Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 161

Chapter 162 Digging Corners After The War, The History Of Night Elves!

Kalimdor, Mount Hyjal.

“And I have this!”


“Just because of the lost glory!”

“Hehe! 39

“You think what you’ve done for ten thousand years is right?”

It is also because in the circle of elf civilians, there are many elf girls who worship heroes and are willing to have “limited” contact with these rude soldiers.

And all-seeing and almighty observers know that the Well of Eternity is the wound of Elune, the Titan spirit nurtured by Azeroth, and the most sacred blood of Elune flows out of that well.

“That’s right! 99

“And you told me these things?”

“How long has it been since your Moon God responded to you?”

“Speak the point! I have no time to waste with you.”

Raphael said to Maiev.

“Illidan, have you ever thought that your demon transformation has been noticed by the demons. As long as you leave the holy mountain alone, you will be discovered by those demons…”

This ignorance soon turned into excitement.

This is the character who dared to reprimand the former king of the forest, the demigod Cenarius who died under Archimonde.

“Mileen and some other injured young watchmen, I’ll leave it to you!”

“What can you give me?

967’s exposure to the magic of the Well of Eternity changed the form of this dark troll.

“Your spirit is watching you, and she has warned you.

[Way of Rage: Level 8. Proficiency 99]

“No!! I don’t believe it!


Maiev sat on the chair in front of Raphael and put her legs on Raphael’s table without any hesitation.

“Why are you so obsessed with Illidan?


Although there is not much communication between the two… but at least Raphael wants to punish the night elves, Elune knows and tacitly agrees.

“I promise you that!”

Tyrande, who almost completely lost his high priest’s demeanor, screamed at Raphael.

“Mavie! I have good news for you!

“If there were no casualties, I would never let her go, but right now, the most important thing is to hunt down Illidan.”

“NO, I have not!””

Her voice was hoarse, with a hint of impatience, and a hint of paranoia.


Don’t worry if you subscribed! I will modify the content tomorrow! You should be able to see it.

It is not only because the soldiers wearing the medals made of the branches of the world can struttingly go to the reconstructed Mount Hyjal for a walk.

“Ha! You like me?”

However, compared to the other Titans, the development of the night elves’ civilization really couldn’t satisfy the Titan Spirit Elune.

It was Raphael who gave Elune a freedom that she hadn’t had in thousands of years.

Raphael knew that Illidan would not refuse, because Tyrande.

“I never knew you were an uninvited fellow…”

“How are you going to fool my brother?”

“Tyrande, Whisperwind! I know your doubts!”

Raphael finally turned his body from the window and stretched out his hand towards Illidan.

“So what do I get? 99


The dagger floating in the air disappeared, and the powerful leader tilted his head, looked at Dick, and continued to speak in a hoarse voice.

So this is the biggest reason why Raphael wants to destroy the World Tree, and the natural reincarnation is just one of the reasons.

Raphael is clear, and now it seems that this dark and tragic hero still has to walk on that lonely road in the end.

“You lied! How could Luna abandon us!”


“You have water from the Well of Eternity?”

“I heard that you are good to your subordinates. Anyway, there is no place for us on the elves’ side. It is not difficult to change a place.”

[Professional Templates: Warrior, Paladin, Mage, Druid]

Although the night elves disagree, according to documents preserved in the oldest troll temples.

Those dark trolls who reshaped their bodies became beautiful and slender, guided by the water of the eternal well.

Raphael kept his smile on the face of the Watcher, who had a relationship with him.

“The eighth knight of the Knights of the Round Table, Maiev Shadowsong!”

This is the harvest of Raphael in the battle of Mount Hyjal. Before he knew it, he had broken through the natural affinity and had broken through the demigods.

The familiar aura made Illidan rush to Raphael impatiently.

In short, it is precisely because of the contact with the Well of Eternity that the elves worship the moon god Elune.

The demon hunter who entered the room picked up the fruit on the table and asked Raphael’s back.

Maiev sat in a chair and looked at Raphael and said.

“I wonder what you mean by unfinished deal?”

“Is it just for us to join the Argent Dawn?

“And you! Maiev Shadowsong!

[Light Affinity: Level Max (Stable)]

‘Tyrande… your moon god, has already abandoned you…’

The guys who survived the fierce battle are somewhat ignorant, especially after the arrogant elves have uncharacteristically sent a lot of fresh supplies and medals full of elves.

“He is very much valued by that bitch of Tyrande!

“Break in?”

So when Raphael touched it at close range, the seed had already arrived in Raphael’s hands.

For this kind of situation, Raphael and Tyrande and other high-level officials let them go.

Just as Raphael was looking at the panel and thinking, this small room welcomed another group of visitors.

“Keep indulging in your cat-and-mouse game! 99

“But lose your Watchmen troops!

A mysterious smile appeared on Raphael’s face in a room in Mount Hyjal.

“Illidan is gone?”

Raphael’s statement that Lodrassil is tired is not a lie, reincarnation is the way of nature, even the tree people who evolved from ancient trees will wither one day.

“Hey! There are so many visitors today!

After nearly a hundred years of humiliation and sinking, he sat at the world card table again.

“That slut in Tyrande canceled the establishment of the Watchers. In order to free Illidan, she wounded and captured my subordinates.”

After being silent for a while, Maiev removed the owl pendant from her waist and threw it to Raphael.

“I know you well!”

The smile that never disappeared on Raphael’s face disappeared.

Yes, sailing across the ocean from the Eastern Continent to Kalimdor, fighting the devil, and defending the existence of the world is a rather fantastic experience.

“And at the Argent Dawn, you will have those lost glory!”

The next moment Maiev disappeared in place, it was about the new member of the Shadowsong family, so she didn’t pay attention to it.

“It would be nice if it could be passed down elsewhere.

[Animal Affinity: Level 7, Proficiency 87]

[Equipment: Eye of Sargeras (Fel and Order) has been transformed (can be inlaid)]

“But I know you have! Illidan!”

In their hearts, they are more willing to believe that it was the moon god Elune who personally shaped the first elf…

Corrupted by the Old Gods, the spirits of the world are desperate to get rid of the disgusting sores that are trying to corrupt the world.

According to the plan of that great existence, shape this dark troll into what she wants.

“And that’s a perfect opportunity to break into them!”

“You want the entire Watchmen force?””

Only his last words remain…

The watchman who got up walked towards the door, step by step heavier and heavier, the responsibilities that belonged to her were overwhelmed by her breathless.

“Mavie! You let me down! 99

The summoned power of the moon god shrouded Tyrande’s body like a silver veil, as if giving her a layer of armor.

Provided the existence of resurrecting five demigods with one’s own power.

There is no organization in all of Azeroth that can stand up to them in the way of the Assassins.

Illidan said to Raphael after watching Raphael recover the seed.

Raphael hates the anger that shines in the eyes of the elves, he hates this senseless behavior, are these kaldorei elves going to kill him with their eyes?

“You want to relieve yourself of your responsibilities?”

“And there is no better reconnaissance and assassination tactical unit in this world than the Watchers! 95

They had a new civilization system and new beliefs, and built a great empire.

She handed the watchman to Raphael, and then prepared to continue to hunt down Illidan.

But the night elves didn’t realize this, and the first ancient god C’Thun was “removed”.

Raphael stared at a small iron plate on Maiev’s waist and said.

It is a finely carved owl pendant, which is an important proof of the watchman at a glance.

“Long time no see, Ms. Maiev, your visit made me…”

“Mei Lin and the others are not senior watchmen, they can’t play a role in this kind of operation, and my subordinates have only been released recently, and they need a place to cultivate…”

Maiev noticed Raphael’s gaze.

The Eye of Sargeras has been transformed, and Raphael finally knows its purpose, weapon inlay.

If Maiev were to lose, he would have to search for a new candidate, which would undoubtedly disrupt his plans.


However, this momentum had no effect on Raphael, he completely ignored the dagger on his neck and still smiled.

As soon as the words fell, Tyrande, who was full of anger, raised his hands, and the power of the moon god lingered on the body of the sacrifice of the moon.

“Every reconnaissance mission turns into a head-on battle!

“Devils gather in the Temple of Darkness! 35

“The kids are all looking forward to your arrival.

That is, from that time on, the connection between Elune and Raphael became stronger.


“Every reconnaissance is dispatched by the Paladin Squad!”

Because labor pains are the hope of a race’s rise, labor pains will give this race a pain in the ass.

[Air Luck: Max]

“Haha! 35

“As for your brother!”

So his face quickly turned cold.

On the other hand, Lodrassil lasted for ten thousand years.

Maiev, although Yingge is Garrod’s biological sister, even Garrod didn’t dare to say a word when faced with this powerful sister who was pulling him big.

When Raphael entered the Emerald Dream, he knew that he could enter the natural cycle.

[Holy Flame: This is a holy flame that burns the soul of Ke Suen, Ke Suen does not die, and the holy flame does not go out! (It seems to be very full recently!)]

Raphael said to Maiev politely.

“Do you have any opinion?”

The next moment, a mysterious watcher with a slender figure wearing an iron owl helmet, a blade cloak, and a slender figure also appeared in front of Raphael.

“Illidan will eventually be caught by you!

“Whatever, anyway, our generation is already the last watchman…”

“Forgot what you promised! 35

“Go to communicate with you Luna! 35

“I know them better than you think! 95

“Very good! This is a great start for us!

This was given to Raphael before Lodrasil was detonated.

“Maev! 35

【Host: Raphael】

The entire barracks was more than half empty immediately, and even the guys in the wounded barracks supported each other and wandered back and forth in the Elf town outside Mount Hyjal.

In the original history, Illidan cast his vote to Kil’jaeden, maybe not because of the power of the great demon, but he himself had this plan.

“I think that would be a very good resting place for you!

Then the holy flame is naturally the holy flame for forging weapons, and the next step should be to find the main body of the weapon.

“And this, is the price of what you did wrong!

“A new world tree! 35

“Oh, ma’am! You can’t imagine the horror of being a paladin as a scout!

Illidan’s face was cloudy and uncertain, he even forgot to swallow the fruit in his mouth and looked at the figure in front of the window.

“I mean, the dozen or so watchmen under your command, Maureen and the others, wouldn’t you go and see them?”9

When Jeremy, a sturdy brown bear, swayed and proudly led a petite and lovely elf girl who was curious about everything.

A seed appeared in Raphael’s hand.

“It’s my favorite commander!”

“Each Legion of the Argent Dawn lacks a high-ranking scout!”

In the Emerald Dream, he clearly looked at the majestic energy of Raphael.

“No…you’re wrong!”

“Go away! I look up to you!

“I just need you to nudge them at the right moment!

In this primitive worship, the elves believed that the silver moon in the night of Azeroth was the incarnation of Elune, and she was always watching the world.

Then, on the basis of labor pain, a new life was created, just like the nation of Raphael’s previous life…

“Finally, if you have nowhere to go, go to the Dark Portal”

“You’re about to be an aunt!

“You know what? Tyrande, in my opinion, if you want to make your children weak, give them everything at birth.”

“Kil’jaeden will definitely notice you!”

15,000 years ago, a not-so-powerful clan of dark trolls migrated to the mountains near the mysterious Well of Eternity.

“No other requirements?”

The leader of the watchmen didn’t even lift his hand at all, and the emerald green dagger appeared on Raphael’s neck.

“But if you want your kids to be stronger, you have to… be strict.”


“Choose wisely!”

Tyrande was stopped by Cenarius, the king of the forest, who knew Raphael’s power well.

In the face of Raphael’s question, Maiev also fell silent, and after a few seconds, she waved her hand irritably.

The war is over!

The liquid flowing from the ancient and sacred well water seems to have inherited the will of some mysterious existence.

Illidan nibbled at the fruit and looked at Raphael.

“but I?”

“Look at her response…

The night elves’ belief in the moon god Elune existed when this race appeared.

“I’m leaving! Take care of those poor children. 35

“The entire Watchmen force will return to glory!

After hesitating for a long time, Illidan dodged and disappeared in front of Raphael.

[Nature Affinity: Level 9. Proficiency 13]

Those perfect long legs wrapped in leather armor and iron armor were exposed under Raphael’s eyes indifferently.

“Elune…Turn your anger into a star of destruction, and punish the demons in front of you!”

And the night elves are the relatives of the moon god Elune.

“What mistakes did we make?”

However, the elves were reluctant to admit that they were descended from savage trolls.

“What are you doing looking at me with those angry eyes?”

This is how the trolls describe the origins of the night elves, and given that this text was written by the most intelligent and knowledge-worshiping Zandalari priests of the troll clan, its credibility is very high. of.

She should have felt relieved, but she didn’t.

Raphael still looked at the smiles on the faces of passers-by outside the window and said.

“We have always firmly believed in her!”

Raphael’s smile was warm and gentle, but in Illidan’s eyes, he felt that there was nothing more evil than this smile.

[Arcane Affinity: Level 8. Proficiency 99]

Illidan ate a level and suddenly stood up.

The watchman finally sat back on the chair.

“Kil’jaeden, that is a cunning fellow, you have dealt with it before, and it will not let go of a pawn like you.


PS2 even more!! Yuluo boss! You found Huadian! That was a mistake! The name on the outline!…Forgot to change it when I copied it! The Japanese system is stuck!!! I’m sorry everyone! I deleted the content of the last one! That way it doesn’t cost money…X

“How long do you wait to imagine how long it will take for them to come out of the shadow of losing you?

“what do you want?”

Raphael said to the watchman, secretly relieved in his heart, he has coveted the watchman team for a long time.

“You know my brother is not like me!””

“very good!”

“Well, I’ve wasted too much time.”

“Just for me to break into their insides?”

“I don’t need information! 39

The mild afternoon sun shone into the room from the edge of the window, and there were some dust particles floating up and down in the sunlight, but this did not affect the good mood of everyone.

So the night elves calling themselves Luna Familiar are not boasting, it’s a fact.

When Illidan received the power of Sargeras, what he saw.


“And we lack an intelligence system!35

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