after that if another threat comes he won't be able to do anything at all, and he really didn't want to use his state points so early in his life, he was saving them for later when it became a challenge to increase his states.

Dodging again Levi delivered another hit with his healthy hand that did nothing to his opponent, he really stepped on a landmine this time, ‘If I get out of this alive I am definitely working on my luck.” thought Levi, making a promise to himself.


He didn't know how long it had been now, he didn't have the luxury to count the time, if he asked the system he would get his answer but that wouldn't help him right now.

And although thanks to “Gamer’s body” and “Rapid recovery” his hand had healed a little it wasn't enough to bring it back to 100%. 

He was panting heavily as he looked at the dragon that was eyeing him from afar looking more annoyed at not being able to catch his prey than tired, ‘Of course he isn't tired, with states like that he could go on for days.’ thought Levi.

[Rapid recovery leveled up +1] 

‘At least something good came out of this.’ 

Tired of waiting the dragon rushed him again, and again Levi dodged but not before delivering another punch. Even though he knew that he was doing basically zero damage he couldn't just do nothing.

Sadly for Levi, it seemed that his fatigue was getting to him as he didn't notice the dragon's tail sweeping at him from the side, only noticing it thanks to his danger sense, but by then it was already too late he was too tired to dodge, he could only bring his arms together to block it as he was flung to the side crashing against a tree.


[Warning! Warning!]

[Users' health has fallen into dangerous limits, it's recommended that the users take precautions.]

[Current HP: 15]

The sound of the system rang in his ear but he didn't pay it any heed, he was at his wit's end right now, and he had to find a way out, unfortunately, it seemed that he would have to use Limit breaker.

Even if he ends up comatose after it it is better than the outcome he'll have if he ends up as this dragon’s meal, he can just use the summoning card he has left to have someone protect him while he was out or assign his free state points if something came up. The dragon was slowly approaching him, seemingly able to tell that he was out of the fight now, if he was going to take action now was the time.

Closing his eyes Levi searched deep inside him for that switch/barrier that was limiting and protecting him at the same time, in no time at all he found it and just as he was about to trigger it a new system notification appeared that he was about to ignore until he read it.

[Spirit body leveled up +1]

[Spirit body reached level 10]

[Spirit body sub ability unlocked]

[Divine armament unlocked]

[Divine armament (Active) - Level 1: A divine armament containing all tools of war the user can conceive, the higher the level the more weapons and armour the user has access to

Cost: 5chi per use.]

Immediately after reading his new ability description and as if moving by instinct Levi stretched his hand forward in a grasping motion. Suddenly light exploded from his hand, catching the dragon off guard and scaring him senseless.

The light elongated in Levi’s hand, stretching until it was twice his height, when the light dimmed a little Levi could be seen grasping a pointy spear of light twice his size.

Aside from being made of light, the spear looked like any normal spear without any decorations, it looked even less impressive than the southern water tribe spears, but Levi knew that was just a facade, if what he was feeling was right this could very well be his strongest asset yet, even rivaling limit breaker.

Using the spear as support to stand straight and face the now uneasy dragon a twisted smirk came into Levi's mouth as his eyes turned dangerous, “Let's dance Baby dragon.” said Levi smoking the dragon and enraging it as it came rushing at him seemingly understanding his words.

Even though Levi was extremely tired and standing on his last legs the spear seemed to give him an extra boost as he effortlessly dodged the dragon claw sweep and thruster the spear forward into the dragon’s right side.

Levi almost thought that the same situation from before had repeated itself when he didn't feel any resistance from the impact as the spear entered the dragon’s body, but the dragon's screams of agony proved otherwise.

The dragon jumped backward and started screaming and wailing on the floor in pain, a deep wound was on the right side of his body dripping blood which was strange for a spirit world creature, or that's what Levi thought.

The spear had pierced the dragon’s scales and skin so easily that it gave Levi the illusion that he was just pricing air, looking at the dragon struggling on the floor Levi couldn't help but smile despite his current situation, ‘This is going to be fun.’ he thought, he could finally fight back.


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