Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 200

Chapter 28 Under the light

Time went back to twenty minutes ago.

Dick, who felt his soul out of his body, turned his head. He had heard the hearty and gentle voice more than once, in the burning Stratholme, in Mount Hyjal, in the ruins of Dalaran, it seemed that every time it was with the holy soul in the body When the light resonates, you will faintly hear this guy’s laughter.

But after he turned his head, he didn’t see anything, nothing!

In his eyes were the orcs cheering for the fierce battle. Their ugly faces and distorted expression made Dick gag, but when he turned his head back, the voice appeared again.

“Convince me! As long as I can convince me, I will give you the power you want!”

“who are you?”

“Look up, my believer!”

Dick couldn’t help but look up at the sky. He was stunned at the sight. Nearly a meter above his head, a cluster of nebula-like luster was slowly rotating, like the real universe, and that The golden luster that exists in the center of the nebula is the holy light.

As a high-ranking knight, he could feel that it was the holy light! Purely unimaginable, it is like the first ray of light that all things have begun to open, completely ending the darkness.

After it, light appears and darkness ends!

“Are you the Holy Light?”

With shock still remaining in Dick’s eyes, he stammered and asked,

“Aren’t you intangible?”

The voice chuckled twice. Only then did the Paladin discover that the voice was not what he thought was a male voice, but a very neutral voice. It was like a mixture of male and female voices, and it looked like ten million. A word spoken by people at the same time, in short, a very strange feeling, just like ringing in the bottom of my heart.

“You are right, I am one, I am also ten thousand, both the beginning and the end. I don’t exist, but I’m everywhere. What you see is the closest place to me, but that’s not I, that’s where my other group of believers live, and that’s where the light was born.”

“Come on, persuade me. Only by persuading me, and only if I recognize you, can I be allowed to be your voter. Only if you prove yourself, can I give you the qualifications to enter there.”

This sound is not oppressive, nor does it have the shocking feeling of Archimonde, but when this sound sounded, everything in the world in Dick’s ear stopped moving, just like when it spoke, the whole world would It’s quiet.

But his question silenced Dick, because the Paladin suddenly discovered that when he really faced this source of power, he didn’t know how to speak.

But he had to speak again,

“I…I have the mission of the Pantheon. I want to turn the whole world around, so I need strength!”

The voice was silent for a few seconds, then sounded again,

“No! Responsibility shouldn’t be the reason for your pursuit of power!”

The Paladin lowered his head, and after a few seconds, he raised his head again.

“My friend, my lover is suffering from a battle because of me, and I need strength to help them!”

“No, no, no! No, my believer, I don’t want to listen to these reasons, I can see all your thoughts, what I want to hear is not these! Don’t think about the reasons, say what you most want to say, Let me see your heart, let me see your deepest essence!”

It stopped Dick, and then threw a very vague question to Dick. The Paladin scratched his head. If the Holy Light can see through his heart, why do I need to say these things myself?

But after thinking for a few minutes, Dick spread his hands out.

“Well, I know what you mean!”

After finishing speaking, he cleared his throat. Behind him, Liadrin was repulsed by the dragons. Demetrius was undecided. Jaina was in a bitter battle. His partner was about to be destroyed, but he forced himself to kill all of this. Put it behind my head and say in a slightly trembling voice,

“When I first came to Azeroth, I used to think of this world as a game. I was delighted to see Lordaeron with my own eyes, and was excited to meet King Terenas and Arthas. I was also I thought about using everything I know to create another beautiful life for myself.”

“But I failed. In the first three years, I regarded myself as a prophet, but I did not know everything, so I was very embarrassed when I really realized that I was out of the original world. In this strange world, only I know what the future will be like in this world. I feel lonely, then panic, and finally numb. I realize that maybe with my own strength, I can’t change anything at all. ”

“In the tavern in Lordaeron, in the farm in Tirisfal, in the inn in Andorhal, it took me three years to truly transform myself into an Azerothian, I was a real northerner, and I really fell in love with this world. When I thought I would live as a sheriff all my life, I accepted a commission from a small businessman, from under the paws of a ghoul , Saved a little girl.”

“At that time, I found out what I could do, not as a prophet, but as a helper. Then I met Timmy, met the scout, met Arthas, met Ji Anna, met Kel’Thuzad and truly entered this magnificent era.”

“I thought that Norgannon gave me a task casually, and left me behind, letting me fend for myself, but really rely on myself to rescue Jaina out and bring out the fire of justice and Skar. When I was in Muduo, I knew that it was not forgotten, it was a test!”

“A guy with an immature mind, a guy with no bottom line, what can the world expect from him?”

“Those memories are not blessings, not favors, but responsibilities, and pressures.”

“Then when I rushed into the ghouls, I realized that I needed strength! It was also at that time that I met you.”

“Burning Stratholme, Quel’Thalas on the verge of extinction, the ruins of Dalaran, Mount Hyjal, when I met Elune, the mother of all things told me that you are not a faith, and you don’t need our dedication. Faith, she didn’t tell me what you are, but I guess you are the assembly of will.”

“When the world cannot bear the darkness, you appear! When justice is oppressed by evil, you appear! When disaster strikes and people pray, you appear!”

“It’s like I supported Uther under the ghouls’ claws, like I saved those paladins in Stratholme, like I tried to defeat the evil in Mount Hyjal, like I was in the ruins of Dalaran, Trying to end destiny, you appeared when I wanted to help other people!”

“Now, I still need your strength, I need to help my companion, help my love, help those in need, help the world.”

“Now, I need your power to punish the spreading darkness, to dispel people’s despair, and to defeat the villains who are trying to infect this beautiful world!”

“Now, I need your power to continue the path I will take, to change their lives, to let those who shouldn’t die, to let the darkness that shouldn’t exist, and to return the world to order. ”

“Very arrogant wish, but that is what I have to do, because only I know how much pain and despair those disasters will give rise to, so please give me your strength!”

“Holy Light! If you can, please give me the power to change everything!”

Silence, continued silence.

After a few seconds, the voice rang,

“This reason… Frankly speaking, I thought you would say things like fighting the devil and protecting Azeroth. But this kind of ordinary reason sounds a bit interesting.”

“But I have a question: my believer, high-ranking knight Dick Tang, can you really do the things you promised me as always?”

Dick’s mental body placed his left fist on his heart, and the words just now evoked his own emotions. This is the first time he has spoken out his mental journey so frankly. He said loudly,

“In the name of the Holy Light, I will do it!”

“Very good! I will continue to follow you, my believer, my true voter!”

The voice of the holy light also became agitated, “I promise to give you the authority to walk on the earth with the holy light in the name of your holy light, and to give you the edge of the name of justice!”

“You will be clothed in the light of dawn and dispel the darkness of the road ahead!”

“You will overcome all obstacles and lift up the flames of justice!”

“You will use my gift to cast your own epic!”

“Paladin Dick-Tang, I give you the qualifications of the elect of the Holy Light. From now on, darkness and evil can no longer invade you. From then on, you will wear a crown and you will hold a sword! From then on, I will be proud of you. !”

“Go! Lightwalker!”

The entire space was accompanied by the holy words, burning a gorgeous holy flame. The giant of light that Dick had seen twice stood in front of him, flapping the little angel of holy light flying around with its wings, and placed a crown of thorns composed of light. On top of his head.

“I should have promised you the power of punishment, but you already have a better choice, lucky guy, from this day on, your name will be… Order!”

Dick’s eyes opened, four golden wings spread out behind him, the crown of thorns shined brightly, the silver luster flowing in his eyes, on his forehead, the symbol named order gleamed, a series of data sounds appeared in his mind , And Anwina’s iconic yelling.

“Wow, idiot, you are so handsome!”

The next moment, Dick felt that he was being pushed, and the whole person re-entered his body. There was no pain or heat. The power of the high-ranking lord flowed in his body. At this moment, Dick felt that he was not Can’t.

Then he heard the last words of the Holy Light.

“Follow your way, Dick, but you still haven’t really convinced me…so, I’m looking forward to the scene where we meet next time.”

All the brilliant light disappeared at the moment Dick opened his eyes. There was no change in the outside world. The Paladin moved his limbs, and the chains of shadow could no longer restrain him. When the black dragon prince turned his head, he just happened to Fell on the ground.

“Are you going to come face me? Paladin!”

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