Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 157

Chapter 15 .Incarnation of the Soul Reaver

Since the entire temple is under the lake, the ground in this place is wet. Dick’s feet will make a crackling sound when Dick’s feet are on it, but it is Ms. Willinde, her double There are thick pads on the feet, even if they walk on the wet ground, they won’t make any noise.

“There are those zombies in front of me, I can smell it! It’s disgusting!”

Velindra took Radek’s arm, and the Paladin looked back at the female werewolf with a disgusting face in surprise. He looked back at the hallway at least nearly a hundred meters long. It was such a long distance. Bao Werewolf, can you smell those stinks?

The Paladin is getting dizzy by this big and surprising dungeon in the real world. Without a small map, it is difficult for him to accurately determine the direction of these corridors extending in all directions. Now Velind gave him a surprise. Dick asked tentatively,

“Star Song, can you smell the beast here?”

“Beast? What kind of beast? Are there any beasts that can live in this environment?”

Villinde gave Dick a surprised look, then took a hard breath, and the two gray wolf ears stood up sharply.

“Sure enough! It smells like a snake… but it doesn’t look like it.”

“Yes! It’s a snake!”

Dick stretched out his hand happily, squeezed Velinde’s wolf ears, and said to her, “Wind Serpent! The most similar beast to the Spirit Reaver, it is also one of the beast symbols of Hakkar in this world. Where the breath of the soulslayer exists, there must be wind snakes! Star Song, help me find the location of those wind snakes! Let’s go straight to Huanglong!”

The female werewolf knocked out Dick’s hand impatiently, then closed her eyes, and while sucking in the air, she quickly turned a direction in the corridor ahead and walked towards the southwest. Demitier and He Lunis followed behind Dick. These two jewels disliked each other. If it weren’t for Dick’s suppression, they would have been fighting each other.

But the green dragon’s natural resistance to toxins is really strong enough! Only ten minutes after getting out of trouble, this strong dragon man recovered all his strength, and even the wounds on his body began to heal quickly. Afterwards, the waves of enemies encountered in the tunnel didn’t even use Dick’s action. This militant dragonman would roar and rush forward, using the hideous bony spear in his hand and the musket at his waist, to tear the trolls and zombies with little eyes to pieces.

This is also the first time Dick has seen a dragon man with such superb martial skills! This made him have a much better impression of Hrunis, the dragon who called himself Das.

In the human form of the “Orb of Deception”, Khrunes’ movements are as fast as lightning, and coupled with the great power, Dick even suspects that Demetrius, who has turned into a dragon, is not necessarily from this background. An opponent of the chaotic weird dragon man!

He actually saw Jindu and was able to retreat all over his body. It sounds like there are still some unknown stories between Darth and Jindu.

Who is Jindo? That was the great troll sacrifice that revitalized the Gurubashi troll kingdom that had been silent for 1,000 years, and the one behind the scenes who directed the future “Return of the Soul Slayer”! The spiritual leader of all trolls in Stranglethorn Vale!

From this point of view alone, this Das is definitely not an ordinary person!

The group walked forward for ten minutes, and under the sign of Velinde, the furious and noisy dragon man shot through a wall, and then everyone suddenly opened up!

It was a large sacrificial room with a weird black altar, which looked very strange, like a sarcophagus inlaid on the ground. Around this altar, weird and complicated magic patterns were painted in an unknown way, the most terrible The thing is, there seems to have just been a sacrifice here, so there are still blood-red things in those magic pattern grooves, and a pungent **** smell that makes people want to vomit is just rushing to the face.

“Wow ”

Verinde, who had the most sensitive smell, turned around and rushed out for the first time, and then she retched. Dick and the solemn face of Demetril glanced at each other. This guy, Hrunis, was about to enter with a grin. Dick stopped.

“Don’t go in! Have you seen the four blue lights? That is the soul lamp. Once all the four lights are extinguished, the incarnation of the soulslayer will descend on this world!”

“Incarnation? How could it be possible!”

Hrunis looked back at the four faint blue lights suspiciously. Even Demetrior and the faint-looking Velinde raised objections. Among them, Velinde, the former priestess, was in this respect. Is the one who has the most say.

“Even the Cthulhu, if you want to overcome the barriers of the plane and descend into this world, you need a carrier! In this room, I don’t see any carrier at all! Is the Soul Reaver stronger than Elune? Elune What can’t be done, this evil **** certainly can’t do it!”

The female werewolf shook her tail, but Dick gave her a blank look.

“Who said there is no carrier! Remember the wind snake scent I let you sniff? Demi, you should know, what is the favorite beast of the soulslayer, as long as we can get enough wind snake damage and blood, it can be extinguished These four lights, when the incarnation of the soul-saver comes, we can kill them in this world!”

A glimmer of light flashed in the paladin’s eyes, “This may not threaten the soul-reaver, but at least it can reduce the pressure on Eranikus, and then just find the place where this group of Atalai trolls arranged the enchantment. With their leader, destroying there will be able to eliminate these stubborn trolls in one fell swoop.”

As Dick was talking, he suddenly thought of a very crucial question. He tilted his head suspiciously and looked at Demetrius.

“Speaking of which, your Green Dragon Legion has been stationed here for more than hundreds of years, right? Why haven’t you been able to eliminate this group of trolls? Shouldn’t it!”

Hrunis had no intention of participating in this kind of meaningless conversation. The dragon man walked quickly through this evil hall and rushed into the corridor on the other side, where many wind snakes of various colors were flapping their short wings everywhere. Flying.

Demetrius replied with some embarrassment,

“In fact, it’s not a secret anymore. Since we were stationed here, we did clear out the followers of the evil **** at the beginning, but it didn’t take long for new trolls to flood into this temple, although this is the soulslayer here. The last temple in the world, but its followers are spread across the entire world of troll tribes. Unless all the trolls are killed, the inheritance of Hakkari cannot be cut off.”

Having said that, the young green dragon couldn’t help but sighed.

“Furthermore, the nightmare that breeds in the Emerald Dream came too quickly. After the incident from the Emerald Dream, our people here were in a mess. Lord Eranikus fell into a deep sleep, and this group of trolls became more and more rampant. Even if one of the emerald dragons comes here, you can clear the crisis here, but you also know that we are too short of manpower. All emerald dragons have their own tasks. Everyone is more important than here. This is also true. The reason why we have to ask for help from the outside world, let’s be honest, relying solely on the Green Dragon Legion, there is no way to get here.”

Dick’s face became ugly. He heard more from Demetrius’s words. In fact, from the battle of Mount Hyjal, a terrible fantasy was formed in Dick’s mind. , Green Dragon Queen Ysera also seemed to have mentioned this, but it was not until this moment that Dick suddenly discovered that the power of guarding the dragon legion, the power left by the Titans to guard the world, seemed to have appeared some kind of abnormality.

This combined with the history of the game, Dick can also see clearly.

After 24 years from the Dark Portal, whenever the Dragon Legion appeared on the stage, it left the player with an impression that it looked very strong, but in fact it was not that strong. It’s like a master who doesn’t make a shot easily, and one shot once in a while may be amazing, but in general, a powerful force like the Dragon Legion really shouldn’t leave such an impression on people!

Unless, they also have a lot of trouble internally! Let them even ignore the trouble of fulfilling the Titan mission!

“The wind snake is coming! What should I do?”

Just as Dick was thinking about this question, the sound of the urn of Hrunes came over, and the paladin looked up. This brash man almost slaughtered all the wind snakes in the empty hall in a clean, fresh blood. Dick also retched.

“The corpses are piled on the altar, and the blood is taken! Along the clockwise direction, one by one, extinguish the braziers!”

The Paladin shook his head and expelled all the chaotic thoughts from his mind. The four men stood guard on the four sides of the altar. Starting from Demitil, the blood of the fishy wind snake was poured on the shadow-like brazier. Not long after , The first blue light was extinguished.

And just as the unpleasant smoke rose, the originally dim altar suddenly buzzed, and the weird magic patterns on the surrounding ground seemed to have come to life, shining with a blood-red light, accompanied by that light. Appeared, the unpleasant disgust shrank and expanded above the altar, and a wind snake’s shadow, which was covered with gray bones but was still flapping its wings, appeared in the smoke.

“That is the incarnation of Hakkar, Verinde, continue to pour the fire extinguisher! Demitil, you go outside to block those trolls. It’s better to start your people. Don’t worry about the leaders of those trolls. As long as Hakkar Once the incarnation of dies, we will have enough time to defeat them all!”

The Paladin grabbed the corpse of a wind snake from the ground and poured its green blood on the brazier. The monster of the wind snake is no different from an ordinary python. It has smooth scales and vicious eyes. There are snakes, the only difference is that the wind snakes have bat-like wings on their bodies. With the flapping of these wings, they have the ability to glide at low altitude.

Moreover, the lifespan of the wind snake is very long. Dick has seen Hakkar the Spirit Reaver who came to the world completely in the game. At that time, its carrier was a blood-red old wind snake that was said to have lived for thousands of years. At that time, it was definitely as high as five or six stories!

Moreover, in the myth of the tauren, the more advanced wind snakes seem to have the ability to soar high in the sky, and can even compete with dragons, but Dick has never seen such wind snakes, but the earliest aborigines of Azeroth, The astonishing number of trolls seems to have a tradition of worshiping wind serpents from ancient times, and the belief of Hakkari seems to have appeared at that time.

In short, this is a distorted beast that does not seem to have the slightest sense of beauty. On the contrary, it will make people feel sick and evil.

The second brazier, the third brazier, when Dick personally prepared to extinguish the fourth brazier, the sound of killing from outside the hall had already reached Dick’s ears, and Demetrius was in the wide hall. The form of the giant dragon was restored, and a large group of dragon people rushing from nowhere were also helping it resist the attack of a huge number of trolls, zombies and brutal soldiers.

And in the sacrificial hall, the rich disgust was completely absorbed by the giant wind snake with gray bones. Its head looked at Dick and had no eyes, but Dick could feel that an evil will was trying to oppress his own. soul.

It was the same slippery feeling as touching a snake in person, like a big snake with no visible figure, wrapped around Dick’s neck, slowly strangling his trachea, Dick’s breathing became hot, he watched Looking at the gray-bone wind snake in the sky, there seemed to be an illusion of Haka with a height of tens of meters, with weird claws, bright back wings, and a hideous and weird head.

The Soul Reaver is looking at him with indifferent eyes, just like looking at a worm that is overwhelming!

Just when he was about to fight back, Anvina’s disgusting voice appeared in Dick’s mind.

“Get out! Don’t allow you to hurt him! This is someone’s place!”


The illusion in front of Dick disappeared immediately. At the same time, a sound burst appeared in the air. The corpse of the wind snake in Dick’s hand trembled, and the last brazier went out immediately.

Accompanied by bursts of yin wind blowing into the bone marrow from the invisible ground into this hall, in the darkness, the gray bone wind snake made of smoke flapped its bone wings and flew down from the altar, and an inexplicable will appeared on the scene. In everyone’s mind.

It was an evil voice, it was a voice with multiple vibratos, and it made people feel dizzy and swollen in the chest.

“I’m here… this world, the soulslayer… is here!”

“Come, don’t even think about leaving!”

In the wall of smoke rising all around, a dazzling light of holy light soared into the sky. Dick did not know when he had already put on his new armor. Under the triangular hood-shaped visor, a pair of microscopic He fixed his eyes on the not-so-strong avatar of Hakkar, and under his golden, red and black hand armor, the fire of justice injected by the holy energy reappeared.

It is still the crystal-like thick hammer surface, that is the shape full of power. When the Paladin walks out of the wall of smoke step by step with the holy hammer, blessing of power, blessing of wisdom, aura of punishment, aura of defense, and a dream behind it. The magical wings of the holy light completely illuminate this hall that has been dark for hundreds of years.

Under the increase of the new armor set, Dick once again felt the power flowing beyond the lord’s level. Although it only took 5 minutes, Dick moved his wrist and raised a finger, steel. The hand armor creaked, and under the mask came the sound of urn sound,

“Five minutes! Solve you!”

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