Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 104

Chapter 105 Talents Arrive, Plans Begin, And Orgrim Ends!

Elwynn Forest, Stormwind City.

At the gate is an endless stream of merchants who come and go out of the city gate.

Most of the merchants enter Stormwind City with daily commodities, and then leave Stormwind City with various military supplies.

Today’s Stormwind City is a famous military fortress in the entire Eastern Kingdom, the Academy City.

In the Argent Dawn, except for the garrisoned legions and the squadron in Zangbao Bay, all the main legions are stationed in Stormwind City.

Soldiers alone can’t be so prosperous in Stormwind City, but they can’t stand the families of soldiers and students. One after another academies are established in Stormwind City.

From the original Military Academy, Political Academy, Magic Academy, Holy Light Academy to Manufacturing Academy, Technology Academy, Business Academy and so on!!

There are also various large and small senior schools.

In addition, a large number of engineers and inventors who returned from Ironforge to learn some technology according to the alliance agreement were all placed in Stormwind City.

Military technology is in Stormwind, civilian technology is in glory, and those who can do things in Stormwind City Arsenal are the family members of the main force—the regiment.

Therefore, merchants bring daily necessities to Stormwind City to sell, and when they buy military supplies and send them to various places,

The materials and salaries of the garrisoned legions and garrison officers in various places are in charge of each region, but the central government is in charge of personnel affairs.


“Uncle Fording! Are we going to study here in the future?”

Today’s Stormwind welcomes a special group of guests.

Fording came to Stormwind City with a group of second-generation children of the Silver Hand, and exclaimed that it was Bridget, Abydis!!

“Of course!! You’re all going to high school now!! 99

“Whether you can enter the Holy Light Academy is up to you!!

Fording smiled and looked at the future of these Knights of the Silver Hand, Bridget, Abidis, Marlan, Demetria, Whitemane!!

Tyran, Fording! Reno Mograine, Dalian Mograine and more.

“Uncle Tirion, we can definitely enter the Academy of the Holy Light! 35

“We are the first generation of you all to be optimistic about, we came here after layers of selection in the hand of silver!!!

It was the little girl Bridget who clenched her fists and said with a flushed face.

The rest of the little girls and boys all agreed with it, and they remembered proudly.

“Hahaha! Is it? Then we’ll see! 35

“If we are the original Paladins, then Holy Light Academy was established by the original Paladins!!

Raphael looked at the holy light and the silver dragon flag flying on the spire of Holy Light Academy and said.

“I know! Raphael Paladin!”

“The High Lord of the Argent Dawn, Liberator of Stormwind, Conqueror of Stranglethorn, Troll Slayer, Orc Terminator, and more, the heroes of the Second Orc War! 35

Another little girl in the team, Whitemane, raised her hand and shouted, and the rest of the people were also excited.

“Will he give me a lecture?

Marlan asked Fording with a longing look on his face.

“Of course!! As long as you can enter the Holy Light Academy!

Fording also worked hard to inspire these little guys, and Raphael could speak at the opening ceremony every day.

“Really? Great!!

The little ones cheered.

At this time, Raphael, who was worshipped by the little guys, was walking in the Tanaan jungle with his lover.

The two rarely enjoy time alone.

“All preparations are almost done!”

“When Varian leaves, it’s almost time for us to start!

Raphael said lazily at Alleria’s waist.

“Waiting for so long! The plan finally begins!”

“I’ve figured out everything that needs to be figured out! 35

“It’s Varian, I can’t bear it!

Alleria let Raphael’s hand float dishonestly and said.

“Not too small! He is the king!”

“When the child grows up, he will fly by himself sooner or later! 39

“It’s not good for him to be under protection all the time!

Raphael stopped and sighed.

“I understand! But did you really not help him in the beginning?

Alleria didn’t believe that Raphael would really start Varian Hell.

“You saw through again!!

“Why choose this time to let them cross the ocean!”

“Because the night elves are destined to help them at this point in time!”

“But I still have to go! C’Thun is not something they can deal with now!

Raphael revealed his next plan to Alleria.


“Night elf? Did I know that night elf?”

Alleria was interested.

“C’Thun! That’s the cancer hidden in Azeroth! You’ll find out later!

“The night elves are the night elves you know! 35

“The elves that expelled you!

Raphael said to Alleria.

“Oh! Didn’t expect to deal with these kindreds one day!

“The cancer of Azeroth?

Alleria asked Raphael in confusion.

“Yeah!! When Draenor is resolved, the Twelve Knights of the Round Table should almost be complete!”

“It’s time to take you to see the truth of the world”

Raphael shook his head and said.

“Ha! Then I can’t wait!”

“Since you are going to Kalimdor, you must be too busy with the expedition!

“Didn’t you say that there are still a lot of high-end combat power here?”

Alleria asked worriedly.

“It’s okay, it’s almost time for you to break through! It’s enough to deal with it!

“Just don’t go to those dangerous places!

“I’ll take care of the rest when I get back from Kalimdor! 35

“If you have an account, you have to settle it with him!!”

Raphael’s eyes flashed fiercely and said, as for Raphael’s mouth, he was naturally Neltharion hiding in Gorderon.

“Then do as you wish!

“Don’t worry about it here! Let’s go back! 35

“It’s almost time to come out!”

Alleria and Raphael returned to the town set up by the expedition force near the Dark Portal, the expedition town named after the expedition.

Say a town, but with all kinds of caravans, adventurers, and wanderers, it may be more appropriate to use a city to express here.

“Auntie, uncle, are you back?”

Back at their lodgings in Expedition Town, Varian greeted them at the door.

“Have you bid farewell to your classmates and friends?”9

Alleria looked at Varian who greeted him and asked, Varian’s friends and classmates at the Military Academy are basically intern in the expeditionary force.

Hence the question of Alleria.

“Well! Goodbye already!”

There was a hint of sadness in Varian’s eyes. After this farewell, he didn’t know when the next meeting would be.

When he goes back, he is no longer a student, but a king, and there is still time to make friends everywhere.

“Don’t think about it! It’s our responsibility!

“Don’t your uncle and I spend less time together now?”

“When the situation stabilizes, let your uncle open a stable portal!

“Maybe you will come back to eat and then go back to handle government affairs!””

Alleria consoled the Varian with a joke.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“Not bad! Pay attention to this!! 99

The three looked at each other and laughed at the same time, and the atmosphere of parting was immediately diluted.

Just as the three of Raphael were eating their last dinner warmly, in the Hillbrad Hills, Southsea Town.

A group of orcs who had just quietly completed their investigation in Nanhai Town returned to a huge army of orcs outside Nanhai Town.

“Saar, we’ve investigated, no problem!

“There are a lot of boats in the harbour, enough for us to ride!

Nanhai Town is the only pier from Lordaeron to Glory City, that is, the materials delivered by Lordaeron and Glory City by sea basically go through Nanhai Town.

So this is where all the cargo ships of Lordaeron are docked, and there are not many ships!

“How about the guard power?”

Thrall asked excitedly, halfway through the escape plan.

“Not much! It seems that the news of our escape has not reached here! 99

“Probably the guard force of a human brigade!

Saurfang said to Thrall..

Saurfang was also one of the members rescued by Thrall.

“Come on, then, find a new home for our people!!”

“Remember not to kill human beings, just stun them all! Or imprison them all!”5

Thrall reassured him.


Saurfang glanced at a strong orc next to him and replied.

“You’re worried about that human, Thrall?

Eitrigg asked Thrall.

“Well! I always think we’ll meet again!”

“And I can also feel what he said! If we really slaughtered humans!”

“Even in the New World, we have no place to stand!

Remembering Raphael’s terrifying words, Thrall murmured a little.

“Raphael, the Argent Dawn!!”

The strong orc remembered something when he heard Thrall’s words.

There is a signal from Saurfang in Southsea Town…

“let’s go!!

Several people naturally saw the Saurfang signal.

On the other side of Nanhai Town, a human army also found the signal of Nanhai Town.

“General! Found them!”

“As the general expected, they really went to Nanhai Town!””

A soldier reports to Gavin Rader.

“Humph! If those idiots hadn’t concealed the news of the orc’s escape, all traces would have been wiped out!”

“We’ve been looking for so long there!”

“Now, surround the entire Nanhai Town, and let them escape!!””

Gavin Rader gave the order to the messenger.

“No! Old man, the orcs should have a new leader!””

“We’ve been looking for them for so long and haven’t found out, why did they take the initiative to step into the dead this time!

Dasuohan asked Gavin Rader in confusion.

“I’m worried about this too!”

“But it doesn’t matter, since we caught them here, let’s learn about the orcs as soon as possible!

Gavin Ladd was equally distressed.

“No! Old man, order the troops to attack!! 99

“The Orcs aren’t targeting those supplies!! They’re ships! They’re going to escape by boat!! 99

Da Suohan suddenly woke up and said to Gavin Rader.


“Come on!! Prepare to attack!!”

Gavin Rader also reacted, and Dasuohan stepped onto the war horse almost at the same time.


The torches all over the place were lit, and the human legion began to charge.


“The human legion!! There are many, they are coming to Southsea! 39

A sentinel reported to Thrall. In fact, it didn’t matter whether the report was reported or not. The human legion did not hide itself, and the light of the torch could be seen from far away.

“Accelerate the boarding speed and leave the port as soon as possible for the already full ships!!

“I’m going to buy time!”

Thrall said that he was going to bring someone to stop the human legion.


“Leave this task to me, an old man! 39

“Nice to meet you, son of Durotan! It may be fate!”

“I see your performance in my eyes, you are enough to take on a heavy responsibility! 39

Orgrim, the strong orc former Orc Warchief, held Thrall and said.

“No! Orgrim! Orcs still need your guidance!”

Thrall could naturally hear that Orgrim was willing to die in battle.

“Escape with them?

“I’ve run with them too many times, Thrall!

“If it wasn’t for the preservation of the fire, I would have died in the Burning Steppes!

“Now they don’t need the warchief with whom they ran away! Thrall!””

“They need you to open up a new living space for them!!

“Catch him! Warchief!!

Orgrim handed the Doomhammer in his hand to Thrall, and then walked out of Southsea Town.

Thrall moved his lips and wanted to say something to save him, but he couldn’t say anything.

One after another old orcs followed behind Orgrim.

“Speed ​​up boarding!! 35

Thrall could only continue to direct the boarding matter with tears in his eyes.

The human legion gradually approached Southsea Town, with Gavinrad and Dasuohan taking the lead.

“loktar, ogar!

Orgrim and a group of old orcs stopped the first charging human army.

“Orgrim!! 99

Gavinrad and Dathohan recognized the Orcs at the same time.


After all the orcs in Nanhai Town had boarded the ship, they began to stay away from Nanhai Town. An orc outside of Nanhai Town was launching a decisive charge against the human army.

The old orcs who were with him fell to the ground, now it’s his turn!

Finally, he also fell in front of Gavin Rader and Dassault.

The light of life in the eyes of the ships that have left the port is gradually extinguished, and there is joy and hope in it!

“loktar, ogar!

At the bow of Thrall’s station, it seemed that Orgrim’s charge could be heard, and he could not help shouting out.

“loktar, ogar!!

The slogans of the orcs sounded on every ship, and their spirits were awakened by Orgrim’s sacrifice…

PS2 even more… Odin is one of the guardians created by the Titans!! Yes!! Hela was created by Odin!! The data didn’t move much today! Did the big guys go to play? .

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