Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 158

Chapter 16 . The collapse of Atalai

Anyone familiar with Dick knows that this Paladin is not a guy who likes to talk big, in fact, especially in battle, his attitude can be called rigorous.

Except for sometimes being forced to go crazy by Norgannon’s **** missions, at other times, he rarely sees his passion flying, but this time, he is rarely “crazy”. .

Of course, apart from the increased strength after the Battle of Mount Hyjal is over, and Das who has already drawn out his spear excitedly and ready to step forward, there is another reason Dick is so confident.

The arrival of the full state of the soulslayer is a terrible thing. In the original history, the troll high priest Jindo assembled the only seven high-level priests of Gurubashi, and summoned Hakkar to the troll king of Stranglethorn Vale. In the city of Zul Gulabri, 99% of the players used to kill the 8 priests including Jindu first, and then reduced Hakkar’s power to the extreme, before they started to drive Hakkar back into the void.

Even such a Haka with less than one-fifth of the power makes many players cry for their fathers and mothers.

In Dick’s memory, there are few player teams in the whole world that Hakkar can deal with in his full state. It can be seen that although the spirit slayer is in the “demi-god” rank, it is more inadequate than inferior. That kind of rookie, it is estimated that even the full state of Eranikus can not beat, but no matter how weak the demigod is, after all, it is also a demigod, and it is not something that mortals can humiliate.

In fact, if there is a full state of Haka in this hall, Dick will definitely go as far as possible, but at the moment, this is just an incarnation of Haka, and it is generally used by Haka and his followers. The communication, coupled with the carrier in which it appears, are just a group of ordinary wind snakes. In this case, this gray wind snake does not even have a tenth of the power of Hakkar!

This is why Dick dared to speak loudly!

With the joining of the extremely powerful dragon man Das, he is confident that he will solve this incarnation within 5 minutes!

“Hey! Ugly, give me a shot!”

Darth’s body twisted strangely on the ground, and then divided into three phantoms and rushed towards the incarnation of Hakkar. Although it was only an incarnation, this behavior still angered Hakkar. The mouths closed together, and two swift shadow arrows collided with Darth’s phantom, but at the moment that phantom shattered in the air, Darth’s bony spear also shattered the tailbone of Hakkar’s incarnation.

“Come on trial!”

The holy light flies around like a sword aura. Dick, wearing a judgment armor, picks up the holy hammer, and hits the wind serpent’s chest with a heavy blow, giving a 100% damage bonus to non-ordered creatures. The results of the attack are extremely brilliant, if it weren’t for the mysterious power of Hakkar to descend on this bone, I am afraid that even the spine of the wind snake would be broken.

But this is not over yet. With the 30% increase in all attributes of the Divine Avenger, Dick’s strength and agility have reached an astonishing 360 points, completely surpassing the peak strength of the lord, although it is still in the energy attack. There are some shortcomings, but in the 5-minute “Superman” state, Dick is absolutely confident to break the wrist with the high-level lord.



A sword of holy light that swept across the hall spouted from the palm of Dick’s palm, breaking one third of the wind snake’s wing by the root, and the unabated holy light even penetrated the walls of the sturdy corridor. A dim light penetrated into the accumulated battlefield from the outside world.

When it fell embarrassedly, the warhammer dragged behind by the Paladin accumulated its strength, and it was hit with a swift blow from the bottom up, staggering the incarnation of Hakkar in mid-air, and then exchanged for the holy hammer. After that, the “Holy Light Out of Sheath” effect attached to the Holy Hammer allowed Dick to pull a lifelike blade of light from between his fingers every two strikes, cutting off one or two bones of his opponent.

The paladin fought more and more fiercely, and finally relied on the spell increase of the Judgement Armor to use the dreamlike sacred flame like a sparkling silver tree ignited in the air around him to resist the storm-like attack of the dark spell of the bone wind serpent.

And Das is a guerrilla with a lot of combat experience. When Dick entangled the skull wind snake, he erected his spear and musket, and wreaked havoc on the wind snake’s body. The destructive power of the hammer seemed ruthless to him. Only 2 minutes later, the bones of the wind snake had already been ignited by the scorching fire of holy light!

Really ignite, don’t forget, after the holy hammer and the spirit of the sun are fused, the attack power will also be accompanied by fire damage. This continuous burning obviously makes Hakkar’s soul feel pain, so the bone wind snake is in the bones of the whole body. After being planned for a third, Cthulhu’s patience finally reached its extreme!

The bony wind snake opened its mouth wide, facing the sky, as if inhaling, the **** air in the hall was like being rolled up by a storm, and it was rolled up at the same time, and there was a wailing, lavender light. It was torn in the rotating air and swallowed into the mouth of the wind snake.

Darth shouted in surprise,

“What is this ghost?”

“It’s the soul! It’s the soul of its followers wandering in this dark place! The Soul Reaver, this nickname, is praised by those trolls just because the sacrifices Hakkar needs are souls!”

The low voice of the Paladin was full of disgust. As the Light Messenger, he could easily hear all the negative emotions in the world from the souls of the torn trolls!

For the Paladin, it was simply a torture. In that purple storm that was getting thicker and thicker, he was under a double attack from the outside and the inner soul! In the wailing hell, those noisy soul sounds made Dick a little dazed, his reaction was slow, and then he heard Das’s shout.

“Friend! Get out of the way!”

Dick raised his head. The purple storm did not know when it had stopped. The dark air like a small tornado still stayed around the tattered bony wind snake, but the black eye sockets without eye pupils stared at Di. K, its mouth opened wide, and Dick could even see the deep, chaotic purple star like the origin in the darkness of that mouth.

“Arrogance! Foolishness! Crazy! This is my strength. Feel the fear from the soulslayer!”


All the purple star points in the big mouth of the Bone Wind Snake were spit out, and the same purple storm appeared again, and the air storm covered with dust and blood was broken up, and then rotated at a high speed in the opposite direction!

This time it was no longer a storm without harm. Just approaching the high-speed rotating soul storm, Dick felt a trace of twisting and throbbing, and even the soul felt like being pulled by thousands of hands. , It was an attack on the soul level. Frankly speaking, Haka’s attack was too bully.

Because the power level is less than a certain stage, no matter who it is, the research on the soul will never be very deep, but for the evil gods, twisting the will and the soul is their specialty, which means that the reuse of Haka only belongs to The exclusive power of “big guys” is going to bully juniors like Dick and Das.

The most embarrassing thing was that Dick and Das had to choose to retreat in the face of such a strange attack, because they had no effective means of defense.

But just as the Paladin took a step back, the dissatisfied voice of a large loli who could not sing rang in Dick’s mind.

“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Don’t persuade! Rush up!”


“Someone is here, don’t be afraid! Go ahead! Knock out that bone-head! It’s so ugly!”

The Paladin remembered that before the start of the battle, Hakkar’s oppression of himself was also repelled strongly by Anvena, so with Anvena’s encouragement, he did not advance but retreated, and rushed in, already spinning at a high speed to the extreme. In the purple storm.

“do not go!”

Before Dass finished shouting, he saw Dick’s figure disappear into the magnificent purple storm, under the green hood of the dragon man, his eyes widened. Is this guy committing suicide?

Seeing that figure bravely rushed into the purple storm, the dragon man’s retreat was also suspended at this moment. Even Ms. Villinde, who had been shrinking in the corner, holding her head and squatting on defense, saw Dick being “engulfed.” “After that, the fright and fury that burst out from the bottom of my heart suddenly made her trembling body tremble more frequently, but it was no longer because of fear.

In those eyes, shocking bloodshots are rapidly growing!

Is Dick committing suicide?

of course not!

When rushing into the purple storm that had covered the entire hall, Dick did feel the twitching of his brain, but the next moment, the scorching sensation covered his body, and the feeling of twisting and tearing was also stroked. Ping, he knows that Anwina is working hard!

The Paladin raised his head, and there are still a few seconds left for the Holy Avenger, so it is only enough for him to complete the final blow!

“Cry! Scream! Then go to death!”

Hakkar’s low and crazy voice surging in the hall, not only is the battle in the hall entering the most important juncture, just outside the hall, accompanied by the current leader of the Atalai trolls, wearing a green robe, After holding a bone stick, two big curved fangs and a hunched prophet, Jamalan joined the battlefield with his subordinates, the young green dragon Demetril and the helpers he called , And almost can’t stand it!

Those were all dark zombies that had been infused with the power of Hakkar, as well as those troll barbarians with infinite power and distorted bodies, and those troll sacrifices and prophets who used witchcraft.

In short, in the impact of these waves, the line of defense constructed by the dragons and the dragons has been shaky.

“When you step into my kingdom, don’t even think about going out again! This is my kingdom! The soulslayer’s kingdom! My…”


“Have you finished howling!”

A golden, red and black steel hand armor came out of the purple storm, and firmly grasped the head of the tossing bony wind serpent, interrupting Hakkar’s rampant voice abruptly.

Dick’s brightly colored, extremely eye-catching armor stood up from the purple storm, the bright, angel-like wings of light behind the paladin shattered, and the next moment came from the oldest guardian of the Titans. As a gift, the left hand is so hot that it is surprisingly hot.

“When the howling is over, go back to your doghouse! In the name of the Holy Light, sanction you!”

“The hammer of sanctions!”


With a gentle buzzing, the combination of the power of order and the power of the holy light is still so overbearing. This blow gathered the remaining holy energy of Dick’s body. This is also the second-order talent after the battle of Mount Hyjal. A new skill that Dick got after opening.

The freely resized righteous hand was held in the hot left hand, and the burning holy flame formed a curved light curtain behind him, like an arc across the air, Dick’s whole body tilted backwards, It was like a big bow that was opened to the maximum. When the power was stored to the maximum, the fire of justice in the left hand had become the size of a one-handed warhammer, and the surface was ignited with golden flames.

The next moment, the holy hammer whizzed and flew out!

Even in this dark hall, there was a screaming noise, a hard wall covered with moss, at least three floors were penetrated by this blow! The whole underwater magic seemed to be shaken by this blow.


Like a light cannon flying out of Dick’s hands!

When the sacred hammer restored to the size of a pendant returned to Dick’s palm with “return”, the huge gray bone body began to be distorted from the head that was directly smashed in half. Hakkar probably wanted to say something. Maybe I wanted to say something cruel, but when the Paladin took out a bottle of white silver, thick holy water that was not diluted at all, and poured it from the hole in its forehead, all its words were in. The soul was dissipated in the burning sting.

The struggling flying snake bones stopped abruptly in mid-air, and then, starting from the piece poured by the holy water, it quickly turned into ashes of a place. The Paladin knew that this was a manifestation of the spirit slayer’s will leaving this carrier. , The purple soul storm was forcibly interrupted, and those troll souls rescued from the spells of the Soul Reaver floated in mid-air, saluting Dick respectfully.

Das was stunned at the scene of the Jedi counter-attack. The spears in his hand fell to the ground. In these 30 years of wandering, no one except Dick can perform such a miracle. .

On the other side, watching the incarnation of the great deity being dispelled by the Paladins, Gamalan, the prophet who was originally optimistic about this “war”, let out a terrifying roar, while other ordinary trolls sacrificed for a long time. When Haka was driven out of this world, he felt the collapse of faith.

This is the trouble with monotheism. Once God’s “omnipotence” is broken, then their faith becomes a joke!

It is no exaggeration to say that after Dick had driven away the “omnipotent” spiritsavers in the presence of so many Atalai sacrifices, in addition to those diehard Hakkari, the will of other trolls , Has been defeated!

But there are always people who are unwilling to fail!

Just after Dick collected the remaining half of the precious holy water liquid, a sudden black shadow ball knocked the unprepared Paladin to the ground from behind. It was the prophet Gammalan, the troll arrogantly driving it. With a huge number of zombies, they tried to attack the shaky defenses of the green dragons for the last time.

The Paladin was actually unharmed and lost Hakkar’s attention. Gamalan was nothing more than a lord, and he couldn’t beat the level of a second kill, but this despicable attack ignited the dragon man Das who was watching everything. anger.

Although he is not a good person in a broad sense, he is definitely not an incurable badass, but just as Dass grabbed his spear and was about to rush out, another lightning-fast shadow passed him like the wind. Next to him, after a few light jumps on the wall, he fell into the panic group of trolls from the air.

Then, the **** storm began…

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