Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 162

Chapter 163 The Voice From The Gods! Kaldorei’S Awakening!

Kalimdor, Mount Hyjal.

It was at dawn on Mount Hyjal, when the first rays of sunlight dispelled the darkness.

Tyrande is near the Moon Well in the center of the village, a ceremonial site used by the Luna priests to communicate with Elune.

This well water, which is filled with the power of the moon god, has a magical effect not only to heal the pain, but also to ease the pain in the hearts of the elves.

The priests of the moon god claimed that this was the blessing of the moon god, and the moon well was also a holy relic in the hearts of the night elves.

Tyrande stepped into the pool covered with silver light.

After thinking about it all night, she decided to honor her heart, and she asked her god.

Whether they really abandoned their own believers.

In the well water shone with a gentle silver light, the cold and healing moon well water washed Tyrande’s body in a gentle manner.

And the sacrifice of the moon to the weak soul, using the sacred well water as the medium, infiltrated into a higher space.

It was a world shrouded in silver sand and moonlight. Tyrande opened her eyes blankly, looking at the halo-filled space.

At this moment, she felt the long-lost comfort in her soul.

It was the power of Luna that had been disconnected from the Luna priests for several months.

For a period of time, Elune stopped answering the prayers of the Luna priests, and some priests with fragile hearts even felt abandoned.

In the painful perception of being abandoned by the gods, many sincere priests went crazy, and many people left Mount Hyjal, but the news was blocked by the Moon Temple.

Tyrande and other high priests believed that the spread of such news would have a dire effect on the common people.

And that time happened to be when Ai Jiang was sleeping.

However, at the moment when the Kaldorei civilization suffered heavy losses, Tyrande sensed the existence of the moon god Elune again.

But after witnessing the explosion of the World Tree, Tyrande no longer felt the joy of losing his faith.

On the contrary, her beautiful eyes shone with anger.


“Why! Elune, why don’t you answer us when we need you most, Elune, your people are tormented by a painful war!”5

“Why did you… abandon us!”

“Why expose your people to such a catastrophe? Why!”

Tyrande raised her head, she stood up weakly from the ground exuding a silver halo, and for the first time she raised her head so rudely and insincerely.

Looking directly at the round of silver moonlight hanging in the sky of the Moon God Kingdom, she clenched her fists and shouted loudly like an angry female beast.

At this moment, Tyrande’s heart was painful, and it came from the powerless anger that he witnessed the suffering of the people.

As a ruler, she is eager to protect her people, and she has done so for 10,000 years.

However, in this disaster that comes with death, she can’t protect the people…

She lost them.

More importantly, as a deity of all energies and sincere beliefs, Elune does not care about it.

This made Tyrande Whisper wind feel betrayed.

“Tyrande. Whisper wind…”

In the face of his followers’ questioning, as the halo of moonlight drifted away, that gentle light shone on Tyrande’s body, as if responding to Tyrande’s questioning.

The calm voice that sounded in Tyrande’s heart made the Moon God Priest’s eyes widen. In the more than 10,000 years since she became a Moon God Priest.

She had never heard Elune’s voice so clearly, and to be precise, this was the first time she had spoken to her own god.

But this time Ai-chan’s voice was completely different from the childish voice she had when speaking with Raphael.

“You ask me why I abandon the people who believe in me at this moment, I have never abandoned you…”

“However, Tyrande, I am not a god, nor am I as merciful as the sacred stories you have written for me.

“The most important thing is… Tyrande, the patriarch whom I have personally chosen”

“What I need…not your sincerity!

“Faith means nothing to me…”

“Faith is not what I made you for fifteen thousand years ago.

“Having a group of worshippers who sincerely worship me doesn’t make me happy either.

“I created you to empower you with a purpose, and you were born with a mission.

“Tyrande, and you… let me down.”

Huang Zhong Dalu’s voice echoed in Tyrande’s heart, listening to the will of the gods, which should have made all believers extremely honored.

But the total denial of the gods to the people, for Tyrande, who is both a priest and a ruler, can only make her feel extremely at a loss.

“You think you’re right?”

“No…you are wrong””!35

“And this is the price of error! 35

Raphael’s taunting towards her in the cabin in the woods resurfaced in her heart, which made Tyrande almost mad.

“No! You are with him!”

“The god I believe in is the same as the guy who will destroy our future! No! No!!””

Tai Lan subconsciously grabbed her hair and screamed in front of her god.

“clam down!”

Elune’s cold voice entered Tyrande’s mind, and the power belonging to the Moon God made the sacrifice of the Moon God, who had fallen into chaos and was about to get lost, forcibly calm down.

Tyrande looked at the moon halo above his head with a look of sadness that was no greater than death, a scene that should have made people worship sincerely.

This moment also seemed pale and cold.

The firm belief she had built over 10,000 years… crumbled.

“The destruction of the World Tree is a manifestation of my disappointment with you, which does not mean that I have lost confidence in you.

‘Tyrande, the Kaldorei were shaped by me after all, you are a titan’s family.

“Not a believer of an imaginary god, and you, you are the leader of the Titan family that I have chosen.”

“Trust me, this status is more noble than the Moon God sacrifice…”

“I was born among the stars…”

“Titan, this is my race, and I should have my relatives who were arranged by the guardians of Azeroth to protect me from the erosion of darkness when I grew up.

“However, those guardians, failed…”

“After witnessing their failure and losing my protective power, I can only create a power to protect the world for myself…”

“That’s you, kaldorei elves. 35

“I gave you a strong physique with my blood, gave you enough wisdom, gave you endless potential, and gave you a prosperous future…”

“Unfortunately, you abandoned these.”

“Then the meaningless belief in me becomes the focus of your life…”

“I saw the Highborne being seduced by the dark titan, and at that moment I was disappointed with you for the first time.

“However, your appearance has saved the world and aroused my confidence in you.

“I thought that under your leadership, Tyrande and the Kaldorei could trace their origins and truly become the guardians and warriors I need.

“However…you’ve let me down again.”

“My companions, the last guardian of the Pantheon’s titans. 99

“The Aspects gave you powers you shouldn’t have in the wrong way.

“Eternal life traps you like a quagmire and stirs up your inner desires.”

“It weakens your minds to explore the world, change the world, protect the world, and let you rest in a corner.

“Every time I see you spending a lot of money to build a temple for me, I want to wake you up…”

“I even thought about abandoning you, but I can’t!”

“The Well of Eternity has disappeared, and I can no longer create another Guardian Familia with my own blood.

“I can only hope that at some point you will recall your mission…

“And I waited, for ten thousand years!”

“I am utterly disappointed, Tyrande, so disaster strikes…”

“I’m not punishing you, I’m just borrowing Raphael’s hand to remove the shackles from your body…”

“Let you become purer and become the… warriors I need!”

Tyrande was stunned by Elune’s remarks. There is no doubt that what Elune said was something Tyrande never understood or thought about.

She never doubted the legitimacy of her beliefs, and she never doubted what such beliefs meant to her gods.

As one wise observer commented.

Ordinary people always think that their sincerity is the best sacrifice to the gods, but they don’t know that the real gods don’t care about them at all.

Maybe what they want to see is the kind deeds done by mortals because of their faith, those heroic actions that are enough to change the world.

Rather than sincere belief itself, that is meaningless.

“If this is your question, why, you never told me?

And now, in the communication between Tyrande and her gods, she knew what the gods wanted them to do.

And for these, Tyrande still has the biggest question in his heart.

“I told you ten thousand years ago…”

“The Tears of Elune are an extension of all my thoughts in this world, and if you will listen, you will naturally hear my whispers to you.

“However, sincere believers only regard it as a gift from the gods and keep it in the majestic and exquisite Moon Temple.

“Worship it every day, but never really listen…”

“Faith… Tyrande, faith makes you firm.

“But it also confuses your eyes, blocks your ears, and blocks your heart…”

“I don’t need it, what I value is what you’ve done for me.

“And what I long for is the things I need you to do for me…”

“Go, Tyrande, 10,000 times of sincere chanting is not as good as killing an ancient god believer for me…”

“Go, under the moonlight, bravely undertake your mission! Stop indulging in useless beliefs.

“Go, put on your war form, and turn my family into warriors who truly protect this world!”

“I’m watching you, Tyrande Whisperwind, I also warned you…and this is the last time…”


“Don’t let me down again… My kin…”

Tyrande closed her eyes, she could feel her cheeks being held by a pair of warm hands, and a kiss representing mission and blessing fell on her forehead.

The next moment, in the icy moon well water, Tyrande suddenly opened his eyes.

She struggled to get up from the experience of the moon. She stared blankly at the sky where the World Tree disappeared. After a while, Tyrande sighed.

She stretched out her hand, took off all the religious decorations on her body that represented the high priest of the Moon God, and threw the jewelry that represented her identity aside.

She tore off the decorative shoulder pads on her shoulders, tied her long hair into a ponytail in a crude manner, and tore off her gorgeous and useless tulle dress.

Only the silver armor was left, making this armor dress look like the armor of warriors.

“Elune! We follow you, we dedicate our faith to you.

“We made mistakes, and this pain and disaster woke us up. 35

“I have served you for nearly ten thousand years, but tonight, I will no longer come as a maid, a nun or even a priest…”

“Starting today, please grant me mission and justice…”

“I call you the most ruthless moon phase with ancient words!”

“For the rest of my life, with this trivial tribute, I beg you to put on the darkest form of war you bestow upon me!”

“Please grant me… the power of revenge and war!”

“Please make me a ruthless warrior of the dark night!”

“Please make me your sharpest…war knife!””

After doing all this, Tyrande, as before, sincerely knelt down in the cold moon well water.

She lowered her head and recited aloud in a hoarse voice that contained pain and anger.


In the roar of Tyrande, in the halo of dawn on Mount Hyjal.

A piercing dark moonlight dispelled the brightest sun.

Let the sky of the whole world be transformed into the starry sky with stars swaying at this moment, making the whole world in an uproar.

Kaldorei…Dark night.

The civilization of the Titan family will never collapse, it will draw strength in disasters, then turn cocoons into butterflies, and then…promote!

In the shock of energy like an earthquake, Tyrande took the form of a warrior in the shattered center of the earth.

Her battle armor dress has completely turned into a battle armor engraved with Darkmoon runes, and her face is no longer the green magic pattern painted by the priests.

It was replaced by a plain face, but around those eyes, like smoky makeup, it was filled with the power of the dark dark moon.

The white feather bow in her hand was transformed into a double-edged halberd under the remodeling of the dark moon. On both sides of the halberd, there were sharp moon-shaped blades.

At first glance, it looks like a silver scythe, and above the sharp blade, the lingering dark moon power forms a sharper energy blade.

It was like Tyrande was wielding a black beheading scythe.

On top of her body, the black halo reshaped by the dark moon phase shrouded the armor, like a thicker battle armor.

That mist-like power was full of chills and destructiveness, and it gave Tyrande a ruthless aura.

When she raised her head and opened her eyes, those pure black eyes made people feel even more shivering.

A moment later, in the ruined Holy Land where the World Tree exploded.

The kaldorei gathered in this place, blankly watching them become different, even some unfamiliar leaders.

“I know that you are very confused, I know that Kaldorei will no longer be immortal after the explosion of the World Tree, I know that you are very painful and desperate.

“You want hope from me to live, and to hear from me that last night was just a nightmare.”

“When we wake up from the dream, we will still live happily in the forest of Mount Hyjal…”

“but not!”

“The catastrophe has happened, my brethren, the time of immortality in the Kaldorei is over, and we have been out of this world for too long…”

“(Nuo Wang Zhao) it’s time to really enter this world…”

“We don’t have much time to grieve, we don’t have much time to miss the past, look around you, my fellow citizens!”

“We’ve lost so much, we can’t allow what we still have to be taken away!

“From now on, we have to be strong.

“From now on, no disaster will bring us down. 35

“From now on, even if the most important thing is lost, the Kaldorei will still not live with his head down!””

And at the moment when Ai Jiang came, Raphael silently appeared on the side of Moon Well.

Watching all this quietly.

What he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

“You can obviously choose a more appropriate way, and you have enough power to use those gentle ways.

“Why do you always use pain to achieve your goals?”

“Even if it’s doing good deeds!”

Elune’s light, veil-like voice resounded in Raphael’s mind, the image outlined by that voice.

She asked softly, like a girl who felt sadness as the tree of the world withered.

“Ai Jiang, my friend, I know that you want these “heroes” to be filled with the belief of protection and love, and to break the shackles of fate with incomparable justice.”

“I admit that protection and love are indeed the beliefs that can lead a person on the road to salvation.”

“But, you and I need time now, we don’t have that much time for them to slowly change…”

“You and I both know what we need to face?”

“You need time to grow up! Ai-chan!”

“And everything I do! is for you to grow!”

“Step by step, untie the shackles on you!”

“I know, you agree with me, and you know I’m doing everything right.”

“Elune…that’s why you let me do this.

“The play is over!”

“It’s time for me to go home too, ready to meet you!”

The smile on Raphael’s face is proud, proud, he is once turning the wheel of fortune in this world..

PS one update!! The modification is completed!! This is a mistake by the fucker!! We apologize for the week 3 plus update… After the modification, the fee will not be deducted repeatedly!! Don’t worry, big guys!.

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