Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 105

Chapter 7 .The nightmare of chaos

“I must be crazy to come here alone!”

Dick lay in the grass, enduring the slightly cold temperature in Ashenvale early in the morning. What made him most uncomfortable was the thick dew in the grass. In just ten minutes, he felt his underwear was soaked.

This slimy feeling is terrible!

“Galod…you **** who can only command others!”

Dick grumbled, after seeing the group of emerald dragons leaving, he quietly got up from the grass and walked toward the depths of the forest called “Big Shade”.

The dragon man, this is a servant of the dragon army, it is a subspecies of the dragon. It has a lizard-like body, but the upper body is in the form of a human with a shrunken dragon head. It looks very mighty!

This kind of creature is generally very powerful. After all, it is a creature mixed with dragon blood. The power of them is almost indistinguishable from the power of an adult dragon. The strongest among them, known as generals of dragons, are not at all inferior to advanced dragons.

Moreover, the number of dragons is extremely large. After the battle of the dragons that caused the five-color dragons to suffer terrible losses, the main ground combat forces of the dragon army are all fully armed dragons.

With Dick’s current combat level, it is impossible to deal with the five-headed dragons at once, but fortunately, he does not have to fight with these guys, whether it is Jarod or the mysterious power in his body, give All the requests made were just to probe the troubles encountered by the Green Dragon Legion.

There is not only the temple of the dragon in the big shade of the tree. In fact, it should be a small town of the upper elves, and there are also the remains of buildings with elves style.

Ten thousand years can eliminate everything.

Whether it is a trace of civilization or a glorious story, everything is buried in the long river of time.

Dick rushed into the ruins of the elves covered with green creepers and moss. He carefully walked through the ruins. After entering the lord, his body was more sensitive to energy, and his whole body was green as jade. When the Emerald Dragon came on patrol, the gentleness with a hint of seduction enabled Dick to hide himself in the first place.

However, in the game, more than once and friends came to slaughter Dick, who guarded the green dragon in the temple here, for treasure. His attention will not only be on the emerald dragons on the ground, in the four emerald dreams of Azeroth. In the passage of, in the sky of each temple, there will be at least three adult dragons flying.

Dick didn’t plan to use his current self to fight the adult dragon. The dragon slaying hero sounds mighty, but if he is really targeted by the dragon army, I’m afraid that even the Ashbringer and the entire Silver Hand will not be able to protect him. he.

It hasn’t been twenty years of chaos that has been overwhelmed by geniuses. In this world, the dragon is a creature in mythology, synonymous with invincibility.

Due to the double patrolling of the dragons on the ground and the dragon in the sky, Dick moved extremely slowly. It took him patiently for nearly 4 hours before he entered the edge of the elf ruins, the real core of the big tree shade.

The Temple of Emerald Dream, built on the ground of a huge tree, was already in sight. Dick observed the surroundings again, and after confirming that there was no threat, he threw the dragon hook and lightly landed on the trunk of a big tree.

With the help of the protection of leaves, Dick hides himself perfectly. Then, from his back pocket, he takes out an engineering telescope with “Eagle Eye Technique” inscribed by the lady herself, twists the lever, and begins to observe carefully. From the situation of the Emerald Temple.

The style of the Dragon Legion has always been biased towards nature. Take the Emerald Temple as an example. There are no extra decorations at all. At the bottom of that big amazing tree, a ladder carved with megaliths is placed above the stairs. It was a large platform, and a giant emerald dragon, two laps larger than an adult green dragon, was sleeping on the stone platform.

Behind the dragon, there is a green portal surrounded by arc-shaped withered vines and constantly blooming and withering branches. It is different from ordinary portals. It is a green vortex with beautiful little rays of light. Continuously emerging in the vortex, the light curtain is like undulating flowing water. With the drift of time, the light curtain is constantly flashing, either deep or clear.

Full of mysterious beauty!

Dick knew that after the portal, there was the emerald dream controlled by the green dragon queen, Ysera the Awaken. It is said that it was another perfect world blessed on the real plane of Azeroth, but so far except for the druids. Apart from the demigods of the wilderness, and some dream creatures and fantasy creatures, no other creatures can be lucky enough to enter it.

However, Dick’s attention was not placed on the mysterious portal at all. He had been in close contact with this portal more than once before, and this thing was no longer attractive to him.

Dick was observing the emerald dragon. According to the game’s settings, the four emerald temples in Ashenvale, Feralas, the Hinterlands and Twilight Forest. The guarded emerald dragon OSS are all randomly refreshed, but Their characteristics are very distinct.

In the field of view of Dick’s telescope, he clearly saw the real face of the sleeping emerald dragon.

This guy is a lap larger than the dragon form that Krasus turned into. The body length is estimated to be 50 meters. The body is covered with beautiful jade-like scales, the jade-like dragon horns and the majestic face. , Let this emerald dragon look like a noble creature.

But after Dick narrowed the field of view of the telescope, he still found something wrong.

The emerald dragon was hidden under the abdomen, where the emerald-colored scales had turned into a ghost-like incorporeal body, which seemed incompatible with other places, as if it were some kind of disease.

And the most terrifying thing is that with the constant breathing of this emerald dragon, the incorporeal body is also expanding and contracting, and it seems to have its own life!

This characteristic made Dick a shock, and then he felt cold all over.

In the original history, after the second invasion of the Burning Legion, the big event that followed was the Battle of the Thousand-Year Quicksands (Battle of Ahn’Qiraj), which was a conspiracy planned by the ancient gods, as well as the Flame Demon. The restlessness of Wang Phantom.

But before that, there is one more thing that cannot be ignored! The five-color dragon, including the black dragon that has fallen and is almost extinct, has a terrible cataclysm within each type of dragon. Because the guardian dragon is closely related to the fate of the entire world, this cataclysm also makes the world that has just settled down. , Once again entered the chaos.

Among them, the Green Dragon Legion encountered the fall of the Emerald Dream and the resurrection of the King of Nightmare. The main feature is that those powerful emerald dragons who have completely connected themselves with the Emerald Dream are under the influence of the nightmare. , Degenerate.

The emerald dragons guarding the four temples have become the executioners of dreams. Among them, Ysera’s strongest spouse, the emerald dragon Eranikus who is responsible for guarding the evil **** Hakkar, has even become the dream tyrant.

This is what makes Dick’s whole body chill. This emerald dragon guarding Ashenvale, the abnormal blur in its abdomen, is exactly what he remembered as the fallen form of the dragon Tyral-the shadow dragon. Characteristics.

It’s no wonder that the guardian dragon did not participate in the second battle of the demon invasion. The signs of the dragon’s disaster had already begun when the demon invaded!

Dick’s mind began to spin quickly. Now that the nightmare has begun to corrode the noble dream dragon, that is to say, the mortal enemy of the bronze dragon-the Eternal Dragon Legion must have also appeared, and the blue dragon king Malygos is also starting to fall into his own madness. , The pseudo-death dragon, the black dragon Nesario also started his own evil experiment. The Red Dragon Legion had the best luck, but they had no time or extra power to fight fires everywhere and trapped them in the Temple of Dragon Sleep. Deal with the battle of the demons.

“It’s really bad luck!”

Dick gritted his teeth, originally planning to rely on Gallodra to win the dragonflight, but now it seems that this hope has also been lost!

But just when Dick was about to put down the telescope, he hadn’t moved. The sleeping emerald dragon Tyral suddenly opened his eyes. The pair of eyes that should have been soft dragons are now full of unimaginable chaos and tyranny. , But if you look closely, you can still see a bit of struggle.

Dick was in the binoculars, facing the green dragon pupils. He was so shocked that his scalp was numb. Without a word, he waved the dragon hook and grabbed the edge of the upper elf ruins below. His body just now Leaving the canopy, an energy ball that was tall one by one, mixed with shadow power and corrosive power, landed on this tree.


The ball of light exploded, and the natural corrosive power of the green dragon and the ability to distort the world caused this tree, along with everything within a range of more than ten meters, to be drawn from vitality and turned into a dark residue.

This scene made Dick’s heart beat wildly.

He jumped up from the ground and looked back at Tyral. The powerful emerald dragon did not move. On the contrary, it raised its head and let out a loud dragon roar.

The next moment, a shadow of a dragon that covered the light ran across Dick’s head, and the Paladin pressed his mouth tightly, looking at the dragons rushing from a distance. He backhanded off the fire of justice that was tied behind him. .

Dick’s voice of dissatisfaction came into Dick’s mind.

“Dick! You are a troublemaker! You will only cause trouble wherever you go!!!”

“What can I do? I am also desperate!”

Weeping without tears, Dick injected the holy energy into the warhammer, and began to charge quickly towards the dragonman. During the run, the Holy Avenger was activated, and the two brilliant wings of light and the burning holy flame would control Dick. Wrapped up.

“Get out of here!!!”

The paladin only had five minutes to get out of this dead place, so he acted mercilessly, completely ignoring the flames and frost that the dragon man mage smashed, and hit the fastest dragon man with a single blow. head on.

The power after the increase in strength caused the tall dragon to fall into a coma. The worst thing is that it suddenly stopped in a high-speed charge, causing the dragons behind to fall into the chaos of impact. Dick caught After this opportunity, a large-scale sacred shock barely opened a gap in the group of dragon people.

He rushed into it, the holy hammer smashed unskillfully, 270 points of strength and agility, giving Dick the capital to fight these emerald dragons, but the ever-unfavorable sacred barrier, under the bombardment of the terrifying power of the dragons, It broke quickly, and when Dick rushed out of the encirclement, his armor was corroded and looked bad.

But somehow it ran out.

As Dick continued to run forward, he stretched out his hand and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth. The wisdom of the dragon people can only be said to be average, so their encirclement is not tight, giving Dick hope of escape.

But the biggest threat still exists!

Dick didn’t need to look back, just guessing from the energy intensity, and he could judge that behind him, in the sky diagonally above, two adult dragons were flapping their wings and chasing him.

Relying on this kind of energy perception, the corroding breath of the two giant dragons can dodge the difference every time, and the giant dragon will also use swooping attacks to try to catch him. But this is not the way to go, as long as there is a mistake, that contains the corrosive venom breath, you can turn yourself into a pile of bones.

That’s not the home of Lord Dick!

Lord Dick, will never accept such a result!

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