Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 114

Chapter 115 The Battle Of The Long Wall, Human Ordnance Ravages The Battlefield, Scout Candidates!

Silithus, Cenarion Hold battlefield.

The Horde and Druid coalition forces have been surrounded by numerous dangers.

The human legion finally showed its fangs.

After the canvas was lifted, huge tanks appeared under Cenarion’s city wall, extending all the way to the periphery of the city wall.

Huge sharp serrated blades, rough muzzles, and tracks that crush everything, full of steampunk sci-fi color.

The rear of the tank is a machine gun position, because there is no need to worry about the enemy’s artillery, and even the trenches are omitted.

Behind the machine gun array is a door with a larger muzzle, with high ammunition boxes stacked on the side of the cannon.

The product of science and technology appeared on the land of Azeroth for the second time, and the first time was the creation of the Titans.

At the moment when the canvas was lifted, except for the goblins who looked at these products with their eyes shining brightly, all the other races in the remaining troops could not understand what it was.

The human legion has been preparing for so long? Just prepared this thing? What’s the use?

“Fire ready!”

Liadrin raised her hand and ordered.

“Fire ready! Target! The direction of the Allied-Army charge!”

“Elevation, gauge distance! One shot test”

The glorious legionnaires below began to operate the artillery in an orderly manner according to the drill.


After a loud bang, the cannonball flew towards the front of Saurfang’s charge with a characteristic screeching sound.


The cannonball fell into the swarm, clearing a small area, and the worm at the center of the explosion was directly torn to pieces.

Many insects in the explosion range directly blew up fragments and smashed their limbs into the body with a whimper, and many were thrown away by the shock wave.

However, after the thrown bug landed, it staggered and continued to charge.

It took so long to prepare like this? What a waste of time!! The various races who have been watching the movement are a little disappointed.

“This is the race that Fandral had high hopes for? That’s it?

Shandris shook his head even more, preparing to let the night elves fight in the field! The next second, the entire race in the direction of the temporary city wall froze.

“Modify Zhu Yuan! Elevation 300! Gauge Length 500! 35

“5 Rapid Fire!

The artillery commander of the Legion of Honor shouted loudly after observing the explosion site.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” XN

At the same time as the commander’s voice fell, the God of War Cannon showed its fangs.

For the first time, the artillery fire cluster projection was shown in front of the coalition forces.

The smoke filled the air, the fire was shining, and only the stumps of the insects could be seen being thrown into the sky.

The smoke dissipated, and the direction of the Horde and Druid’s charge was directly cleared away from a large blank area except for the thin layer in front of them.

The coalition forces felt the pressure greatly reduced for a while, and after rushing through the thin layer, what appeared in front of them was a hell-like scene.

There were unseen corpses and many seriously injured bugs struggling in pain.

Saurfang looked at the scene in front of him and was speechless. After a long time, mankind has made progress on the road of war.

It is also suitable for the army of bugs to stop directly. It should be that the commander was shocked, and then the group of bugs became even more crazy.

Abandoning the allied forces that surrounded the Horde and Druids, they began to rush to the human positions of the temporary city wall.

So Saurfang found that they easily got out of the encirclement and came to the rear of the army of bugs.

“Protect those unknown machines!”

Shandris, who had just recovered from the shock of the artillery on the wall, watched the charging bugs shout at the night elves.

Such weapons may not be lost. If they were placed behind the city wall and fired continuously, the picture would not be too beautiful.

It seems that all races cannot escape the true fragrance law.

“Want to destroy the artillery? Naive!!”

“It’s time to see the power of tanks!”

At this moment, Liadrin finally understood why Raphael attached so much importance to these weapons.

It doesn’t look very easy to use individually. After forming a cluster, it’s too scary!

“Tank troops advance!!””

Liadrin gave orders to the tank commander.

“Yes, tank troops advance!”

The tank commander responded to Liadrin with excitement. After all, they didn’t want to be left behind when they saw the artillery unit showing great power.

But at this moment, the flying bugs on the battlefield have passed the tank and rushed to the artillery.


Shandris said to the Night Elf Sentinel,

The arrows were aimed at the flying insects, and because there were no ground troops, the night elves could safely target the flying insects.

The arrows shot were almost overwhelming.

Many flying insects were directly shot into sieves and fell from the air, but there were still many flying insects stubbornly rushing towards the artillery with arrows on their bodies.

“Oops! 99

Shandris shouted as she watched the worms burst through the arrows.

“Da da da!”

The heavy machine gun began to make a sound, proving his existence, and his appearance was the existence that really ended the crowd tactics.

The terrifying rate of fire traveled the barrage directly in the sky!

The worms that slipped through the net were directly beaten into the sieve and fell to the ground.

Shandris’s eyes bulged out when he saw this scene, Nima! Too much!

Tanks replace warriors, machine guns replace shooters, artillery replaces mages, is this to wipe out all occupations?

Just as Shandris was shaking, the tank troops were also in contact with the bugs.

“Ding ding ding!”

The bugs rattled against the tank.

Whether it is sturdy limbs or sharp mouthparts hitting the armor of the tank, it is all in vain.

On the contrary, the blazing fire on the tank turret exploded a large piece, and the ferocious blade in front of the armor tore the insects in front of it into several sections.

The tanks marching side by side directly crushed a path of flesh and blood among the swarms.


Raphael, who had been observing the direction of the war from the top of the mountain, said lightly.

“Brother-in-law! How can I thank you so easily?”

“Are professionals useless in the future?”

Vereesa, who was watching the battle the whole time, asked solemnly.

“Idiot! 35

“How can professionals disappear? It will only get stronger!”

“Do you think these bugs are strong? And there are not many bugs in these bugs!”

“These are just brainless bugs, the war has just begun!

“These weapons can only deal with ordinary bugs, if you really encounter a bug, you have to be a professional! 35

“And whether the weapon can exert its maximum ability depends on the person in the end, so how can it replace the professional!

“Weapons are just weapons!”

Raphael said to Vereesa.

“Got it, brother-in-law!!

Vereesa thought about the scene where she seemed to be able to fire a burst of artillery by herself, and was relieved.

“They should almost discover the leader!”

Raphael looked at the battlefield lightly and said.

While everyone was looking at the battlefield ahead, Saurfang’s gaze never stopped looking back and forth at the swarm.

Finally found a bug man riding a bug in the shadows beneath a giant tank bug.

“Follow me warriors! 35

“How can the human legion come out on top!

Saurfang’s eyes flashed and he began to charge towards the spot where he found the bugman.

The orcs who were being shocked by the war machines of the human legion came back to their senses and began to charge with this Saurfang.

“Nothing to see! Go!”

This scene on the battlefield was seen by Raphael on the top of the mountain and opened the portal.

“I’m coming!

Vereesa took one last look at the battlefield, where the Horde and the druids had killed the worm commander.

The worms on the entire battlefield were chaotic, those who retreated, those who were sluggish, those who continued to charge, and those who killed each other.

a month later.

The defensive wall was completely built, but the coalition found that the wall seemed useless.

It was thought that within a month, the coalition army with the human legion as the core actually advanced from the beetle wall to the gate of Ahn’Qiraj.

This Silithus hive was actually swept away.

The Legion of Humanity’s quarters throws several goblins every night.

After seeing the Human Legion’s war machines, he became interested. After all, they are a race full of curiosity like gnomes, but he has more of the same hobbies.

That’s gold! And these war machines mean gold.

So he sneaked into the armoury of the heavily guarded human camp.

Every time it was thrown out by the paladins guarding the armory.

Over time, it has become a landscape of the coalition camp, and I heard that there are soldiers who open gambling in private.

How long will it take for those goblins to be thrown out of camp.


“How many times has this happened! These green dwarfs are so persevering, do they really think they dare not kill them?”

“Fandral!! There’s a next time! Don’t blame me for the killer!! 35

“Of course I won’t do it myself, I’ll throw them into the wall of beetles! 35

Halford, who received the report in the tent of the coalition camp, was furious at Fandral.

Since the Battle of the Long Wall, Halford could not wait to squat in the armory every day to guard against outsiders from viewing the secrets of the armory.

Because of these ordnance, the Knights Templar and the Legion of Honor are impossible to take away.

What if you don’t take it away? Naturally, it will be left to the Stormwind Kingdom, so Halford has long regarded these weapons as the most important weapon of the Stormwind Kingdom.

How can those green dwarfs be allowed to peep every day.

“Got it! It is said that tomorrow we will get a new batch of reinforcements! 35

“And this time it’s Shax Bigowitz with the goblins! I’ll protest against him!

Fandral also has a headache for those goblins who want money and not life, and can only want Halford to make amends.

There is no way, the contest with the insect people during this period can go smoothly, all relying on the human army’s ordnance, the importance of human beings in the coalition army is self-evident.

“Okay! That’s what you said!”

“Next time I won’t let them go!”

Fandral’s low profile made Halford have nowhere to go, so he could only hold back.

“Now that we have reached the Beetle Wall, let’s talk about the follow-up battle plan?

Seeing that Halford was not pursuing it, Fandral quickly changed the subject.

“What’s there to say, it’s not over if you just attack it? We have enough experience in dealing with bugs now!”

“These bugs are nothing but their numbers!”

As soon as Fandral finished speaking, Vol’jin couldn’t wait to say it.

“I don’t know what’s going on behind that wall? Are you going to rush in? 99

“Will rush? Do you have any brains? Will you rush in and die? Reckless man? 35

“Or do you want us to save you again? 35

Liadrin looked at Vol’jin mockingly.


“Then what do you say?

Vol’jin wanted to lift the table and leave, but finally held back Saurfang’s gaze.

“Reconnaissance! Elite troops go ahead and investigate the situation! 35

“At least you need to know if it’s suitable for a large army to fight, right?”

“The position of the leader, how about the defense, and how about the number of bugs! 39

“There are a lot of worms! Don’t forget the price we paid for killing a team of worms last time!

Speaking of strategy, Liadrin didn’t mock Vol’jin, but said it formally.

“Agree! 39XN

Everyone present agreed.

“So whoever chooses Le? If the force is not complete, it is to die!”

“You have also seen the combat power of the insect people, and the infiltration is at least higher than the ordinary insect people’s combat power!

Fandral asked the core question.

“Just us! If we don’t go up at this moment, who will go up?

Liadrin glanced at everyone present and said calmly.

“Agree! 99

Saurfang was silent for a while and nodded and said.

Liadrin glanced at Saurfang. After the battle of the spears, the orc rarely scolded, and has always been very cooperative.

After Saurfang agreed, the rest agreed.

“Okay! Then let’s go to rest and prepare! 99

“Tomorrow we enter the Beetle Wall!

Fandral finally said that the meeting and can end.

“Fandral Grand Druid! Please wait a moment!”

Liadrin stopped Fandral, who was about to leave the tent.

“Any thing else?

Fandral looked back with some doubts.

“You have to see the high lord!! The high lord said the deadline is up! 99

Liadrin said to Fandral.

Among the people who stopped, Saurfang’s pupils shrank, is that man finally coming?

The others looked very interested, because they had more or less heard some Paladins talking about the man.

A look of adoration and fanaticism.

PS One update! It’s the end of the month! Today the company has a one-day meeting, and there is basically no time to code words! It is expected to be two updates! There will be another update later. Prepare! I’m mainly afraid that you will call me water!

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