Avatar: The Gamer

32 – New Sub-ability

Slowly getting up the dragon had an enraged look on his face that Levi didn't see during their entire fight, it was as if he was enraged at a lesser life form injuring him, but this time even though he was way angrier than before he didn't charge forward thoughtlessly, he started circling around levi and observing him, looking for openings with Levi doing the same.

As if on cue both the dragon and Levi lunged at each other, Levi thrusting his spear forward and the dragon swiping with his claw, sadly for Levi the dragon's claw would have reached him before his spear could connect so dodging to the side Levi jumped back and an idea came into his mind.

Before the dragon could regain his balance Levi held the spear above his head before using all his power to throw it forward.

[Throwing levelled up +1]

The spear flew in a straight line towards the dragon who dodged upon seeing the incoming attack, sadly for him he was a little late as the spear grazed the side of his arm drawing blood.

The dragon seemed to pay it no heed as if he finally saw an opportunity, his enemy was without the only thing that could hurt him and he was going to take advantage of that as he rushed at Levi as fast as he could.

Levi only smirked as he stretched his hand to the side, his spear immediately materialising in it and disappearing from where it was behind the dragon, holding it he again put all his strength into it as he threw it at the charging dragon.

Again the dragon was caught off guard by the strange turn of events as he tried to stop and dodged even using his wings this time to help him.

Sadly for him, the spear shot straight through his neck and embedded itself there, before Levi materialised another spear in his hand making the one in the dragon's neck disappear, and with nothing to stop the blood from flowing the dragon started screaming in agony as it bled.

‘That should take care of its fire breath.’ thought Levi deciding not to risk it and just watch from afar as the dragon turned and wailed on the ground.

[Divine armament levelled up +1]

As the notification appeared in front of him Levi could immediately feel something different in his weapon, aside from feeling it getting a little stronger and sharper he also felt that he could change its shape!

Deciding to test this theory out he waited until the dragon was back up on his feet, snarling at him again. One thing was for certain this dragon wasn't a coward, he had half expected him to run away by now but it seemed that he was wrong.

This time it was Levi who rushed the dragon

using Dash to increase his speed he almost caught the dragon off guard by thrusting his spear forward. Sadly for him, the dragon dodged to the side completely avoiding his attack, Levi could almost swear he saw a smug expression on the dragon’s face.

Swiping at him with a claw from the side Levi didn't have the time to dodge, he could either receive the hit head-on or block it with the spear, but what happened later shocked the baby dragon to almost whimpering, the spear in Levi’s hand shifted and in a second morphed into a double-edged sword which he used to swipe at the dragon’s claw.

The dragon already caught off guard and tricked multiple times during their spare till now was already on high alert as he quickly jumped back pulling his claw out of the way, but he still wasn't fast enough as a small wound opened on it, it was small but it was there nonetheless.

Seeing the dragon Levi couldn't help but smirk,”What's the matter kid? Afraid to keep going?.” he mocked, although he wasn't in a better shape himself but he was sure that this fight was done already, the moment that he unlocked Divine armament the dragon had lost plus …


[+13.2 Chi]


A smirk came into Levi’s face as he saw the notifications, rapid recovery was surely a cheat ability, even with just a 12% recovery rate it was broken, sadly for him it only recovered 12% in 59mn so it wasn't that great of an asset yet, but, in the future when he levelled it up and the time for recovery decreased it will be broken.


Dragon Pov

He was scared, he was really scared, he didn't know what went wrong or what he did wrong. At first everything was going fine, even if this prey proved to be more resilient than the previous ones he could still take it down, and he did. But that's when everything went downhill.

He thought that it was going to be like its previous hunts, he would fill his stomach and then spend the rest of the day sleeping, but his prey had suddenly started using its other abilities and turned the tables on him. 

He had never been injured as long as he could remember, no one had ever been able to penetrate his beautiful black scales until this day, and it scared him to no end, and that wasn't even the worst part of it, because apparently his prey had been holding back all along.

Had it been playing with him? That idea alone terrified him, it was young but it wasn't stupid if his prey could pull that shiny stick from the Beginning then it would have, and the only explanation for why it didn't was that it was playing with him.

That thought made him both scared and angry at the same time, he didn't know why, but something inside of him felt insulted at being played with, something inside of him refused to be looked down upon like that.

And that thing inside of him was the same thing that was keeping him from turning around and running as fast as he could now, yes his enemy was faster than him but if he flew there was no way for him to follow him right? But he refused to run; he'd rather die fighting than die like a coward.

There was no explanation for this feeling he was having, he had been alone ever since he could remember nobody had ever taught him and guided him in any way but some things were crystal clear to him, if he was going to die today so be it. 

He was a dragon, that's the only thing he knew nobody had ever told him that but he knew it, and today he'll either emerge victorious or die trying.

And so steeling his resolve he rushed at his sword-wielding opponent.


In a clearing somewhere inside a forest in the spirit realm trees were broken and cut apart, flowers were crushed, small spirit animals and insects were killed and separated to pieces as they lay on the ground.

Levi sat on the ground too, his back to a tree broken in half as he cut open a fruit that looked more like a peach with a small knife that seemed to be made of light and threw it into his mouth.

During his fight Divine armament had gone up another level and now he can make small knives like these, only two at a time for now.

Lifting his head up while chewing and looking at the collapsed dragon not far from him he spoke, “You really are a stubborn bastard aren't you” he said more to himself than the dragon, and it really was a stubborn bastard, his health points and stamina were so insanely high that no matter how many times Levi stabbed and sliced him he didn't seem to be affected.

If not for him using observation multiple times on him to make sure that he was indeed chipping away at his HP Levi would have fallen into a state of despair, and even then it took hours before he got to this point, his right forearm was already completely healed.

“Grrrr….” came a sound from the fallen dragon who still had his eyes closed as he lay there some distance away, Levi could almost swear that he understood what the dragon said, ‘Fuck you.’ but he just brushed it off as him imagining things due to his fatigue.

He had decided to not deal the finishing blow for now even though it might give him a massive exp and help him shoot up a few levels, but he wasn't stupid, he made sure that his foe's health and stamina points were almost empty before sitting where he was right now and enjoying what looked to be a peach.

Getting up Levi approached the downed dragon who even till now in his current state tried to attack him but all he managed to do was move his snot a little.

“You never give up do you huh?.” said Levi with a complicated look on his face, he didn't know what to do now. Killing the dragon was sure to boost his power a lot and shorten the time for him to get back to his family, but was it right?

Levi knew the answer to that even though he didn't want to admit it, it wasn't right. The dragon only attacked him based on his natural instinct, if Levi wasn't here and with no real threat the dragon would have continued to live until he was an adult, his cycle of life uninterrupted. Maybe being in his spirit body made him see things on a different deeper level or maybe he was just feeling sorry for the baby dragon who was obviously still a young child, but he really didn't want to deliver the finishing blow.

And even if it was ok to kill him right now, Levi felt troubled about killing someone who had fought so valiantly against him, it was a weird feeling, respecting someone who minutes ago was trying to kill you, but Levi understood, that fight was one purely for survival, there was no malice involved in it, no hate or a desire for vengeance, no greed.

The dragon simply wanted to eat and Levi was there to fulfil that need, Levi wanted to survive and get back to his family and the dragon was his obstacle to achieve that, it was a pure fight in a strange kind of way.


[The user had a small enlightenment into the cycle of life and nature]

[+5 wisdom]


[+5 intelligence]

Smiling Levi turned around and walked away, ignoring the grunts of the dragon who seemed to be offended at being shown mercy, and for a strange reason Levi understood exactly what the dragon was thinking, turning around he looked straight at the now open eyes of the dragon, his blue eyes staring into its red ones before saying, “I am not looking down on you little dragon, I am giving you the respect you deserve so cherish this chance and don't waste it.” Turning around again Levi walked away.

That little sentence seemed to shock the dragon as his eyes opened wide as he stared at the departing form of Levi gritting further and further away from him, disappearing into the colourful forest of the spirit realm.


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