Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 106

Chapter 8 .War of the Dragons

Above the dense forest of the big shade of Ashenvale, the silence was broken, and the roar of the overlord at the end of the food chain made all the creatures in this forest tremble.

While running, Dick gritted his teeth, and in the sky in front of him, he slapped an adult green dragon with green wings. It was stopped in mid-air. The dragon’s pupil, which had also become hazy, was death bashing on his face. The breath coming!

Dick put the fire of justice back behind, holding the dragon hook with both hands, and after another spray that corroded the dragon’s breath, he jumped out to the left. This adventurous dragon attracted the roar of the dragon, it He flapped his wings and took another dive.

Dick stood calmly on the ground, shaking the chain of the dragon hook with both hands, and no longer avoided. Behind the swooping dragon, the other dragon had already opened its mouth, full of corrosive venom. The next moment, Sprinkle on him.

“Give me, go up!”


The dragon hook shot, and Dick’s quietly trained catching skills shined at this moment. The flying dragon hook accurately grasped the horns of the swooping green dragon. After a few laps, the dragon hook The engineering clasp on the top tightened with a click.

Dick grabbed the end of the chain and jumped out to the left. While avoiding the claws of the dragon, he succeeded in allowing himself to follow the ascending dragon and fly into the air while avoiding the vicious venom. Breathe.

“I won’t die here! You **** lizards!”

Dick gritted his teeth, grabbed the chain quickly, and climbed quickly. The buckled dragon made various difficult swings in the air, trying to throw Dick off, but with the metal fist in his left hand, Dick died. Snatching on the chain, enduring the dizziness and nausea that made people spin around, after ten seconds, he lay on the head of this green dragon.

The green dragon seemed to feel that something was wrong. It flapped its wings and rushed to an altitude of several kilometers, then contracted its wings, and its whole body began to dive toward the ground.

Dick wrapped the dragon hook tightly around his waist with his right hand, and grabbed the fire of justice with his left hand. Seeing the green dragon’s movements, the paladin’s eyes narrowed. This guy… intends to kill himself!

Planting straight down like this, with the strength of the dragon’s body, it is only a small injury at most, but this kind of kinetic energy blessed on Dick’s body is enough to break him into a meatloaf, even if the protection of the sacred barrier can avoid falling injuries, but Once he fell on the ground, he couldn’t escape, he was still dead!




In the last few seconds when the Holy Avenger was about to dissipate, Dick was like smashing a nail, madly agitating the holy energy of his whole body, and slammed on the dragon’s head, while smashing, while using unskilled Yelling in crappy dragon language,

“Asshole! Rise me up! Fly me up! Or die together!”

“I know you understand! Bastard! Fly for me!”



Under the threat of death, Dick exploded with 200% combat power, orderly trial, dedication, sacred shock, and holy light out of the sheath.

All the destructive skills were repeated on the green dragon’s head. Even with the tenacity and strength of the adult dragon’s scales, Dick’s frantic attack resulted in dents and blood pits.

He opened the scoop on his head, and the pain and humiliation made the crazy green dragon give up the plan to dive. Creatures have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Even if they can kill Dick, they are smashing from a height of several kilometers. During the time he was on the ground, this lunatic on his head could definitely cause serious injuries to himself!

The nightmare invasion is currently only a shallow level. This can be seen from the pathology of the emerald dragon Tyral. It should be just the beginning. Therefore, these weaker green dragons are not completely manipulated by the nightmare. They can think. Naturally, I can understand what is good for me.

But this doesn’t mean it intends to let Dick go so easily. The painful dragon roared and let out a dragon roar again and again. This kind of pure roar, even Dick who can understand dragon language does not understand. What does it mean, but the other two green dragons clearly understand.

They came from high in the air, from left to right, towards Dick who was standing on top of the green dragon’s head, Dick stuck his whole body on the dragon’s head very hard, and escaped the sharp claws.

The paladin understood the plans of these dragons, but he had reached this point, and he didn’t plan to just give up.


Dick, who was holding the dragon’s horn, hit the ear of the fast-rotating green dragon with another hammer.

“Fly forward for me! You vicious lizard! Fly forward!”

“Wow ”

The answer to Dick was an even crazier spin. Dick was almost about to vomit. The dragon was rebellious, and it was almost impossible to make them obey.

If he hadn’t wrapped the chain around him in advance, Dick would have been thrown away long ago. He bit the tip of his tongue to calm himself down. This green dragon made it clear that he was not going to be obedient, so he wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. what.

After the green dragon’s 7200° maneuver stopped, Dick lay on the **** dragon’s head, backed the warhammer to his back, fastened it tightly, and drew the dagger from his boots.

Once, twice, while dodge the pounce of the two giant dragons, Dick, who was about to freeze by the howling cold wind, dug a small groove of flesh and blood on the top of the green dragon’s head with difficulty.

He grinned and shouted to the green dragon,

“Last chance! Do you listen to me?”


There was another wave of crazy spins, Dick grinned back in anger. He grabbed the steel glove of his left hand and threw it into the air. The white and silver metal fist made a sharp cone. Driven by the power of his whole body, A blow pierced into the hollow of this flesh and blood.

What kind of pain is it when nails go into fingers?

What if it is a hot nail?

Dick injected the whole body’s holy energy into the silver hand, mixed with the power of order, which has great lethality on non-order creatures, and in the form of sacred shock, injected this fierce energy into the green body containing non-order power. In the body of the dragon.


This time the dragon roar was louder than the previous few times, but the pain contained in it was clearly felt even by Dick, and this was the result he wanted.

“Do you not listen to Lao Tzu? Let Lao Tzu fly forward!”

Dick clung to the top of the dragon’s head, yelling frantically in dragon language. This time the green dragon hesitated for a moment, but the next second, another piercing pain poured into his head from the top of his head.

Even a dragon infested by a nightmare is helpless when faced with a madman, but top creatures have the pride of dying and breaking their nets. They generally call this dignity.

The green dragon is undoubtedly a top-level creature, so under Dick’s pressure, it chose a more fierce confrontation.

He rushed into the sky again, then folded his wings, and smashed down quickly towards the ground.

This result shocked Dick, this guy really intends to die together!

However, it may be due to pain. The dragon’s dive this time is not straight, but diagonally to the ground. In the high air, Dick still can’t see clearly, but he is falling down diagonally faster and faster. In the arc, Dick saw the scene of the falling point.

But this time, the surprise on his face quickly turned into a touch of surprise!

That’s the Forge Camp!

The demon was located in the camp at the junction of Ashenvale and Azshara, and the chaotic and disorderly thoughts throbbed in Dick’s mind, and a new thought was opened.

It is true that the current situation facing the Green Dragon Legion is very bad, but they are still naturally hostile to the devil. In the War of the Ancients, facing the guardian dragon, the devil could not take advantage.

Now is the time for the two wounding tigers to attack each other!

As long as this green dragon smashes into the camp of the demon, as long as the green dragons that have been chasing behind fight against the devil, whether they want it or not, the scene of the battle will be determined.

Even the Nightmare King, as a servant of the ancient gods, has no friendship with the Burning Legion. Whether it is the ancient gods or other creatures of Azeroth, they are opponents in the eyes of the demons.

So on the banks of the river of anger, the demons in the Forge Camp saw a strange sight on this day.

A crazy green dragon rushed to the camp from the sky. Behind it, there were two menacing green dragons coming together. When the green dragon was still far away from the camp, a holy light that the demons hated the most, turned into Sword-shaped, fell from the sky, knocking a hapless demon guard to the ground.

Although Dick’s holy light was out of its sheath, spanning hundreds of meters, its power could not even break the fel skin of the demon guard, but this action itself, in the eyes of the combative demons, is undoubtedly a war. Signal.

The magic cannon roared. The green dragon lost his sanity and didn’t even think about dodge. It just pulled Dick to the end. Unfortunately, it was hit by three magic cannonballs directly in the body, and wailed past the camp. On the edge, a stone guard tower was smashed to pieces, and then rolled and fell into the cliff next to it.

The two green dragons following their companions suddenly became furious when they saw their companions shot down. Their innocent minds were full of killing and death. Under their anger, they sprinkled the terrible dragon’s breath all over the forge camp.

But the demons are not easy to provoke. After the flying dread monsters and mephits took off, they soon took advantage of their numbers to beat the two green dragons with their heads.

However, the green dragon also has a helper. Through the dragon roar, the dragon army garrisoned in the temple was summoned. The two sides fought in this narrow area. A melee quickly attracted the destruction of the Demon Pioneer Commander, located in the Fire Blade Canyon. The attention of Maronus.

As a demon who participated in the ancient war, after seeing the dragon appearing on the battlefield, the abyss lord sent an elite army without thinking about it. One day after the melee, he first attacked the shadow of the tree, and was furious. Ral was completely destroyed, and even the mighty abyss lord Malonos was also driven out of the shadow of the tree by Tyral at the cost of minor injuries.

The arch demon Archimonde also knows the threat of dragons, especially after Tyral like the emerald dragon that can fight Maronos back and forth, the battlefield of Ashenvale has been added. In fact, if Archimonde hadn’t been busy in Felwood, fighting against the same tricky forest king, the demigod Cenarius of the wilderness, it would probably take action in person to deal with the disrupted Tylar.

But no matter what, with the nightmare dragon, the absolute advantage of the demons in Ashenvale has been weakened by a large part, the elves who were overwhelmed with breath have finally released their hands. It’s time for a joint offensive that was planned long ago.

But that was already a few days later.

At this time, Dick crawled out of the Rage River with difficulty. He climbed a few steps on the beach with both hands and feet, then turned over and lay down in the sand, spitting out the water in his stomach while turning his head to the left. There, a bruised and embarrassed behemoth was wailing weakly.

The green dragon, it hasn’t died yet, but it’s not far away from death.

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