Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 113

Chapter 114 Cenarion Wall, Discord Coalition, Humanity’S Secret Weapon!

Two months later, the worms of Silithus became more and more active.

The staff of quicksand to open the door? No need at all, the bugmen have helped the world open the door to Ahn’Qiraj.

The entire periphery of Ahn’Qiraj has been covered with overwhelming insects.

If you look down from the sky, it will make the scalp of people with dense phobia tingle.

From Southwind Village to the Cenarion Fortress outpost (Twilight Camp), the line to Crystal Valley has been completely occupied by the bugmen.

On the flanks of the Cenarion Fortress, humans, night elves, orcs, trolls, and goblins are helping the druids of the Cenarion Circle build defenses.

Plants are spawned to fix the stakes, the masonry becomes a temporary city wall, and at the same time these plants develop roots for defense.

After all, these bugs can dig holes, and the plains are so big. If Cenarion Fortress is surrounded, the supply will not last for a week.

Just in case, a second line of defense was also built at the Warrior’s Tomb Trail.

Cenarion Hold, Command Hall.

Fandral, Shiloma, Shandris, Saurfang, Vol’jin, Kane, Liadrin, and Halford all looked at the map of Silithus with serious expressions.

They did not expect the situation to deteriorate so quickly, and it was only two months after the coalition troops assembled.

The worms have grown to such an extent that there is only yellow sand on the ground where they pass, as if all materials enter their mouths and become energy.

“I really wonder how the ancient so-called troll empires fought against these worms and drove them to the plains here!”

Bolvar looked at the insect occupation area marked on the map, and sighed in disbelief at the image of the magister of the Seventh Legion returning to the command hall through the mirroring technique.

“How can the splendor of the troll empire be understood by you humans whose history is less than ten thousand years old! 99

Vol’jin gave Bolvar a disdainful look.

“That’s just the past, and immersing yourself in the glory of the past is a cowardly act!

Liadrin and Halford had a very good cooperation relationship, and they were on the same front in this hall, so they naturally began to help each other.

“Who do you call a coward?”

Vol’jin was furious, the Horde’s third warchief was far less mature than his successor.

Full of the impulse of 937 young people.

“Who promises! Who am I to say?”

Liadrin pouted, she was not afraid of the young people of these tribes, any of them could be beaten, but the current tribe leadership is really young.

“Then let’s fight! If it wasn’t for Raphael at the beginning, you might not win!

Saurfang gave Liadrin a cold look.

“Okay! Liadrin forgot how your high lord told you!

“And Saurfang, your chieftain Thrall has been writing to you!”

“You can stop now! We are now the enemy!”

Fandral said to the two of them with a headache, while Shiloma and Shandris watched from the sidelines.

For them, neither the aggressive orcs nor the meat-drinking human senses are very good.

Half a month ago, when the coalition army began to gather, the human army and the orc army arrived at Cenarion Fortress almost at the same time.

Although the two sides have long been prepared to become comrades-in-arms and fight side by side with the former enemy.

At that time, when the two sides met, they couldn’t help but keep an eye on each other. The two sides formed formations at the same time and drew their weapons. There was a big disagreement on the other side of the continent.

Or the night elf army rushing out of Cenarion Fortress to stop the actions of both sides.

Although the two sides are now on the same front, once they seize the opportunity, they can’t help but sneer at each other.

So there was just that scene.

“Report! Legion Commander, the bugs have changed! They seem to be attacking!!”

The 7th Legion had been watching the mirror magician suddenly report to Halford.


Halford walked out of the hall almost immediately after hearing the news.

Commanders of other races followed suit, and they also wanted to know the specifics.

The overwhelming insects are rushing towards the defense line that is still under construction, and there are many insects flying in the sky.

There are also many extremely large insects in the charging cluster, which looks like a biological tank.

And the last bug is with a huge green cyst on its body, which is a dangerous species at first glance.

“Good (cbci) guy, why are you still playing three-dimensional strike? The bug version of the tank synergy, air cover, and vitality strike?”

“Except for the lack of a navy, this is all alive!!”

“Fortunately, I’m not a vegetarian! Let’s see who has the firepower!

“Hope Liadrin’s command doesn’t go wrong!”

The peak Raphael on Un’Goro Crater was watching the attacking bug almost swears.

As for why Raphael appeared here, soldier to soldier, general to general, king to king!!

Raphael can’t do everything, so why did he vigorously develop the military? Play?

His goal from the beginning to the end was only one, and that was the Thousand-Eyed Demon C’Thun.

“You’re just being lazy! What excuse do you make!!”

“The most important thing is that you actually asked me to make you tea on the top of this damn mountain!!!

Seeing Raphael’s smile, Vereesa couldn’t help rolling her eyes and said angrily.

“It’s you who insisted on coming! When you come, you must find something to do, right?”

“Bubble tea is very good for self-cultivation! 35

Raphael said to Vereesa with a hateful smile.

“Brother-in-law!!! Damn! You’ve changed! You don’t hurt me anymore!”

“Is it because my sister is not around! I’m going to go to my sister to complain! You open the door for me!

Vereesa’s angry face immediately became aggrieved, and the tears were about to fall.

“Put away your acting skills! How many times have I been deceived? Come back?”

“Be good and watch the play!”

“You can’t usually see such a big show!

Raphael didn’t believe that Vereesa would really feel wronged because of this.

Vereesa was too boring in the City of Glory, and followed the Dawn Fleet to Kalimdor.

“Oh! come!”

Sure enough, as soon as she listened to the play, Veresa quickly poured out the tea and ran to Raphael’s side excitedly.

As for the tea set from the top of the mountain? Can this be difficult for Raphael who opens the portal anytime and anywhere? Naturally, it was brought from the camp.

He even wanted to watch a show at the barbecue on the top of the mountain, but thinking that the insects were too disgusting and disgusting, forget it.

“The defensive city wall is still under construction, and it will definitely not be able to withstand such an impact!”

“We must fight in the field! The worms must be stopped in front of the wall before the defensive wall is built! 35

Liadrin looked at the walls of Cenarion Fortress and came to a conclusion.

“What do you say?”

After Liadrin finished speaking, she looked at everyone present.

“She’s right! The worms must be blocked in front of the city walls!”

Fandral saw that the scene was a little silent, and took the initiative to stand up to echo Liadrin.

“We have no problem with going out of the city wall, but who is on the first line of defense?

“I can’t trust these cunning humans!”

Saurfang glanced at Liadrin and said to Fandral.


Fandral looked at Liadrin with some embarrassment, if he could make the night elves the first line of defense.

It is a pity that night elves are also better at long-range combat, and they are far inferior to humans and orcs at close range.

“We have to be on the second line of defense, we need a certain amount of time to deploy!”

“Time is running out, bugs are coming! Make a decision! Do you want to trust us?”

Liadrin glanced at the embarrassed Fandral and refused without hesitation that he wanted the Human Legion to be the first to look at him.

“Saurfang, some of our druids join you in the first line of defense! We are your insurance!”9

“There is still a part of the city wall to be built, which cannot be used!

“It’s okay!

Fandral finally gritted his teeth and said to Saurfang.

“Okay! If so, we’re fine! Hope you don’t take too long to prepare!””

Saurfang, Kane, Vol’jin looked at each other and Saurfang nodded.

“Then give the order!”

“Time waits for no one, I’m going to summon the Druids!”

Fandral said and walked under the city wall.

“Humanity wants you to speak your mind!!”

“Let us warriors gather!”

Saurfang said something to Liadrin and followed Fandral.

“The fact that you can live is the best result of human beings!

“I didn’t want to be a lord! Can you prisoners really take it?”

Liadrin’s voice made Saurfang pause, and then walked out firmly!

Mouth cannons have no meaning, the battlefield is the moment to witness the glory, and the orcs will find the glory that will be lost in the Burning Steppes.

Still under construction.

Saurfang, Bloodhoof, Vol’jin stood at the front of the line watching the tide of bugs.

“Warriors of the Horde! 35

“The tribe has new warriors, tauren warriors, troll warriors!! orc warriors!””

“Besides the orcs, our new members let me see your bravery on the battlefield!

“And Orc warriors! We’ll get back the glory lost in the Burning Steppes!”

“When we triumph, I hope we can have the Warchief himself meet us outside Orgrimmar!35

“I will tell every Horde that our warriors fought for Orgrimmar thousands of miles away!!”

“loktar, ogar!

After shouting, Saurfang charged at the forefront.

Looking at Saurfang’s back, the Horde was aroused with infinite blood.


The orcs began to charge the bugs.

“Perhaps they were savage and vulgar and aggressive! But today, they are worthy of respect!35

“For the glory of the Kaldorei!

“You can’t be underestimated by these savages!”

Anyone on the battlefield can arouse blood, and Fandral felt that his blood began to boil for a long time.

The giant bear, which transformed into the size of a hill, began to charge with the orcs.

“For the glory of the Kaldorei!”

The army of beasts has been keeping up with the hill-like giant bear.

When the orcs and druids first started to charge, when they came into contact with the front of the worms, they were a force to be reckoned with.

The worms were directly swept away in a large area, the corpses of the worms all over the ground, the green blood… the mess was all over the ground.

Like a harvester weeding weeds, the bugs are weakened layer by layer.

However, the good times did not last long, as if the boundless bugs began to cross the Horde and the Druid coalition from the two wings.

Insects the size of hills also arrived at the battlefield, and the insects with huge green cysts also began to spit this green venom.

The Horde and Druids are beginning to encounter a crisis, although they are still killing bugs in large numbers.

But their own casualties also began to appear, and as time went on, they were gradually increasing their casualties in the face of endless bugs.

“Overseer! We have to think about retreating!””

“We are surrounded!”

Kane first discovered something was wrong and shouted to Saurfang.

“You can’t go back! If you go back, you’re dead!”

“Only go forward! Find the commander!!”

“These bugs must have a commander who killed him! The bugs should retreat! 55

“Follow me!!

Saurfang also discovered the current dangerous situation, and the idea of ​​beheading was thought of between the lights and flint. Isn’t that how Raphael beheaded the Great Chief in the Burning Plain!


Bloodhoof kept pace with Saurfang.

“Idiot!” X2

Raphael on the top of the mountain and Liadrin, who was ready in front of the city wall, scolded almost simultaneously when they saw the situation of the tribe and the druids.

Behind Liadrin is a piece of human secret weapon covered in white canvas.

At any time in the camp, the Paladins of the two regiments took turns changing the guard day and night to guard these secret weapons, and those who approached were driven away.

This led to the curiosity of the Horde and the night elves about these things.

Now they are about to look at these hideous weapons.

“Those Horde and Druids are under siege!

“Now it’s our turn! Although I don’t want to admit it, they are our comrades now!

“We’ve got to get those idiots out!!”

“The Legion of Honor!! Prepare!

Liadrin shouted to the front line behind her.


One after another, the Legion of Glory shouted, and unscrewed the canvases.

Human’s ferocious weapons were used on the battlefield for the first time, revealing their face…

PS3 even more!!! Enzos is indeed the weakest ancient god in the setting, but who made it live long!! No way, let him be a little stronger!!.

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