Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 104

Chapter 6 .Garrod’s doubts

Three girls are riding on one horse, and Dick and Jarod are riding on another horse. If the war horse tamed by the Silver Hand is not tall enough, the weight of only three people would be enough to crush it.

After half an hour, everyone returned to the Ashenvale defense line, which had been greatly improved in terms of sturdiness and aesthetics under the command of Errigal. The wizards of Dalaran and Quel’Thalas used magic and wood, Rows of simple military camps were built, but considering Ashenvale’s spring-like weather all the year round, this type of military camp can still meet the demand.

Garrod watched his wife being sent into the barracks of female priests, and the heart he had been talking about was finally calmed down. The top commander ten thousand years ago cared about chaos. He didn’t even notice, Dick. Have been secretly observing him.

In the history that Dick knew, Jarod was the city sheriff in the upper elf city of Suramar, and her sister Maiev was the priestess of the Moon God, and Tyrande was a colleague.

In the “Light in Light” Queen Azshara’s obsession with magic deepened, and the upper elf nobles began to extract the infinite power of the Well of Eternity, which attracted the prying eyes of the demon legion.

Azshara refused to admit his mistakes, the oppressed night elves, and the druids who believed in the spirit of nature, under the leadership of the priestess Tyrande and the archdruid Malfurion-Stormrage, no longer obey The rule of the upper elves is rising.

This originally had nothing to do with Jarod, but he accidentally saved the red dragon Krasus…Yes, it was the red dragon mage in Dalaran. After that incident, he was completely involved in this momentum. In the great tide of times of oppression and resistance, invasion and counterattack.

Later, the upper elf lord Ravencrest of Black Raven who was standing on the side of the night elves was assassinated. Jarod, who was also an adjutant, was in danger and carried the banner. He found the guardian dragon, half of the wilderness. God, formed an alliance against demons.

The white-haired elves came to the front and commanded the army against countless demons, and finally won precious time for the Stormrage Brothers and Tyrande who ventured to blow up the Well of Eternity.

It can be said that without Jarod, the world would have been destroyed as early as 10,000 years ago, but for some reason, after the War of the Ancients, this guy and his wife chose to live in seclusion. None of his sisters saw him again.

Dick smiled and handed the wooden teacup to Jarod’s hand. The latter’s moist face showed a decent smile. First, he sniffed the aroma of the top black tea from the Kingdom of Stormwind, and then gently embellished it. One bite, that sweetness, made Jarod’s eyebrows bend.

It can be seen that he is a person who is easily satisfied, and even this little sweetness can make him feel happy.

Moreover, every move of this guy Jarod has a unique temperament that can’t be concealed. Even if he is just drinking tea, the surrounding decorations are only simple wooden chairs and wooden tables, but he abruptly takes this action. , Drank the feeling of attending a dance party in the palace.

Even Herod, a reckless man, ran over to drink a glass of water after carrying the wood, but after noticing Jarod’s movements and temperament, he could not even make the iconic cow drink, not only became The sip of the drink, even the sound of drinking water, was suppressed to the lowest level by him.

The aura is very strong!

This is the first unforgettable impression that Jarod left on Dick. Just unconscious actions can affect other people’s senses. This is no longer a charm that can be described. It can definitely be called a talent. Abnormal, no wonder even the moody wilderness demigods can be drawn to be comrades-in-arms.

Dick stretched out his hand and placed it lightly on the shoulders of Errigal and Herod, awakening the two guys with their heads down. When Errigal was sober, he took a step back and held it with one hand. It was on the hilt of the sword, and Herod reacted more intensely. He drank the water in his hand in one gulp, held the water glass in his arms, turned his head and ran out.

“Uh… I’m sorry, I lost my mind!”

Herod’s actions also awakened Garrod from the taste of black tea and the action of falling into thinking. Obviously, he also knew his problem. Some innocent smiles at the vigilant Erigore, this smile. , The aura that covered this land, all dissipated.

Dick looked at Jarod’s embarrassed smile, and he was vigilant enough. No wonder Jarod, as a commander, didn’t learn martial arts. In the event of the invasion of the Elemental Lord, he just appeared. Captured by the ogre, he had to let the footmen play Infernal Affairs before he was rescued.

But now, just relying on this almost natural charm method, he is enough to protect himself in most cases.

Of these old bones that survived the ancients, none of them are easy to deal with!

Dick pursed his mouth, a smile appeared on his face, he adjusted his armor, and said gently,

“Get to know again, Mr. Garrod, I am Dick Tang, the commander of the First Expeditionary Corps of the Eastern Continent. This is our advance camp. You and your wife can live here anytime. I also need one. Local people who know the terrain of Ashenvale as the forerunner, shouldn’t you refuse?”

Jarod stunned when he heard Dick’s words, he put down the cup and asked solemnly.

“Are you coming from the Eastern Continent? Expeditionary Legion? Who is your enemy? Demon or?”

Dick nodded, his expression becoming serious.

“The undead summoned demons in the Eastern Continent. They destroyed a country. The Sun King told us that demons came for the tree of the world. Once they succeed, the entire world will be destroyed. We are here for revenge. ! We are also to save the world.”

Speaking of the last time, Rao used Dick’s face and couldn’t help but blush. This kind of tall excuse was really not suitable for him. Although it was a high-sounding voice, in fact, Dick didn’t think facing the devil in the mountains. , What can one ten thousand people do.

However, the awe-inspiring words of this department still awe Garrod. He has personally experienced the war of the ancients. He understands how powerless and fearful ordinary people are when facing opponents such as demons. This human The commander dared to propose revenge to the devil, but this was enough to make him take it seriously.

Moreover, as a commander, Jarod’s way of thinking about problems is far more profound than that of other elves. Although he has been in seclusion, he is not a guy who knows nothing. He has his own sources of information, and he also understands that now The power of the night elves, facing the devil alone, has no chance of winning.

For the first time, Jarod relied on a multi-racial alliance to barely block the attack of the devil. He wanted to replicate the victory of the year. In his opinion, Dick and the elite soldiers in this camp already had The strength as a member of the coalition forces.

But Jarod did not reply immediately, but entered the state of thinking just now, which made Dick a little puzzled, but he still waved to Erigore, indicating that he could leave.

After a long wait for a few minutes, Jarod’s eyes brightened again, and Dick asked at exactly this moment.

“Mr. Garrod, do you have anything to worry about?”

“Uh…I didn’t…well, there is actually one thing that makes me really puzzled.”

Faced with Dick’s curious face, Garrod originally wanted to deny it, but thinking of what he had just thought, he decided to try the courage of the human in front of him to see if he was a true hero or a hypocrite.

Jarod made up his mind, cleared his throat, and lowered his voice again.

“Actually, I’m wondering about one thing. You humans don’t understand Ashenvale. In this forest, there is actually a temple left by the guardian dragon. By the way, what is the guardian dragon? Is it in the legend?”

Dick froze, not because of Garrod’s problem, but because of a task that was triggered somehow.

“Drip… Trigger a side mission, “under the shadow””

“The shadow of the devil once again enveloped the entire world, but after passing Jarod’s narrative, you discovered a mystery hidden under the shadow.”

“Explanation: Discover the dilemma facing the guardian dragon!”

“Mr. Dick? Mr. Dick?”

Jarod’s voice awakened Dick from his doubts. He glanced at Jarod, threw the doubts that triggered the mission behind his head, and nodded hurriedly.

“Guardian dragon, I know, in fact, my friends and I, on the battlefield destroyed by Dalaran, also saved a dragon from the Red Dragon Legion, his name is Krasus!”

“Oh? Krasus? Does that guy who only get in trouble like to travel around?”

Jarod murmured, before Dick asked back, he raised his head and said in a deep voice.

“It’s fine if you know, but the guardian dragon temple in Ashenvale is not the Red Dragon Legion. It is under the care of the Green Dragon Legion. The temple itself is for the green dragon to monitor the changes in the entire world. It stands to reason that the demon invades this kind of The Green Dragon Legion will find out the matter the first time, and then report it to Mount Hyjal, but this time, until the devil occupied most of Ashenvale, Mount Hyjal did not receive a notification from the dragon, so I doubt that Green I am afraid something has happened to the Dragon Legion Temple.”

“and many more!”

Dick suddenly stretched out his hand, and Jarod’s words made his thinking a little confused. He rubbed his forehead and asked with a bewildered face.

“I myself have followed the most famous wizard of mankind. I remember that the wizard told me that the four temples are not gates set up to ensure that druids and other creatures enter the Emerald Dream? How come they have become windows to monitor the world. Also, shouldn’t things like monitoring the world belong to the bronze dragon?”

Jarod glanced at Dick with a weird look, and shook his head as he explained.

“Sure enough, the longer the legend lasts, the bigger the leaks will appear. First, the druid and other dream creatures can connect to the emerald dream through sleep, and there is no need for a gate. Secondly, the bronze dragon is in charge of it. A single world, they are responsible for managing the endless derivative worlds on the timeline, and the monitoring of each derivative world is left to the Green Dragon Legion.”

Jarod picked up the teacup, drank the remaining black tea, and continued talking about ancient secrets.

“Queen Ysera, as the controller of the dream, she can monitor all changes in the world through the tower called “World Sleep”. They are the real world monitors. The Blue Dragon Legion and the Black Dragon Legion Responsible for resisting invasions from outside the world and catastrophes within the world, the Red Dragon Legion is responsible for the recurrence of life after every catastrophe that destroys the world, do you understand?”

Dick nodded his head. His mind is now very confused. Jarod’s statement is somewhat different from the setting in the game, but after thinking about it, maybe this elf is right.

However, he also realized the purpose of Jarod’s saying so much. This guy with no hands, but a highly developed brain, intends to fool himself through the blockade of the devil and go to the Temple of the Green Dragon Legion to investigate the situation.

what is this? Is it an assessment?

The Paladin looked at the white-haired elves, he took a deep breath, suppressed his dissatisfaction with these elves, and nodded.

“Then, Mr. Garrod, you mean to give us the responsibility of contacting the Green Dragon Legion? And, who are you? I don’t think an ordinary elf knows so much about guarding the dragon. Xin!”

Garrod shrugged his shoulders like Dick, with a mysterious expression on his gentle face.

“Who I am is actually not important. The important thing is that when you hear my name, from your expression, I know that you must know me, right? Mr. Dick, it is impossible for ordinary humans. I’ve heard my name, so let’s be honest. This time I ask you to do me a favor. How about?”

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