Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 163

Chapter 164 Brian’S Expedition, Titan Lab Uldaman!

Eastern Kingdom, Badlands.

Just as the night elves re-emerged in the throes, and rediscovered a new place to plant the world tree.

The three-party forces wiped out the remaining forces.

When the army of the Argent Dawn began to retreat.

Ironforge Prince Brian is leading an expedition team to the deepest part of a mine following a map captured from the Dark Iron Dwarves.

It was a swarthy entrance sealed with crude planks.

“Danger! Go back!” written in crooked Dwarven language.


“It seems that these black iron dwarves who only have flames in their minds have not found it all.

Brian shrugged, stretched out his hand and pushed aside the rotten wooden fence, and followed the tunnel all the way down.

Soon he came to an abandoned mine, and the dirty pool was illuminated by the torch in his hand.

Every now and then there was a weird blister with green stuff all over the water, and it tasted terrible.

Brian put the torch on the abandoned lamp socket on the stone wall, covered his nose with his right hand, and knocked on the stone wall in front of him with his left hand.

According to the feedback feedback, the dark iron dwarf miners may have unintentionally dug through this stone wall a long time ago.

But it was in danger, so it was sealed up again.

This stone wall is only 2-3 meters thick, which is obviously not a natural formation.

Brian retracted his left hand and directly took off the forging hammer on his waist.

“What are you waiting for? Dig it!

Brian waved the hammer in his hand and said to the expedition team members behind him.


With the efforts of the expedition team, I soon remembered with a loud bang.

The stone wall collapsed, and the large and small stones were smashed by this huge force and flew in all directions, and even the torches inserted on the stone wall were destroyed.

However, when the stone collapsed, a dim light shone from the inside.

It can be seen that it is not a halo formed by the burning of the flame, but a unique light.

Brian took back the digging tool and walked into the world behind the stone wall. The stench made him frown.

He looked left and right, and found many corpses of dark iron dwarves, as well as the corpses of some ugly guys who looked like baboons.

“Have you found anything?”

Brian looked around and asked one of the explorers.

“We found a lot of weird runes. Never seen, not even in the annals left by those pointed ears.”

“That is to say, they were at least buried before the emergence of the ancient elf empire!”

“At least 30,000 years ago, which is unbelievable, and we will go down in history for this great discovery.”5

A dwarf archaeologist said excitedly.

“There are also three secret rooms here, the largest one being the deepest one.

“This is the strangest thing we found 967!

The archaeologist handed over two things, a quaint staff and a dull gem.

“Huh? This shape?”

Brian took the staff and gems and observed it carefully.

“follow me!”

Brian picked up the staff and walked quickly into the darkness. When he crossed the dirt-filled tunnel, a silver light came into his eyes. It was a real and intact palace.

Bryan found this place just now when he was on a tour.

It is quite well preserved here. There are gem chandeliers on the dome, and a white stone platform in the center below, with many buildings densely placed on it.

Brian took a deep breath, took out the staff, and slowly placed it on the hollow of the stone platform.

The light of the entire palace gathered at this moment, shot from the air to the top of the staff in the middle, and then turned into a streamer and penetrated into the stone platform.

Right in front of Brian, the dust-covered wall slowly cracked open with a loud clatter, and there was silver light shining through it.

After the wall was fully opened, along with the shaking of the ground, a tall female giant in a robe interwoven with silver and yellow stepped out of it.

It was a female sculpture that looked like an enlarged version of a human being, but the sculpture on her body was so expressive, and in her hand, she was holding a stone warhammer.

Except for the weapons and face, she was exactly the same as Naboa, which all explained her identity.

Guardian of the Titans.

“The earth spirit… no, the infected of the curse of flesh and blood!

The imposing giant shook his head, and those eyes that shone with chaotic light quickly landed on the dwarves who looked up at her in stunned eyes.

“Remnants of the ancient gods! Never blaspheme the sacred creation of the Titans! 35

“Don’t disturb Azadas!

The giantess was a little puzzled at first, but after seeing the flesh-and-blood dwarf.

She was furious, waved the huge warhammer in her hand and smashed it towards the dwarves in front of her.


The huge, heavy stone hammer fell from the sky and slammed into the center of the dwarves.

The explorers fled.

On the other side, the other two dwarf archaeologists who followed Brian Bronzebeard into the excavation site also came to the front of another slightly smaller secret room.

The door of this secret room is pure black, and it does not look like a place to store treasures, but like a cage for some prisoners.

“Open it!”

The dwarven archaeologists were bold men, and after his order, some of the dwarves brought small pieces of gunpowder, and with the roar and the shaking of the cave, the black gate was blown to pieces (cbci).

But when the first dwarf walked into the secret room, what he saw was not those gorgeous and great relic sculptures.

On the contrary, in the gloomy darkness of this secret room, what shone out were dense, blood-red eyes full of violence and madness.

“Ah ah ah!”

Frightened screams, accompanied by the cracking sound of bones being bombarded by heavy objects, resounded throughout the dim excavation site.

The dwarves opened doors that shouldn’t have been opened, they released prisoners that shouldn’t be released with their own hands…

No doubt they will pay for it, and Khaz Modan will no longer be a peaceful and beautiful home for dwarves and gnomes from now on.

The darkness unleashed by their own hands will ingest everything they have, eventually bringing fear and war into their lives, and then turning everything upside down.

“Damn it! Are you one step too late?”

Outside of Uldaman’s ruins, Naboa sensed Uldaman’s battle.

She accelerated again, and behind her was the entire Knights of the Round Table led by Raphael except Maiev and Jarod, including the belly Alleria here.

After Raphael returned to Glory City, Alleria, whose belly was getting bigger and bigger, also seemed to be suffering from pregnancy syndrome.

Always worrying about gains and losses, cranky…

This is not a good phenomenon for pregnant women, so Alleria has this expedition.

After solving one trouble after another, it seems to have given the Knights of the Round Table a vacation..

“Naboa! What’s the matter?”

Naboa’s anxiety did not destroy Alleria’s good mood, and going out to explore is a kind of relaxation for her who has been raising a child.

“Someone is causing trouble!”

“As always unreliable, troublesome!”

Raphael knew at a glance who disturbed the titan’s sleeping place.

“Let’s go! Go in and talk!

The other knights silently followed behind their great lord.


“Why are you so weak!

Raphael walked into Uldaman’s hall and saw Naboa looking at his compatriots like hell.

“What else could it be!”

“Tens of thousands of years of dormancy waiting, no energy replenishment..”

Raphael shook his head and raised his hand, the power of arcane supplementing the energy of Elonaia.


“you are still alive?”

Elonaya finally woke up a little under Raphael’s energy supplement. Among the Knights of the Round Table, except Liadrin and Vereesa, the rest of them looked at the two giantess in shock.

“What the hell happened to the Guardians?”

“Why do you sleep in Uldaman?”

Naboa asked Elonaya impatiently after seeing that she was a little more awake.

The next moment, an illusion like a water surface appeared in front of everyone’s eyes. It was history ten thousand years ago, and it appeared in front of him in such a way.

It was in the deepest part of the endless stormy mountains where the cold wind blew, in front of a giant temple covered with starlight and moonlight, and even a dazzling scorching light.

Thousands of tall stone statues with weapons stood in front of the temple, and in front of them was a giant with a staff and a golden robe.

His blue hair fluttered in the wind, and his eyes seemed to contain the power of lightning and storm.

On his head is a crown of lightning and fire.

That was Loken, the King of Wisdom, one of the guardians.

Raphael also knew that it was the first corrupted guardian, the beginning of all evil.

Opposite him, is a lonely giant, no one is by his side, behind him is just a deserted snow field.

He was wearing silver armor and carrying a giant war hammer behind his back, it was the hand of silver.

Yrel looked at the warhammer in her hand, she finally knew what kind of weapon Raphael gave her.

The figure holding the warhammer had silver-white hair, which was also blown up in the wind, and also had a crown on top of his head.

But it is a simple silver iron ring with six thorns protruding, not as noble as Loken, but it is also full of the spirit of a veteran.

He is more mortal than the near-god Loken, although he is a true god, an unattainable being in the eyes of mortals.

His cloak rattled in the wind, and the most striking thing was his eyes, where the Buddha contained the rules of the whole world, and his left arm was a fist made of silver-white metal.

That fist revealed the identity of the guardian, the king of order, Tyr.

There was no sound in the picture, only the two people could be seen arguing about something in the wind and snow. Along with their argument, the whole sky became gloomy.

Lightning and firelight danced wildly in the dark clouds, and there was an icy breath, and the rolling wind and snow became more restless.

In the end, the negotiations between Tyr and Loken failed, and the Lord of Order turned and left Ulduar’s gate.

“This is Lord Tyre’s argument with Loken after he noticed the abnormality of the guardians, and the situation at that time was already very bad.

“I can still remember that in Ulduar’s halls, the Great Keeper Ra-den had long since been absent from the meeting, hiding in the mists of Pandaria.”””

“The chief administrator, the leader of the war, and the most powerful guardian, Odin also sensed that something was wrong, but was eventually sidelined.”

“They said that Odin ran away angrily with his own sky fortress, Valgara, but we know that it’s not like that. Lord Odin should be calculated by them!”

“As they did to poor Lord Mimiron!

“The engine of creation left by that titan is a mess, and everyone seems to be sick. 99

“Hodir’s temper has become more and more eccentric, and every now and then a blizzard will engulf the continent.”

“Freya was all about taking care of the abandoned garden and not about anything else. 35

“Mimiron was attacked, if it wasn’t for his mechanical gnome’s entourage who made a metal body for him, he would probably be the first guardian to die,

“But since then, Mimiron has also stopped attending meetings.”

“Lord Tyr is determined to change everything, and he is aware of the root cause of all problems.”

“On Loken, the King of Wisdom who was once wise, but somehow turned gloomy.”

“He was arguing with Loken here, while Azadas and I sneaked into the observatory and got the Norgannon disc that was in contact with Algalon to observe.”

Elonaia’s voice was also heard in the screen when Tyre turned to leave, and her tone was full of nostalgia.

“do you know?

“The whole world is against us when Lord Tyr flees the Mountains of Endless Storms with titan creations unwilling to obey Loken’s chaotic rule!

“Hodir blocked our footsteps with wind and snow, Thorim lowered thunder and lightning, Loken’s Iron Earth Spirit Army almost did everything to bite us behind us, Lord Tyr has been fighting!”

“He never gave up, he was such a noble man, even in the most desperate adversity, he had no idea of ​​giving up.”

Elonaia’s voice became more and more pathetic as she said this.

“But Loken, he’s mad, and he’s worried watching Algalon see what he’s doing. 35

“He turned to the enemy of all order, the monstrous beast known as the Faceless, the evil servants of the ancient gods.”

“He awakened the two Faceless Ones, Kazaz and Kisix, in that chaos-ridden tomb.”

“They are distorted and malicious monsters, under the indulgence of the guardian, they are chasing all the way in the direction of our escape!

“We were exhausted when we saw the shadows that covered the sky.

“Lord Tyr let us go first, Azadas wants to stay and fight with Lord Tyr.”

“But he was given the responsibility of guarding the disc of Norgannon. This responsibility was too heavy, and we finally had to choose to flee. God, we are traitors! 39

When the giantess said this, she couldn’t go on anymore, and she was a little choked up.

“I can be sure that Kazaz is dead!”

“I saw it with my own eyes! As for Kisix, I don’t know for the time being!”

“The tomb of Tyre was not built by you and Azadas?

Naboa looked at Elonaia in confusion.

“how is this possible!”

“That was built by the Guardians!”

“A trap that attracts us! 35

“They built that tomb just to lure us out! Do you understand?

“Those who have been corrupted and fallen, they fear that the Norgannon Disc will attract the observation of Algalon, and fear that everything they do will be discovered.

“I sent a lot of vrykul warriors to explore that battlefield, but few came back, it’s a trap!”

Elonaia took a deep breath and said to Naboa.

Hearing Raphael here, he was stunned, and the words “curse of flesh and blood” suddenly appeared in his mind.

If Elonaia really sent the vrykul who followed them to Uldaman thousands of years ago.

Then the origin of humans in the Eastern Continent can probably be determined. The ancestors of humans should be those Vrykul sent by Elonaia!

Of course, there are still some primitive vrykul from Northrend to the eastern continent, but their number is too small to develop human civilization.

“After Lord Tyr fell, Azadas and I lived in this Titan Biological Laboratory that was closed long ago.

“It stands to reason that those fallen guardians can kill us all, but for some reason, they didn’t do it, but let us exist until now.

“It’s a pity that Azadas was intent on revenge for Lord Tyr, and he used all his powers to make an army.

“He doesn’t understand that our creation is already weak after being far away from the creation engine, and I have had too many quarrels with him.”

“Our mission is only one, to protect the platinum disc.”

“Now that you are here, I can finally end this mission!”

Elonaia seems to have found hope because of Naboa’s arrival.

“No! Elonaia!”

“Your mission is far from over…”

Raphael’s voice floated gently in the air, attracting the attention of the two talking giantess…

PS2 update!! The previous chapter has been revised!! The big guys who have already subscribed can go back and have a look!! There will be no repeated deductions!! Fuck off, I apologize again for the wrong operation!! Late, because I accompany my family for dinner!

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