Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 105

Chapter 106 Migration Begins, God Of War Appears, Meets

Alterac Mountains, temporary stronghold of Stormwind Kingdom.

Inside the makeshift government hall, Bolvar was immersed in paperwork.

“Report! Regent!”

“Another noble family announced to leave the Kingdom of Stormwind, and the family moved to Lordaeron!

An administrative officer hurried into the administrative hall to report to Bolvar.

“What! Stop them!”

“Let them come to see me! Forget it! Let them go! 35

Bolvar stood up to stop him, and suddenly remembered something and waved his hand to let them leave.

“Uncle Bovar! It seems you are very troubled!”

At this time, Varian dust puffed into the government hall.


“You’re back? You’ve grown up again!”

Bolvar, who had just sat down, quickly stood up and walked over to Varian to take a closer look.

“Hmm! Duke Bovar!”

“I won’t leave when I come back this time! 35

“Our plan can begin!”

Varian said to Bolvar with a smile.

“His Majesty!!”

“The Kingdom of Stormwind is ready! We’ve been waiting for this day for 5 years!”

When Bolvar heard Varian call him Duke, he immediately understood what he meant by calling Varian His Majesty.

“Hmm! Let me know!”

‘If you don’t want to go with us, don’t force it!

“As long as the Seventh Legion and the people’s reasons come with us!”

“This time my uncle used the Dawn fleet to send us to another continent! 35

“There are still quite a few mainland businessmen who want to go to another continent, adventurers!

“And the Knights Templar will go with us!

Varian said to Bolvar with a smile.

“Eight sixty” “What?”

“The Knights Templar, the Dawn Fleet? Great! 39

“To be honest, I am really afraid that if something happens, our military is not enough! 99

“As for those who don’t want to follow!!

“Your Majesty! It’s been five years, and I don’t want to follow us to Lordaeron!

“The rest are still holding on hard! The land here is too hard!”

Bolvar said to Raphael with a wry smile.

“It’s okay! As long as we stand on our heels, they’ll come back and beg us later!””

“Now get ready!”

“Uncle will be waiting for us in the Dawn Fleet!”

“There seems to be something for him on another continent! 35

Varian believed Raphael 100%, since Raphael said that in a few years there would be a large number of people fleeing.

Although he doesn’t know why, then there will definitely be a large number of people fleeing.

“Yes, I’m going to prepare!”

“However, Your Majesty, this is no better time to flee than before!”

“After all, an unfamiliar place with nothing!

“We definitely have to prepare for a little longer!

Bolvar respectfully reported to Varian.

“And the Seventh Legion, we are in desperate need of military supplies!

“We evacuated from Stormwind City to bring out the wealth that has almost been consumed!

‘After all, there’s nothing here, it’s all about the wealth to buy these various materials! 99

“Although we have also tried to reclaim it, it is really barren here!”

Bolvar suddenly remembered the weapons the Seventh Legion was currently using and continued to report to Varian.

“I know! You’ve worked so hard all these years, Uncle Bolvar!

“But I’m back now, and I can help you!”

“Time is not a problem, uncle gave us a full year!

“We’ll let him know when he’s going to pick us up!”

“It is said that the Stormwind Science and Technology Institute has developed a new toy this time!”5

“Uncle military supplies will also provide us with a batch!

“And we can’t go all at once! 35

“Let the seventh legion and supplies go ahead first, and at least reserve survival supplies for at least a year!”

Varian said to Bolvar, basically taking all aspects into consideration.

“Understood! I’ll prepare right away!

“Varian, it seems Raphael taught you well! 35

“You will be a good king!

When Bolvar heard Varian’s arrangement, he felt comforted.

“Yes! Uncle Bolvar!”

“I also believe I’ll be a good king!””

Varian said firmly.

The entire Stormwind Kingdom under the command of Varian and Bolvar began a vigorous preparation for relocation.

The army is always the fastest ready because they are always ready.

The Seventh Legion has already boarded the Dawn Fleet at Southsea Town and has set off.

The Dawn Fleet, under the secret order of Raphael, sent ships to explore the route to Kalimdor.

Such a big move by Stormwind Kingdom could not be concealed from the northern countries.

One after another sent messengers to question Varian.

Among them, Stromgard is the most active, even if this piece of land temporarily occupied by Stormwind Kingdom is barren, it is still land.

Stromgard has long coveted this place.

Finally, Terenas couldn’t sit still, and held an alliance meeting that had not been held for a long time.

Lordaeron Palace, Terenas, Daelin, Torn Bell, Anton Danes, Genn, and Varian sat together again.

Absent from the Dwarven Kingdom and the Argent Dawn, Quel’Thalas has withdrawn from the Alliance.

“Varian! Talk about it! What the hell are you going to do?”

Terenas looked at Varian, who had not seen him for a long time, and suddenly realized that the boy who came to seek asylum had really grown up.

“The Kingdom of Stormwind is ready to give up the Alterac Mountains!

“We’re moving to another continent!”

Varian dropped the bombshell.

“Another continent?”

Everyone sitting was shocked, except for Daelin, who, after all, led Kul Tiras as a sea kingdom, and he seemed to know something.


“Hometown of the High Elves! Kalimdor!”

“This continent has no land of Stormwind Kingdom, so Stormwind Kingdom will go to open up its own land! 39

“Just like the ancestors of Stormwind Kingdom opened up the southern border!

Varian said with certainty.

“However, the Kingdom of Stormwind gave up the Alterac Mountains 10 years ahead of schedule, and I hope the country that accepts it will compensate!

In the end, Varian made his own request, which he learned from the conference with Raphael.

“Stormgard is willing to offer compensation!!

Torn Bell couldn’t wait to stand up.

This time no one is competing with Torn Bell, and they think it is another continent.

Varian’s news really shocked them.

“That’s what Raphael told you! Varian!””

“Can we get involved?”

Terenas asked.

“There are still some armies in Draenor today, and resources from Draenor are being sent to all countries!””

“Do countries still have the energy to participate in the New World?

“And this side is different from Draenor!”

“Kalimdor seems to be in a lot of danger, otherwise Daelin would have gone long ago!

Varian said to Terenas.

“Not bad! We’ve discovered another continent long ago!”

“I also sent a small team, but that continent is very dangerous!”

Dai Lin also admitted that after hearing Dai Lin’s words, all countries lost interest, after all, they had no energy.

In saying that there are still large tracts of land in the country that have not been developed, only Anthony of Dalaran’s eyes are turning.

For them everything is unknown and they want to explore.

“Then next, does anyone in the Alterach Mountains want Stromgard?”

The Alliance has started a new round of wrangling, but what you are thinking about is the New World.

Just when all the countries in the alliance were wrangling with each other.

Raphael is inspecting the Tech Academy in Stormwind at the moment.

“Big lord!”

“This is the steam tank and new artillery we developed according to your request!

“It’s art when paired with black powder bought from goblins!”

The dwarf Dr. Veville was chattering to Raphael.

Speaking of which, this Wevell was expelled from Gnomeregan Academy, and he fled to Stormwind City and was discovered by Raphael.

Then he was invited to teach at the Institute of Technology, which made him swear to make Mekkato regret his dismissal.

“Okay! Vive! What’s the use of talking so much!”

“Go to the proving ground and let me see it with my own eyes!”

Raphael was a little excited to see the steam tanks and variant artillery that were born in advance.

This is a weapon that allows ordinary people to participate in the war.

“You won’t be disappointed, High Lord!”

Wevell said excitedly, if this invention can be recognized, it means that he will have a steady stream of funds.

He had talked to Raphael, and some of Raphael’s ideas seemed inconceivable to him.

But it makes him feel like he can do it!!

For example, a train running on the track, a steam ship that does not rely on the wind, and even a flying ship…

This is also the idea that he was fooled by Raphael to teach at the Institute of Technology.

And those assembly lines and all the ideas that fascinated him.

“Boom! 95

The artillery began to roar, and the projectiles fired were not solid projectiles, but exploding projectiles.

“very good!”

“Keep firing!”

Looking at the broken target at the explosion site, Rafael smiled excitedly.

“Boom!” X5

A series of explosions began to sound on the test site, but after the 5th, the artillery exploded.

The soldiers who operated the artillery were almost all reimbursed. After Raphael lost a few Holy Light spells, he asked Vivier with a black line.


“This is impossible!”

Vivier also jumped up and ran to the artillery to check carefully.

“Okay! Say it when the test is done! 35

“I don’t have much hope for tanks now! 99

Raphael looked at Wevell with dissatisfaction.

“It was an accident! Trust me! You won’t be disappointed! 35

“You still don’t go and start the tank!”

Seeing Raphael’s unpleasant expression, Viviel hurriedly called the other staff to start operating the tank.


The tank started and started to move, not bad.

Turning and roadblocks all performed well so that Raphael’s gloomy face finally returned to normal.


Raphael praised.


The tank stopped and fired, but the target was still smashed.

“Continuous firing!”

Raphael gave the order.

After the same 5 shots, the tank gun also exploded.

“Vivere! I don’t care what you do!! One month!”

“You only have one month! I see you solving the blowout problem!”

“You can’t let our guns stop after 5 shots on the battlefield? Then this thing is meaningless!””

“If it doesn’t work out! I’ll have to go to other gnome inventors for help!

Raphael looked at Wevell and said.

“And how about the machine gun preparations?”

Raphael asks about the thing he is most concerned about, this time to Kalimdor, the machine gun is a very important toy!

“One month, next time you come to inspect the big lord! Definitely come to see the real machine gun!

Veville said to Raphael.

“Okay! It’s not that I’m trying to force you, Vivier, but I really need these things! 39

“I can only give you one month!

“Otherwise I’ll have to turn to other gnome inventors for help!”

“Take your chance!”

Raphael gave Vive an ultimatum.

“I understand, High Lord!”

Weiweier said to Raphael 2.8 who turned and left, he also knew that the high lord seemed to be preparing for a big move, but he had never urged him before.

A month later Raphael reappeared at the proving ground.

This time, new artillery and tanks, as well as machine guns, appeared on the experimental field.

“Boom boom boom!!”

He was very satisfied with this experiment, whether it was a tank, artillery or machine gun.

“Good! Vive!””

“Go full steam ahead!

“I want to get the number that can equip a legion as soon as possible!”

Raphael said to Wevell.

“No problem! High lord! 35

Vevere is also excited, which means he has a lot of money in the books.

Raphael, who received the answer, left the test site and returned to the Grand Lord’s mansion.

“Now it’s time to meet someone!”

Raphael picked up the gift that had been in the room for a long time and opened the portal.

The next second Raphael appeared in the waterfall in the wetlands…

“Respond to me! I am waiting for you in the first place!”

After reading silently in his heart, Raphael sat in front of the waterfall and admired the scenery of the waterfall.

After an unknown time, a huge figure appeared in the sky, and her shadow passed Raphael and disappeared.

“You’re here!”

Raphael still looked at the waterfall and said softly.

“Hmm! I’m here…”

The Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza slowly sat beside Raphael and said softly…

PS3 update!….Today’s update is a bit late!! But fortunately, it was written!!!! See here! Has anyone guessed where the next plot is??.

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